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1 абзац:

The importance of … has always been discussed.

is much discussed nowadays.
is always keenly discussed.
There has been much discussion around the topic of …
… has always been important, and remains now.
There has recently been much discussion around the topic of …
Nowadays … is one of the most widespread …
In the modern era many people …
Lately, there has been an increase in …
Nowadays the practice of … is becoming increasingly popular.
It is common knowledge that …

2 абзац: select and report 2-3 facts

Overall, the figures in the table outline the main reasons why …
provide information regarding the popularity of …
provide information on …the popularity of…
Overall, the statistics in the table/diagram …
Taken as a whole, the figures demonstrate the relative popularity of …
illustrate the general trends regarding …
Essentially, the data presented in the pie chart illustrates how common each … is.
The present data provides an overview of …

… have /has the highest result, of …%.

… comes in at a close second, …% to be precise.
Standing in the middle of the chart (the table), … is revealed to be the third most popular … , the
figures being …%

According to the figures, … is a clear favourite, being preferred by …% of the respondents.

Another figure that is worth commenting on is that …% of the survey participants …
… is the least popular opinion, being chosen by just …% of those polled.
The vast majority of those polled, …%, …
The lowest figures pertains to those who …, a tiny 1% of the respondents.

The figures clearly demonstrate that … is the most frequent response, with …% of the survey
participants selecting it.
…% of the respondents mention … as a causal factor.
… stand(s) right at the bottom of the chart, with a minimal result of …%.

The figures in the table show that … is the most common causal factor, with a result of …%.
It is also worth drawing attention to the fact that …% of the respondents select … as a …
… has/have the lowest rating, s only …% of the survey participants appear to believe …

By far the most-liked …, with a result of …%, is …

… is the second most popular …, chosen by …% of the survey participants.
… has / have the least number of responses, …% to be precise.

Looking at the figures, … is the most common factor, with a result of …%.
The fact that …% of the respondents state … as the most … is a further stand-out figure.
… is the least frequently mentioned opinion, with a paltry …% of those polled naming it as ….

Looking at the results of the opinion polls, … is seen as the most common causal factor,
according to …% of the respondents.
It is also worth pointing out that …% of those polled state … as the primary cause.
… is the least frequently selected opinion, with the lowest result of …%.

Looking at the present data, … , with a result of …%, is the most frequently-stated (advantage).
Rather unexpectedly, a relatively low …% of those surveyed prioritise …
… is the least common reason / response, with merely …% of the respondents selecting it.

Clearly, the highest priority among the survey participants is ..., since …% of the respondents
mention this category.
… is the least common category, with only …% of the respondents choosing it.
… gains the second lowest result of …%.
Evidently, … is deemed the most important option, as mentioned by …% of the survey
Another stand-out feature of the present data is the fact that only …% of the respondents select
… shows the least number of responses, with a result of …%.

The present data clearly reveals that … is the most highly valued aspect, as …% of the survey
participants select it.
Remarkably, the least common reason is …, with only …% of the respondents mentioning that.

Interestingly, the highest priority among the respondents is ..., chosen by …%.
… is the lowest priority, as only …% select it.
Moreover, it is notable that … is the second highest reason, chosen by …% of those polled.

абзац 3: make 1-2 comparisons where relevant and give your comments
The present data indicates several differences in reasons why …
… (%) is twice as commonly selected as … (%)
The figures for … (%) almost double for … (%)
It can be explained/inferred/assumed
This may be because …
This is understandable, as …
This may well be due to the fact that …
A possible explanation for this is that …

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