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TAHUN AJARAN 2023/2024

Nama Siswa: Kelas: 11A Mata Pelajaran:

Praysi Aurelia Widyawono PJOK

Panduan/Tahapan Pengerjaan Tugas:

 Secara individu, siswa akan menulis teks artikel perkembangan dalam permainan bola basket.
 Kriteria sebagai berikut :

Berikut teknis yang pembuatan dan hal-hal yang perlu diperhatikan:

1. Sumatif diselesaikan saat sesi pelajaran sinkronus atau asinkronus sesuai sesi mata pelajaran.
2. Produk akhir sumatif ini siswa akan membuat teks yakni artikel “PERKEMBANGAN
PERMAINAN BASKET Tokoh inspirasi)

Linimasa Pengerjaan Sumatif

4 – 8 Sept’ 2023 11 – 15 Sept’2023 20 Sept’ 2023

Penulisan kerangka dan teks Penyusunan teks sumatif dan Pengumpulan sumatif
artikel penyelesaian formatif

Kerangka Artikel


A. Pendahuluan (Minimal 2 Paragraf yang berisi gagasan umum mengenai basket Asal mula Sejarah
basket Dunia dan indonesia
Paragraf 1 :
Basketball was invented by a teacher name James Naismith in December 1891 at the International
Young Men's Christian Association (YMCA) Training School, now known as Springfield College, located
in Springfield, Massachusetts. James Naismith was a physical education instructor at the school. He created
the game to provide indoor entertainment for his students during the winter months. For the first game of
basketball in 1891, Naismith used two half-bushel peach baskets as goals, which is how the sport got its
name. The initial game had enthusiastic participants, and it was William R. Chase who made a midcourt
shot, becoming the sole scorer in that historic contest. The word quickly spread about this newly invented
game, and many organizations and associations reached out to Naismith for a copy of the rules. These rules
were published in the January 15, 1892, issue of the Triangle, which was the campus paper of the YMCA
Training School. This marked the beginning of the widespread popularity and growth of basketball as a
Paragraf 2 :
In the 1920s, a group of Chinese immigrants arrived in Indonesia, bringing with them the game of
basketball that had been in existence for two decades in China. They formed their own community and
established Chinese schools in the country. As a result, basketball rapidly grew in popularity among these
Chinese schools. In these schools, basketball became a mandatory sport for every student, and it's no
surprise that nearly every school had a basketball court. Many standout basketball players emerged from this
community. In the 1930s, basketball associations began to form in various major cities such as Jakarta,
Surabaya, Bandung, Semarang, Yogyakarta, and Medan. For instance, in Semarang, there were several clubs
like the Chinese English School, Tionghwa Hwee, Fe Leon Ti Yu Hui, and Pheng Yu Hui (Sahabat).
Sahabat was a club founded by Sony Hendrawan (Liem Tjien Sion), one of the legends of Indonesian
In 1951, Maladi, a national sports figure, asked Tony Wen and Wim Latumeten to establish a
basketball organization in Indonesia. Maladi held the position of secretary at the Indonesian Olympic
Committee (KOI) at that time. Consequently, on October 23, 1951, an organization named the "Persatuan
Basketball Seluruh Indonesia" was founded thanks to the initiative of these two figures. In 1955, the
organization's name was perfected according to the rules of the Indonesian language to become the
"Persatuan Bola Basket Seluruh Indonesia," commonly known as Perbasi. The initial leadership of Perbasi
consisted of Tony Wen as chairman and Wim Latumeten as secretary.
B. Pembahasan Pertama ( Minimal 4 Paragraf yang berisi rangkaian argument perkembangan basket di
dunia dan indonesia, mengapa olahraga basket itu sangat terkenal dan di gemari, Filosofi dan nilai-
nilai dalam permainan basket.
Paragraf 1 :
Basketball experienced gradual and steady growth in both the United States and internationally in the first
three decades following World War II. The sport's appeal deepened thanks to television coverage, but it
witnessed an explosive surge in popularity across all levels, particularly with the emergence of cable
television, particularly in the 1980s. Fueled by the presence of remarkable players like Magic Johnson,
Julius Erving Larry Bird, and Michael Jordan, as well as increased exposure, basketball swiftly rose to
prominence in the American sports landscape, standing shoulder to shoulder with traditional giants like
baseball and football. During this period, four key aspects of the sport evolved: U.S. high school and college
basketball, professional basketball, women's basketball, and international basketball.
Paragraf 2 :
Basketball in Indonesia has been growing since the early 20th century, introduced by the Chinese
community and Dutch schools. Post-independence, its popularity surged, especially after its inclusion in the
1948 PON I games. In 1951, the national organization Perbasi was established. Basketball's development
spans from school to international levels. The Indonesian national team has participated internationally,
despite challenges. Local schools actively engage in basketball. NBL Indonesia, founded in 2003, opened
doors for local players, while women's basketball also advanced. Despite limited international success,
Indonesia's young talent and leagues like IBL are boosting the sport's popularity, making it a crucial part of
the country's sports culture.
Paragraf 3 :
Basketball's universal appeal is driven by a captivating factors. Its fast-paced, high-scoring nature provides
excitement and entertainment, while its accessibility encourages people of all ages to participate and connect
with the game. The display of extraordinary athleticism, teamwork, and strategic brilliance by players at
both amateur and professional levels is truly awe-inspiring. Personal connections, whether through playing,
watching loved ones, or supporting favorite teams and players, forge deep emotional bonds. Basketball's
cultural influence and global reach make it a unifying force, fostering a sense of community and enabling
social connections. Moreover, the sport's inspirational narratives of triumph over adversity resonate with
fans, making basketball more than just a game but a source of inspiration and passion for millions
Paragraf 4 : The philosophy of basketball extends beyond the court, offering valuable life lessons in
teamwork, discipline, adaptability, perseverance, fair play, strategy, leadership, balance, and the importance
of learning from failure. It champions teamwork and discipline, mirroring the value of hard work and self-
control in life. Adaptability and resilience, central to basketball, resonate with life's demand for agile
problem-solving. Perseverance in the face of adversity echoes the need for determination in life's challenges.
Fair play emphasizes ethical behavior and respect, key in broader societal contexts. Strategy and leadership
in basketball reflect the importance of thoughtful decision-making and inspiring others. Balance, harmony,
and the ability to learn from failure round out the rich philosophical tapestry of basketball, offering valuable
insights for living a fulfilling life.

C. Pembahasan kedua ( Minimal 4 Paragraf yang berisi rangkaian argument teknik-teknik apa saya
yang ada dalam basket, peraturan permaian basket, posisi pemain dan tugasnya, manfaat Kesehatan
dalam basket serta otot-otot yang dominan dan tokoh kisah inspiratif.
Paragraf 1 : Basketball involves key techniques like shooting, dribbling, passing, defense, and
rebounding. Shooting requires precision with stance, hand placement, and follow-through. Dribbling
maintains ball control, passing moves it efficiently, while defense includes blocking and stealing.
Rebounding is crucial for gaining possession. These techniques are essential for success in basketball.
Paragraf 2 : In basketball, a team typically comprises multiple players, but only five can actively
participate during a game. Each player is designated a specific position: center, power forward, small
forward, point guard, or shooting guard. The center, often the tallest on the team, positions near the basket
and focuses on scoring close shots and rebounds during offense. Defensively, they aim to block opponent
shots and secure rebounds. Akin to the center, the power forward operates near the basket, engaging in
rebounding and defending against taller players. However, they also venture into longer shots compared to
centers. The small forward exhibits versatility, engaging with both small and large players across the court.
They have the ability to score from varying distances, showcasing proficiency in both long and close-range
shots. The point guard is the engine of the offense, excelling in dribbling and passing. They also play a
crucial defensive role, guarding the opponent's point guard and attempting to steal the ball. Lastly, the
shooting guard typically possesses the team's top shooting skills. They excel in long-distance shots and are
proficient dribblers, contributing significantly to the team's offensive capabilities.
Paragraf 3 : Playing basketball offers a comprehensive array of health benefits encompassing physical
and mental well-being. The game's dynamic nature involving running, jumping, and rapid maneuvering
enhances cardiovascular fitness, promoting a strong heart and better circulation. It engages various muscle
groups, contributing to muscle strengthening and toning. Regular play improves endurance, aids in weight
management, enhances bone density, and increases flexibility and balance. The sport acts as a stress reliever,
releasing endorphins and promoting mental relaxation. Additionally, basketball fosters teamwork, discipline,
and quick decision-making, promoting an active lifestyle and overall improved health, both physically and
mentally. It's advisable to consult a healthcare professional before incorporating any new exercise routine,
especially for those with pre-existing health conditions.
Paragraf 4 : LeBron James, often regarded as one of the greatest basketball players of all time, embodies
the essence of determination, resilience, and philanthropy. His journey from a challenging childhood to
NBA superstardom is a testament to his unwavering dedication and hard work. LeBron's story inspires
millions, showcasing that with talent, perseverance, and the right support, anyone can rise above
circumstances and achieve greatness. LeBron James embodies the potential for positive change that comes
with success. He uses his platform not only to excel in sports but also to advocate for social justice,
education, and various charitable causes. LeBron's journey inspires us to reach for our dreams, make a
difference in the lives of others, and leave a lasting impact on the world.

D. Penutup (minimal dua kalimat yang berisi penegasan ulang dan harapan dalam pengembangan dalam
permainan basket kedepanya)
Paragraf 1 : Basketball, beyond being a game, embodies a journey of resilience, teamwork, and self-
discovery. It's a canvas where passion meets hard work, where every dribble and every shot tell a story of
dedication and determination. The courts echo with the cheers of those who rise after every fall, pushing the
limits of what's possible. In the realm of basketball, we find inspiration. We witness athletes conquering
their fears, transcending their circumstances, and uniting diverse backgrounds for a common goal. We see
the power of unity, the beauty of diversity, and the triumph of the human spirit.
Paragraf 2 : The hopes for the future development of basketball lie in inspiring a more inclusive,
innovative, and sustainable growth. Firstly, fostering inclusivity is essential, ensuring basketball is
accessible to everyone regardless of gender, age, or economic background. Initiatives to actively involve
women, players with disabilities, and underrepresented communities need to be amplified. Secondly,
technological innovations will play a central role in transforming how we interact with the sport. The use of
technologies like augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), and advanced analytics will enhance fan
experiences, enable players to improve their performance, and support more effective training.
Gabungan Isi keseluruhan artikel :

Beyond the Court: Unveiling the Secrets of Basketball's Enduring Allure

Basketball was invented by a teacher name James Naismith in December 1891 at the International
Young Men's Christian Association (YMCA) Training School, now known as Springfield College, located
in Springfield, Massachusetts. James Naismith was a physical education instructor at the school. He created
the game to provide indoor entertainment for his students during the winter months. For the first game of
basketball in 1891, Naismith used two half-bushel peach baskets as goals, which is how the sport got its
name. The initial game had enthusiastic participants, and it was William R. Chase who made a midcourt
shot, becoming the sole scorer in that historic contest. The word quickly spread about this newly invented
game, and many organizations and associations reached out to Naismith for a copy of the rules. These rules
were published in the January 15, 1892, issue of the Triangle, which was the campus paper of the YMCA
Training School. This marked the beginning of the widespread popularity and growth of basketball as a
In the 1920s, a group of Chinese immigrants arrived in Indonesia, bringing with them the game of
basketball that had been in existence for two decades in China. They formed their own community and
established Chinese schools in the country. As a result, basketball rapidly grew in popularity among these
Chinese schools. In these schools, basketball became a mandatory sport for every student, and it's no
surprise that nearly every school had a basketball court. Many standout basketball players emerged from this
community. In the 1930s, basketball associations began to form in various major cities such as Jakarta,
Surabaya, Bandung, Semarang, Yogyakarta, and Medan. For instance, in Semarang, there were several clubs
like the Chinese English School, Tionghwa Hwee, Fe Leon Ti Yu Hui, and Pheng Yu Hui (Sahabat).
Sahabat was a club founded by Sony Hendrawan (Liem Tjien Sion), one of the legends of Indonesian
In 1951, Maladi, a national sports figure, asked Tony Wen and Wim Latumeten to establish a
basketball organization in Indonesia. Maladi held the position of secretary at the Indonesian Olympic
Committee (KOI) at that time. Consequently, on October 23, 1951, an organization named the "Persatuan
Basketball Seluruh Indonesia" was founded thanks to the initiative of these two figures. In 1955, the
organization's name was perfected according to the rules of the Indonesian language to become the
"Persatuan Bola Basket Seluruh Indonesia," commonly known as Perbasi. The initial leadership of Perbasi
consisted of Tony Wen as chairman and Wim Latumeten as secretary.
Basketball experienced gradual and steady growth in both the United States and internationally in the
first three decades following World War II. The sport's appeal deepened thanks to television coverage, but it
witnessed an explosive surge in popularity across all levels, particularly with the emergence of cable
television, particularly in the 1980s. Fueled by the presence of remarkable players like Magic Johnson,
Julius Erving Larry Bird, and Michael Jordan, as well as increased exposure, basketball swiftly rose to
prominence in the American sports landscape, standing shoulder to shoulder with traditional giants like
baseball and football. During this period, four key aspects of the sport evolved: U.S. high school and college
basketball, professional basketball, women's basketball, and international basketball.
Basketball in Indonesia has been growing since the early 20th century, introduced by the Chinese
community and Dutch schools. Post-independence, its popularity surged, especially after its inclusion in the
1948 PON I games. In 1951, the national organization Perbasi was established. Basketball's development
spans from school to international levels. The Indonesian national team has participated internationally,
despite challenges. Local schools actively engage in basketball. NBL Indonesia, founded in 2003, opened
doors for local players, while women's basketball also advanced. Despite limited international success,
Indonesia's young talent and leagues like IBL are boosting the sport's popularity, making it a crucial part of
the country's sports culture.

Basketball's universal appeal is driven by a captivating factors. Its fast-paced, high-scoring nature
provides excitement and entertainment, while its accessibility encourages people of all ages to participate
and connect with the game. The display of extraordinary athleticism, teamwork, and strategic brilliance by
players at both amateur and professional levels is truly awe-inspiring. Personal connections, whether
through playing, watching loved ones, or supporting favorite teams and players, forge deep emotional bonds.
Basketball's cultural influence and global reach make it a unifying force, fostering a sense of community and
enabling social connections. Moreover, the sport's inspirational narratives of triumph over adversity resonate
with fans, making basketball more than just a game but a source of inspiration and passion for millions
The philosophy of basketball extends beyond the court, offering valuable life lessons in teamwork,
discipline, adaptability, perseverance, fair play, strategy, leadership, balance, and the importance of learning
from failure. It champions teamwork and discipline, mirroring the value of hard work and self-control in
life. Adaptability and resilience, central to basketball, resonate with life's demand for agile problem-solving.
Perseverance in the face of adversity echoes the need for determination in life's challenges. Fair play
emphasizes ethical behavior and respect, key in broader societal contexts. Strategy and leadership in
basketball reflect the importance of thoughtful decision-making and inspiring others. Balance, harmony, and
the ability to learn from failure round out the rich philosophical tapestry of basketball, offering valuable
insights for living a fulfilling life.
Basketball involves key techniques like shooting, dribbling, passing, defense, and rebounding.
Shooting requires precision with stance, hand placement, and follow-through. Dribbling maintains ball
control, passing moves it efficiently, while defense includes blocking and stealing. Rebounding is crucial for
gaining possession. These techniques are essential for success in basketball.
In basketball, a team typically comprises multiple players, but only five can actively participate
during a game. Each player is designated a specific position: center, power forward, small forward, point
guard, or shooting guard. The center, often the tallest on the team, positions near the basket and focuses on
scoring close shots and rebounds during offense. Defensively, they aim to block opponent shots and secure
rebounds. Akin to the center, the power forward operates near the basket, engaging in rebounding and
defending against taller players. However, they also venture into longer shots compared to centers. The
small forward exhibits versatility, engaging with both small and large players across the court. They have
the ability to score from varying distances, showcasing proficiency in both long and close-range shots. The
point guard is the engine of the offense, excelling in dribbling and passing. They also play a crucial
defensive role, guarding the opponent's point guard and attempting to steal the ball. Lastly, the shooting
guard typically possesses the team's top shooting skills. They excel in long-distance shots and are proficient
dribblers, contributing significantly to the team's offensive capabilities.
Playing basketball offers a comprehensive array of health benefits encompassing physical and mental
well-being. The game's dynamic nature involving running, jumping, and rapid maneuvering enhances
cardiovascular fitness, promoting a strong heart and better circulation. It engages various muscle groups,
contributing to muscle strengthening and toning. Regular play improves endurance, aids in weight
management, enhances bone density, and increases flexibility and balance. The sport acts as a stress reliever,
releasing endorphins and promoting mental relaxation. Additionally, basketball fosters teamwork, discipline,
and quick decision-making, promoting an active lifestyle and overall improved health, both physically and
mentally. It's advisable to consult a healthcare professional before incorporating any new exercise routine,
especially for those with pre-existing health conditions.
LeBron James, often regarded as one of the greatest basketball players of all time, embodies the
essence of determination, resilience, and philanthropy. His journey from a challenging childhood to NBA
superstardom is a testament to his unwavering dedication and hard work. LeBron's story inspires millions,
showcasing that with talent, perseverance, and the right support, anyone can rise above circumstances and
achieve greatness. LeBron James embodies the potential for positive change that comes with success. He
uses his platform not only to excel in sports but also to advocate for social justice, education, and various
charitable causes. LeBron's journey inspires us to reach for our dreams, make a difference in the lives of
others, and leave a lasting impact on the world.
Basketball, beyond being a game, embodies a journey of resilience, teamwork, and self-discovery.
It's a canvas where passion meets hard work, where every dribble and every shot tell a story of dedication
and determination. The courts echo with the cheers of those who rise after every fall, pushing the limits of
what's possible. In the realm of basketball, we find inspiration. We witness athletes conquering their fears,
transcending their circumstances, and uniting diverse backgrounds for a common goal. We see the power of
unity, the beauty of diversity, and the triumph of the human spirit.
The hopes for the future development of basketball lie in inspiring a more inclusive, innovative, and
sustainable growth. Firstly, fostering inclusivity is essential, ensuring basketball is accessible to everyone
regardless of gender, age, or economic background. Initiatives to actively involve women, players with
disabilities, and underrepresented communities need to be amplified. Secondly, technological innovations
will play a central role in transforming how we interact with the sport. The use of technologies like
augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), and advanced analytics will enhance fan experiences, enable
players to improve their performance, and support more effective training.

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