Unit 6

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Moisture: Humitat
Large-scale: A gran escala
Hazardous: Perillos
Soil: sòl
Landfill: Abocador
Leak: Fuita
Flooding: innundació
Waste: residus
Dump: Abocar
Average: mitjà
Endangered: Amenaçat
Eco-friendly: no contamina
Fossil fuel: Combustible fòssil
Greenhouse effect: Efecte
Carbon footprint: Petjada
Crop: collita
Melts: desfer
Thaw: descongelar
Vast: Abundant
Sink: enfonsar-se
Layers: Capes
Trampled: Trepitjar
Slowed down: Frenar
Leans: Inclinat
Now or never: ahora o nunca
Give or take: mes o menys
Loud and clear: alto y claro
Black and white: blanc o negre
Beast: bestia
Insulate: aïllar
Knock down: enderrocar
Plain and simple: fàcil i senzill
Revive: reviure/ recuperar
Permafrost: Terra congelat permanentment
Holes: forats
Pros and cons: pros i contres
Rain or shine: tan com si plou o neva
Safe and sound: segur i sà
Tried and tested: provado y testado
Sink and tired: cansat i esgotat
Sink or swim: o nedes o t’enfonses
Sooner or later: Abans o després
Now and then: De tant en tant

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