Genphysio Reviewer

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- provides necessary nutrients

Anatomy – the study of the structure of the human - supplies energy
body. - supplies raw materials
Physiology – the study of the function of the human • Oxygen (gas)
body. - one-fifth of air
- used to release energy from nutrients
• Subatomic Particles – electrons, protons, and - form of energy
neutrons - partly controls rate of metabolic
• Atom – hydrogen atom, lithium atom, etc. reactions
• Molecule – water molecule, glucose molecule, etc. • Pressure
• Macromolecule – protein molecule, DNA molecule, - application of force on an object
etc. - atmospheric pressure – important for
• Organelle – mitochondrion, Golgi apparatus, nucleus, breathing
etc. - hydrostatic pressure – keeps blood
• Cell – muscle cell, nerve cell, etc. flowing
• Tissue – epithelia, connective, muscle and nerve
• Organ – skin, femur, heart, kidney, etc. HOMEOSTASIS
• Organ System – skeletal system, digestive system, etc. * Maintaining of a stable internal environment
• Organism – the human • Homeostatic Control Mechanisms – monitors
aspects of the
CHARACTERISTICS OF LIFE internal environment and corrects as needed.
• Movement – change in position; motion Variations are within
• Responsiveness – reaction to a change limits. There are three (3) parts:
• Growth – increase in body size; no change in shape • Receptor - provides information about the
• Reproduction – production of new organisms and new stimuli
cells • Control Center - tells what a particular value
• Respiration – obtaining oxygen; removing carbon should be
dioxide; (called the set point)
releasing energy from foods • Effector - elicits responses that change
• Digestion – breakdown of food substances into conditions in the internal environment
simpler forms
• Absorption – passage of substances through HOMEOSTATIC CONTROL MECHANISM
membranes and into body fluids
• Circulation – movement of substances in body fluids
• Assimilation – changing of absorbed substances into
chemically different forms
• Excretion – removal of wastes produced by metabolic

• Life depends on five (5) environmental factors:
• Water
- most abundant substance in body
- required for metabolic processes
- required for transport of substances
- regregulates body temperature
• There are two (2) types: • Peripheral proteins – not embedded in the bilayer at all,
• Negative feedback mechanism loosely bound to the to the to the surface of the membrane
> Prevents sudden, severe changes in the often to expose other parts of the integral proteins.
> Causes opposite of bodily disruption to  Transport
occur, i.e. the ‘negative’  Enzymatic Activity
> Most common type of feedback loop  Signal Transduction
>Examples: body temperature, blood  Cell-to-cell recognitiom
pressure & glucose regulation  Intercellular joining
• Positive feedback mechanisms  Attachment to cellular matrix
>Increases (accelerates) the actions of the
>short-lived MEMBRANE
>do not require continuous adjustments • Cell membrane separates the components of a cell from
>Examples: blood clotting and child birth its environment—surrounds the cell
• “Gatekeeper” of the cell—regulates the flow of materials
into and out of cell—selectively permeable
THE CELL MEMBRANE, FUNCTIONS AND CELL • Cell membrane helps cells maintain homeostasis—stable
TRANSPORT internal balance


Plasma Membrane • Phospholipids:
• Also known as Cell Membrane • Amphipathic → has hydrophobic and hydrophilic regions
• Membrane in cells that separates inner part from • Membrane Carbohydrates
the exterior cell • Play a key role in cell – cell recognition
• composed of a lipid layer—semipermeable • Ability of a cell to distinguish neighboring cells from
CONSTRUCTION OF CELL MEMBRANES • Important in organ & tissue development
• S. J. Singer & G. Nicolson (1972) • Basis for rejection of foreign cells by immune system
→ proposed that membrane proteins are inserted into • Can be:
the phospholipid bilayer • Glycolipids (carb + lipid)
“Fluid Mosaic Model“ • Glycoproteins (carb + protein)
- the membrane is a mosaic of protein molecules
bobbing in a fluid bilayer of phospholipids. SELECTIVE PERMEABILITY
Plasma Membrane is composed of: • Construction of membrane allows for some substances to
>Phospholipids pass through membrane without resistance.
>Cholesterol • Nonpolar molecules (hydrocarbons, CO2, O2) →
>Proteins (Integral; Peripheral) hydrophobic; can dissolve in lipid bilayer
>Carbohydrates • Polar molecules (ions, H20) → core of membrane stops
2 MAJOR MEMBRANE PROTEINS • Large polar molecules (glucose) → passes very slowly
• Integral proteins – penetrate the hydrophobic interior • Fluidity of Membranes
of the lipid bilayer • Due to the types of hydrocarbon tails at the tip of each
* transmembranes: majority of integral proteins phospholipid
spanning the membrane • Saturated hydrocarbon tails -packed tightly together &
less fluid
• Unsaturated hydrocarbon tails - have kinks in PASSIVE TRANSPORT
molecule which keeps molecules from being tightly • Movement of molecules through the membrane with
packed → enhanced fluidity the concentration gradient (from high to low
• Have cholesterol embedded in cell membranes concentration)
- which further changes fluidity by restraining • Does not use energy
phospholipid movement • Movement continues until equilibrium is reached
- 37°C (body temp) → resists fluidity
• Membranes need to be permeable Types of passive transport:
to: Diffusion, Osmosis, Facilitated Diffusion
• Bring in all materials a cell needs
• Excrete out all cellular (metabolic) waste PASSIVE TRANSPORT – DIFFUSION
• Export out all products a cell makes • Diffusion: movement of particles or solutes from high
• Proteins act as channels to move molecules → low concentration
• follows 2nd law of thermodynamics
WHY MEMBRANES MUST BE FLUID? • Diffusion of multiple substances:
Membranes must be fluid to work properly; fluidity of a • Each substance diffuses down its own concentration
membrane affects both its permeability and the gradient (at different speeds)
ability of membrane proteins to move to where their • Independent of each other
• Movement of sugar through a protein channel
CELL TRANSPORT • Facilitated Diffusion: movement of larger particles and
• Key components of cell that function in cell transport ions
>Cell membrane- phospholipids bilayer across the cell membrane aided by protein channels
>Cytoplasm- aqueous solution that contains materials • Channel proteins→ corridors for specific molecules
>Mitochondria- powerhouse of cell (glucose→ ATP) • Water Channels → Aquaporins
>RBC- carries protein hemoglobin that transports oxygen • Ion Channels → gated channels to regulate ion
and carbon dioxide to and from cells movement; open upon electrical stimulus
• Carrier proteins → has a shape interaction that binds
WHY CELL TRANSPORT IS NEEDED? substrate to protein to cross membrane
>Homeostasis- maintaining a steady state.
>Metabolism- chemical reactions that convert “food” TYPES OF TRANSPORT PROTEIN
into energy • Channel proteins are embedded in the cell membrane
>Helps cells achieve equilibrium- when concentrations of & have a pore for materials to cross
molecules of a substance are the same everywhere • Carrier proteins can change shape to move material
from one side of the membrane to the other
1. Passive transport • Osmosis: diffusion of water from high to low
- Cell transport that does not require energy concentration across a semi-permeable membrane
• Direction of osmosis is determined by comparing total
2. Active transport solute concentrations
- Requiring energy to move and transport molecules • Hypertonic = more solute, less water
across • Hypotonic = less solute, more water
cell membrane • Isotonic = equal solute, equal water
•Isotonic Solutions: contain the same concentration of SIGNAL TRANSDUCTION AND THE CELLULAR RESPONSE
solute as another solution (e.g. the cell's cytoplasm). • Intracellular events that enable a cell to respond to a
When a cell is placed in an isotonic solution, the water signaling molecule that binds to a cell surface Receptor
diffuses into and out of the cell at the same rate. The • In most cases, the binding of a signaling molecule to its
fluid that surrounds the body cells is isotonic. receptor stimulates a signal transduction pathway.

• Hypertonic Solutions: contain a high concentration of CENTRAL DOGMA
solute relative to another solution (e.g. the cell's Central dogma of cell biology
cytoplasm). When a cell is placed in a hypertonic • a theory stating that genetic information flows
solution, the water diffuses out of the cell, causing the only in one direction, from DNA, to RNA, to
cell to shrivel. protein, or RNA directly to protein


• Hypotonic Solutions: contain a low concentration of • DNA replication is the process by which the genome’s
solute relative to another solution (e.g. the cell's DNA is copied in cells.
cytoplasm). When a cell is placed in a hypotonic solution, • Before a cell divides, it must first copy (or replicate) its
the water diffuses into the cell, causing the cell to swell entire genome so that each resulting daughter cell ends
and possibly explode. up with its own complete genome.

ACTIVE TRANSPORT Enzymes involved in DNA replication

• Cells may need to move molecules against the ENZYME FUNCTION
concentration DNA Helicase Unwinds the double helix at the
Gradient replication fork
• From low to high concentration Primase Provides the starting point for DNA
• Need a protein pump to move molecules polymerase to begin synthesis of
• REQUIRES ENERGY (ATP) the new strand
• Example: Pumping Na+ (sodium ions) out and K+ DNA Polymerase Synthesizes the new DNA strand;
(potassium ions) in—against concentration also proofreads and corrects some
gradients. errors
• Called the Sodium-Potassium Pump DNA ligase Rejoins the two DNA strands into a
• Has many models and mechanisms double helix and joins the Okazaki
fragments of the lagging strand
ENDOCYTOSIS/EXOCYTOSIS Topoisomerase Relaxes the super coiled DNA
• Movement of large molecules into and out of cell
- Through vesicles and vacuoles Transcription
• the process by which an RNA sequence is produced
• Phagocytosis = “cellular eating” via lysosome • RNA polymerase separates the DNA strands and
• Pinocytosis = “cellular drinking” synthesises a complementary RNA copy from one of the
• Receptor-mediated endocytosis → triggered by ligand DNA strands
signal • When the DNA strands are separated, ribonucleoside
triphosphates align opposite their exposed
complementary base partner
• RNA polymerase removes the additional phosphate
groups and uses the energy from this cleavage to
covalently join the nucleotide to the growing sequence
• Once the RNA sequence has been synthesised, RNA Peripheral Nervous System: Classification
polymerase detaches from the DNA molecule and the •Sensory (afferent) division
double helix reforms ➢Nerve fibers that carry information to the central
nervous system
Translation •Motor (efferent) division
• the process of protein synthesis in which the genetic ➢Nerve fibers that carry impulses away from the
information encoded in mRNA is translated into a central nervous system down to the muscles and glands
sequence of amino acids on a polypeptide chain Two subdivisions:
Includes three process: ➢Somatic ns – voluntary actions
• Initiation ➢Autonomic ns- involuntary actions
• Elongation
• Termination


About the Nervous System:
• Anatomy and Organization
• Function: How it Controls and Communicates


Sensory Input (gathering information)
• To monitor changes occurring inside and outside the
Integration (processing information)
• to process and interpret sensory input and decide if
action is needed; what should be done
Motor Output (response to information)
• A response to integrated stimuli
•The response activates muscles, glands and other
parts of the body


Central Nervous System (CNS) Nervous Tissue: Support cells in CNS

• Receives, interprets and sends signals to PNS Astrocytes
2 main parts: • Abundant, star-shaped cells
➢Brain – main control center • Brace neurons
➢Spinal cord – connects and relays nerve impulses
• Form barrier and responsible for for exchange of
to the brain materials between capillaries and neurons
• Control the chemical environment of the brain (CNS) ➢ high metabolic rate, need constant and huge
➢Microglia amount of supply of glucose and oxygen
• Spider-like phagocytes
• Immune defense of CNS; Dispose of debris Axons and Nerve Impulses
➢Ependymal cells •Axons end in axonal terminals
• Line cavities of the brain and spinal cord •Axonal terminals contain vesicles with
• Create, secrete and circulate cerebrospinal fluid neurotransmitters
➢Oligodendrocytes •Axonal terminals are separated from the next neuron
•Produce the insulating barrier in neurons called the by a gap
myelin sheath •Synaptic cleft – gap between adjacent neurons
•Synapse – junction between nerves
Neuroglia vs. Neurons
• Neuroglia divides. Functional Classification of Neurons
• Neurons do not. • Sensory (afferent) neurons
• Most brain tumors are “gliomas.” • Carry impulses from the sensory receptors
• Most brain tumors involve the neuroglia cells, not •Cutaneous sense organs
the neurons. •Proprioceptors – detect stretch or tension
• Consider the role of cell division in cancer! • Motor (efferent) neurons
• Carry impulses from the central nervous system
Nervous Tissue: Support cells in PNS • Interneurons (association neurons)
➢Satellite cells •Found in neural pathways in the central nervous
•Protect, surround and support neuron cell bodies system
➢Schwann cells • Connect sensory and motor neurons
• Form myelin sheath
Structural Classification of Neurons
Nervous Tissue: NEURONS •Multipolar neurons
•Neurons = nerve cells • Many extensions from the cell body
•Highly specialized cells made to transmit information •Bipolar neurons
and messages • Has one axon and one dendrite
• Major regions of neurons •Unipolar neurons
•Cell body – nucleus and metabolic center of the cell • Has short single process leaving the cell body
•Processes – fibers that extend from the cell body
(dendrites and axons)
•Neurons life support is found in the cell body
•Nucleus, other Materials needed to function
•Dendrites – “listeners” of neurons; picks up
•Conduct impulses toward the cell body
•Axon– “talker” of neurons; long extension fiber
transmits electrical impulses away from the cell body to
the other cells
Nervous Tissue: NEURONS
•Neurons are some of the longest-lived cells in your THE MUSCULAR SYSTEM
body Functions of Muscle tissue
•Neurons are IRREPLACEABLE. Muscle tissue is responsible for movement and
➢Amitotic-does not divide locomotion
•Neurons have huge appetite in animals.
Muscles rely on contractile fibers to create motion.
❖ In vertebrate animals and arthropods, muscles • the ability to recoil or bounce back to the muscle's
attach to a original length after being stretched.
skeletal system to produce locomotion. ❖Excitability
• the ability to respond to a stimulus, which may be
Muscle Tissue delivered from a motor neuron or a hormone.
• Muscle tissue is composed of these muscle fibers ❖Contractility
• Functions will depend on the type of structure it has • the ability of muscle cells to forcefully shorten. For
instance, in order to flex (decrease the angle of a joint)
TYPES OF MUSCLE TISSUES your elbow you need to contract (shorten) the biceps
❖Cardiac Muscle brachii and other elbow flexor muscles in the anterior
• Branched with straitions (straight) arm.
• One nucleus per fiber • Notice that in order to extend your elbow, the
• Intercalated discs found at the end of each fiber – posterior arm extensor muscles need to contract. Thus,
involve in contractions! muscles can only pull, never push.
• Found in the heart – INVOLUNTARY
❖Smooth Muscle Skeletal muscle
• Smooth with no stripes ❖Tendons
• One nucleus per fiber • Tough, fibrous cords of connective tissue that link
• Each fiber is SPINDLE shape skeletal muscles to bones.
• Found in the digestive system, arteries & veins, gall • Tendons in the hands and feet are enclosed in self-
bladder and eyes (iris) lubricating sheaths to protect them from rubbing
• also INVOLUNTARY against the bones.
❖Skeletal Muscle • From the hand bones, tendons extend upwards to
• Muscle related to your biceps, triceps muscles near the elbow.
• Attached to the bone, skin etc for MOVEMENT
• Long and straited, multinucleated How do muscles contract?
• VOLUNTARY, can be consciously controlled ❖Actin - protein found in muscle tissue
- forms the thinner filaments (7nm in diameter)
Summary of Classification ❖Myosin – protein in muscle tissue - forms thick
filaments (15nm in diameter)
❖Myofibrils – long thread-like structures

How do Actin and Myosin work?

• Actin and myosin work together to produce muscle
contractions and, therefore, movement. First, a motor
neuron delivers an electrical signal to the muscle cell
from the brain. This triggers the release of a chemical
called acetylcholine. Acetylcholine causes calcium ions
to be released from the sarcoplasmic reticulum.
Next, the calcium ions bind to a protein called troponin.
CHARACTERISTICS of Muscle tissues
Troponin is attached to another protein, called
tropomyosin, and is found between the actin filaments
•the ability of a muscle to be stretched.
in muscle tissue.
•Example: elbow flexing motion. In order to be able to
• When calcium ions bind to troponin, the shape of
flex the elbow, the elbow extensor muscles must extend
troponin changes. This moves tropomyosin from the
in order to allow flexion to occur. Lack of extensibility is
myosin-binding sites on the actin filament and
known as spasticity.
‘unblocks’ them, making it possible for the myosin
heads to bind to the actin filament.
- Squeeze scapula's together
a) Pennate muscles - Add back to the body
•Unipennate muscle • Abduction
•Bipennate muscle - Away from the body/midline
•Multipennate muscle • Flexion
b) Parallel muscle - Decreasing the angle of the joint; to bend
c) Circular muscle • Extension
d) Convergent muscle - Increasing the angle of thejoint; to straighten

 Origin- where the muscle originates from.
- least moveable end.
 Insertion- where the muscle attaches to.
- most movable end.
 Action - the type of response the muscle creates
when contracted.
- flexion, extension, abduction, adduction,

Birds Muscular Structure

- Most birds have approximately 175 different
- The skin muscles help a bird in its flight by
adjusting the feathers. Pygostyle (tail muscle)
- The pectorals, or the breast muscles and others
*The supracoracoideus works using a pulley
like system to lift the wing while the pectorals
provide the powerful downstroke.

- Upward bending of the foot
- Pulling toes SKELETAL
• Plantar Flexion SYSTEM
- Downward bending of the foot What are
- Pointing toes the
• Protraction functions of
- Anteriorly rounded shoulders the Skeletal
- Retraction System?
• Locomotion
• Protection
• Storage

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