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Offender: Delincuente (no muy fuerte) - MODALS –
Forbidden: Prohibido Modals Uses Examples
Fine: Multa Can/ Could/ Be able to Ability: - I can speak French.
Comply: Cumplir/obedecer (Be able is the same but not Request: - Can I go to the
with suggestion and request) bathroom?
Theft: Ladron
(Could: Ability→ same but in Possibility: - He can go to the park
Behind bars: En la cárcel
the past/ Request or when he wants
Shoplifting: Robar en una tienda Suggestion→ We could go to
Cell: Celda Suggestion: - We can buy her a
the park on Friday/
Charged with: Acusado de Possibility→ The present if you want
Enforce: Hacer cumplir… temperatures could increase)
Guilty: Culpable Can’t Inability: - You can’t fly alone if
Convicted: Condenado a you’re underage
Get into trouble: Meterse en problemas Disbelief: - It can’t be Adele; in the
Robbery: Robo pictures she is much
Court: Tribunal taller
Trial: Juicio Prohibition: - You can’t use your
Let you off the hook: Salir de rositas phone in class
Defy: Infringir/ Desobedecer May/ Might Possibility: - The may be visiting
Go straight: Por el buen camino (Might→ The same possibility) Paris next week
Grab: Agafar (No formal request) Formal request: - May I offer you a glass
- EXTRA - of water?
Term: Sentencia/ Pena Must/ Have to/ Need to Obligation/ - You must study the ESO,
Bypass: Evitar/ saltarse (Have to/ need to→ the same) necessity is compulsory
Pool: Conjunt/ Grup
Breed: Criar Must Strong belief: - Your parents must be
Gambling: Joc d’apostes very proud of you
Think through: Pensar bieb Mustn’t Prohibition: - You must not send
Daylight robbery: Robo a la luz del dia messages while you drive
Caught red-handed: Pillar con las manos Needn’t/ don’t have to/ Lack of He needn’t bring all his
en la masa don’t need to necessity: books with him
Cover their tracks: Cubrir las pruebas Should/ Ought to Advice/Opinion: If you have a fever you
Crack down on: Tomar medidas contra should go to the doctor
Above board: En regla, legal
Turn a blind eye: Hacer la vista gorda - MODAL PERFECTS -
Lay down the law: Poner las cosas claras Modal Perfects Uses Examples
Mend his ways: Corregirse Could have Possibility to do something - It was on sale last
On the run: Fugado in the past which wasn’t week. We could’ve
Concerned: Preocupado done in the end bought it then
Outlaw: Prohibir/ Il·legalitzar Can’t/ Couldn’t Certainty that something - She couldn’t have
Repeal: Quitar have didn’t happen gone to work as she
Reward: Recompensa was on holiday
Thoroughly: Cuidadosamente May/ Might have A guess or possibility that - He may have bought
Burglary: Robo something was true a new flat
Hardened criminal: Criminal reincidente Must have Certainty or logical - She must have been
Inmate: Preso conclusion about an event busy later as she
Life of crime: Vida de crimenes in the past hasn’t been texting
Pay my debt to society: Pagar tu deuda lately
con la sociedad Should/ Ought to Criticism or regret after an You should have made
Punishment: Castigo have event an appointment earlier
Vandalise: Vandalizar Shouldn’t have Criticism or regret after an You shouldn’t have
Verb Noun Adjective event spent so much money
Restrict Restriction Restricted/
on that
Comply Compliance Compliant Would have Willingness or desire to do I would have stayed
Defy Defiance Defiant something which wasn’t longer but I had to
Encourage Encouragement Encouranged/ actually done leave
encouraging Needn’t have To express that there was You needn’t have given
Prevent Prevention Preventive/
no obligation or necessity me a present. Thanks!!
Horrify Horror Horrible/ to do something

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