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Armond Creg N.

Quiroga EDM1B/1 PM-4 PM/Saturday

NSTP 2 May 20, 2023

Activity: Narrative Report

Narrative Report

During the last three Saturdays, I had the opportunity to provide English tutorial
sessions to my nephew who is a grade four student at Rabat-Rocamora Mati Central
Elementary School-1. I was excited to share my knowledge and help him improve his
English skills.

In our first session, we focused on parts of speech. I explained to him the

different types of words, such as nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs, and showed
him how to use them in sentences. We also went through some exercises where he had
to identify the different parts of speech in a sentence. He seemed to enjoy the session
and was able to grasp the concepts easily.

In our second session, we worked on vocabulary. I gave him a list of new words
and their definitions, and we went through them together. We also played some games
to help him remember the words, such as matching the word to its definition and using
the word in a sentence. I could see that he was having fun while learning new words.

For our final session, we worked on writing skills. I gave him a writing prompt and
showed him how to organize his ideas into an outline. We also went through the basic
structure of a paragraph, including the topic sentence, supporting details, and
concluding sentence. He wrote a short paragraph and I gave him feedback on how he
can improve his writing skills.

Overall, I am pleased with the progress my nephew has made in just three short
weeks. His understanding of English concepts has improved and his vocabulary has
expanded. As a tutor, it was fulfilling to see him grow gradually in his English skills and
become more confident in expressing himself.

I also made sure to provide him with study tips and techniques that he can use to
improve his learning outside of our sessions. I encouraged him to read more English
books, practice writing regularly, and use new words in his everyday conversations.

As I reflect on these three Saturdays of English tutorials, I am grateful for the

experience and the opportunity to make a positive impact on my nephew's English
skills. It was fulfilling to see him enjoy learning and become more confident in
expressing himself in English.

In conclusion, the three Saturdays of English tutorials with my nephew were a

rewarding experience. I was able to share my knowledge, help him with his English
skills, and bond with him over his academic journey. I am proud of the progress he
made, and I look forward to seeing him continue to improve his English skills in the

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