Actividad Del Curso de Inglés

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Fullname: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
Grade and section: ……………… date: …………………………. Teacher: Daniel Rojas Dorregaray
Competencia: Lee diversos tipos de textos en inglés como lengua extranjera
Capacidades: Obtiene información del texto escrito – Infiere e interpreta información del texto
Read about Sharon´s lifestyle: My Smartphone
I always carry my smartphone with me and I use it to organize my life. I work for a software
company that designs apps to sell to universities. The universities buy them to teach their online
courses. This means I have to go to a lot of meetings, so I use my smartphone as a diary – it tells
me where I need to be at different times of the day. And when I visit universities to show people
our new software apps, the GPS app on my smartphone shows me how to get there. If I am going
to arrive somewhere late, I can call to explain. Sometimes I travel to Europe or North America and
I take my smartphone with me to look at travel websites and to find information about flights and
hotels, and also to read emails from my office. My father says it´s just an expensive phone, but I
say it´s my personal assistant!

I. Write True or False. 16 p.

1. She always use her smartphone to work.
2. She studies at the university.
3. She has a lot of meetings.
4. Sharon buy online courses.
5. She always take her smartphone when she travels to Europe or North America.
6. Website is place on the internet where you can find information.
7. Her father is her boss.
8. Sharon´s smartphone is expensive.

II. Match 4 p.

1. Tablet a)

2. Smartphone b)

3. Laptop c)

4. Smartwatch d)

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