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Valuing Diversity

By: Abdullah sharif 9b 15644

and Equality
• Equality means ensuring
everyone in your setting has
equal opportunities,
regardless of their abilities,
their background or their
lifestyle. Diversity means
appreciating the differences
between people and treating
people's values, beliefs,
cultures and lifestyles with
What are the issues
in begin Intolerant
• If we are intolerant to other people this
can hurt their feeling and cause
depression and anxiety it can also
cause fights and deaths so it not good
be intolerant. There are many cause of
intolerance in people some of them are:
different race, culture and practices.
Intolerants also happen due to people
judging another person's looks this can
cause bullying and fights so it's not
good to be intolerant.
• Diversity is not bad, diversity can bring many positive
benefits, including innovation, personal growth, and
improved communication. However, it can also present
challenges, such as conflict and misunderstandings,
stereotypes and prejudice, lack of cohesion, and
language barriers. Studies have shown that groups of
people that are diverse in gender, race, and age perform
better, make better decisions, and experience more
Benefits of diversity
• Diversity brings different types of people together and they work as a
team. Diversity is a good thing different people can bring different
cultures and share their idea. Example: in our classroom there many
different people some are: Pakistani, Bengali, Indian, Egyptian,
African and many more. But in the classroom they all are friend and
work together in group projects and in classroom

Diversity is good and has

many benefits to a
community and economy it
can help people find jobs and
get friends There should be
no intolerance in community
and there should be diversity

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