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Stunts: Escena peligrosa
Awesome: Increible
Outrageous: Inaceptable
Released: Sacar (pelicula, disco)
Leading role: Personage principal
Box-office hit: Exito taquilla
Plot: Trama
Sets: Plató/ Escenario
Sold out: Agotado
Script: Guión
Appeal to: Gustar a
Dub: Doblar la voz
Cast: Reparto
Behind the scenes: Detras de escenas
Filmgoer: Espectador
Predictable: Predecible
Fast paced: Acelerado
Worth seeing: Merece la pena verlo
Genres: Tipo pelicula - THE CAUSATIVE –
Move with the times: Modernizar To have something done
Characters: Personaje Have + object + past participle
Reflect: Reflejar I’ve had my bag repaired
Look on: Mirar
Figures: Figura (personalidad)
Boom: Auge popularidad
Depending on if we put a gerund or an infinitive for a verb,
By leaps and bounds: Rapidamente
Outnumber: Superar en número a in some cases it’s meaning changes.
He forgot to buy the tickets. (= he didn't buy them.)
Stand out: Sobresalir
He forgot buying the tickets. (= he didn't remember that he
Wise: Sabio
had bought them.)
Action-packed: Lleno de acción
Bizarre: Raro
Drawback: Algo que et tira enrera Gerunds are also used after prepositions and expressions, or
( ) as the subject of a sentence.
Flick: Ojear/Zapping Filming wild animals is extremely difficult.
Have you on the edge of your seat: Can't stand watching horror films.
Tenerte muy concentrado en algo On arriving at the cinema, I met Jack.
Hilarious: Muy gracioso
Masterpiece: Obra de arte (algo muy Some verbs can be followed by an object + infinitive.
bien hecho) I advise you to hire a different actor.
Overdone: Excesivo/ exagerado
Superb: Esplendido/ estupendo The infinitive is also used after certain adjectives.
It's easy to see why they hired him.
Make: Progress, a suggestion, sense, a
reaction, a choice, a competition, an
appointment, money
Take: part, an achievement, place, a
risk, an effort, action
Raise: a solution, issues, a question,

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