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F0911 Master Business Function

This MBF is having 4 modules and should be called in the following sequence.
1. F0911 Begin Document - Creates header cache record
2. F0911 Edit Line – creates detail cache records and updates header cache accordingly
3. F0911 Edit Document - Ensure that document is in balance
4. F0911 End Document – Add records into F0911 and updated F0011

Example below shows the usage of this MBF for the custom application P5538005 (Agriliance Phase

F0911 Begin Document

Parameter Mapping Remarks/Value of ER variable
VA evt_mnJobNumber_JOB <> mnJobNumber Initialize with zero. MBF will assign the
job number and pass it over to the
subsequent modules.
VA evt_mnActionCode2_ACTN <> cDocAction A – For add (action being performed at
the document level)
"1" -> cEditInstructionFlag Marks the header as editable
VA evt_cHeaderErrorFlag_EV01 <- cErrorFlag For further tracking in the ER (eg. If it
returns 2, MBF is failed to create header)
"J" -> cTypeDoc Represent journal entry
VA evt_mnJELastLineNo_JEJN <> mnLastLineNumber This holds the value of the last line
number used in the document. When
adding a new document this will be zero
on the initial call and will be incremented
by one automatically for the subsequent
FC mnDocumentCompany_KCO <> szCompanyKey See Note1
FC szDocumentType_DCT <> szDocumentType See Note1
FC mnDocumentNumber_DOC <> mnDocNumber See Note1
FC jdGL_Date_DGJ <> jdGLDate See Note1
VA evt_szLedgerType_LT <> szLedgerType AA
VA evt_mnBatchNumberTemp_ICU -> mnBatchNumber See Note2
VA evt_szBatchType_ICUT -> szBatchType See Note2
VA evt_jdDateTemp_MBF_DGJ -> jdBatchDate See Note2
VA evt_jdDateTemp_MBF_DGJ -> jdBatchSystemDate See Note2
VA evt_szCurrencyCode_CRCD <> szTransactionCurrency USD
VA evt_mnCurrencyRate_CRR <> mnCurrencyRate 0
FC szExplanation_EXA -> szExplanation Explanation to be appeared in F0911
explanation field
VA evt_cCurrencyMode_EV01 <> cCurrencyMode Leave blank (If left blank and currency is
on it will be defaulted to 'F'. If through
processing, the entry turns out to be
domestic this will be changed to a 'D'. )
VA evt_szCurrencyCodeFrom_CRCD <> szBaseCoCurrency USD
SL CurrencyProcessing -> cCurrencyFlag System value returned by ‘SL
CurrencyProcessing’ directs the MBF
about the currency processing mode.
VA evt_cHeaderChangedFlag_EV01 <> cHeaderChangedFlag No assignment
VA evt_cModelFlag_EV01 <> cModelFlag Blank/zero. This denotes that entry is not
model. (If model, server will bypass
editing dates and batch information)
FC mnDocumentCompany_KCO <> szBaseCompany To be inserted in the appropriate field of

Note1: Pass information relating to the document to be created in F0911. Document number can be
direct or generated through Next Number BSFN according to the requirement. All these fields
need to be generated in advance prior to calling this module.
Note2: Pass information relating to the batch to be created in F0911. Necessary fields are returned by
the BSFN to generate batch number. All these fields need to be generated in advance prior to
calling this module.

F0911 Edit Line

Parameter Mapping Remarks/Value of ER variable
VA evt_mnJobNumber_JOB <> mnJobNumber Value passed automatically form
BeginDoc. (Map same variable used in
VA evt_mnActionCode2_ACTN <> cLineAction A (This is the action being performed at
the line level)
VA evt_cProcessMode_EV01 <> cProcessingMode 1 (means write to detail cache record)
VA evt_cEditFag_EV01 <> cEditFlag 0 (This parameter is used to determine
what type of editing will be performed at
the line level by this function. 0 means no
VA evt_cEditLineErrFlag_EV01 <- cErrorFlag For further tracking (This flag returns a
value which shows the status of the edits
performed in EditDocument)
VA evt_cRecWrittenFlag_EV01 <> cRecordWrittenFlag 0 (directs the function that record is not
written to cache)
"J" -> cTypeDoc Represent journal entry
VA evt_mnJournalEntryLineNo_JELN <> mnLineNumber To be inserted in F0911 in appropriate
FC mnPrepayAmount_AA <> mnAmount To be inserted in F0911 in appropriate
VA evt_szAcctNoInputMode_ANI <> szAccountNumber See Note4
VA evt_szAccountId_AID <> szAccountID See Note4
FC szPrepayBU_MCU <> szBusinessUnit To be inserted in F0911 in appropriate
FC szPrepayObjAcnt_OBJ <> szObject To be inserted in F0911 in appropriate
VA evt_szSubsidiary_SUB <> szSubsidiary To be inserted in F0911 in appropriate
VA evt_cAccountModeGL_AM <> cAccountMode 2 (To be inserted in F0911 in appropriate
field. No link to MBF functionality)
VA evt_mnFiscalYear1_FY <> mnFiscalYear See Note5
VA evt_mnPeriodNoGeneralLedge_PN <> mnPeriodNumber See Note5
VA evt_mnCentury_CTRY <> mnCentury See Note5
FC jdGL_Date_DGJ <> jdServiceDate To be inserted in F0911 in appropriate
VA evt_szLineExtensionCode_EXTL <> szLineExtension Space (This is a key field in F0911.
Unless otherwise specified, keep it as
blank but not null)
SL CurrencyProcessing -> cCurrencyFlag System value returned by ‘SL
CurrencyProcessing’ directs the MBF
about the currency processing mode.
FC mnDocumentCompany_KCO <> szCompany To be inserted in F0911 in appropriate
VA evt_jdDateTemp_MBF_DGJ <> jdCheckDate To be inserted in F0911 in appropriate
"USD" -> szDisplayBaseCoCurr To be inserted in F0911 in appropriate
VA evt_mnJELastLineNo_JEJN <> mnLastLineNo Value passed automatically form
BeginDoc. ( Map same variable used in

Note4: Generate account ID in both formats using BSFN and pass.

Note5: Generate these fields using BSFN by passing system date.

F0911 Edit Document

Parameter Mapping Remarks/Value of ER variable
VA evt_mnJobNumber_JOB <> mnJobNumber Value passed automatically form
BeginDoc. (Map same variable used
in BeginDoc.)
VA evt_cEditDocError_EV01 <- cErrorFlag For further tracking
SL CurrencyProcessing -> cCurrencyConversionFlag System value returned by ‘SL
CurrencyProcessing’ directs the
MBF about the currency processing
"1" -> cAllowExitOutOfBalance Directs the function to exit if
document is out of balance.
"J" -> cTransactionType Represent journal entry
FC szDocumentType_DCT <> szDocumentType To validate DCt against UDC

F0911 End Document

VA evt_mnJobNumber_JOB -> mnJobNumber Value passed automatically form

BeginDoc. (Map same variable used
in BeginDoc.)
VA evt_szWorkStationId_JOBN -> szComputerID Get from audit information
FC mnBatchNumber_ICU -> mnBatchNumber See Note2
VA evt_szBatchType_ICUT -> szBatchType See Note2
VA frm_szPrevBatchStatus_IST -> cPrevBatchStatus See Note2
<Zero> -> cBatchStatus If 0 is passed, the batch status in
F0011 will be set to what is set up in
the Constants file (F0009).
"1" -> cDocInBalance To set 'Y' into the BALJ field of the
F0011 file.
<Zero> -> cSuppressBatchControl To execute batch control as per the
setup in F0009.
<Zero> -> cExitedOnAdd Prevents explicit calling of batch
control after batch processing.
"A" -> cOverrideMode Increments Batch Document Number
by 1 if batch processing mode is
turned on.
<Zero> -> mnStartingDocAmount If this value is left blank/zero, the
function will increment the batch
documents column in the F0011 by
SL CurrencyProcessing -> cCurrencyFlag System value returned by ‘SL
CurrencyProcessing’ directs the
MBF about the currency processing
"J" -> cTypeOfDocument Represent journal entry
FC mnDocumentNumber_DOC -> mnDocNumber This is used to assign the document
number to the F0911 records being
VA evt_szProgramId_PID -> szProgramID To be inserted in F0911 in
appropriate field
VA evt_szUserId_USER -> szUserID Get from audit information
"1" -> cUpdateBatchHeader Directs the function to update batch
header file after writing records to
<Blank> -> cBypassCurrencyConv Directs to do currency conversion if
there is an exchange rate.

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