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P\lD SoR 2022 for Ci l \lorks 15-06-22 tt,:


Unit Rate Unil Rato Unit Rate

Unil Rate (0haka,
Item No. 0escription ol ltem Unil (Chattogram, (Xhuln., Barisal, (Rajshahi,
Sylhet) Gopelgonj) Rangpur)

11.1 Supplying and making door and window ftames (Chowkat) for all floors in/c wall side grove culiing,
moulding by CNC madrine or any olher means wih maturcd seasoned wood of required size induding
painting two coals of coal tar 1o lhs sudaco rn contacl wilh wall, litting and fixing in position etc. all
complete and accepted by he Engineer-inrhaEe. (All szes ol wood are finished).

1111 Frame ftom seasoned M€hgoniwood (Chemically lreated) Upto Size 0-2.5" x 0'-6'{linished) cum Tk. 135,509.00 Tk. 135.148.00 Tk. 132,944.00 Tk. 132,U4.04
1111.2 Sizo groater han 0'-2.5" r 0 -6' and upto 0'-2.5'x 0'-11'(fnishsd) Tk. 118,023.00 Tk. 117 823.00 Tk. r16.579.00 Tk. 116.579.00
11.1.2 Frame made from soasoned Garjan/Jam/Local Sal lvood
11.12.1 Uplo Size 0'-2.5" x 0'-6'(linished) cum Tk. 145,620.00 Tk. 140.204.00 Tk. 145 583.00 Tk. 145,583.00 Size greater than 0'-2.5'x0'-6" and upto 0'-2.5'x 0'-11"(fnished) Tk. 127,831.00 rk. 122,121.00 Tk. Tk.
128 839.00 128,839.00
11.1.3 Frame madeftom seaioned Chattogr.m Silkarai/Azobe / okan Loha Kath
Tk. Tk. Tk. Tk.
Uplo Size 0'-2.5" x 0'-6'(linished)
Size grealer than 0'-2.5'x 0'-6'and lpto 0'-2.5'x 0'- 1' (linished) cum
160 786.00
142,543.00 Tk.
142,343.00 Tk.
141 09S 00 Tk.

11.1.4 Frame made fiom seasoned LocalManjuree / Jarul Upto Size 0'-2.5" x 0'{'(linished) cum Ik 22145200 Tk. 216.035.00 Ik. u.414.00 Ik. 221,414.A0 Size greater than 0'-2-5" x0'-6'and upto 0'-2.5'x0-11 (fnrshed) Tk. 201,391.00 Tk.
________-------_ 196,287.00 Tk. 202.398.00 Tk. 202,398.00
11 1.5
Frame madeftom seasoned Chatlogram Teak
Uplo Size 0'-2.5" x 0-6'(linished) Tk. 256,840.00 Tk. 251.424.00
TTk. l 264.335.00 rk. 264,335.00
Size grealer than 0'-2.5" x 0'-6' and upto 0 -2.5' x 0'-1 1" (finashod)
Frame made ftofi seasoned Myanhar(B urma) Teak
Tk. 235,719.00 -
Tk 230 614 00 Tk. 244.033.00 Tk. 244.033.00 Upto Size 0'-2.5" r 0'-6'(linished) Tk. 393,337.00 Tk. 387.921.00 Tk. 395.827.00 Tk. 395.827.00 SEe grealerlhan 0'-2.5" r 0'S'and upto 0-2.5" x 0'-11'(frnished) cum Tk. 368,125.00 Tk. 363,021.00 Tk. 371,585.00 Tk. 371,585.00
11.1.7 Frame made from seasoned Jessore E other Local Teak Upto Size 0 -2.5' x 0'{"(linlshed) Tk. 186,064.00 Tk. 185.703.00 Tk. 183.499.00 Tk. 183 499.00 Size grealerthan 0'2.5" x 0'-6'and upto 0'-2.5" x 0 -11" (inished) cum Tk. 167.063.00 Tk. 166.863.00 Tk. 165.619.00 Tk. 165,619.00
11.2.1 Slpplying fning and ixing M.S.llal bar clamp 0f225 mm x 38 mm x 6 mm srze having bifurcated ends each Tk. 123.00 TK 122.00 TK 117 00 TK, 117.00
to door and wiadow lrames with n€cessary screws induding culting grooves in chowkat f necessary and
encasing inside the wall wifi comenl conEele (1:2:4) otc, all complelo and acaeptod by the Enginoer-rn-

11.2.2 Supplying fifling and fxing M.S. fiat bar clamp ol 150 mm x 38 mm x 6 mm size having bifurcated ends each TK, 131.00 TK 130.00 Tk. 126.00 Tk. 126.00
to door and wndolr frameswilh fecessary rowelplug, screws elc. includrng culling grooves in chowkal rl
lecessary erc. allcomplele a1d accepbd by lhe Elginoer-rn-cha'ge.
1. {o 77/ EN
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PVD SuR 2022lor Ci{il VorlG 15-06-22 trl

Unit Rate Unit Rate Unil Rate

l.lnil Rale (Dhaka,
Item No. Description of ltom Unit (Challogram, (Xhulna, Barisal. {Raishahi,
Sylhet) Gopalgonj) Rengpur)

11.3.1 Supplying, ,ifling and lixing doublo loat door lramo for all foors made with 38mm x 38 mm x 6 mm Tk. 731.00 Tk. 730.00 Tk. 720.00 TK 720.00
M.S. aogle litled wih 150 mm long 6 nos. iron damps ol same sizo M.S. angle (wilh on€ end biturcatod)
wilh the vedical members of the f.ame, firing the frame in wall with cement concrete (1:2:4), mending
good he damages, Iixing 6 Nos. ol 100 mm long iron hinges with he vertical members of lho frame all
cohplete including making holes in walls, culling. sizing, welding, fabicallng. carrying from worl-shop lo
site and localcaniage, curing elc. all crmplole as per plan and drawing and acc€pted by the ErEinoor-in-

11.3.2 Supplying, fitling and lixing singlo loafdoorframo for allfloors made wilh 38 mm x 38 mm x 6 mm l\,1.S. Tk. 707.00 Tk. 707.00 Tk. 696.00 TK 696.00
angle, ftxing 125 mm long 6 nos. iron damps ol same size (wilh one end bafurcated) wilh the vedical
membeE of the frame, fxing the lrame in wall wilh cement mncrele {1:2:4), mending good the damages,
firing 4 nos. 100 mm size iron hirEes wih ths vedical members of lhe frams, all complste including
naking holes in walls, cuttino, sizing, w€lding, Jabncating, caniage from workshop to sile including local
crniage, curing elc. as perplan and drawing etc. allcomplete and amrpted by lhe Engineerrn-charge.

11.4 Supplying maturod 36a6onod wood and ftakinf root kuss of any size wilh wallplales as per design
indlding supplying, fabricaling and hoisting, scaffoldang, litting and fixing in posilron wili bolts, nuts,
parnting lwo coats ol coal lar elc. all comdele and accepled by lhe E0gineeFiFrharge.

lAll sizes of wood ars linished).

11.4.1 Garlan / Jan Local Salwood cum Tk. 125,547.00 Tk. 120 88S.00 Tk. 126.617.00 Tk. 126,617.00
11.4.2 Mehgonl cum Tk. 116,447.00 Tk. 116.339.00 Tk. 115.243.00 Tk. 115,243.00
11.4 3 Silkarai /Chickrash Tk. 139,197.00 Tk. 139.088.00 Tk. 137.932.00 Tk 137.992.00
115 Supplying arld making hand rail for Elalrca6. with naturrd sossonod wood including
necessary grcve cutting. moulding by CNC machine or any othsl means wi$ prcpel corner. linishing as
per design, fining and lixing in posilion in all foors elc. all complete and ac4epted by lhe Engineecin-

11.5.1 I\,4ehgon wood sta r rail Tk. 121,568.00 Tk. 121,377.00 Tk. 119,180.00 Tk. 119,1E0.00
r1.5.2 Challoglam Silkarar/ Chik6shiwood slair Gil Tk. 144,317.00 Tk. 144.126.00 Tk. 141.929.00 Tk. r41,929.00
11.5.3 Chatloqmm Teakwood slarr ra I cuTn Tk. 230,766.00 Tk. 226,024.00 rk. 237.432.00 Tk. 237A32.40
11.5.4 Myanmar(Burna) Toak wood stair rail Tk. 353,613.00 Tk. 348.872.00 rk. 355,775.00 Tk. 355.775.00
11.5.5 Jessore & other Local Teak wood stair rail Tk. 167,067.00 Tk. 166,876.00 Tk. 164,678.00 Tk. 164,678.00

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