Defining Eukaryotes To Dissect Eukaryogenesis

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Defining eukaryotes to dissect eukaryogenesis
} si3,4,5, Anna Nenarokova1, Edmund R.R. Moody1,
Philip C.J. Donoghue1,*, Chris Kay1, Anja Spang2, Gergely Szöllo
Davide Pisani1,6,*, and Tom A. Williams6,*
1Bristol Palaeobiology Group, School of Earth Sciences, Life Sciences Building, University of Bristol, Bristol BS8 1TQ, UK
2Department of Marine Microbiology and Biogeochemistry, NIOZ, Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research, Utrecht University, Den Burg
1790 AB, The Netherlands
3Department of Biological Physics, Eötvös Lorand University, H-1117 Budapest, Hungary
4MTA-ELTE ‘‘Lendü let’’ Evolutionary Genomics Research Group, H-1117 Budapest, Hungary
5Institute of Evolution, Centre for Ecological Research, H-1113 Budapest, Hungary
6Bristol Palaeobiology Group, School of Biological Sciences, Life Sciences Building, University of Bristol, Bristol BS8 1TQ, UK

*Correspondence: (P.C.J.D.), (D.P.), (T.A.W.)


The origin of eukaryotes is among the most contentious debates in evolutionary biology, attracting multiple
seemingly incompatible theories seeking to explain the sequence in which eukaryotic characteristics were
acquired. Much of the controversy arises from differing views on the defining characteristics of eukaryotes.
We argue that eukaryotes should be defined phylogenetically, and that doing so clarifies where competing
hypotheses of eukaryogenesis agree and how we may test among aspects of disagreement. Some hypoth-
eses make predictions about the phylogenetic origins of eukaryotic genes and are distinguishable on that ba-
sis. However, other hypotheses differ only in the order of key evolutionary steps, like mitochondrial endosym-
biosis and nuclear assembly, which cannot currently be distinguished phylogenetically. Stages within
eukaryogenesis may be made identifiable through the absolute dating of gene duplicates that map to eukary-
otic traits, such as in genes of host or mitochondrial origin that duplicated and diverged functionally prior to
emergence of the last eukaryotic common ancestor. In this way, it may finally be possible to distinguish heat
from light in the debate over eukaryogenesis.

Introduction and discriminating conceptual confusion from genuine disagree-

The origin of eukaryotes is among the most formative episodes in ment. We anticipate that such a framework will serve to
evolutionary history, underpinning a step change in organismal clarify the differences between hypotheses of eukaryogenesis
complexity1, facilitating the emergence of organisms as dispa- and help researchers to devise experiments to discriminate
rate as dinoflagellates and dugongs. Research into eukaryogen- among them.
esis is a glorious nexus of philosophy, theory, and empirical sci-
ence. Nevertheless, almost every aspect of eukaryogenesis is What is a eukaryote?
controversial, from its dramatis personae to the timing and Much of the debate over eukaryogenesis has been rooted in
sequence of assembly of diagnostic eukaryote characteristics. essentialist definitions of what constitutes a eukaryote — a sub-
In part, this reflects genuine disagreement, conflicting results ject on which opinions vary based on researchers’ views con-
arising from different methods, conflicting interpretations of cerning the primacy of metabolism, ecology, cytology, or phy-
similar data, or competing hypotheses that have not been, or logeny. Any biology undergraduate should be able to reel off a
cannot be, distinguished given the available data. However, list of the characteristics that distinguish eukaryotes from their
there is no doubt that a lack of conceptual clarity has contributed prokaryote kin: a cell with a nucleus, endoplasmic reticulum,
significantly to a stalemate in the debate over eukaryogenesis, Golgi apparatus, cytoskeleton, centriole-based cilium, as well
leading to research groups effectively working within mutually as membrane-bound vesicles (phagosomes and autophago-
exclusive philosophies that are based on different views of clade somes) and organelles (endosomes, lysosomes and mitochon-
relationships, sequences of character evolution, definitions of dria). These features are often used to define eukaryotes and
what it is to be a eukaryote (for example, see Fournier and Poole2 every scenario for eukaryogenesis entails their sequential evolu-
and Spang3), and even whether the overall history of life can be tionary acquisition. But at what stage during eukaryogenesis did
adequately represented by a tree4–6. Such a state of affairs is these organisms achieve the upgrade from prokaryote to
neither necessary nor conducive to elucidating this fundamental eukaryote? Was it after the acquisition of one, two, or all of these
episode in evolutionary history. Even the most conflicting hy- features, or are some of these evolutionary novelties more
potheses of eukaryogenesis (Box 1) have elements in common, important than others? Many researchers assert the primacy of
often obscured by semantic differences on what constitutes a the eponymous nucleus7, whereas some favour the actin cyto-
eukaryote. Our aim here is to outline a framework with which to skeleton8, and yet others insist that mitochondrial endosymbi-
compare competing hypotheses, exposing their commonalities osis was the key step that catalysed the subsequent evolution

Current Biology 33, R919–R929, September 11, 2023 ª 2023 Elsevier Inc. R919

Box 1. Contemporary hypotheses of eukaryogenesis.

There is a long and distinguished history of models to explain the evolutionary assembly of the eukaryotic cell. Current hypotheses
(see Box 1 figure) minimally implicate an archaeon and an a-proteobacterium, but they differ on the nature of their antecedent me-
tabolisms, the mechanism by which endosymbiosis was achieved, the sequence within which crown-eukaryote innovations were
accrued, or some combination thereof. Some hypotheses implicate additional partners, but they can all generally be classified ac-
cording to the proposed timing of mitochondrial endosymbiosis relative to the acquisition of other crown-eukaryote characteris-
tics, that is, as mitochondria-early or mitochondria-late. Most hypotheses focus on specific aspects of eukaryogenesis and are
neutral with respect to others. The hypotheses are often modular, with partially separable answers to each of the above questions,
and so it is possible that some aspects of a hypothesis will prove correct whereas others will prove to be incorrect.

Hydrogen hypothesis

" Reverse-flow model

Inside-out model

E³ model

Phagocytosing archaeon

Syntrophy hypothesis

" " " Serial endosymbiosis


Archaeal-derived ∂-protobacterial symbiont Archaeal-derived nucleus

host cell
Other bacterial symbionts Autogenous nucleus
derived host cell D-proteobacterial-derived endo/symbiont/mitochondrion
Current Biology

Hydrogen hypothesis: In this model, a symbiosis (followed by endosymbiosis) between an anaerobic, hydrogen-dependent auto-
trophic archaeon and a heterotrophic, hydrogen-generating a-proteobacterium45 precipitated the evolution of all other eukaryotic
characters. In this sense, the hydrogen hypothesis is best defined as a mitochondria-first hypothesis. The nucleus, Golgi and endo-
plasmic reticulum are interpreted to have evolved as neomorphisms from lipid vesicles generated by the a-proteobacterium, which
also gradually displaced archaeal membrane phospholipids72.

The reverse-flow model47: suggests that the archaeal host was an organoheterotrophic organism that depended on a-proteo-
bacterial partners as electron sinks. While the reverse flow model did not discuss the relative timing of nucleus evolution, the au-
thors speculated that the archaeal host possessed actin-based cellular protrusions that, as in the inside-out hypothesis (see
below), were suggested to have surrounded bacterial partners, allowing for more efficient electron transfer. Accordingly, the
reverse flow hypothesis is a mitochondria-intermediate scenario11.

The inside-out model: focuses on the process by which the free-living proto-mitochondrion was engulfed, envisaging the endo-
membrane system emerging as a vestige of membrane extensions that, over evolutionary time, develop to surround and encom-
pass proto-mitochondrial symbionts48,73. The inside-out hypothesis, like the E3 model (see below) and reverse-flow model (see
above), requires the establishment of a relatively complex cytoskeleton and endomembrane system prior to symbiosis and is
accordingly most compatible with a mitochondria-intermediate scenario.

E3 model: This hypothesis was based on observations from the first cultured asgard archeon, Candidatus Prometheoarchaeum syn-
trophicum strain MK-D132. The E3 model proposes that a syntrophic/fermentative archaeon (the future host) entered into symbiotic
(Continued on next page)

R920 Current Biology 33, R919–R929, September 11, 2023


Box 1. Continued

relationships with a sulphate-reducing bacterium (perhaps a v-proteobacterium35) and an aerobic organotrophic a-proteobacterium
(the proto-mitochondrion). The a-proteobacterium was engulfed in a process where membrane extensions representing antecedents
of the endomembrane system developed to surround and encompass the proto-mitochondrion. The symbiosis with the sulphate-
reducing bacterium was transient and subsequently lost. The E3 model implies that the cytoskeleton and endomembrane system
predate mitochondrion endosymbiosis and is therefore also consistent with a mitochondria-intermediate scenario.

The phagocytosing archaeon model (PhAT): envisages that a phagocytic heterotrophic archaeon (future host cell) captured a
free-living ancestral mitochondrion and, rather than digesting it, established an endosymbiotic relationship. This model requires
that the ancestor of the host cell must have already evolved a complex cytoskeleton and endomembrane system46. The original
PhAT scenario advocated for the origin of a nucleus prior to mitochondrial endosymbiosis, serving as a barrier against phagocy-
tosed prey DNA. However, this order of events is not a logical requirement of the hypothesis, in that mitochondrial acquisition could
have occurred at any point following the evolution of phagocytosis. Nevertheless, as originally proposed, the PhAT model is clearly
a mitochondria-late hypothesis.

The syntrophy hypothesis: proposes that an H2-producing archaeon (future nucleus) was engulfed by a sulphate-reducing v-pro-
teobacterium (future host cell), which subsequently also took up a facultatively aerobic, sulphide-oxidizing, a-proteobacterium
(future mitochondrion)35,38,74. Given that it envisages mitochondrial acquisition post-dating endogenization of an archaeon
through phagocytosis in a v-proteobacterium as well as the origin of a nucleus, the syntrophy hypothesis is very clearly a mitochon-
dria-late hypothesis.

Serial endosymbiosis model: There have been many incarnations of the serial endosymbiosis model, but the latest is evidenced
by contributions of genes from multiple bacterial sources, interpreted as vestiges of a sequence of ultimately unstable endosym-
bioses prior to mitochondrial endosymbiosis39,75. Details are lacking, but the serial endosymbioses imply early acquisition of a
complex cytoskeleton, endomembrane system, and the nucleus, and a late acquisition of a mitochondrion, making for a mitochon-
dria-late hypothesis.

These hypotheses allow for different predictions, yet they all share similarities and address different aspects of eukaryogenesis. In
their emphasis on syntrophic interactions among prokaryotes in anaerobic settings, the hydrogen, syntrophy, reverse flow, and E3
hypotheses are closely related, although they differ in the nature of the interactions among different prokaryotic lineages and the
precise timing of the mitochondrial endosymbiosis. The inside-out hypothesis is an account of how a bacterium could be endo-
genized by an archaeon without phagocytosis but is neutral on other aspects of eukaryogenesis and, as such, it could be ration-
alised with any mitochondria-intermediate scenario. In terms of the organisms involved and the nature of their initial interactions,
mitochondria-late scenarios such as PhAT are reminiscent of the Archezoa hypothesis76, substituting a complex phagocytosing
archaeon for an ancestrally amitochondriate eukaryote, but it clearly makes contrasting predictions about the phylogenetic posi-
tions of the cells involved and the timing of mitochondrial endosymbiosis (prior to LECA in PhAT versus post-LECA in the Archezoa
hypothesis). Interestingly, although the largest proportion of prokaryote-derived genes in eukaryotes appear to be of asgard
archaeal and a-proteobacterial ancestry, large fractions of genes seem to trace their ancestry to other prokaryotes. The ‘fluid chro-
mosome’ model49 proposes that eukaryote genomes received two injections of prokaryotic genes, one from the archaeal host and
the other from the bacterial endosymbiont. However, horizontal gene transfer in the ancestors of these lineages and ongoing hor-
izontal gene transfer among prokaryotes since the time of the endosymbiosis has created the apparent jumble of donor groups77.
Hypotheses invoking more than two prokaryotic partners in eukaryogenesis explain some of these genes via these additional sour-
ces, although it also seems possible that some of this signal might be the result of individual horizontal gene transfer events into
eukaryotes from various sources (for example, including phagocytosed prey bacteria46) prior to LECA, as well as limitations on the
resolution and accuracy of phylogenetic reconstruction.

of eukaryotic cellular complexity9 (Box 1 figure). Indeed, evolu- species that preserve a subset of these defining characteristics,
tionary scenarios have been classified as ‘mitochondrion-early’ perhaps reflecting now extinct lineages that branched from the
versus ‘mitochondrion-late’, based on the relative timing and main lineage leading to living eukaryotes partway through eukar-
importance assigned to the origin of mitochondria10,11. The dis- yogenesis. Are these fossils eukaryotes? Perhaps we do not
covery of Asgardacheota archaea (henceforth: asgards) intro- need to agree on a eukaryote definition simply to accommodate
duced ‘mitochondrion-intermediate’ scenarios11, and scenarios fossil classification. But how should we rationalise the discovery
that propose that mitochondrial acquisition preceded and of asgard archaea, which appear to possess a condensed and
precipitated every other step of eukaryotic evolution9 could be spatially distinct genome12 and an actin-based cytoskeleton13,14
considered ‘mitochondrion-first’. that supports cellular protrusions in cultivated representa-
However, character-based taxonomic definitions are prob- tives15? There seem to be two possibilities from the perspective
lematic, as would be laid bare by attempts to classify fossil of character-based definitions, neither of them entirely

Current Biology 33, R919–R929, September 11, 2023 R921


Box 2. Phylogenetic taxonomy.



Current Biology

Phylogenetic taxonomy was developed, in part, to control for the subjective nature of taxonomic definitions based on apomor-
phies, which change with the discovery of phylogenetic intermediates, living and extinct. Classic examples include the modifica-
tion of the diagnostic characteristics of Mammalia following the discovery of monotremes78, which possess some of the ‘primitive’
characters of reptiles (for example, egg laying) as well as the ‘advanced’ characters of mammals (such as fur). Fossil taxa inter-
mediate between traditional clades are encountered more commonly with their mosaic of primitive and derived characteristics,
such as with the discovery of feathered non-avian dinosaurs, which demonstrated that feathers are not exclusive to the living clade
of birds21, or the discovery that placoderms are jawed vertebrates that lie outside the living clade of gnathostomes79.

These cases are informative of evolutionary history since they reveal the timing and sequence of assembly of the body plan of living
clades21, but revising taxonomic concepts with the discovery of every new organism (living or extinct) impedes scientific commu-
nication. Phylogenetic taxonomy provides the solution by defining clades on the basis of their living membership, from which it is
possible to obtain all possible evidence informative of phylogenetic relationships; apomorphies are demoted to being merely diag-
nostic of clade membership. Living clades define the crown concept of a clade that encompasses not only all living members but
their last common ancestor and all of its descendants living or extinct (Box 2 figure); this is usually equivalent to the traditional
concept of a taxonomic group. All extinct species that are more closely related to the crown group than to its nearest living sister
clade are assigned to the crown clade’s stem group. The crown group and the stem group comprise the total group, which is a
useful taxonomic concept for classifying fossil taxa when their membership in the stem or crown group cannot be discriminated,
perhaps because of incomplete preservation. Assignment to the total group alone effectively represents a statement of qualified
ignorance with regard to the taxonomic affinity of a fossil organism.

Phylogenetic taxonomy has generally applied phylogenetic definitions to traditional clade concepts and so the eukaryote crown
group is composed of all living eukaryotes, their last common ancestor (LECA) and all of its descendants, living or extinct. The dis-
covery of new eukaryote species can be readily accommodated if they are descendants of LECA, but they would require modifi-
cation (after agreement among the research community) upon discovery of lineages that lie outside of this clade. The discovery of
asgard achaea that possess some but not all of the characteristics of eukaryotes (for example, an actin cytoskeleton) represented
an implicit challenge to the phylogenetic definition of Eukarya2. Were they extinct, the asgards would be classified as stem eukary-
otes. The research community appears to have accepted that the asgard archaea are non-eukaryote Archaea, but this is not the
only taxonomic possibility.

Phylogenetic definitions are no less arbitrary than apomorphy-based definitions, but they are objective; communication is aided
because there can be no equivocation over the meaning of a taxonomic concept rooted within a phylogeny, that is, except where
phylogenies differ. This raises another attractive quality of phylogenetic definitions; they are readily falsifiable and therefore scien-

satisfactory: either we should reinterpret asgards as eukaryotes2 explain their origins, or design and interpret the results of exper-
or we could remove these aspects of genome cytoskeletal iments to test those scenarios3. Conceptual confusion results
biology from our list of defining eukaryotic characteristics. And in seemingly competing hypotheses that effectively explain
what of lineages that have lost some of these defining character- different phenomena.
istics, such as mitochondria16, centrioles17 or a cilium18? Are
these no longer eukaryotes? All of this matters because unless Phylogenetic definitions and character diagnoses
researchers can agree on what constitutes a eukaryote, we Conceptual confusion arising from trait-based taxonomic defini-
can never agree on an evolutionary scenario that seeks to tions is not a new problem and it has been solved previously

R922 Current Biology 33, R919–R929, September 11, 2023


Box 3. The root of crown eukaryotes and the nature of the last eukaryotic common ancestor (LECA).

Multicellular organisms such as animals, plants, seaweeds, and some fungi are the most well-known eukaryotes, but the genetic
diversity of extant eukaryotes is largely unicellular, comprising many unfamiliar, fascinating, and poorly studied lineages (reviewed
by Burki et al.80). Phylogenomic analyses have suggested that the root of crown eukaryotes lies either: between two major clades,
Amorphea (animals, fungi, amoebozoans, and their protist relatives) and Diaphoretickes (plants, algae, and their protist relatives)81;
on a branch between Opisthokonta and all other eukaryotes82; or within the Excavates60,83,84, a group of single-celled eukaryotes
that share a common cellular architecture but that may not form a monophyletic group85–87.

Nevertheless, the uncertain position of the root within eukaryote phylogeny has not precipitated much debate over the nature of
LECA because many core cellular and genomic features of crown eukaryotes are conserved across all of the major groups. Pub-
lished analyses agree that LECA was already a fully-fledged eukaryote similar in complexity to modern protists88–91. It was capable
of meiosis and sexual reproduction92,93. Genome reconstructions suggest LECA had a large, intron-rich genome consisting of
linear chromosomes and encoding roughly as many genes (likely >10,000) as modern protists40,94, although these inferences
are sensitive to still-debated assumptions about rates of molecular sequence evolution in eukaryotes55,69,95. In terms of cell
biology, LECA possessed both a nucleus and a mitochondrion (though see Al Jewari and Baldauf84). In some anaerobic and para-
sitic lineages, mitochondria lost the ability to respire oxygen but were retained to perform other key metabolic functions, including
forms of anaerobic metabolism96 and iron-sulphur cluster biogenesis97; these modified mitochondria are called hydrogenosomes,
mitosomes, or mitochondria-related organelles98. In at least one instance, a mitochondrion has been lost entirely16. Other cell bio-
logical traits that can uncontroversially be mapped to LECA include the endomembrane system and intracellular trafficking99,100,
Golgi, and flagella69. Based on the broad distribution of the ‘excavate’ cell architecture across the eukaryotic tree87, it seems
possible that LECA was a suspension feeding organism that pumped food particles into a ventral feeding groove via the action
of posteriorly oriented flagella (reviewed in Burki et al.80).

through the introduction of phylogenetic taxonomy (Box 2), evolutionary models that better capture complex processes of
where conceptual clarity is achieved through the demotion of molecular sequence evolution28–31. This consensus has been
apomorphies (defining characteristics) to simply diagnostic further strengthened by the discovery of asgard archaea and
features of clades otherwise defined on the basis of their their recognition as the closest living archaeal relatives of Eu-
evolutionary relationships19,20. For example, the discovery of karya25, exhibiting a number of molecular3 and cell-morpholog-
feathered dinosaurs challenged conceptions of the defining ical15,32 characteristics hitherto considered exclusive to eu-
characteristics of birds and led to confusion as to what consti- karyotes.
tutes a bird versus a dinosaur21; instead, this was resolved by Defining eukaryotes following the principles of phylogenetic
defining Aves phylogenetically. In this way, clade concepts are systematics, the reference framework is the extant clade that
robust to changing views on the evolution of characters, such comprises the eukaryote crown group: the crown group is the
as can occur with the discovery of new taxa with new com- clade comprised of all living eukaryotes, their last common
binations of characters. This is an apt approach for a time ancestor (LECA) and all of its extinct descendants33,34 (see Box
when metagenomic surveys are revealing fundamentally new 2 figure). The eukaryote stem group is composed of all extinct lin-
branches of the tree of life22–25, or in attempting to classify fossils eages more closely related to crown eukaryotes than to their
that exhibit chimaeric subsets of characters seen in their living nearest living relatives; the eukaryote total group is composed
relatives. It also provides a stable framework in which to formu- of the eukaryote stem and crown groups. So far, so simple. How-
late, compare, and test scenarios of character evolution. ever, applying the stem- and total-group concepts to eukaryotes
All that is required is a phylogenetic framework in which to is unusual since, as a consequence of mitochondrial endosymbi-
apply these taxonomic concepts. This is not uncontroversial in osis prior to LECA, eukaryotes have at least two distinct stem
itself since there remains a diversity of opinion on both the posi- groups (Figure 1). One stem relates to the ancestry of the host
tion of the ‘root’ within eukaryote phylogeny (that is, the position cell35 from among the asgard archaea25 and another from the
of the last eukaryotic common ancestor — LECA) and the near- ancestry of mitochondria among a-proteobacteria36,37. Some
est living relatives of the eukaryotes (see Box 3 for a summary of hypotheses of eukaryogenesis invoke additional stems (Figure 2),
views on the nature of LECA). Furthermore, when applied to such as the syntrophy hypothesis that also envisages a v-proteo-
chimaeric lineages such as the eukaryotes, phylogenetic taxo- bacterial origin of the host cell while the archaeon evolves into the
nomic concepts need to be modified to account for the existence nucleus35,38. The serial endosymbiosis hypothesis envisages a
of multiple ancestral lineages. Most researchers accept that series of sequential (but ultimately unstable) endosymbioses
Archaea and Eukarya comprise a clade to the exclusion of Bac- with distinct bacterial partners, effectively invoking a still unde-
teria, differing only in terms of whether they recognise Archaea fined number of stems in addition to those of the host cell and
as a clade separate from Eukarya in the three-domain tree26 mitochondrion39. Indeed, a spectrum of contributions to the
or comprising a grade from which Eukarya emerges in the crown eukaryote have been invoked40,41, ranging from cells, to
two-domain tree27. The two-domain tree concept has found organelles, to individual genes, and it may seem intuitive to
increasing support over the past decade, due to better taxon extend the stem-group concept to every contribution to the
sampling and testing using increasingly sophisticated genome of LECA. However, in taxonomy, stem groups represent

Current Biology 33, R919–R929, September 11, 2023 R923

Figure 1. Phylogenetic definition of
Bacterial crown group eukaryotes.
Archaeal crown group Eukaryotes are defined in relation to a crown group
comprised of all living members, their last common
Eukaryote crown group ancestor (LECA) and all of its descendants,
living and extinct. The eukaryote stem group is
comprised of all extinct taxa more related to crown
eukaryotes than any other living group. Since eu-
karyotes are derived from a-proteobacteria and
archaea, we must recognise two FECAs and two
stem lineages that coalesced with mitochondrial
LPCA endosymbiosis. The same principle applies to the
plastid lineage, which coalesced with its host in
the archaeplastid stem lineage.

articulated in reference to this framework
and, in terms of evolutionary grade, it
Endosymbiosis is possible to recognise the organisms
that populate these stems as being of
prokaryotic grade or eukaryotic grade
(whether archaeal or bacterial derived),
or anywhere along the spectrum between
Host — FECAs — Mito
these concepts. However, although con-
cepts of evolutionary grade might have a
utility in describing ancestral eukaryotes
and their physiology44, they are not help-
Host/nucleus stem lineage ful in discussing and discriminating
Mitochondrial stem lineage alternative scenarios for the origin of eu-
Plastid stem lineage karyotes as they recall essentialist apo-
morphy-based definitions that few can
Current Biology
agree upon. In terms of classification,
they are all stem eukaryotes, related by
organismal lineages, and so it is the evolutionary merger and degree to the extant (crown) eukaryotes. Instead, our focus
accompanying loss of individuality of lineages, not only the ge- should be on trying to constrain the relative order in which eu-
netic contribution, that identifies eukaryotic stems. That is, karyotic innovations were acquired relative to the archaea-
gene transfer or larger scale gene flows provide evidence for derived FECA, the a-proteobacteria-derived FECA, the mito-
stem groups but are not themselves stem groups. This provides chondrial endosymbiosis, and the LECA.
a framework of organismal relationships within which other Within this framework, it is possible to rationalize a hierarchical
important genetic contributions to LECA can be rationalised. relationship between the principal hypotheses of eukaryogen-
esis (Figure 2). The hydrogen hypothesis45, phagocytosing ar-
Implications of a phylogenetic definition for eukaryotes chaeon46, reverse flow47, inside-out48 and E3 32 models (Box 1)
and eukaryogenesis all invoke the same two archaeal- and a-proteobacterial-derived
The consequence of bringing together concepts of endosym- stem lineages, and so are not distinguishable on the basis
biosis and crown-group classification is that for each stem group of species relationships. The syntrophy hypothesis35 is distinct
we can recognise a first eukaryotic common ancestor (FECA)42. because it also invokes an additional v-proteobacterial-derived
To be clear, FECA is the first member of a eukaryote lineage after stem lineage; the serial endosymbiosis model39 expands upon
separation from its nearest living sister lineage; it need not this to invoke multiple additional stem lineages, but does not spe-
possess any characters of the crown clade. Thus, we can recog- cifically define them (Box 1 figure).
nise an archaea-derived FECA and an a-proteobacteria-derived
FECA. Although each of the stems extend as a lineage from their Testing hypotheses of eukaryogenesis
respective FECAs to a singular LECA, it is also possible to The various models of eukaryogenesis differ in terms of the
discriminate between portions of these stems before and after relative timing of the symbiotic events invoked, the way
their merger at the point of mitochondrial endosymbiosis. those symbioses contributed to eukaryogenesis, and in some
Thus, stem eukaryotes can be distinguished as archaeal-derived cases the phylogenetic origin of particular genes in eukaryotes.
stem eukaryotes or a-proteobacterial-derived stem eukaryotes, However, only in regards to this third aspect can the predic-
and both types can be further discriminated as branching prior tions of the different models be directly tested by phyloge-
to, or following, endosymbiosis. Indeed, if one accepts that mito- netics. For example, the hydrogen hypothesis45 predicts that
chondrial endosymbiosis represents a transition in individual- genes involved in hydrogen production were inherited from
ity43, it could be considered that only one stem lineage emerges the mitochondrial endosymbiont, whereas the syntrophy hy-
from endosymbiosis. Hypotheses of eukaryogenesis can be pothesis35 predicts an additional genetic contribution from

R924 Current Biology 33, R919–R929, September 11, 2023


A Hydrogen hypothesis, E³, inside-out, phago- B Syntrophy hypothesis

cytosing archaeon and reverse-flow models


ria CA ria CA
te te
Bac Bac



Ar Ar
ch ch


a CA a CA

C Serial endosymbiosis model

Cyto/nuclear stem (from Archaea)

Misc stem (from Bacteria)

FE F Mito stem (from α-proteobacteria)
ria CA ECA
a cte Cyto stem (from ∂-proteobacteria)

CA Eukaryote crown


Current Biology

Figure 2. Rationalising the phylogenetic definition of eukaryotes with competing models of eukaryogenesis.
(A) The hydrogen hypothesis, E3, inside-out, phagocytosing-archaeon, and reverse-flow models are phylogenetically indistinguishable. (B) The syntrophy hy-
pothesis differs from those described in panel A only in that it invokes an additional stem lineage. (C) The serial endosymbiosis model is a further elaboration of the
models in panel A, invoking a series of additional endosymbiosis episodes during eukaryogenesis.

v-proteobacteria prior to LECA. In practice, testing these hy- analyses invoke a temporally extensive mitochondrial stem line-
potheses has proven difficult due to gene transfer before and af- age emerging from the a-proteobacteria-derived FECA and an
ter eukaryogenesis, which complicates the identification of even longer stem arising from the archaea-derived FECA52,53.
donor lineages in single-gene trees49,50. Constraining the absolute timing of mitochondrial endosymbi-
However, much of the current debate is focussed on the osis is problematic since this node, which many evolutionary
sequence of acquisition of eukaryotic characters, where the scenarios envisage to be the key cytological and metabolic event
challenge is to devise means of discriminating among time or- in eukaryogenesis, is not identifiable in molecular phylogenies.
ders so as to render them testable in terms other than perceived This is because the first mitochondriate eukaryote has left only
plausibility. Although it remains formally possible that the a-pro- one living descendent lineage (Figure 1); if it had two descendent
teobacteria- and archaea-derived eukaryotic stems united lineages, their last common ancestor would be represented by a
through endosymbiosis quickly following a-FECA, it is more node in molecular phylogenies. This is the central difficulty with
likely that early members of this stem-mitochondrial lineage ex- testing eukaryogenesis scenarios: all of the key characters
isted as free-living microbes of a-proteobacterial grade, prior to evolved somewhere along one of the eukaryotic stems and we
endosymbiosis51. However, these considerations have no rele- currently lack an approach for resolving their order of acquisition.
vance to whether the origin of eukaryotes is better represented Genomic and, more recently, cultivation-based analyses of
by a mitochondria-first9, mitochondria-early45, or a mitochon- asgard archaea have provided vital new data for the
dria-late scenario39. These terms refer to the relative timing of eukaryogenesis debate. In particular, the genomic and cellular
acquisition of eukaryotic characters, rather than to the absolute complexity of sampled asgards now renders mitochondria-first
time that elapsed between the emergence of the a-proteobacte- scenarios unlikely15,32 given accumulating phylogenomic evi-
ria-derived eukaryotic stem lineage and the time of mitochon- dence for the placement of the archaeal derived stem within
drial endosymbiosis. Yet, knowledge of the absolute age of the asgard clade30,54. Instead, it seems that some key features
key events in eukaryotic evolution is important because it could of eukaryotes, such as an actin-based cytoskeleton, were likely
be used to constrain the timing of acquisition of eukaryote nov- in place prior to mitochondrial endosymbiosis, suggesting mito-
elties relative to mitochondrial endosymbiosis. Molecular-clock chondria-intermediate scenarios. However, this encompasses

Current Biology 33, R919–R929, September 11, 2023 R925


the great majority of possible sequences of character evolution, divergences, it is possible to date gene duplications with some
raising the question of whether comparative-genomic ap- precision61,62. Thus, where duplicated genes differ in function
proaches might be able to differentiate between the alterna- or subcellular localization, the inferred age of the duplication
tives based on the data at hand. This has been attempted by event can be used to establish at least a maximum age of func-
comparing the stem lengths of genes that contributed to the tional or subcellular differentiation. For example, multiple gene
eukaryotic genome with different sister groups among modern families associated with the endomembrane system underwent
Archaea and Bacteria39,40. The logic of the approach is that dif- duplication within the archaeal derived eukaryote stem line-
ferences in stem lengths associated with different prokaryotic age63,64. These include BAR-domain and ESCRT-III proteins
sister groups might reflect gene acquisition from distinct pro- for membrane deformation65, dynamins for scission66, adaptins
karyotic clades more or less closely related to eukaryotes on for trafficking67, SNARE proteins for membrane fusion, along
the tree of life; all else being equal, longer stems were inter- with other proteins necessary for their function68. However, care-
preted as evidence for earlier acquisition events. Eukaryotic ful interpretation is required because functional change associ-
genes of archaeal origin had longer stem lengths, which these ated with duplications might alter evolutionary rates and compli-
authors interpreted as consistent with either a mitochondria-in- cate clock analyses69, but also because it is often difficult to
termediate40 or mitochondria-late39 scenario in which some, relate single gene families to organism-level characters. For
and perhaps much, of the eukaryotic cell complexity was ac- example, SNARE-protein duplicates might be involved in sexual
quired prior to mitochondrial endosymbiosis. This approach is reproduction, autophagy70, or moonlight in other processes
promising but has limitations55–57. Stem lengths are measured such as mitosis71.
by degree of genetic change and so estimating the relative Beyond constraining the timing of endosymbiosis, it should
ages of ancestral nodes requires assumptions about changes also be possible to dissect the development of the mitochondrial
in the rate of molecular evolution over time55. Further, the endosymbiont into a primarily metabolic organelle through
stem length of a gene is measured from the common ancestor dating the massive expansion of gene families like the mitochon-
with its closest extant bacterial or archaeal relative, not neces- drial carrier family, ATP synthase, and the oxidative phosphory-
sarily the donor lineage that contributed these genes to the lation complexes. Testing among hypotheses will require
eukaryote stem; closer relatives may be unsampled or methods that can account for evolutionary-rate changes during
extinct55,56,58. Despite these potentially confounding factors, eukaryogenesis but also, crucially, an unambiguous framework
stem-length analyses can provide some information about the indicating which nodes on gene and species trees bear on spe-
relative ages of common ancestors39. Within Fungi, stem cific hypotheses (Figure 1). As we have outlined, phylogenetic
lengths of Ascomycota genes were shorter for genes shared taxonomy can provide this framework.
with Basidiomycota than for genes shared only with more
distantly related eukaryotes, reflecting the more recent com- Conclusions
mon ancestry of Ascomycota and Basidiomycota59. However, Current debate about the origin of eukaryotes derives from
there is no node within gene or species trees that corresponds several sources. First, there is conflict among hypotheses that
to mitochondrial endosymbiosis. As such, stem lengths cannot make contrasting predictions about the events and processes
be used to estimate whether genes were acquired before or af- of eukaryogenesis. For example, was a v-proteobacterial partner
ter that event. Longer stems for eukaryotic genes of archaeal involved at the start of eukaryogenesis? Next, there is debate
origin compared to genes of bacterial origin59 are consistent about how to interpret the available evidence and which hypoth-
with a scenario in which the eukaryotic nuclear lineage eses remain within the space of possibilities given what is
diverged from its (extant, sampled) archaeal relatives earlier currently known. For example, do diverse prokaryotic sister
than the mitochondrial lineage diverged from (extant, sampled) groups of eukaryotic genes provide evidence for many genetic
a-proteobacteria. However, the relative divergence times of the contributions along the eukaryotic stems? Finally, we argue,
eukaryotic stems from their closest prokaryotic relatives do not these questions are obscured by conceptual confusion about
directly distinguish mitochondria-early versus mitochondria- what constitutes a eukaryote and, therefore, the evolutionary
late, because these hypotheses concern the relative order in events we are seeking to explain. Here we have outlined how
which eukaryotic traits evolved; gene and lineage divergence phylogenetic taxonomy can provide a framework within which
times provide a maximum age for key eukaryotic features, hypotheses can be compared with each other and that reveals
but the traits in question might have evolved at any point along which aspects can be tested phylogenetically. Within this frame-
the stem right up until LECA. work, it is clear that key aspects of contemporary hypotheses of
More recent analyses have instead focused on genes that eukaryogenesis are phylogenetically indistinguishable, differing
have inter-FECA–LECA nodes because they underwent duplica- principally in terms of the evolutionary narratives woven to bridge
tion along the archaeal derived or mitochondrial stem lineage. phylogenetic gaps. As such, the relative timing of eukaryogenic
With knowledge of their function, they have the potential to events cannot be inferred directly from nodes in gene or species
inform on the timing of origin of eukaryotic traits40,60. Although trees, leaving hypotheses about the relative timing of events
existing studies have focussed on stem length, it is possible to effectively untestable by any measure other than plausibility.
estimate the absolute age of these gene duplications using mo- Better methods for determining the prokaryotic donor lineages
lecular-clock methodology. Molecular clocks are usually em- of important eukaryotic genes and further exploration of extant
ployed to date species’ phylogenies but they can also be used asgard and proteobacterial diversity will help to refine the possi-
to date gene trees, which contain nodes reflecting both species bility space of hypotheses. Meanwhile nodes in gene and spe-
divergences and gene duplications. Calibrated on species cies trees that can be linked to shifts in function prior to LECA,

R926 Current Biology 33, R919–R929, September 11, 2023


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Current Biology 33, R919–R929, September 11, 2023 R929

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