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Session 1 to 2 Which of the following would occur if all cell

membranes were no longer selectively
Which of the following components of the permeable?
control system is responsible for detecting
any change and motor the value of variables? - Action potential would no longer be
- Receptor
- You would be subject to a higher rate illness
and disease
Differentiation in an organism depicts a - Cells would not be able to get and keep
change in cell structure and function from enough glucose to function
generalize to specialized. This process is
involved in:

- Development A cell that was producing large amounts of

lipoproteins (proteins combined with lipids)
for secretion from the cell would have large
There are four primary types of tissues: numbers of:
epithelial, connective, muscle, and nervous. - Golgi apparatus
To be able to perform its function, each
system is composed of only one specific type
of tissue.
___________ is an example of a molecule that
- The first statement is correct. The second can directly pass through the phospholipids
statement is wrong. bilayer of the plasma membrane.

- Carbon dioxide

During summer, Pepper and her friends would

go on a trip and hike at noon. As a student
Which of the following organelles are
nurse, Pepper knows that her body would
compensate with the change in core incorrectly paired with their location within
the cell
temperature. All of the following are
expected, except: - Golgi apparatus - on the cell surface
- The hypothalamus stimulates the blood
vessels in the skin to constrict.
All are considered negative feedback
mechanism, except:
Which basic approach to study anatomy is - Uterine contractions during delivery
taken in the vast majority of medical and
dentals schools?

- Regional Anatomy The mechanism of homeostasis is mainly

governed by:
- Nervous and endocrine system - protein molecules that perform important
cellular functions float in a lipid bilayer.

As a student nurse, you understand that it is

important to study how the human body Substances outside the cell membrane are
works because: called:

- it can predict the responses that the body - intracellular substances.

can do in every stimulus.
- extracellular substances.

Which of the following activities does NOT

represent an anatomical study:

- observing the parts of a reproducing cell

Disruption in normal functioning of cells may

result in death. One possible cause of
disruption is occurrence of disease.

- Both of the statements are correct.

The nucleolus:

- is the location for production of large and

small ribosomal subunits.

Cell membranes are said to be selectively

permeable because they:

- allow the free passage of some materials and

restrict the passage of others.

Which of these cells would most likely have

the largest number of mitochondria?

- muscles cells

According to the fluid-mosaic model of the

cell membrane:
ANAPHY movement of materials into and out of the
body through the epithelium?
Session 3 to 4
- a single layer of relatively flat, thin cells
Epithelium that consists of a single layer of
cells, in which some cells are tall and thin and
reach the free surface and others do not, is
Basement membranes:
classified as:

- pseudostratified columnar epithelium - function as a filter and barrier to cell or

pathogen movement, attach epithelial cells to
the underlying tissue and are secreted
partially by epithelial cells and partially by the
The most correct classification of an epithelial cells of the underlying tissue are true of
tissue consisting of many layers of cells, in basement membranes.
which the outer layers are flat and thin, and
the basal layers are cuboidal or columnar is:

- stratified squamous epithelium. Epithelial cells that appear cube like when an
organ is relaxed and flattened when the organ
is distended by fluid are classified as:
Understanding tissue structure and function is - transitional epithelium.
important because:

- There is a relationship between tissue

structure and organ function. All are true statement about epithelial tissue

- Many diseases and pathologies are tissue - Epithelial tissue provides physical protection
and cell type specific. for organs.

- Changes at the tissue level affect the - Epithelial tissue functions in absorption &
function of organs. secretion.

- Epithelial tissue controls the permeability

into and out of an area/organ.
Epithelial cells:

- usually have a free surface that is not in

contact with other cells. Which of these is NOT one of the four basic
tissue types?
- have a basement membrane that attaches to
underlying tissues. - glandular

- can be somewhat far away from a blood

Which of the following statements is true in
Transitional epithelium?

Which of the following characteristics of - Transitional epithelium has cells that change
tissues and cells would aid in diffusion or the shape when the tissue is stretched.
- Transitional epithelium is found in the lining
of the urinary bladder, the ureters and the
superior urethra. The skin is composed of epidermis, dermis,
and hypodermis.
- Transitional epithelium is found in cavities
that can expand greatly in volume. - False

The dermis is thicker than epidermis. In keratinization, the cells become filled with
the protein keratin, which make them more
- True stretchable and durable.

- False

Skin is the largest organ of the body.

- True The new cells in the keratinization are

produced by mitosis.

- True
The water can simply move across the skin.

- Flase

Skin cells have the ability to regenerate and


- True

The new cells produced by mitosis occur in

most superficial layers of epidermis.

- False

The dead epithelial cells are formed in the

outer layer of epidermis to act as a barrier.

- True

In the process of keratinization, the cells of

epidermis and dermis change shape and
chemical composition.

- False
ANAPHY hormone are elevated. Which of the following
hypotheses would be the most plausible?
Session 5 to 6
- The lack of dairy in her diet has severely
The opening through which the spinal cord restricted the amount of calcium she has
passes. available. This deficiency stimulated the
- vertebral canal release of PTH, which caused more of the
calcium stores in her bones to be mobilized.
The deficiency has gone on for so long that
she has weakened her bones.
The functions of the skeletal system include
all of the following except:

- transport of materials via its fluid matrix As a nursing student, you have learned the
effects of aging in the skeletal system. What
are the most effective preventative measures
From the list below, pick the ONLY bone that against its effects?
is unpaired.
- the combination of increasing physical
- sphenoid activity and taking dietary calcium with
vitamin D supplements.

Joints are classified structurally according to

the __ that binds them, and functionally The extracellular matrix of bone:
according to their _____.
- contains collagen & minerals & a high
- connective tissue, degree of motion proportion of calcium phosphate crystals
(hydroxyapatite) are correct.

The opening through which the spinal cord

connects to the brain. The outer surface of bone is covered by a
connective tissue layer called the:
- foramen magnum
- periosteum

In adults, which of the following represents a

set of fused bones? Bones are a type of

- sacral bone - connective tissue

Pepper is a vegan (a vegetarian that does not ________ is a unique movement that occurs
eat any animal products including dairy or at the thumb as it moves toward the little
eggs). After a series of unexplained bone finger.
fractures, her doctor completes some tests
- opposition
and discovers that her levels of parathyroid
The skeletal system helps maintain
homeostasis by:

- Acting as a calcium buffer and storage site.

- Acting as a phosphate buffer and storage


- Acting as an energy buffer and storage site.

- Acting as a blood cell production site.

The extracellular matrix of tendons and

ligaments is made up of:

- primarily collagen fibers

Rhea is moving her knees and suddenly

remembers what she has learned from her
class. The movement of the synovial joint in
one plane is ______.

- Hinge

During growth of a long bone, the site of

growth in length is the:

- epiphyseal plate.

While walking through a dark house, you hit

the outside of your ankle on a bedpost. More
than likely you have hit the ________, which
is a component of the ________.

- lateral malleolus, fibula

ANAPHY - tensor fasciae latae

Session 7 to 8

Which of the following muscles are In skeletal muscle contraction and relaxation,
antagonists calcium ions:

- biceps brachii and triceps brachii - are returned to the sarcoplasmic reticulum
by active transport.

The myosin myofilaments are anchored into

the cytoskeleton of the cell by the ________. Which of the following statements is FALSE?

- M line - The concentration of Na+ is higher inside the

cell than outside.

A muscle group that works with and assists

the action of a prime mover is a(n): A nursing infant develops a powerful sucking
muscle that adults also use for whistling or
- synergist only blowing a trumpet called the:

- Buccinator
Liza has been exerting effort to push the wall
as part of her exercise regimen in achieving
good muscle tone. As a student nurse, she The ____ is the functional unit of skeletal
knows that there is an increase in tension to muscle because it is the smallest portion
muscles without changing its length. This type capable of _________.
of contraction is:
- sarcomere, contracting
- Isometric

The insertion of the gluteus maximus is the:

Which of the following compress the
- femur

- internal oblique
In a resting cell, K+ ions have a higher
- external oblique
concentration ____ the cell, which results in
- transversus abdominis the net movement of K+ _____ of the cell.

- rectus abdominis - inside;out

Angela is playing the piano for her recital. Muscle fibers:

Which muscle is not involved in the
- have a relatively high metabolic rate
movement of her hands and/or fingers?
- preferentially use aerobic respiration

Which one of the following is the action of the

orbicularis oris?

- closes, purses, and protrudes the lips

All are true to aerobic respiration, except:

- does not require the use of oxygen

Which of the following muscles closes the


- the masseter and the temporalis

Paralysis of which of the following would

make an individual unable to flex the thigh:

- iliopsoas and rectus femoris

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