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The unknown

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Not Rated

Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Category: M/M
Fandom: One Piece (Anime & Manga)
Relationship: Eustass Kid/Trafalgar D. Water Law
Character: Eustass Kid, Trafalgar D. Water Law, Nami (One Piece), Drake (One
Piece), Sabo (One Piece), Franky (One Piece), Nico Robin, Smoker
(One Piece), Tashigi (One Piece), Nefertari Vivi, Dellinger (One Piece),
Boa Hancock, Jewelry Bonney, Scratchmen Apoo, Dracule Mihawk,
Conis (One Piece), Roronoa Zoro, Vinsmoke Sanji, Usopp (One Piece)
Additional Tags: Crimes & Criminals, Alternate Universe, Top Eustass Kid, Bottom
Trafalgar D. Water Law, they hate each other, Idiots in Love, Romance,
Serial Killer, they are cops
Language: English
Stats: Published: 2023-07-03 Completed: 2023-09-26 Words: 47,685
Chapters: 20/20

The unknown
by Da3ky


Kid and Law are crime cops. They investigate the most complicated murders. The two hate
each other, but unfortunately they are partners. Things get complicated when a serial killer
shows up. The two must put their differences behind them, but will they succeed? Time is
pressing them, so who will be the next victim?


Well, the first chapter is sort of an introduction. ~

See the end of the work for more notes

Chapter 1

Kid is a tall, pale, muscular man. 25 years old. You can't go wrong with him because of his fiery
red hair.

Law is a man with a caramel skin. 27 years old. His upper body is covered with tattoos, his ears
pierced with several earrings.

Both are criminal cops. Amazing specialists. That's why they're responsible for the most
complicated cases.

Law had already been in police department for a half of year when Kidd appeared. They had
moved him from another department. Law always thought of himself as tall until saw Kid. He was
at least a head above him.

The two hadn't heard things and their opinion of each other was neutral.

At their first meeting, they needed a few seconds to hold each other's throats. Some colleagues had
to separate them.

Both are smart, proud, stubborn and talked whatever they wanted without caring. They are
constantly nagging and competing. When see each other, the scandal is guaranteed. If things get
rough, their colleagues have to break them up.

Luckily the two worked separately, but today everything would change.

Their boss, Smoker, wanted to talk with them.

"Sit down, boys."

They both sat away from each other.

"What's going on?" Kid asked.

He was annoyed that had to be in Law's company.

"Since you two are working individually, I decided to make you a team."

They jumped out of the chairs and together shouted:

"That can't happen!

Smoker knew there would be a problem, but he wouldn't back.

"The decision is final!"

"Why?" Law was looking for an explanation

"Because you are both amazing professionals and you will be even more effective when you work

They knew that the conversation was over and looked at each other in disgust.

Then both got up and collided at the door.

"Move, idiot!" Kid continued to speak annoyed.

"Don't tell me what to do, you fucker!"

Law didn't owe him.

The two began to push over who should come out first. Smoker just rubbed his temples and sighed.
It would be a difficult mission to get them to work together.

The nightmare for Kid and Law was just beginning!

The only good thing is that they knows the other people from the department in which they will be.

As they walked to their common office, they only repeated the words, "I hate you!"


The woman ran through the dark streets of the city. Someone was chasing her. There was no one
who could ask for help. As she ran, realized that she was at a dead end, he had just turned and saw
a figure.

"No, please, I have money. I'll give it to you. I won't tell anyone about you."

She was already shaking. The figure just smiled and grabbed her.


The next morning started agonizingly. Law walked into his new office, sipping his coffee.

Kid was reading some reports, raised his head and immediately frowned.

"Great, my day is already ruined."

"Eustass, the feeling is mutual!"

"Shut up, Trafalgar, I don't want to listen to you. Especially early in the morning."

Law just gave him the middle finger and sat down at his desk.

The day passes slowly. Since they had no job, they were both in the office. They were dealing with

Kid had a habit of tapping on the desk with his fingers.

"Eustass, stop tapping. I can't concentrate."

When he had free time, Law liked to read medical's books.

"Find another place to read, nerd!"

Law looked at him with a murderous look and got up from the chair. A minute later, Kid felt
something running down on his head. The bastard had poured a glass of water on him.
Kid got up and grabbed him by the shirt.

"What are you doing, bastard?"

Most of the time they sat on the open door. Kid was shouting, which didn't go unnoticed. The two
were an attraction.

"Come on, hit me, you idiot!"

Of the two, Kidd had a more short temper. And Law was doing more than perfect to piss him off.
He always looks with this stupid smirk. Kid quickly solved problems with his fists. Just to reach
him and felt someone stop him.

It was Nami. A colleague, who was the pathologist of the department.

"Kid, Law, stop! Both attract attention and will be punished in the end."

They both looked at her and just clicked their tongues.

Nami felt like a nanny at times. They were both irreparable.

But there were always things going on in her head about them.


The day has somehow passed. Kid decided to have a beer with his friend Killer.

"So, how was your day?"

Kid just sighed.

"Disgusting. I could barely stand Trafalgar. I don't know how I didn't twist his neck!"

"Maybe things will get better in time?"

"There's no chance. This is the most proud, stubborn and annoying person I know!"

"And you're not different much from him."

"Don't compare me to that idiot!"

Killer laughed and changed the subject.

"What's going on with your boyfriend?

Kid's last relationship was disaster.

"We broke up. He said that I paid more attention to the work and that I easily get angry. At times
he was even afraid of me."

"And you didn't do anything to keep him?"

"No, we always fought. We're not on the same wave."

Kid had no luck in relationships. His longest relationship was only 3 months.

At times, he always wondered what was wrong with him. Maybe he was aggressive, more than
normal? He was trying not to dig deeper and just fuck someone to release the tension.

The two of them continued to talk about different things.

At the same time, Law returned to his apartment. It was small, but for one person it was perfect.
There was a kitchen, a living room, a bathroom and a bedroom. He didn't spend much time there

The last relationship ended with Law in the ER. His boyfriend beat him violently because he
thought he was cheating on him. Of course, he wasn't that kind of guy. If he was with one person
he only had eyes for him. But in this case there was no point in explaining. After thay If he needed
to relax, he found a one night stand.

He tried to sleep for a few hours, but had a nightmare again.

if he dreamed something it was always the same nightmare.

He and his sister were kidnapped. They were locked in the old factory near the city. Their parents
were prominent doctors. The idea was money in exchange for the freedom of their two children.
Law was 9 years old and Lamy was only 5 years old.

Room was small and dark. They could barely get any air.

"Nii-chan, I'm scared."

Law went to his sister and hugged her.

"Relax, Lamy. It's gonna be okay. Mom and dad will find us. I'm gonna to protect you."

Law was scared too, but he didn't want to show that to his sister. He had to be strong. For
everyone's sake.

A tall man came in. Law stood in front of Lamy to protect her. The man pushed Law and he fell to
the ground. He picked up Lamy and left the room. Law got up and started banging on the door. He
was yelling.

"Lamy, Lamy!"

His hands were in blood from the blows. Finally he fell to the ground and began to cry. He had lost
track of the time. After a while the door opened. When he saw how they threw her body, his eyes
widened. Before he went to her, the same man caught him.

"It's your turn!"

They took him to another room. He could only feel the blows he was getting. He didn't know why
this was happening to them. At some point he fainted and had been returned to the room. When he
woke up, everything hurt. He wondered how his little body had suffered this beating.


Law began to turn around, but he couldn't see his sister. While he was collapsed they took her

At some point, the man again entered and threw the already lifeless body. Law panicked and threw
himself at his sister. He tried to wake her up, but without success.

"Lamy, please wake up! Everything will be fine!"

Law kept calling her, but she didn't move. Only then did she notice what had happened. She was
beaten, but what he saw infuriated him. Her clothes were torn. She was raped. What normal
person would rape a child!

"What have you done? She is a kid! I'll kill you!"

Law clenched his fists and threw himself at the man who slapped him, and Law fell to one side.

"The same thing will happen to you!"

The man closed the door and Law went to his sister again.

"Lamy, come on, get up!"

His brain still didn't realize she wasn't breathing anymore. The room was getting smaller and the
air was not enough. He was breathing heavier. Law lost sight of reality. He was curled up in a
corner next to his sister's dead body.

Maybe a day or two had passed when

rhe door opened and he heard muffled screams.

"Law, Law, hold on."

The last thing he saw were cops, his mother and father.

He went to psychotherapy for a long time. All he could see was his sister's dead and used body.
Since then, he has developed panic attacks.


The alarm went off and Law woke up drenched in sweat. He was breathing heavily, and he needed
time to calm down. He reached into his bedside table and pulled out a cigarette. He smoked when
he was nervous.

It was time to go to work. Make some coffee and go out. Today would have been a painful day.

Kid had a slight hangover from yesterday. He was drink a little too much. Killer had led him to his

The thought of having to watch Trafalgar's stupid face drove him crazy. He went to work, he was
going to have breakfast there.


Kid was having breakfast at his desk, and when saw Law coming in, he was startled.

"Trafalgar, you scared me. You look awful. Did you drink too much last night or did you get

Kid began to nag.

"You better go and throw yourself out the window. I can't stand you."

Law was undersleep and the presence of this redhead dumbass didn't help him. He sat down and
started sipping his coffee.

There was a knock at the door and Tashigi, Smoker's assistant, entered timidly.
"Um, I'm sorry, but the boss is calling you."

As they walked to his office, the two kept pushing each other. From the outside, they looked like
kids fighting over ice cream.

"Sit down."

The two of them met their eyes within seconds and sat down. Smoker was serious. He had files. He
handed them to the both.

"We have a case!"

Chapter 2

Both read the reports.

A woman. 22 years old. Multiple wounds on the body, raped. She was killed in a particularly cruel

"Let's go to Nami. The body is there."

Law looked at him and headed to the door. He had certain doubts, but first he wanted to see the
body. Kid followed him.

Nami was sitting at her desk describing what she saw on the victim.

"Hi Nami." Law waved and headed to the body.

Nami turned and saw them.

"Tell me more." Kid had his arms cross as he looked at the victim.

"A young woman, multiple cut wounds. She was brutally raped."

"Some substances. Drugs?"

"Yes, we found specific substance in the blood."

"Translate?" Kid wanted things said in a simple way. He didn't like complicated things.

"This substance can be used as a form of anesthesia. You can't control your body. Overdose can
cause disorientation, hallucinations, memory loss and another things."

"Well, what's the exact cause of death? And what do you think are the consistent actions?"

Kid was always able to ask the right questions. He liked to have a clear picture of what had

During this time, Law continued to examine the body, but listened to what they were saying. He
always looked at the smallest detail.

"For start, she was hit on the head to stun her. I can't tell if she was beaten or raped first. The knife
wounds are deep, but have not affected important organs. The final blow was the throat cut."

Law hadn't seen so many wounds on anyone in a while. Light bruises to deep wounds with a knife.
Whoever did it was a monster. A sick brain.

He was almost done with the inspection until something caught his eye.

Behind the right ear was a strange incision in the shape of a small arrow.

"Look what I found."

Kidd and Nami bent down and noticed the sign.

"It doesn't make sense. This didn't respond to the other injuries." Kid began tapping on the table. A
nasty habit when he's nervous.
Law just looked at him, but he didn't answer anything.

"Okay, I think we're done. Thanks Nami, if there's anything, I'll see you." Law waved again and

Shortly after him came Kid.

When he returned to the office, Law was sitting at the window smoking.

"Trafalgar fucking Law, don't smoke here!"

Kid's annoyance was back again.

"Shut up! I'll do whatever I want!"

The sun was slowly setting and beautiful reddish glows had formed.

Slowly people began to leave. Law, still thoughtful, went to grab his things. Kid did the same
thing, and before he left, he heard Law say to him:

"I hope I'm wrong, but this person won't end here."

Kid looked at Law and said:

"He won't get away." and left.


The next morning they met in the hallway. They looked at each other with disgust and no one said

Later they would go to the victim's apartment. There was nothing on the street where she was

But first they went to training.

Once a week they had one. Shooting weapons, hand-to-hand combat, quick reaction exercises in
certain situations.

Kid was good at hand-to-hand combat, while Law's strength was in the shooting.

Kid's sparring partner was Zoro. The two were not close friends, rather acquaintances, who
sometimes shared things.

Law liked to practice shooting with Usop. He always gave him some helpful advice.

The two have always trained on different days, but since they are partners, they had to be in the
same day. Fortunately, they were in different rooms.

"I'm exhausted!" Kid lay down on the ground, panting.

"I liked it today. You managed to block some of my most dangerous shots." Zoro laughed.

"Don't doubt it!" Kid stood up.

They shook hands and went to take a shower.

When he came in, he could only say:
"Oh, fuck..." didn't realize he said it out loud.

Law was there undressing.

Kid had seen his tattoos. He knew there was, but not on that much.

"Eustass, what have you stared at? You look like a shot rabbit!"

Law looked at him with those smirks that drove him crazy.

"Fool! I hope you drown in the shower!"

Kid didn't owe him.

The showers were separated.

Kid also undressed. The cold shower came to him perfectly. His body relaxed. When Kid came
out, Law was gone. Great. He dressed and left.

Today he had agreed to have dinner with friends.

"Hi, I'm sorry I'm late." Kid sat down.

They started having dinner.

"Kid, what's going on at work?" Heat asked him as he eat.

"Nothing new, we have a case, but we're just getting started."

"You can handle it."

Kid nodded and continued to eat. They sat up late at night. He deliberately didn't want to drink,
because tomorrow afternoon he and Law would be going to the victim's apartment. Maybe they'd
find something.


The morning went relatively calmly. Everyone was absorbed in their own thoughts and future
moves. Kid had taken the victim's address from Franky.

He was the department's computer specialist. Robin helped him. The two were married.

Law wanted to check something, but Smoker met him on the way.

"Law, will you come for a second?"

Law nodded and went after him.

"What's going on?"

"How's the case going?" Smoker was slightly worried.

"We are still at the beginning. At this point, I can't say much, except that this is a brutal murder."

"Okay. You get along with Kid, don't you?"

"We haven't killed each other yet."

"Law, I'm serious. Put aside your differences!"

"All right, all right. Don't get mad. Am I free?"


"All right, bye."

At the time, Kid was by the place they eat to get some food. Before he sat down at the table, he
saw something and just rolled his eyes. He couldn't help but shout.

"Please go somewhere else! You'll ruin my lunch if I look at you a little longer!"

In the corner were Zoro and Sanji. They were kissing.

Sanji was the chef and everyone adored his food. He even managed to curl up a man like Law to
lick his fingers.

The both obviously had a tease. They stopped kissing. Sanji was embarrassed, and Zoro just
glanced at Kidd. He knew a redhead couldn't hold his mouth shut. Got Sanji and they came out.
Kidd only grinned and began to eat.


Nami was in seventh heaven. Today came her new assistant.

He went to introduce him to everyone. Finally, he reached Kid and Law's office. She went in
without knocking. The two were about to go to the victim's apartment.


The two looked at her a little incredulously.

"I want to introduce you to my new assistant."

Nami urged the man to enter and continued:

"This is Drake. He recently graduated."

Drake came in and gave a hand to one, then to the other. Nami kept talking.

"This is Kid and Law. The best in complicated cases. They hate each other."

Drake laughed slightly, and Kid screamed:

"Are you normal? What was that introduce?"

Nami grinned.

"Don't worry, Drake, you'll get used to it. If you hear about murders in the department, they must
have killed each other."

"I hope I don't see such things. I'm glad we met. I'm going to look forward to working together."

"And I hope." Law was always colder with the newbies.

"Let's go, there are more people I want to introduce to you."

When they came out, Kid muttered:

"Crazy woman!"

The both came out.

Law was driving the car. They were silent on the way. Only the music was heard. Or what they
could hear from her. They were constantly changing stations because the songs were not liked by
one or the other.

They went into the apartment. Kid stood by the door and said to Law:

"Trafalgar, I'll go look for neighbors."


Law put on gloves and began to look. At first glance, nothing impressed him. Everything was
alright. The woman had a lot of pictures from racing. He was obviously involved in sports. He
found a piece of paper that said the address of a bar. They would later visit him.

Kid saw a girl climb the stairs and spoke to her:

"Hi, I'm cop. Can I ask you a few questions?"

Kid showed his badge.

The girl grinned and replied:

"Of course, mister cop. With pleasure."

Kidd sighed. She was obviously flirting.

"It's about Vivi. Did you know each other?"

"I found out what happened. Poor Vivi. Yeah, we knew each other. She was a normal girl who
went to work, played sports, go out with friends."

Kid continued with the questions:

"Did she happen to have problems with an ex-boyfriend? Or someone was chasing her."

"No, he hasn't had a boyfriend recently. Cheating. They broke up."

"When was the last time you saw her?"

"We haven't seen each other in a while."

Kid didn't record. He remembered.

"By the way, what's your name?"

"Bonnie." she gave a hand, Kidd squeezed it, but felt that she would not let him go.

"Thanks, thats it."

Kidd turned and left, but Bonnie said to him:

"Mister cop, if you need anything, I'm here."

Kid was annoyed by such flirting. Without turning, he answering:

"I'm not into women. Good luck."

With that, he shut her mouth.

Law was already in the car waiting. Kid came in and left.

"Was there anything in the apartment?"

"No, but I was able to find a paper with the address of a bar. With you?"

"I found a some flirting woman. Said the victim was normal. She recently broke up with her
boyfriend. I didn't understand anything else."

After a while, Law began to laugh.

"What's so funny Trafalgar?" Kid began to get angry.

"I can only imagine how ridiculous you looked when she flirted with you! I had to be there!"

"Unfortunate, if you didn't drive the car, I'd have beaten you by now!"

"Just try, Eustass. Don't fuck with me!"

The rest of the way passed in silence.


"Well, Drake, do you like it here?"

Nami was in his office questioning him.

"Yes, everyone is friendly... Almost everyone."

"You'll get used to their moods. Be more careful with Kid and Law. That's advice."

"Why, won't they kill me?"

Drake was a little worried, but Nami calmed him down.

"Of course not, they're just interesting characters."

Drake smiled.

"Okay. Are you currently working on something? I want to get into the job."

Nami thought for a second.

"Yes, we have a brutal murder from the last day. A young woman."

"To whom is the case entrusted?"

"Kidd and Law. But they haven't gotten far."

Drake shook his head.

"Is the victim's body still here?"

"Yeah, you want to see it?"

"I would like."

"No problem. I'll explain a few things to you."

Drake liked Nami. She was friendly.

Chapter 3

Kid was shopping after work. As he chose what to cook for dinner, his mood was instantly spoiled
when he saw his damn partner in the distance. It was a punishment to be with him all day, why did
he have to see him after work. He turned around, picked up the first thing he saw, and headed to
pay. He wanted to get out as soon as possible.

Law wanted to get something in a hurry. He also got a pack of cigarettes. He's been smoking a lot

When he left, he felt the cold breeze that hit him in the face. He lit a cigarette and left. On the way,
he thought about the case. This wasn't ordinary murder. That sign behind the ear. What did it
mean? The outline didn't look like something that had been done inadvertently. What cruelty.


Franky, Robin, Sabo, Nami and Drake drank their morning coffee together.

After a while, Kid and Law appeared, who as always collided at the door and began to push each

"Move Eustass! it's too early to deal with you! I haven't had my coffee yet." Law was in a
particularly frowning mood.

"Don't give me orders, Trafalgar!" Kidd started yelling at him as he sat down with his coffee.

Drake went to Nami and whispered:

"Do they always fight like that?"

Nami took a bite out of her cookie and replied:

"Generally yes. Well, there's some flashes when they're not fighting. Like I said, they're interesting

"Drake, we didn't see you much yesterday. Tell us more about yourself." Robin had her leg crossed
and was waiting for their new colleague to introduce himself.

"Sure. I recently graduated from college. It's always been my dream to do that."

"I think you must be crazy your dream is to be a pathologist." Kidd was, as always, frank and

"Are you saying I'm crazy?" Nami jumped slightly, ready for a scandal.

"Woman, hallelujah. You guess quickly. I'll give you a medal!" Kidd saw half of a eaten cookie fly
towards him and move away presciently before hitting him.

Everyone started laughing. Only Law sat on the sidelines. At these meetings, it was always noisy.

Robin continued to talk in a calm tone.

"Don't worry. You'll get used to it."

Drake smiled. He was sure he would fit into the team.

When the passions calmed down, Nami patted him and said to him:

"I introduced a lot of people to you yesterday and you probably didn't remember them all. But
here's our team. Franky and Robin are with the computers, Sabo is the general police officer who
helps while we need help, Kid and Law are investigating, and you and I are clarifying the cause of

"If you need lessons for training, Zoro and Usop are always there to help ." Franky also joined the

"Thank you all. I hope to work well together."


"Eustass, let's go to that bar."

"Don't rush me Trafalgar!" Kid was yelling at him.

"I'll leave you if you don't move your ass within a minute, you idiot!"

"Be careful what you speak, fucking bastard!"

Kid got up and headed to the elevator. Law walked up the stairs. Kid always thought his partner
wasn't getting in the elevator to avoid being with him, but lately he'd noticed that he didn't
normally use it. Weird guy.

Kid was first in front of the car.

"And what happened at the end? I'm waiting for you, Trafalgar!"

"Shut up!" Law lit a cigarette and got in the car. Kid was driving today.

"Hey, get rid of that cigarette. Don't poison me either!"

All he got was a middle finger in his face and that stupid smirk. He wanted to strangle him.

They walked into the bar and waited for someone to come.

"Sorry, but it's closed right now."

Law showed his badge.

"We're from police. Can we talk to the people who were on duty a few days back?"

Kid also showed off his badge. The woman nodded and went somewhere. After a while, he came
back with two men.

"Those days I was a waitress and they two bartenders."

The two men nodded. Law started talking. He take a picture out of your jeans pocket.

"Do you know this woman?"

It was Vivi's photo.

The three of them watched, the woman and one bartender shook their heads negatively, but the
second bartender looked at it for a long time.

"Yes, I know her. Not personally. But a few days ago he was here with friends."

Kid asked him:

"How many people were and did she leave alone?"

"Maybe it was a company of 4-5 people. They stayed up late and she left alone."

"Was she drunk or drugged?" Law joined with this question.

"I wouldn't say. She drink a maximum two glasses of cocktail."

The woman timidly asked:

"Sorry, but what did she do? We're not going to be in trouble, are we?"

Kid was direct.

"She was murdered." he said as if it were normal.

Everyone looked scared. Then Law added:

"Thanks, that was it. If we have any more questions, we will contact you again."

He left, and Kid followed him.

"She was killed after she left the bar." Kid was sure of it.

"Yes." Law agreed.


Law was at his desk reviewing the last notes he'd written.

Drake passed, saw the door open and stared at Law. He felt hand on his shoulder. It was Nami. She
looked and saw Law.

"Aww, Law is a beauty." Nami was joking with him and Drake blushed.

"Nami! He just seems very focused and caught my eye." Drake tried to justify himself.

"Yeah, that's what you're gonna say."

"If he's pretty, why don't you try with him?"

"Ooh, I would, but unfortunately Law doesn't like women." Nami winked at him.

"Ooh, okay."

"What about you?"

"Gender doesn't matter to me. But I can't deny that Law is attractive."

Drake felt what he had said, and Nami only smiled broadly.
"Let me just say he's free."

She patted him again and headed for their office.

Kid came in, holding folders in his hand. Law began to think out loud.

"This substance doesn't fit. At the bar they said she hardly drank. I didn't see drugs or anything like
that in her apartment either."

Kid left the files, sat down, and put his feet on his desk.

"Maybe the killer drugged her? I don't think she's going to do that on her own. This is a specific
substance. There are more common drugs."

"Yeah, but why did he drug her? Nami said she was hit on the head first just to stun her."

When they wanted to, their brains could work in incredible synchronization.

At some point they went to lunch. Law wanted to be alone.

"Hello. Can I sit down?" Drake timidly approached Law, who was eating.

Law just nodded. Drake tried to strike up a conversation.

"How's the case going?"

"We're pretty much nowhere." Law wasn't in the mood for conversations.

At the other table, Kid and Nami were eating too.

"Newbie is trying to seduce Trafalgar?" Kid ate a steak and could barely hold back his laughter.

"Maybe he admitted he was interested in him."

Nami finished her sandwich.

"Oh my god, this is going to be hilarious to watch!" Kid was already laughing out loud.


At the evening, Kid and Law returned to the bar. They wanted to ask a few more questions. As he
searched for the bartender, Kid noticed a familiar face. It was Bonnie. The neighbor. It was on a
man's lap. He grabbed Law by the shoulder and he turned around.

"This is the neighbor. Will anyone know who the man is with her?"

"We'll ask."

"Gentlemen, hello. Would you like something to drink?" The bartender who had recognized Vivi in
the photo greeted them.

They both finished work anyway. A beer wouldn't hurt.

"Two beers." Kid was waiting for the bartender to come back to ask him a question.

"Thank you." They both said.

"Do you have any more questions?"

Apparently, this bartender knew the customers. In fact, the questions they had probably wouldn't
work for them, but Kid was intrigued by the neighbor.

"The girl with the pink hair. Do you know the man next to her?"

Kid pointed at them and the bartender looked. Law drank his beer.

"Yeah, that's actually Vivi's boyfriend. Ex- boyfriend. I've seen them together before."

"Interesting. Thank you. I have no more questions."

"Gentlemen, have a good drink."

They both nodded.

"Do you suspect her?"

Kidd took a sip of the beer and replied:

"When I asked her, she didn't mention that she is with her boyfriend. It didn't stop her from flirting
with me. Is it a murder out of jealousy?"

"In principle, it is possible."

They continued to drink without talking. Kid started looking around for a quick fuck.

He wanted to relax a little. Unfortunately, no one caught his eye. Law drank his beer and got up.

"Bye." and left.

Kidd didn't answer.


The next day, Law was talking to Nami.

"Nami, where can we get this specific substance that found in the victims?"

"Maybe from a veterinary clinic."


"How far have you come?"

"Eustass thinks it could be murder out of jealousy. There are doubts about her neighbor and the ex-
boyfriend of the victim. Yesterday we saw them making out at the bar."

"It makes sense."

"I'll go. See you later."

Kid sat down at his desk when Law started talking to him.
"Eustass, I don't find any logic."

"What do you mean Trafalgar?"

"Suppose it was murder out of jealousy. The substance, especially the cruel way, the specific sign?
If you were in that situation, would you kill her like that?"

Kid thought about it. Indeed, this murder was more than cruel.

"You're right. And Bonnie doesn't seem very intelligent. Rape doesn't fit up much."

Kid sighed. They went back to the beginning. Law stared at the ceiling. While they were lost in
thought, Franky appeared at the door.

"Guys, today is friday and we decided to go out to dinner. I don't take "no" for an answer."

"Okay. I need some relaxation."

Kidd got up and held out his hands. Tomorrow was saturday, finally a day off, and he would allow
himself to drink too much alcohol.

Law wanted to refuse, but they wouldn't let him.


It was time for them to leave. Lauw had taken the notes in his bag. The weekend he was going to
look at a few things.

"Come on, I'm starving." Nami was almost running to the restaurant.

Drake, Franky, Sabo and Law walked side by side, Robin and Kid a little ahead of them.

"Kid can i help with something?" Robin, as always, spoke in a calm voice.

"At this point no. We couldn't find the phone anywhere. Neither at the crime scene, nor in her
apartment. You can check her laptop."

"Do you go to the same place?" Drake asked, waiting for someone to answer.

"Yes, the food is delicious. Alcohol is also of high quality." Sabo began to explain to him.

"Today is friday and maybe we'll drink more than necessary." Franky laughed as he said those

Law just smiled.

"And that's how we bring the collective together," Sabo looked at Kid and Law and added,

They settled down. On one side were Franky, Robin and Sabo, and on the other Kid, Nami, Law
and Drake was sitting next to him. They ate and have different conversations. Kid and Law at
every opportunity were picking fights and Nami tamed them. She looked like a babysitter.

It was getting late and everyone was having different drinks. Robin and Nami drank cocktails. The
rest of the beers. Law decided he needed something stronger and went to get a whiskey.

Kid had already drank a good amount. His brain blurred and he began to look around. He had this
habit when he drank too much. Nothing caught his eye, as always. He had just decided that he
would not be lucky today, and he saw something that caught his eye.

Skinny jeans, tight ass. A tight-fitting t-shirt on the body. Kid was already grinning. Maybe the
night wouldn't be so boring. He kept looking at the man. Tattoos, earrings... Wait a minute!

Only then does Kidd's drunken brain register that he is looking at his partner! He wanted to slap
himself. He quickly got rid of his thoughts and went to the toilet. He stood over the sink and
poured water over his face. He hoped it would refresh him.

Not so long after that, the door opened and Kid looked in the mirror. He saw the man he wanted to
see least in his life. Trafalgar fucking Law.

He was drunk too. He stood next to the sink and began washing his t-shirt with water.

"What the hell are you doing here Trafalgar?"

Law looked at him dizzy, but decided to answer.

"What does look like Eustass? Nami decided to pour her fucking cocktail on me!"

Kid clicked his tongue, but continued to look at him. The wet shirt clung to his body so his muscles
were showing. He could see faint traces of the tattoos.

Then his drunken brain won. He pulled his partner into one of the toilets and locked the door.
Law's reactions were much slower than usual.

Kid pressed him to the door and kissed him. Passionately. His hands were on either side of his
head. Kid radiated lust. He needed to relax after the long and tiring week, even though he would be
with the person he hated the most. But he wasn't thinking. He will blame the alcohol after this. Law
responded with the same passion. A battle for domination began, which Kid won in the end. They
were never interested in each other's personal lives. Kid began to lower his hands and grabbed Law
by the waist on either side of him. The jeans were already tightening him and he got even closer to
Law. Kid felt that Law was not in a different state either. Among the kisses, he smiled.

Law interrupted the kiss. He make some space and start going down. Kid liked what awaited him.
For a long time no one was sucking off him. The smirk didn't come off Law's face. He took out his
cock and grabbed him with his hands. He had to admit that he hadn't seen that bigger and thicker
cock. He don't think he'd can take it all.

Kid's hands rested on the door again. He felt Law's tongue run to the length of his cock. Law
moved his mouth with slow movements from top to bottom. He put it in his mouth. Kid couldn't
control himself and grabbed his head with his hands. He started moving his hips forward, and Law
nearly choked. Saliva flowed from the corner of his mouth, and Kid was sure he was about to cum
at any moment. Law started to take it again, but couldn't get any further than middle.

Kid didn't want to cum like that. He wanted to fuck him. He pulled him to get back on his feet,
turned him toward the door, and approached him. He took his jeans and boxers down to his ankles
and used Law's saliva, as there was no lube at the moment. With one movement, he put it in. He
almost didn't leave time to Law to get used and started moving. His partner tensed and Kid felt how
tight he is. That excited him even more.

Law had contact with people with big cock, but Kid was a monster. And could see that by his
"Trafalgar, are you having a hard time taking me?" Kid spoke to him as he pulled out his cock and
then go inside with strong movements.

"Fuck you Eustass!"

"That's what I'm doing Trafalgar!"

Kid continued to fuck him until he felt he was about to cum soon. Law held his mouth with his
hands so he wouldn't scream.

After a while, Kid cum inside. He caught Law by cock and started jerk him off. Law also cum.

It took them a while to come to their senses. As he put the jeans on, Law said to him:

"That didn't happen, Eustass. Do you understand?"

"I'm not an idiot! It's because of alcohol. Otherwise I would never look at you like this!"

"It's mutual."

Law came out of the toilet and went to their table. Shortly after him, Kid appeared.

"Ahhh guys, where have you gone? We started to get worried. We thought you were at each other's
throats!" Nami was in a very amused state. The others just laughed.

"Shut up Nami." Law sat down visibly annoyed.

For the rest of the evening, Kidd and Law didn't look at each other.
Chapter 4

Law woke up from his fucking phone. Who the hell had thought to call him on a Saturday morning
and after he'd been drinking the night before. He managed to reach his phone without seeing who
was calling.

"Hello?!" Law was ready to give the fuck off.

"Law, I'm sorry, but… there's a new victim." it was Sabo.

"What? I'm coming right now!" Law jumped out of bed and hung up.

Sabo had called everyone. When Law arrived, everyone was there.

Kidd stared at him from the bottom to top. Law looked at him with a frowning look, and only then
did he realize that he was actually walking along the tracksuit and the t-shirt he quickly managed
to put on yesterday after he got home. His hair was messy.

"Trafalgar, after we left, did you keep drinking?" Kid was picking on.

"I was going to ask you the same thing, Eustass!"

In fact, Kidd didn't look any better. He was in shorts and a t-shirt.

"If I had known I had to see you so soon, I'd get dead drunk!" Law was in bad mood.

Kid got angry, got up from the chair he was sitting on and walked to Law, but Nami stopped him.

"Guys, it's not the time to fight! We have confirmation that the victim has the same mark as the
other. The murders are connected."

"All right, Trafalgar and I will go to the victim's place. You wait for the body and then leave us the
reports." Kid gave quick orders and headed on the exit. Law followed him.


They both went to the scene of the murder. It happened in the victim's apartment. The body has
already been moved. Now they wanted to look.

"There are no signs of break-in." Kid noted this fact.

"Which means the victim opened either to a person who known or someone he was expecting."
Law finished Kid's thought.

Law again noticed pictures of races.

"What are you looking at?" Kid noticed that Law was looking at something.

"I noticed that the last victim had such pictures. Is the killer picking out athletes?"

"We'll mark it as an opportunity."

Law saw a phone. Maybe it was the victim's. He put it in an bag and leave it on the table. Later he
would take it.
As they looked around, they heard a noise. They looked at each other and put their hands near to
their pistols ready to use them.

They saw a blond man.

"Dellinger, oh my god!" the blond man was screaming.

"Don't move!" Kid had already pulled out his gun and pointed it at the man.

"Who are you?" the man froze.

"I think we should ask the questions." Law answered him and stood next to Kid.

"We're from the police and it's a crime scene. You don't have the right to come in here." Kid added
that without lowering his gun.

"What is your name and what is your relationship with the victim?" Kid began to ask questions.

"My name is Bellamy and Dellinger was a very close friend."

"Close?" Kid asked. Law had to admit that Kid's mind was quick and he could ask the right
question at the right time.

"Okay, we've had an intimate relationship for a while, but we were hiding because of his parents.
They didn't approve that their son liked men."

"Did he have enemies? Basically or because of his orientation?" Kid kept asking.

"He didn't tell me anything like that. You'll find the killer, won't you?"

"That's what we're trying. I'll ask you to leave. And if you can leave any contact, if by chance we
have questions." Law joined the conversation.

Bellamy handed Law a business card, which he looked at vaguely. He was a worker at a nearby
veterinary clinic.

"Last thing. Do you know this woman?" Kid pulled out a picture of the other victim. Bellamy
looks long and answers.

"I'm pretty sure it's his classmate from sports school. Dellinger has shown me pictures of them
being together in competitions. They were on the running team."

The two of them just looked at each other and nodded. When they were alone, Law began to speak.

"Obviously, the victims know each other. We have to dig deeper."

"Yes. Let's go."

They went to the office.


They arrived at the office and started reading the reports from Nami and Drake.

A man of 22 years. Brutally beaten, raped, slit throat and the same scar above the right ear - a
small dart.
"Identical to the previous victim. He obviously doesn't care if he's a man or a woman. He raped
them without blinking an eye."

Kid spoke while looking at pictures.

"Why do you think he's a man?" Law asked him that question.

Only then did Kid look at Law.

"Trafalgar, how do you imagine a woman raping them with toys or other objects? It's obviously
from a man."

"Did Nami and Drake find any semen in victims?"

"No, apparently the psychopath isn't that stupid." Kid continued to answer.

Law sighed and closed the folder.

"Law, did you find the victim's phone?" Franky was at the door, and Drake was standing next to

"Yes." only then did Law realize that he had prepared the phone in the envelope, but Bellamy's
appearance distracted him and forgot to take it.

"Fuck, I forgot it in the apartment!"

Kid didn't miss picking on him.

"Great Trafalgar, you're so stupid!"

"Shut up, Eustass. We'll go in a moment and get the phone. And an additional inspection will not

Kid just rolled his eyes. As much as he didn't want to spend time with him, the opposite happened.


"Trafalgar, can't we hurry?"

"Don't bother me! He was here at the table!" Law was looking for the phone.

"You're totally nerdy!"

Law wondered if he wanted to find the phone or strangle his partner.


Law was silent.


"What Eustass, what? Can't you shut up for a while?" Law was already nervous from his partner.


Law shut up for a moment. What was he supposed to hear?

"Don't you hear?" Kid was froze.

Then Law sharpened his attention and listened.

Tic-tac. Tic-tac.

Bomb. There was a bomb in the fucking apartment.

"RUN!" the two looked at each other and said with one voice.

They didn't have time to get out of the apartment. The bomb was going to explode at any moment.

Law thought of standing under the table, but he felt Kid grab his arm and push him into the closet.
According to Kid's calculations, the bomb was farthest from there.

Law fell to the one side, and Kid closed the door. The room was small.

Within a few seconds there was an explosion.

Law turned on his stomach, closed his eyes, and put his hands on his ears. Kid did the same.

Dust began to fall from the ceiling.

Kid realized that the bomb wasn't strong enough to wipe them off the face of the earth. They would
have gotten away with it.

After the tremors stopped, Kid got up and walked to the door. He grabbed the handle and went to
open, but failed.

"Shit, something's pinned the door. I can't open it!" Kid started kicking on the door, but there was
no success.

"Someone will give a signal. It couldn't have been heard." Kid was nervous.

To speed things up, he went to call Sabo. He started looking for his phone everywhere, but couldn't
find it. Only then did he realize that they were left in the car.

"Great, now we have to wait who knows how much!"

As he looked to see if the door could succumb from somewhere, he listened to Law's breathing. It
was heavy.

He turned to see him. Law was sitting, but why did he look so strange? There were no visible

"Trafalgar, did you get so scared you forgot to talk?" Kid grinned.



Kid went to Law. He couldn't hear very well. His ears were silent from the explosion.


IHe stood over Law and noticed he was looking at one point and breathing heavily. At first he
thought if he was joking, but quickly got rid of the thought.
"Hey, are you okay?" Kid's smile slowly disappeared.

"I... need... air..."

"What's wrong with you?"

Law began to tremble. Whatever technique he used to calm himself down, it was useless.

"Panic attack... I have bad memories and I can't stay in tight and closed spaces!" Law tried to

If they had come out immediately, he might have been able to overcome the crisis, but the fact that
they were closed and there was no way out did not help him.

Kid tied things up. So that's why his partner avoided elevators. They responded to tight and closed

Kid hated him, but he certainly didn't want to die.

"What do I do?"

"Air..." Law couldn't understand what Kid was asking, instead he was only repeating that.

Okay, Kid realized he needed air. He did the first thing he thought of.

He pushed Law, who lay on his back, straddled and sat on him. He bent down, touched his mouths
to his, and began to give him CPR.

Oxygen reached Law's brain and briefly emerged from the trance into which he began to fall. He
started blinking and then he saw the overhanging redhead over him. Kid was ready for another
respiration when he heard someone screaming.

"Is there anybody?"

Kid stood up and walked to the door while Law was still lying down.

"We're here!" Kid was shouting.

After a while, the door opened and Kid instinctively caught Law to take him out as quickly as

Law sat down between the debris and tried to calm his breathing.

Kid looked around. The apartment was destroyed. Even if there was anything that could work for
them, it didn't matter anymore.

"Shit!" Kid started kicking everything in his path.

Law kept trying to calm down.

"Trafalgar, are you back to the living?" Kid started making fun of again, although internally he was
slightly worried.

"CPR? Seriously Eustass? Is that what you managed to come up with? I hope it doesn't become a
habit." Law looked at him still panting.
Law stand up and take a few steps. When Kid noticed that Law had refreshed enough to walk, he
turned and walked through the debris toward the exit.

They had changed and Kid was driving the car.

"Don't tell anyone." at some point, Law turned his head to Kid.

"For what?" Kid didn't take his eyes off the road.

"Panic attacks. Nobody knows."

"How long have you had them?"

"9 years old."

Kid looked at him in surprise for a moment, but didn't continue the conversation. After all, he
didn't want to interfere in his personal life.

"Okay. I won't say."

The rest of the way passed in silence.


"Guys, are you okay? We found out what had happened!" Robin questioned them visibly worried.

"We're fine." They both answered.

Nami went to ask them something, but Robin stopped her.

"Don't, let them rest a little."

They walked into the office, Kid sat down at his desk, and Law went to the window and lit a

"Things are getting more and more messy." Kid sighed.

"Eustass, I remember very well."

"What do you remember?"

"The phone. I'm sure where I left it."

Later Kid had already left when Law heard a slight knock on the door. He turned around and saw

"Can I come in?"


"I know it sounds trivial, but how are you?"

"I've been better, but I'll be fine. It's part of the job. We all know the risks."

Law was still at the window, and Drake slowly approached him. At one point, he put his hand on
his shoulder.
"If you need anything, you can count on me."

Drake smiled at him slightly. He leaned over to him and tried to kiss him. Law was surprised for a
second, but quickly realized himself and moved away.

"I... I'm sorry." Drake was visibly worried.

"No problem." Law knew Drake was young and perhaps inexperienced.

"Take a break. Good night, Law." Drake looked embarrassed. Why did he think it was a good idea
to directly kiss him. Drake had to try hard if he wanted to impress him.

"Good night." Law lit a cigarette and stood a little longer.

Chapter 5

The new week has begun.

Kid was in the office when Law came in with a cup of coffee, apparently still sleepy.

"I'm going to go to the bar tomorrow. I want to end the thesis of the first murder." Kid abstracted
from the recent situations with Law and he directly went to work.

"What's your idea?" Law sat in the chair.

"The neighbor Bonnie obviously often goes to this bar. Forget to mention the fact that she's making
out with the victim's ex-boyfriend."

"Okay." Law took a sip of his coffee.


Kid was going to lunch and saw Drake sitting alone at the table. He was thoughtful.

"Newbie, what have you thought of. Are you in love?" Kid sat next to him.

"Kid, you scared me. And no, I'm not in love." Drake knew Kid was very direct and he didn't care
what he said.

"How's Law?" Drake wanted to know more about his crush.

"Why do you care if he's okay?" Kid lifted his head from his meal.

"Well, I'm asking because of what happened in the apartment."

"If you want to kill him, you can't. He's like a cockroach." Kid laughed and continued, "Wait, do
you like him?"

"I can't deny that he's attractive. Do you know if he has a boyfriend?" Drake blushed.

"You know we don't like each other. I don't know anything about his personal and intimate life. In
most cases, I want to strangle him. So I can't help you."

"I'll tell you something. I tried to kiss him yesterday."

Kidd nearly choked and didn't continue d the conversation.

After eating, Kid decided to go to Zoro. They hadn't seen each other for a week.

"The lover boy, hi." Kid went to him.

Zoro had finished his training. He shakes hands with Kid.

"Hi, what's going on?"

"We are at a dead end." Kid sat next to him.

"How are things with Law?"

"Like every day. We can barely stand each other."

"The two of you are very interesting together." Zoro started laughing.

They continued to talk. Kid noticed that it was almost dark outside. It was time to go. Tomorrow
would be a busy day.

He went to get his backpack, but he noticed he wasn't alone. Law was asleep in the chair, the
reports lying on his feet.

Kid stared for a moment. In his mind came the sex between them. As much as he didn't want to
admit it, it was the best sex he'd ever had. He quickly got rid of his thoughts. He grabbed a book
and hit it on the desk.

Law jumped and barely fell from the chair.

"Trafalgar, get up. This is not a place to sleep."

"Eustass, you could have saved me from being the last person I see today."

Kid didn't say anything to him and left. He couldn't wait to get some sleep.


The next day.

"Eustass, we have to go to the school where the victims studied. They obviously knew each other."

"All right, then we'll go to the bar. They don't work that early anyway."

Law took the car keys and walked to the door. Kid did the same thing and they collided.

"Move, you idiot!" Kid started talking in a loud voice, and everyone started watching them.

"Stop eating so much. Soon you won't be able to walk through the door yourself!" Law began to
pick on him in his style.

"Do you call me fat Trafalgar!" Kid was ready to fight.

"I didn't know you could think. Great Eustass!"

"Fuck you!"

Law waved his middle finger in his face.

Robin looked at them and just buried his face in his hands. After the scandal they had, it was time
to get to work.


They arrived in front of high school. The students weren't on vacation yet.

They wanted to find the principle, but the school was quite large. Law decided to go to a group of
girls to ask them.

"Excuse me ladies, where's the principal's office?" Law tried to be polite.

The girls stared at him with widened eyes. Law sat back and turned to Kid, who could hardly resist

"Girls, why didn't you answer to this gentleman?" Kid went to Law and joined the conversation.

Law knew very well that these teenagers were interested in other things.

"Excuse me, but are you single?" one of the girls asked Kid.

Kid looked at her and grinned. A little fun wouldn't hurt. He approached Law, grabbed him over
the shoulder and pulled him close to him.

"Unfortunately, no. That's my husband!" Kid smiling.

Law stared at him with open mouth and hit him behind the neck.

"Eustass, are you crazy? What are you talking about?" Law had pulled him aside.

"It is located on the third floor. You go left from the stairs. The last door on the right." the
disappointed girl replied.

"Thank you, miss. Come on, baby, let's go." Kid kept smiling.

"Why the hell are you talking like that?" Law asked him as they walked away from the group of
horny girls.

"I love watching them get hooked at people who don't like women."

"You're ireparable." Law only rolled his eyes.

The two of them were waiting in front of the office.

"Mr. Mihawk is waiting for you."

They came in and sat.

"Hello gentlemen."

"Let's go straight to the questions." Kid didn't like wasting his time. He pulled out and showed
pictures of the victims.

"Do you remember these students? They must have graduated two years ago."

Law only watched and followed the director's reactions. When Mihawk saw them, his eyes
widened, but he quickly hid his reaction.

"Yes, I know them. But unfortunately I can't remember their names."

"Vivi and Dellinger." Law added.

"Yeah, that's right."

"What were they? Acquaintances, friends?" Kid was interested in these things.

"At one time they were in the same company. Normal teenagers. School, parties."

"They were on competitions. Were they the only ones involved, or were there others?"
"There was definitely another girl with them. I don't remember her name either."

"Okay, we'll hope when you remember to tell us. It might be important to us."

"Do you have a class album?" Law joined the conversation, which he listened very carefully.

"Yeah, I'll say to bring it."

"Thank you."

"Principle, we don't have any other questions for now." Kid shook his hand with him. Law did the

Conis walked into the room and handed the album to Law. They both left.

"Are the recordings in a safe place?" Mihawk said that to Conis when he was sure the two had left.

"No one has access to them. Don't worry, mr. Michawk."

Mihawk relaxed in the chair visibly worried.

As they walked toward the car, Law asked Kidd a question.

"Why were you questioning him about racing?" as he waited for an answer, he lit a cigarette.

"I don't want to be a bad prophet, but if there's another victim, I have a feeling that might be the girl
who competed with the others."

"It makes sense. They were all on the same running team."

"Let's go to the bar. It's already evening."

Only then did Law notice that the day had passed.

Law parked the car in front of the bar.

"I'm going to call Sabo and tell him we're not going back to the office. I'll be right back."

Kid nodded. When he came in, he looked around. Jackpot. It's show time.

He started walking up to the bar.

"Hi Bonnie, hello ex-boyfriend to Vivi." Kidd was looking at them with a grin and Bonnie was

"What are you doing here?" Bonnie was surprised.

"I was looking for you."

The man tried to get up, but Kid grabbed him by the shoulder and made him sit again.

"Is that what you killed Vivi for?" Kid continued to speak.

"What? "We didn't kill anyone!" Bonnie was worried.

Kidd looked at one, then the other.

"What about you, mr...?"


"You don't have shame." Kid turned back to Bonnie.

"It's not what you think."

"What am I thinking? Maybe that you're fucking with her ex-boyfriend?"

"Don't talk like that. Someone can hear us..." Bonnie blushed.

"I don't care. Why do I think Vivi caught you together? You've had a fight, and maybe... Should I
continue, or are you going to tell me?" Kid had quickly interrupted her.

Bonnie started to get nervous. He saw that Appo was restless and decided to talk.

"Okay, Apoo cheated to her with me. Vivi came to me and we had a fight and said she'd tell
everyone what Appo was doing, and that could have cost him his job. But we didn't kill anyone,
right?" Bonnie turned to Appo.


"So why are you getting nervous? Maybe it's good to continue the conversation in department."
Kid watched with tremendous disbelief.

The tension at Apoo escalated and pulled out a knife that pointed at Kid.

Of course, he managed to avoid it, grabbed his hand and forced him to drop the knife. He hit him
in the face once and he fell to the ground.

People around them began to look at them. At that time, Law was coming in and noticed the
commotion. It didn't take him long to notice that his partner was the cause.

Appo managed to take the knife and tried to hit Kid again. He just avoided it and felt a dull pain in
his head. For a moment he didn't know what was going on. Apoo managed to cut him on the arm.
After a while, he felt blood flow from one side of his forehead.

Law saw what was happening and ran through the crowd. Bonnie was holding an empty bottle that
she had blown in Kid's head.

Kid lost his balance and when falling to the ground, he hit his head on the edge of the chair.

There was already panic in the bar and people were running in different directions.

Bonnie and Apoo managed to escape. Law went to Kidd.

"Eustass, are you okay?"

"Yes, follow them."

"They ran away. Let's get out of here."

Kid's eyesight was blurred, he was dizzy, and when he got up he almost fell again. Law held him at
least until they got to the car.
"Eustass, we're going to the ER."

"I'm not going anywhere. I'm fine."

"That crazy bitch hit you with a bottle. By your reactions, you must have a concussion."

"Shut up, Trafalgar. I'm fine!"

"How many fingers do you see?" Law gave him the middle finger.

Kidd looked at him and frowned.

"I'm going to strangle you idiot. You've already started showing me two middle fingers."

"Yeah, obviously you have a concussion. You see double. Come on, I can't deal with you all night.
We're going to the ER."

"Fuck you!"

Kid walked down the street, drifting around. He wanted to go home, but at the moment it was not
very clear to him how this would happen. His head hurt and everything was spinning.

Law just sighed. He knew that if he drove him to the ER, his partner would make a spectacular
scandal. Instead, he pulled and pushed him to sit in the front seat. Put his seat belt on and then he
got on to the driver seat.

"What are you doing?" Kid's mind became even more clouded.

"Shut up. One more word and I'll throw you from the car!"

Kid closed his eyes. The pain did not pass, it even became stronger. He had lost track of how much
time had passed. All he could do was register that the car had stopped. The door opened.

"Get up."

His head hurt so much that he didn't even have the strength to pick up a fight with Law.

Law held him. They were climbing stairs. Then he sat down on something soft. He saw it was a
bed. Where the hell have he's been?

Law went somewhere and came back with his first aid kit.

"Trafalgar are you one of those rapists who take advantage of their helpless victims?"

"Yes, Eustass. My dream is to rape you! Idiot! Don't move!"

Law took out several types of medicine to clean the wounds on the head. In addition to the blow
from the bottle, the idiot had hit himself when he fell.

"Where am I?" Kid narrowed his eyes slightly as the medicine touched his skin.

"Since you're too stubborn to go to the ER, I brought you to my apartment."


"I've asked you a few times where you live, but all I got was to fuck myself."
"I don't know if you'll make it alone, but I can help you!"

Yeah, Kid didn't know what he was talking.

"Shut your mouth! I'm already sorry I brought you. I should have left you on the street." Law
kicked him on the leg.

"Why didn't you leave me?"

"Take it as a return of favor. About the apartment case."

Law processed the wounds. He also bandaged the hand that had been cut by the knife.

Kid began to feel sleepy. How he wanted to get a little sleep.

"How do you know so much about medicine?"

"My parents were doctors."

"And their abnormal son decided to become a policeman." Kid joked in his own style. Law pushed
him to lie down.

"Hey, don't be so rude!" Kidd kept whining.

"Go to bed, Eustass!"

Kid didn't say anything, apparently he had given him some painkiller, and before long he fell
asleep. Law quickly took off his t-shirt, threw a blanket on him and went to the living room.

He lay down on the couch and put his hands behind his head. He began to think about what had
happened. There no sense in everything. What kind of psychopath did they deal with?
Chapter 6

Kid woke up. His head was still aching, but the situation was better than yesterday.

He managed to remember that he was in Law's apartment. But he couldn't see him anywhere, he
saw that the other side of the bed was empty, which meant he had slept alone. He got up, dressed
and left the room. He went to the living room and saw Law sleeping on the couch. He was only on
boxers, and the blanket he had covered in was almost on the ground. Kid bit his lips. If anyone
looked at him from the sidelines, they'd think he wanted to devour Law.

He wanted to go home and take a bath, but before he left, he heard some unrelated words. He went
to Law and saw that he was dreaming something.

"Oi Trafalgar. Wake up!"

Law was just gritting his eyes. He began to sweat. Kid decided to speak louder.

"GET UP!" he started pushing him on the shoulder.

"NO!" Law opened his eyes and managed to shout only that.

Kid was startled and backed away.

"Eustass?" Law was breathing heavily, and it took him a few seconds to come to his senses.

"You're really scaring me, Trafalgar!"

Law wasn't in the mood to answer him.

"How are you?" Law decided to ask him that.

"My head hurts, but I'm fine."

"Do you want some breakfast?"

Why did Law offer him this? In principle, he couldn't stand him, right?

"Yes, i'm very hungry."

Law knew that Kid never refused food. He got up and didn't consider it necessary to put on any
clothes. While was making some sandwiches, Kid looked at the living room. He saw a picture of
two adults with two children. The one child was obviously Law. That face couldn't go wrong.

"Who are the people in the picture?"

Law raised his head and said "My family."

"Why is only this picture?"

"Because this is the last picture we're all together." Law hated it when Kid asked the right

Kid looked away from the picture and looked in surprise. Law decided to get ahead of the event.

"Before you asked me, my sister was murdered. A few years later, my parents died in a fire. Of
both cases, only I survived."

Kid kept watching as shot and Law wondered why he shared this personal information with him.

"Wait, the two cases?" Kid became even more confused.

"Yes, I and my sister was kidnapped for ransom. They killed her before my eyes, and I don't know
how long I've been sitting in that damn suffocating room with her dead body!"

Law had already stopped making sandwiches and was looking at one point. His eyes were going to
tear up at any moment.

Kid had a few things cleared up. That's what panic attacks were all about. He did something he'd
wonder about for a long time.

Law felt that his head was leaning on something. He felt that Kid hug him. They stayed like that
for a while. For a moment, Law felt that he was not alone. He closed his eyes and returned the hug.
Kid knew he had done the right thing.

"I'm sorry, I didn't have to say these things. Here, your sandwich is ready." Law moved away and
went to make coffee.

The rest of the morning was silent.

Kid went to his apartment. He took a bath and changed his clothes. He noticed the way the wounds
were bandaged. Apparently Law knew a few things from his parents.


Law was already at his desk. He was fixing some things.

Kid came in and just nodded at him. By noon, the two had not exchanged a word.

Drake and Franky were at Kid's and Law's office. They were talking about some things.

The day was slowly passing. Kid had ordered Sabo to look for where Bonnie and Apoo had
hidden. Although they didn't really fit into the role of murderers, they were hiding from something.

It was getting late, Kid had already left, and Law was by the toilet.

When he returned, ready to leave, he heard a noise from the office.

"What are you doing here?"

It was Drake. He was startled when saw Law.

"I'm sorry. I wanted to leave you a present. I know maybe it doesn't matter, but these days you
seem very stressed. I wanted to make a small gesture." Drake put something in Law's hand.

"Thank you, but you didn't have to." Law looked into his hand and saw a small bottle of beer. He
smile and put it in the locker. If he needed to, he'd drink it.

"I... I didn't want to make you feel awkward." Drake scratched his hair.

"No problem, everyone always need a beer." Law hoped Drake didn't like him because he didn't
know how he would get out of the situation.
Nami had called Drake to go because they were living in the same direction.

After them, Law locked the door and left.


The next day, Law decided to make coffee at the department. It was quiet and he enjoyed the
moment. Then he went to the office and saw that Kid was looking at something on the computer.

Law sat down and opened the album.

On the front page was the principle. He found out that even then it was Mihawk.

"The principle behaved strangely for a moment when he saw the pictures. It was like he was
scared." Law thought out loud.

"Okay, we'll mark it somewhere and do some research." Kid had raised his head and looked at

There were different sections on the album. Olympiads, competitions and more.

It came to the inscription "Sports - running section". He turn the page.

"Eustass, come quickly."

"Don't give me orders Trafalgar!" but Kid got up and walked up to him.

There were three photos on the page - Vivi, Dellinger and another girl.

"Look up to the right." Law directed his attention.

Kid noticed the team's logo and his eyes widened.

"The mark we found on the bodies! Damn, this girl is the next victim."

Law dialed the phone, and Franky came in a minute.

"Franky, this picture. Check what the girl's name is and give some contact with her!"

"We're on it." and he came out.

As they waited, they continued to explore. They noticed pictures of the whole class.

"Eustass, take a look. There's no picture here."

"It was removed soon. Look, the color below the picture hasn't faded. If it had been removed long
ago, the color would have been different."

"Who the hell could have removed her?" Law wondered.

"The principle? Still, he had the album." Kid suggested.

Law thought about it. It made sense, the principle was clearly hiding something.

After 5 minutes, Franky came with a piece of paper.

Boa Hancock. There was also a phone number.

Kid pulled out his phone and went to dial the number, but during this time Sabo came in running.
"Guys, new murder!"

"Boa?" they both asked with one voice.

"How did you know?" Sabo wondered how they knew.

"Shit, that bastard is making fun of us!" Kid kicked the trash can.

"Trafalgar, call Nami! We're going straight to the place. Call and tell no one to touch anything! I'm
waiting for you downstairs!" Kid took the car keys.

Kid drove the car because they were in a hurry.

"Kid, slow down. We're going to crash somewhere!" Nami was clinging to the seat.

The murder was at the victim's workplace.

When Law and Nami arrived, they went and waited for Kid outside the elevator. Law would go up
the stairs, but she didn't want to leave Nami alone.

Crowds of people came in and out of the elevator. It was hear that there was a murder and panic
had occurred.

Kid was coming into the distance. Just before Law moved away, he felt the crowd pushing them
toward the elevator. Kid eyes widened as he saw what was happening and hurried. He had to get
into the fucking elevator.

Nami ended up at one end and Law at the other. They were pushed to the back and no one heard
them protesting.

Law was starting to suffocate. He looked like a lost child. Kid managed to get in before the door
closed. Somehow he managed to get to Law. His eyes began to turn out the same as the last time
they were in the closet of the second victim. On the next floor, they couldn't get down because the
crowds didn't stop. Kid had to think fast. Then his brain clicked. Distraction. Maybe it would have
worked well for Law.

Dizzy Law felt lips on his. When he focused, he saw Kid kissing him. It wasn't as passionate as last
time in the restaurant. That kiss was slow, like Kid wanted to enjoy every single part of his mouth.

At the other end, Nami looked with his mouth open. Her eyes would fall out. She saw something
that couldn't see in life.

The world for Law is gone. It was like there was no one but Kid. He felt Kid's tongue slide into his
mouth. Shit, why did he kiss so well?

Kid had cornered him and held his hands. He wanted to help him get distracted, but why did he
enjoy that kiss? Maybe he should have go to therapy.

"Boys, I'm glad you love each other, but this isn't the place for these things!" a very indignant old
hag whispered softly to them.

Kid just looked at her without interrupting the kiss and smirk. How dare that old hag tell him what
to do.

After a while, the crowd thinned and reached their floor. Kid interrupted the kiss and pulled Law,
who took a deep breath.
Then Kid noticed Nami, who was still with open mouth.

"What?" Kidd acted like nothing had happened.

"I had to ask that? What's wrong with you two?" Nami was confused.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Kid continued to pretend to be distracted.

"I'm not blind yet!"

"You're imagining Nami! Nothing happened." Law supported Kid.

"Are you calling me crazy?"

"Yes!" they both replied emphatically.


The body lay on her stomach. They didn't need a thorough examination to see her condition.
Everything was there like the previous cases. The little sign too.

"Motherfucker. Without worry, he even raped her. He's making fun of us!" Kid was walking back
and forth and just swearing.

Law took Boa's bag. He quickly saw that the phone was still inside. He took the bag with him.

Nami just confirmed the things.

Kid had gone to ask for security camera recordings that he was going to give to Franky and Robin.
He also questioned a few people who didn't say anything important.

Before they left, Law noticed a piece of label. He went and took it. He didn't remember where had
seen this?

By the time they finished, it was almost time to leave.

Nami and Drake were dealing with the body. They were trying to find something that might be
useful to them.

Kid was with Franky and Robin, who were downloading the data from the cameras.

"Kid, the files are big." Robin explained to him as he pressed different things on the computer.

Kid just waved at them and wished them good night. Law was at his desk when Kid walked in. He
took a backpack and just said goodbye.

"Thanks for today. It really helped me." Law was looking into his report because he didn't want to
look Kid in the eyes.

Kid knew what he meant. He just smiled and left.


Law had almost finished the report. It was too late, but he wanted to look at the phone quickly. He
just got up and saw Drake at the door with a can of beer.

"Isn't it too late to sit here Drake?"

Nami and I just finished work. She asked me to wait for her, and in the meantime I think I'll have a

"It's been a tough day for you, too."

"Yes." Drake was insecure, but he continued, "Can I keep you company for a while? If you don't
want to, it's okay, I'll leave."

"No, no problem. Work can wait a bit."

"You want a beer?"

Law remembered that he had bought it a drink the other day.

"I haven't had the one you gave me yet." he reached out and pulled her out of the locker.

"I need a little relaxation too."

They talked a little. Drake heard Nami calling him.

"Do you want to leave together?" Drake had dared to ask him.

"You go, it'll take me a while to get my stuff."

"All right, good night." Drake was a little sad that he wouldn't be able to talk to Law a little more.

"Good night."

After he was alone, Law felt sleepy. He was pretty tired.

Chapter 7

Law woke up from a camera click. He opened his eyes and saw his grinning partner holding his
phone pointed at him.

"What the hell?"

"This is hilarious! If only you could see your face!" Kid kept laughing.

Law was confused. Did he sleep here?

"Trafalgar, I told you this isn't a place to sleep!" Kid sat down in the chair.

"Eustass, you may think I'm crazy, but I don't remember falling asleep. Drake was here too, and we
talked. Nami also was here."

"If you've had sex at my desk with that newbie, I'll strangle you right now!" Kid said that to him in
disgust. He didn't even want me to think about it.

"Shut up idiot. I didn't do anything! Don't bother me with your twisted imagination."

Kid said nothing more. He went out and went to Franky and Robin. They had to look at the

During this time, Law saw the phone on his desk. Yeah, he wanted to check it out yesterday. He
unlocked it and started looking at everything.

Photos, conversations, chats.

Nothing, nothing, and again nothing. There were no weird calls or chats. The pictures were
perfectly normal. He swears in his mind.

Kid came back in the same disgusting mood.

"There's nothing on the cameras!"

"There's nothing on the phone either."


"Kid, wait!" someone shouted, and he turned as he walked down the hall.

It was Sabo.

"What's going on?"

"We got Bonny and Apoo."

"Great. I'll visit them." Kid grinned.

As he went to the interrogation room, Kid whistled.

Bonnie was scared to see who was coming in.

"Hi, good to see you." Kid spoke with sarcasm.

"I... I'm sorry."

"What's that? When you hit me with the bottle, you didn't seem sorry. You too." he pointed his
finger at Apoo.

They both said nothing. Kid straddled in the chair and began to speak.

"Start talking, because I don't know much patience! I don't have all day!"

Bonnie and Apoo looked at each other. They had nothing to lose.

"I met Bonnie while I was still with Vivi. One day we met in the building and talked. From there,
we started communicating until one day we had sex. We liked it and continued. Vivi found out, and
we broke up. That's it." Apoo thought it would distract Kid.

Kid was just blinking. After a while he pulled the chair to the table and put his hands on it.

"Do I look like an idiot? I don't care about your sexual experiences! What sane person would
assault a police officer for catching them out? You can stay in jail for a long time!"

Bonnie started to get worried, and Kid could see that. She was ready to tell everything.

"I'm sorry, Apoo! We sell drugs. That's why we ran away."

"What did Vivi do when she found out about the cheating?" Kid kept the conversation in that

"She came to me and we had a fight. Don't think she's a saint because she's not!" Bonnie was very

"What do you mean?"

"She loves to make fun of the peoples and always thought she was the best. Self-confidence to the
heavens! I couldn't stand her!" Bonnie was already screaming and was panting.

"And that's why you killed her?"

"We didn't kill anyone!" Bonnie was still yelling.

Kid began to knock on the table with his fingers. He pulled out his phone and dialed Sabo.

"Sabo, come. I'm done."

Kid got up and walked to the door.

"What will happen to us?" Apoo spoke panicked.

Kid only turned and grinned.

"As I told you. You're going to be in jail for a long time." and he left.

As he walked in the hallway, he realized they were at a dead end again. It didn't make any sense.

A little later he told them to take samples of the drugs they were selling. Maybe they would have
come across the drug used in the victims.

It was lunch and Kid was eating. Soon Nami joined him.

"Where's Law?"

"I'm not his mother. How do I know?" Kid continued to eat.

"Kid, is everything okay? What happens between you two? You know you can tell me."

"I don't know what you want to hear, but nothing happens between us. Our relationship is the same.
Unfortunately, we both have to work together."

"Are you serious? "Why are you kissing someone you don't like?"

Kid knew the reason, but he kept his word from telling anyone about panic attacks.

"You're imagining it."

"Look, there's nothing wrong with liking him. Law is attractive, sexy..." before continuing, Kid
interrupted her.

"He's got a horrible character and a dirty mouth!"

In fact, his mouth was very capable. How he ran tongue on his cock. Kid quickly shook off these
thoughts because he would soon have a situation in his pants.

"I think that addition applies to you as well. In full force." Nami came across this fact.

"Woman, I don't know what you want to know, but there's nothing. We still hate each other like we
did from day 1."

"Okay, that's what I wanted to know. I'll tell Drake to keep trying with him. He obviously likes

Kid just looked at her and frowned. Nami noticed that. Is he jealous?

Kid ate quickly and came back in the office. Law was there writing something.

"Bonnie and Apoo jist sell drugs."

Law looked at him and bit the tip of the pen.

"But she was told that Vivi wasn't one of the best people." Kid wanted to share this, even though he
didn't know if he would help them in any way.

Law reached out, picked up a cigarette, and went to the window.

"Damn Trafalgar, you smoke like crazy."

"Kid, Law, can I tell you something?" Drake just came in.

"Sure." Law was waiting to start talking.

Drake walked up to him and showed him a paper.

"These are the results of the drugs that Bonnie and Apoo sell. There's no the substance we're
looking for."
Kid sighed, but something else annoyed him. Drake held Law by the shoulder. And Law didn't
move away. Why?

"I'm going to go. Bye." Kid wanted to get out of here faster.

Law looked at him and nodded.

When Kid went outside, it was cold. He wanted to walk.


The next morning, Kid could barely get out of bed. He had a cold. He realized it was nonsense
yesterday to leave in the cold in a t-shirt. He called Sabo and told him he was going to take a break
today. They had internal communication, and they didn't need to make Smoker aware of such
things. If someone had to, he'd cover him.

His intention was to spend the fucking day in bed.

At work, Law was checking the phone again. He couldn't find anything, and it made him angry.
Why were Vivi and Delinger's phones missing if there was nothing in them? Unanswered
questions. All they knew was that the victims knew each other.

It's lunch now, and Law had lost track of time. His entire desk was flooded with notes.

"Law, will you eat?" Robin was at the door.


"Let's eat, tell Kid to come."

Law looked around. In fact, he hadn't seen him today.

"I don't know where he is. I don't think he came today. He may have drank and not be able to get

Then Sabo appeared.

"I didn't see anyone this morning and I had to go out. Kid called me and said he wasn't coming."

"Ha, the idiot had too much alcohol!" Law was sure of it.

"In fact, he sounded bad. I think he's sick."

"When he left, he was thinly dressed, and it was cold outside." Robin joined the conversation.

"Typical of him. Idiot." Law said that with a smirk.

A little later, as he was going for coffee Law met Nami.

"Law, I was looking for you."

"What an honor. What up?"

"Go check if Kid is okay."

"What? Are you crazy? What should I go for?"

"Maybe it's because he's your partner?"

"Do you remember we don't like each other?"

"Oh yes, I'm sorry, I forgot you only like him when his tongue is deep in your mouth and devour

"Witch!" Law was in shock.

"I'll give you the address Law. Bye ~"

Law was sure that if he didn't go, Nami would tell everyone she met what she had seen.

Nami had left Kid's address and some bag of stuff. There were several types of medications. There
was also food in a separate bag.

She knew each of them well and knew that Kid stopped eating and taking care of himself when he
was sick.


Since their car was under repair, Law had to walk.

Kid was just getting out of the bathroom. He was better than in the morning, but he felt lazy.

He heard the bell ringing. He quickly put on shorts and a t-shirt, and his wet hair fell on his
forehead. When he opened the door, he was really surprised.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Kid began to look at a frown.

"Don't think I'm here of my own free will, Eustass! I was blackmailed!" Law wanted to leave as
quickly as possible.

"From who?"

"Nami." Law muttered her name with annoyance.

"And you allowed yourself to blackmail you? I can't believe it!" a mocking tone was caught in
Kid's words.

"The witch was ready to tell anyone she met how your tongue was deep in my mouth!"

"Bitch! He's going to blackmail us with this for a long time!" Kid's smile disappeared in seconds.

"I'm glad your brain was able to understand why I'm here! She told me to give you this." and
handed him bags of medicine and food.

"Thanks, but she's still a bitch!"

"I agree. Get well soon. I'll go."

It was getting colder outside, and it was about to rain. Law wanted to be able to get home.

"What are these stuff?" Kid wondered why he asked.

"I took all the notes on the cases. I want to finish the report."
"Are you with the car?"

"No, they took her in the morning for repairs."

Kid quickly calculated that Law had at least a 30 minutes walk to get home. There were no bus at
that time. He wouldn't be home before the storm.

"If you want, come in. The storm will catch you on the way. We can look at the notes together."

"Are you sure you don't have a fever?" Law grabbed him by the forehead, and Kid was surprised.

Kid realized that he had offered Law to stay overnight in his apartment. He was a little embarrassed
and scratched his hand on the hair.

"Don't think anything, I want to see some things on the report!" Kid began to defend himself.

"I don't think anything."

Law just standing for a moment.


"Okay." Law thought it better to be in Kid's company than to catch the storm on the way.

Kid stepped away from the door for Law to enter.

Chapter 8
Chapter Summary

The next chapter will be a little side story from the main. Hope you'll enjoy it ~

When Law entered, he immediately felt warmth. It's a good thing he stayed, otherwise he probably
would have slammed sick, too.

Law noticed that Kid's apartment was similar to his.

"Sit wherever you want."

Law looked around and sat down on the couch.

He leave all the folders on the table. During this time, Kid took out the food that Nami had

"Took the meds." Law had turned to him and spoke from the couch.

"Don't tell me what to do! I won't took anything. Let's eat, and then we'll look at the notes."

It started raining very hard outside. They ate quickly and sat down on the couch. Law kept getting
him to take the meds, and Kid gave up. If he didn't drink them, Law wouldn't shut up!

Kid began to read the various notes.

"Okay, what's the consistency?" Kid didn't take his eyes off the notes.

"Victims are not randomly selected."

"Do you think the killer knows them?"

"Yes. I think the goal is revenge. But things are starting to didn't make sense."

What do you mean?"

"The killer knows our every move and is always ahead of us. When we went to Dellinger's
apartment for the phone, it was gone. I was sure where I left it. How did he suddenly think of the
phone? And the bomb? He knew we were going back there, in other case he would have just gone
to get the phone without trying to kill us." Law paused for a while and continued again, "The
missing photo from the album? What about Boa's phone? When I looked at it, there was nothing! I
think he's been in contact with them, so why else would he want the phones to be gone?"

Kid thought about it and agreed. Then he saw a business card. Then he asked another question.

"What about Bellamy? Dellinger's boyfriend? Look at the business card. It says he works in a
veterinary clinic. As far as I can remember, this substance can be taken from such!"

"Yes, but what could be his motive?" Law took the card and looked at it.
"I have no idea, but we need to dig around a bit." Kid closed his eyes and leaned on the couch.

"The only person who knows them is the principle. His reaction was strange when he saw them in
the photos."

"Maybe something happened when they were still at the school?" Kid was up over the papers

"Yes, that makes sense. I just don't get it, how does he know our moves?"

Kid looked at him, but couldn't answer him. Then ask his next question.

"Will there be another victim? Only three of them were on this team. They're gone anymore?"

"I don't know, Eustass, but he doesn't really have any clues. Nowhere. This psychopath knows
exactly what he's doing."

"What's that?" Kid was holding the piece of label Law had seen in Boa's office.

"It may be nothing, but I've seen this label somewhere, but I can't think of where. Think I saw it
somewhere at school."

"Okay, so we're going to head to Bellamy and the principle."


A few hours had passed. Kid had leaned back and wasn't looking at the papers anymore. Instead,
his eyes were focused on Law. He watched his movements, how move his tattooed hands, and bite
his lips. After a while, he said his thoughts out loud.

"I want to fuck you!"

Law paused for a moment and froze. Then he turned to Kid.

"Are you okay? You haven't forgotten who I am, have you? You're acting weird! One minute you
want to strangle me and the next minute you want to fuck me?"

Kid thought for a moment, and slowly realized that other things annoyed him more than Law.

"Don't think about it so much Trafalgar. We're both tense. Let's relax."

"We agreed that this would not happen again, right?" Law had also left the papers, and now all his
attention was on Kid.

"Yes, but I can't deny that I like my tongue deep in your mouth!" Kid was apparently quoting
Nami's words. Then he continued, "Besides, you're pretty skillful. I don't remember getting a better
suck off."

Law blushed slightly. He hadn't heard compliments in a long time, even if they were like this.

"All right, Eustass, you don't have to continue."

"So you agree?"

"Only once." Law rolled his eyes.

Kid quickly got up and brought lube.

When he came back and sat down on the couch again and Law moved to his lap. He straddled and
his legs stood on either side of Kid, who smiled audibly. He liked this pose, he could see
everything and control things. His hands began to move on Law's body.

Law realized that Kid likes to be dominant in sex.

The two were touching each other. Both felt to getting hard. For now, they were just groping. It
was like reinventing a new world.

Law kissed him passionately. After a while he began to kiss him slowly on the neck, leaving slight
marks. Kid leaned his head against the back of the couch, closed his eyes, but kept groping him.
He had decided to let Law control things for a moment. The feeling of Law's tongue on his skin
was very arousing.

After a while, Kid lifted his t-shirt and took it off. Law did the same thing and continued to kiss
him everywhere. Kid started moaning. His erection was already painful. Law only smirk as he
kissed him. He could see he liked it.

"Do you want to suck you off?" Law paused for a moment and the smirk didn't leave his face.

"No, I want to get my cock in your extremely tight ass as soon as possible!" Kid was more than

"Do you have a condom?"

"I have, but I don't want to use." Kid looked at him annoyed.

"You know you should!"

"I like to fuck you without. I want to feel you, not the stupid eraser!"

"Don't tell me you haven't used it before?"

"Actually, I always use. I'm not that stupid. I just don't want right now."

"Have you slept with anyone since we had sex?" Law was waiting for an answer.

"No, last time was with you. And then we did it without condom."

"Okay, i also want to so it without." Law was honest.

Kid was glad of that fact. Law unbuttoned Kid's jeans and grabbed him by the cock while
continued kissing him everywhere. Kid couldn't take it anymore. He quickly took off his jeans and
boxers and do the same with Law. They were already naked and Kid decided to take control into
his own hands. He grabbed Law by the hair and kissed him. He immediately put his tongue in. He
wanted to feel everything. Law, in turn, allowed him to do what he wanted. Among the kisses, Kid
bit him lightly on the lips. Law was increasingly pressing his body against Kid. After a while, he
felt Kid's fingers find their way into his ass. Law moaned, and Kid was getting even more aroused
by that. Now he could calmly listen and enjoy Law's moaning without anyone hearing them.

Kid had insert two fingers. He moved them back and forth as he searched for his weak point. When
Law moaned out loud more than usual, Kid realized that he had found what he was looking for. It
was the first time he had seen Law in such ecstasy. He wanted to make him feel even bigger.
As Kid fuck him with his fingers, Law buried his face in his neck. The moans he gave out only
made Kid not stop.

"I'll fuck you until you can't say your name!" Kid bit one of the earrings in his ear lightly and
continued, "I'll fill you up until you no longer have space in your ass!"

"Get your cock inside Eustass!" Law already wanted something bigger inside.

"What do you say when you want something?" Kid decided to play a little.

Law knew Kid wanted to pray to him, but he didn't care at the moment. He just wanted him inside.

"Please... I want you to fuck me!"

Kid grinned. That's what he wanted to hear, he pulled out his fingers and grabbed his cock. He
smeared himself with a sufficient amount of lube and slowly approached his entrance and then
stop. He wanted to continue with the game.

"Tell my name!"

"Eustass..." Law was already panting. He couldn't wait. He was willing to say anything just to feel
that big cock inside him.

"The name..." Kid kept waiting.

"Fuck... Kid... please..."

The way Law told him his name was enough. He never imagined that his name would be said in
such a sexy way, and not by anyone, but by Law.

He slowly brought his cock into Law and felt him tighten for a moment.

"Relax. I'll go inside slowly." Kid spoke to him in a seductive tone.

"Eustass... you're so big!"

"I see you're having a little hard time taking it?"

"Normally, I've never come across such a big cock before!"

Kid was proud of it. When he got it all the way, he stopped. Law was panting and wanted to let him
get used to it a bit. Last time they were drunk and the feeling of pain was dulled, while now he felt
everything. Law lifted his head and whispered, "You can go on."

Kid held him by the waist and began to move slowly. Law's reactions were divine. The way his
body twisted was very erotic. Law was very plastic. He had not imagined that the man who hated
the most brought him the greatest pleasure.

Kid soaked up every moan. After a while, he felt Law also begin to move until their bodies became
one. They moved in full sync. Kid bite Law's neck.

The movements began to get deeper until Kid hit that point again. Law began to scream with

"That's right! Scream! Only for me!" Kid had to have a lot of self-control not to cum at the second.
Kid's hands held him tighter. He didn't want to let him go. He didn't want this moment to end.

Law felt a warm liquid in his ass. Then Kid grabbed Law's cock. Law couldn't stand it and cum
between them.

"That's was hot!" Kid said that while panting and Law answered to him with smile.

The two of them didn't move for a while. Law felt Kid pick him up without taking his cock out of
him. By instinct, Law wrapped his legs around him so he wouldn't fall.

"Eustass, what are you doing?"

"I told you I'd fill you up until there's no space!"

"I didn't know you were speaking literally!"

"Well, you already know!" Kid went to the bedroom and lay on him without separating from each

"How can you still be hard?"

"Anything is possible with me! And that means you've done the very good job of turning me on."

Law blushed again at his compliment. He was devoured once more that night.


The next morning, Kid woke up first. He immediately remembered the night before. Probably the
best one.

He hadn't slept with anyone in his bed in a long time.

He turned and looked at Law. He was lying on his stomach and his head was facing Kid. Then he
noticed that there was no tension on his face. Law seemed calm. He ran his fingers through his
hair, and Law moved. He opened his eyes slowly and looked at him.

That's when Kid realized that Law's sleepy face was one of the sexiest things he'd ever seen. He
wasn't impressed before.

"Good morning."

"Good morning." Law was yawning.

They both lay there without saying anything. Kid lay on his back with his hands behind his head,
and Law on one side.

Kid hadn't cared about Law's personal life before, but now he's decided to ask him.

"I didn't really ask you, but I hope you don't have a boyfriend ? Otherwise, I'm going to be in a bad
situation." Kid decided to ask his questions in a indirect way.

"Do I look like someone who has a boyfriend? And I want to take a break from my last

"What happened?"
"He decided I was cheating and put me in the ER."

"And you as a cop didn't stop him from beating you? It's not like you don't know how to defend
yourself." Kid turned to him.

"By the time I knew it, it didn't matter anymore. It all happened very quickly." Then Law asked
him "What about you?"

Kid was pleased that Law was interested in his personal life.

"We didn't get along. He said I had problems with the aggression and we were done."

Law laughed.

"What about Drake. What happened with him?" Kid dared to ask him about it.

"What about Drake?" Law looked at him questioningly.

"He told me he tried to kiss you. And I notice the way he looks at you and touches you."

"Wait, Eustass, why are you asking me these things? Are you jealous?"

"Of course not. I'm just curious. The newbie obviously likes you." Kid took a defensive stance.

"I don't know. We'll see where the flow takes us."

Then Law stood up and went to the living room to find his clothes. They were scattered

Kid couldn't stop looking at his naked body. He loved the fact that Law was shameless and had no
problem to going naked in front of him. When Law returned to the bedroom, he was already
dressed. It was raining outside, but not hard.

"Well, I'm gonna go. Thank you for the night."

Kid was still lying there and just nodded at him. Law turned around and before coming out he said,
"Eustass, I just want you to know that I'm not going to be your fuck buddy. We agreed, didn't we?"

"Yeah, whatever you say."

Law just went out into the street when Smoker called him. Their boss rarely called and on Saturday

"Boss, what's going on?"

"Law, I just talk with Kid. Will you come to the department?"


"All right, I'm waiting for you." and hung up.

Law dialed Kid, who picked him up immediately.

"Trafalgar, Smoker is waiting for us. But come first and take a shower."

"Don't tell me what to do!"

Law hung up on him and went back to his apartment. It would take him longer to go home, and he
didn't know what he was calling them for.
Chapter 9
Chapter Notes

I'm curious if you have any guess on who the killer might be
Leave a comment ❤️

*This is a little side chapter...

Kid and Law directly went to Smoker's office.

"Sit down, boys."

"What's wrong? It's unusual to call on Saturday." Kid wanted to go back to his bed. Possibly with
the man next to him.

"Sorry. But I have a request for you."

The two looked at each other.

"There is a special operation going on in the neighbouring town. You need to take a package from
the airport to an office."

"You want us to take it?" Kid immediately asked that question. He could feel his bed slowly
moving away.

"Yes, the people who had to carry it called them urgently for other case. The package is very
important and must be protected. I only trust you."

"When will the package arrive at the airport?" Law asked.

"Lunch time."

"So we don't have much time." Kid went up.

"I'll give you the address where you should take it. But keep in mind that it should not fall into the
wrong people. This package is very secret."

"Okay." They both said that with one voice.

"Here are keys to my car as yours is under repair. Also a debit card. If you need to buy something
or use a hotel."

Kid took the keys and the card and got up. Law followed him.

"Guys, please keep that between us. The operation is secret."

They just nodded and left.

They traveled for about an hour and a half and reached the airport. Not long after, a man came and
handed them the package. They had to go to a certain office where they could stay. Easy job.

Kid was driving. Most of the time they were silent, and the rest they fight in their style.

"Someone's following us!" Kid said only that.

Law turned back and noticed a black car driving behind them.

"I changed the way a few times and they always followed us." Kid was focused on the path.

"What are we going to do?"

"Hold on!" Kid grinned and pressed the pedal.

"Eustass, if you can't kill us with your insane driving, then I'll make sure to kill you with my own

"You're pretty hand-skillful and I'd love to die from them!" Kid was referring to the way Law had
touched him the night before.

"Eustass, it's no time to joke!"

Kid had just thought they had escaped, and a car appeared in front of them. Kid slammed the
brakes and turned the steering wheel to the left. They crashed into a tree. From the impact, they
both hit their heads. Kid in the steering wheel, and Law in the side window. The street was
deserted and there were no people. They were both half-conscious.

Someone opened Law's door to get the package.

Law with the last forces managed to put a small tracking device in the pocket of the man's jacket.
Then he relaxed his hand.

The two cars was gone. They just lost the package.

"Trafalgar, are you alive?"

"Unfortunately for you, yes."

Kid laughed. He tried to move and looked around. Law had his eyes closed. There were a few

"I'm glad you were able to slow down on time. Otherwise, we wouldn't have been so lucky." Law
began to speak.

Law knew that Kid deliberately turned the wheel to the left so that Kid could take over if he had a
hard hit.

"Just to know, I won't tell Smoker what happens to the car!"

Law only rolled his eyes.

"I think we'll walk." Law tried to move.

After a while, he opened the door and left. He leaned on the car so he wouldn't fall. Kid also came
out and leaned as he walked. He went to Law and looked at him. Thank goodness there was
nothing wrong with him. Law just looked at him questioningly.

"I was able to put a tracking device in that man's jacket pocket. I hope he'll not find it. At least until
we detect their location."

"We need to find a hotel. From there, we'll track down these fuckers."

Kid looked at where to go.

"All right, let's go." Law start to walk.

Kid called roadside assistance so he could carry the car. It was Smoker's favorite car, and he would
probably go crazy to see in which condition she was returned.

Since they didn't know the city, they started walking in random direction. Law had stopped a man
who guided them to where the nearest hotel was. When they arrived, Kid went to the reception.

"Hello, do you have two rooms available?"

Kid was already nervous because nothing was going according to plan. He began to stamp his
fingers, which did not go unnoticed by Law. He knew his partner was nervous.

"Wait a second to check."

As they waited, Law began to look around, and Kid waited impatiently. He wanted to eat, take a
shower, and go to bed. His body hurt from the fucking blow.

"We have, but there is only one room left." the lady at the reception said.

Law wondered what the hell to do. The thought that they had to go around other hotels was driving
him crazy, but they had important work. Kid was tired of going around and annoyed too, and said,
"All right, give it to us."

Law went to protest, but stopped. He was tired and preferred to tolerate Kid's company rather than
walk without direction.

They were on the fifth floor and Law began to climb the stairs. He noticed that Kid was following

"Eustass, why don't you take the elevator?" Law wondered.

"I want to walk." Kid didn't know what else to come up with. He didn't tell Law he wanted to go
with him.

Kid quickly scans the room until Law directly pulls out his phone and walks into some program.
He didn't know much, but Robin had explained what to do if they had to use such devices.

"I'm starving. I'm going to get something to eat."

Law only added "Look for clothes."

"Don't tell me what to do." Kid only told him that before he left and Law just ignored him.

While the program on the phone was doing his job, Law decided to take a bath. He took a quick
shower. He wrapped himself in a towel at the waist and sat down to the sofa, which was small. He
had to wait for Kid to come back so he could get dressed. Only now did he notice that the room
had only one bed. He just sighed and closed his eyes. Silence. That's what he need right now.
However, his happiness did not last long. Kid rushed into the room and was very indignant.

"What's wrong with these people! It's like they haven't seen food. They pushed each other like

"I bet you looked like that too!" Law replied with a smirk.

"Shut up or I'll strangle your neck!"

Kid saw Law's middle finger.

He went and left the envelope with the food on the table and the clothes on the nearby chair. Then
he noticed that Law was only wearing a towel around his waist. There were still drops of water on
his body. His hair was wet and fell casually on all sides. Kid quickly looked away, because if he
had kept looking at him, guarantee would have put him in bed in a second.

Law got up, put on only boxers and sat down again on the couch to eat. Kid began to look at him
without taking his eyes off him.

"What are you staring at? I can't sleep with clothes! If you don't like it, go eat somewhere else!"

The problem was that Kid liked the view! He didn't say anything and started eating.

When they ate, Kid also went to take a shower, Law took the phone and settled on the bed. He lay
on his stomach and began to observe when the program would detect the location of the device he
had managed to put on the man. Things were happening slowly, and he could feel starting to fell

Kid came out of the bathroom and saw Law on one side of the bed. He couldn't deny that he had a
divine body. Those muscles, those tattoos... and that tight ass!

He was just enjoying it and noticed how Law almost dropped the phone and fell asleep, then he
was startled and woke up. Cute. Very cute.

Kid also put on only boxers and headed for the bed. He went up and stood over Law. He couldn't
explain why he couldn't help himself. They were constantly fighting.

It was at this point that the phone started making some sounds, and this sharpened the attention of
Law. Kid also stared and swore in his mind.

The phone found the location.

"Eustass, we found them!"

Then he turned around and noticed that Kid was over him. For a moment, they didn't take their
eyes off each other.

"What are you doing?" Law broke the silence again.

Kid wondered what to answer. What was he really doing? They were clear that these meetings
should not happen.

"I was going to bed." Kid was able to answer with that.

"And you decided that in order to go to bed, you had to go over me?"
"Shut up, like I said, I wanted to go to bed and the phone started making noises!"

"Genius Eustass! Do you think I'm an idiot?"

Kid got angry. He hated it when Law challenged him to speak the truth.

"Stop!" Kid got angry.

Law said nothing to him and Kid spun around and lay down on the other side of the bed. He stood
on his back and put his hands behind his head.

"Can we track them tomorrow morning and pick up the package?" Law lay on his side with his
back to Kid.

"Of course, today wasn't one of the best days." Kid reached out one hand and began stroking Law
in the hair in slow motions. A second ago, he was very angry with him, but now he felt calm. After
a while, he withdrew.

"Don't stop. I like it like that. It calms me down." Law relaxed his body.

Kid smiled and continued. Before he could say anything to Law, he saw that he was already asleep.
Kid only lay on his side facing Law. He closed his eyes and fell asleep after a while.


The next morning, Law woke up first. There was a wall in front of him. Wait, wall?

It took him a while to realize that his face was touching Kid's chest. He noticed that Kid had run
his hand through his waist. For a moment he did nothing. He felt good. The night was cold and he
felt warmth. He could feel the beating of Kid's heart. After that felt like he was going to fall asleep

He drifted and Kid moved. Kid opened his eyes and saw the position they were in. Law had put
one leg across his waist, and his face was touched to his chest. Kid had embraced him. Somehow
they found their way to each other at night. It was cold outside. Kid felt he was hard. He set off to
move away as Law started talking sleepy and snuggled even more into Kid.

"Eustass, don't move. I'm so warm."

"Trafalgar, are you using me as a radiator?" Kid didn't want to move either.

Law smiled with his face still buried to Kid's chest.

"You could say so."

The sleepy tone with which Law spoke only aroused Kid even more. Then he surrender to his
instincts. He raised Law's head so he could kiss him. Kid had no intention of leaving time to react
to Law and immediately put his tongue in his mouth. Law wanted to hit him, but why didn't he?
Instead, he raised his head so that they would be more comfortable. They kissed slowly.

"Trafalgar, I didn't know you liked to kiss so much?" Kid muttered that between kisses.

"I was going to say the same about you, Eustass." Law replied as well.

Kid decided it was time for it to back up or the situation would have gotten worse. Law only
mumbled but didn't stop him and spun on his back.
"Trafalgar, we don't have time to lie down. Let's go and get the fucking package!"

Kid had to get out of the room as quickly as possible. Law was lying on the bed. He hadn't covered
himself in a blanket, and Kid could see him being also hard. Kid thought it didn't bother him. He
wondered if Law was aware of the fact that the way he was behaving at the moment could lead to
activities that they said they wouldn't do.

He really liked the fact that Law wasn't the shyest of people and was quite open minded about sex.

Law continued to protest, but he got up and took his phone. He saw that the location of the man
had not changed much.

Kid checked the address. They was nearby. He did some research and found out it was a bar.

They hid the guns under their clothes and left.


They sat in front of the bar and waited. The idea was to analyze what the situation was. An hour
had passed, and every single person who came in and out was remembered.

"Eustass, did you notice that the same people came in and out?"

"Yes. What's the plan?"

"Maybe when the movement stops, let's try to get in."

As Law sat down, Kid went to take a look at the place. As he walked, he noticed that there was a
back entrance. He went back to Law and said "There's an entrance from behind. Shall we try?"

Law thought it was a good idea to try, because if they just stood there was nothing they could do.
Law nodded at him and they left. They went through the back door, and Kid tried to open the door.
Fortunately, it opened.

Kid came in first, and Law walked behind him. They walked slowly and made sure they didn't
make any noise. They went through one of the corridors and stopped. There was a man.

Kid pushed Law and pointed to the man with his hand. Maybe they'd understand something.

Kid quickly went behind him and gagged him. The man began to fight, but Kid did not give him a
chance to escape.

During this time, Law found a room that was empty and signaled to Kid to go inside.

They went into the room and Law hung up. Kid still held the man who no longer had the energy to
fight. He recognized that these were the men from whom they stole the package.

Law pulled out his gun and pointed it at the man.

"Just one sound and I'll shoot you on the spot. Is it clear?" Law threatened him and continued
"Where's the package you stole from us?"

Kid slowly removed his hand from the man standing numb.

"Talk!" Kid was annoyed.

The man knew that if he didn't answer, they would kill him. It was obvious from their eyes. That's
why he decided to say, after all, he wanted to save his life.

"Upstairs there is an office with a red door. The package is there at the desk."

Then Kid hit him behind the neck and the man fainted.

"Let's go Trafalgar!" Kid got up and left.

As they walked, Law kept looking. Kid. stopped and Law pushed himself into him.

"Eustass, don't stop so suddenly!" Law whispered, but his voice sounded angry.

"Shtt..." Kid told him there was a man in front of the office.

"Is that a guard?" Law looked over Kid's shoulder.

"Listen carefully! I'll handle this one, and you go in and get the package. We have to be quick,
because there will be noise!" Kid had turned to Law.

Before Law said anything, Kid had already left. Law was sure of one thing - Kid really knew how
to make noise.

There were many corridors, and Kid stood around a corner, looked around, and saw a bottle. He
grabbed it and threw against the wall. He wanted to get his attention.

Law stared at him with his mouth open. Oh, that idiot! As quiet as they were supposed to be, Kid
was twice as loud!

The man in front of the office immediately heard the noise and headed that way. Law hid behind a
cupboard during this time. He waited for the man to pass him by and slipped into the office.
Fortunately, there was no one there.

When the man reached the corner, Kid hurried and hit him. The man staggered but quickly blocked
the next shot that flew towards him. He took Kid's hand and wouldn't let him go. Then Kid grinned
and pulled himself to the man. He hit his head on his. The man let him go and fell to the ground,
while Kid only grabbed his head, but remained standing. Kid grabbed the man and punched
another fist in the face. The man couldn't get up anymore.

Law looked around the office and saw the package. He quickly picked it up and left. He saw Kid
and walked toward him.

"Eustass, I got it! Let's go!"

Why the hell wasn't Kid moving? What was wrong with this idiot? He walked up to him and
grabbed him by the shoulder.

"Come on, Eustass!"

Only then did he notice that Kid was looking at something, or rather at someone. When he turned
around, he saw several people sitting with guns pointed at them.

"Guys, raise your hands." one of the men told them what to do.

They both raised their hands and didn't move.

"Trafalgar, when I tell you 'now' run!" Kid whispered to him so no one would hear him.

Internally, Law wanted to kill him. That idiot was always messing around!

"Put the package down or I'll kill you!" the man kept saying what to do.

Law wasn't moving. He wondered why he was waiting for the signal from Kid.

"The package! "Now!" the man was already shouting.

Within seconds, Kid pulled out his gun at incredible speed and fired. His goal was not to kill
anyone, just to make some panic.


Law heard the signal and both ran down the hall. They quickly found out where the exit was from.
It was already evening, and there weren't many people in the area anyway. They had just taken to
the streets and thought everything was fine when they heard gunshots.

"Well done Eustass! It only made them more angry!" Law scolded Kid as he ran.

"Run, we'll fight later! Idiot!"

"Did you call me an idiot?"

One of the bullets passed near Kid's head. Law was startled, but he kept running. He hoped Kid
wasn't hurt.

"Won't those bastards give up!" Kid was annoyed.

They curled up in a street and continued to running. Law was a little ahead of Kid when he felt he
pull him.

Kid had noticed a tight space between two buildings and thought it was a good idea to hide there. It
was a dark area, which was perfect.

Law found himself between the wall and Kid. It was really tight and their bodies were touching.
The two of them could hardly breathe.

They heard footsteps and how the mens began to look around.

Kid gagged Law, who only looked at him. Law felt Kid's leg stand between his legs.

Kid decided he could make their stay a little more enjoyable.

Law waved Kid's hand that was on his mouth "Eustass, what are you doing? Are you insane?"

"I'm enjoying until these idiots get out."

"Are you normal? Now is not the time to enjoy yourself! When we get home, have as much enjoy
as you want!"

"Really? Did you just tell me you wanted to enjoy with me? Why do I feel like you're starting to
get hard?"

"I didn't say you'd enjoy with me. I'll strangle you! Really!"
Law was embarrassed, but this idiot knew what to do to turn him on.

"I'll wait for that to happen." Kid was up to his ear.

They stood like this for another 10 minutes when they listened and saw that they were gone. They
thought it was safe to get out.

"Let's go and leave the damn package. I want to go home now!" Law was in a hurry to get out of
this situation.

They kept looking to see if anyone was following them until they reached the address. Two men
and a woman were waiting for them, to whom they handed over the package.

Even with small obstacles, they managed to do the job.

The two were at the bus station waiting for the bus to arrive because they didn't have a car.

Kid called Smoker and dropped him on a speakerphone "Boss, we handed over the package."

"Thanks guys. Was everything okay?"

"Yeah, we had a little bit of trouble, but we made it."

"If you want to take a break tomorrow, that's fine."

They had forgotten that today was Sunday and tomorrow they were at work. They just looked at
each other.

"No, there's no need." Kid replied.

Law joined the conversation "Oh, before I forget. They'll get your car."


"There was a little accident." Law spoke in an extremely calm voice.

Meanwhile, Tashigi came in and told his boss that he had to sign something to hand over the car.

"Wait! Tashigi just told me they brought her. I'm going to see."

Kid and Law were standing on the phone when they heard shouts "GUYS!"

Law's explanation that the car had a "little" accident actually meant that it was wrecked and

Kid decided it was time to hang up. They both laughed, boarded the bus and arrived late in the
evening. Before parting, they only said "bye" to each other.
Chapter 10

It's monday.

Law went to the office first. He was in the common room they used for coffee and quick food. He
made coffee and started checking his phone. This week's assignments were to visit Bellamy and
learn more from the school's principal.

After a while, Nami came in and immediately impressed her the hickeys that Law had.

"Good morning Law, how are you?" Nami just grinned.

"Hi, I'm fine." Law felt that Nami wouldn't stop looking at him.

"How's Kid?" she decided to joke with him.

Law had forgotten to write to Nami that

Kid is fine. And because of the surprise mission on the weekend, he completely forgot to tell her.

"He's fine. I left him the things you had given me."

"Just that?"

"What do you expect me to tell you?"

"Ahhh nothing, nothing."

At that time, Kid came in, who also had some visible marks. Nami didn't stop looking at him too.

"What are you looking at, woman?"

"Kid, I'm glad you're okay. Law took good care of you!"

Law barely choked on his coffee.

"What do you mean?" Kid was visibly angry and confused.

"Oh enough. I'm not blind. You two are fucking!"

If Law barely choked on his coffee a little while ago, now he does.

"There is no such thing! Stop imagining!" Kid tried to get out of the situation.

"Oh, yeah? It's funny how you both have hickeys at the same time?"

Only then the two of them realize that they had not hidden the traces of their play. Kid opened his
mouth, but closed it.

"It's good to know that I drink my coffee with sugar." Nami began to order.

Robin came in at that time.

"Fuck you, bitch!" Kid was yelling at Nami.

Law continued to watch as stuffed.

"Really? Robin, did you know that Kid and Law..." then Kid interrupted her "All right, bitch,
coffee's coming! Trafalgar, make her coffee!"

Law shifted his gaze from Nami to Kid.

"Fuck you Eustass. Don't tell me what to do! You did it! It's your fault!"

Kid was going to make a certain comment but Law looked at him like he wanted to throw him out
the window and he stopped. He didn't want to start the fire.

Robin wondered what was going on, but she was glad everyone's mood was cheaful. Soon the
others came. Kid and Law didn't stop to fight. Drake made himself coffee and sat next to Law.

Everyone was laughing at the nonsense Franky was saying. Drake had his hand rested on Law's
thigh, who kept laughing. Kid, of course, saw this and his mood darkened.

"Don't show your annoyance so prominently Kid." Nami whispering to him.

"I'm not annoyed."

"That's why you're going to kill Drake with a gaze?"

Kid clicked with tongue and continued to drink his coffee, but Nami continued to talk to him so
that no one would hear them.

"Look, if you like Law, you'd better show him that. If not, at least let Drake try! I don't understand
you, you don't do anything, but you don't let anyone else try."

Kid was already visibly angry, and without realizing it, he left his coffee and slammed on the table
with his hands.

"I don't like anybody, woman!" Kid yelled at her.

Everyone stopped for a moment and looked at them. Kid got up and left.

Law followed him with gaze. What irritated Kid so much?

"What's wrong with him?" Sabo asked.

Nami just shrugged.

"What are the tasks?" Drake struck up a conversation with Law.

"We're thinking about going to one of the suspects."

"Can I go with you? Drake can come if he wants?" Nami heard what they were saying and shared
his intentions with them.

"Yeah, it's nice for Drake to learn too." Law remembered that when Nami was a newbie, she
almost always went with him to investigations.

Drake nodded and agreed. He hoped it would be helpful.


Kid was in the office stamping his fingers on the desk. Law stood at the door and interrupted his

"Eustass, we're going to Bellamy. Let's go."

"Who else will come?"

"Nami and Drake."

"Why would the newbie be coming?"

"Because he have to learn."

Kid just rolled his eyes. Why was this newbie starting to annoy him?

The four arrived at the veterinary clinic where Bellamy worked. They came in and looked around.
Drake stood near Nami because he didn't want to interfere with Kid and Law's work.

One of the personal had gone to call him. When Bellamy appeared, he saw the two policemen.

Law quickly introduced Nami to Bellamy. Then to Drake.

"Hi, I didn't expect to see you here!" Bellamy talk to Drake and Nami.

"I don't know you're working here." Nami was surprised to see him her.

Bellamy nodded at Nami.

Kid and Law looked at each other. Kid walked over to Nami and asked her how she knew Bellamy.
She told him that they met several times in a bar when she was with friends.

Drake also recognized Bellamy "Hi, thank you for the medicine you gave to my dog. He's better

Bellamy just smiled.

"Can we go to a quiet place?" Kid was impatient. He was in no mood to listen to dog's stories.


"Law, can i go to the bathroom?" Drake was ashamed to have to ask about something like that.

Law turned and laughed.

"Of course, Drake, you don't have to ask. We'll be in the room in the back."

They went in the back and Bellamy offered them coffee. While he was doing it, they talked about
standard things. Drake soon appeared.

"Thank you for waiting for me."

Drake, as always, sat next to Law. Nami pushed Kid and signaled him to behave. Kid forced
himself to focus on fucking work. Then he went straight to the point.

"Bellamy, do you know what that substance is?" Kid had handed a piece of paper with the name of
the substance.

Bellamy froze and Law looked at Kid.

"Wh... why do you ask?"

"That can he help us with the investigation." Kid continued.

Bellamy was clearly worried, and before he could say anything, a scream was heard. Everyone
jumped up and went to see what was going on.


Drake tried to bring water, but it didn't make any mater. The people who were in the store started
running towards the door, but the fire prevented them from reaching it. They were surrounded.

"GAG YOUR MOUTHS!" Drake started giving guidance to the people who were in the store. He
quickly pulled out his phone and dialed the fire department. Then he quickly went to Nami, in such
moments it was nice to be together.

Kid looked around to see if anyone needed help, but stopped watching when his eyes came across
Law. He sat frozen. Kid remembered how Law had told him that his parents had died in a fire. A
fire in which only he survived.

He hurried at him, and they both fell to the ground. Everyone found a place to hide until the fire
department arrived. Drake was able to help an elderly woman.

"Trafalgar! Gag your mouth!"

Only then Law registered the situation. Quickly put his hands on his mouth. After a while, they
both began to cough. At some point they began to swallow smoke.

A few minutes later, the sirens were heard. There were pieces of glass. Firefighters started bringing
people out. Kid and Law felt them pick them up and take them out. It took them a while to come to
their senses.

Fortunately, there were no victims.

The four of them knew that now was not the time to continue the conversation with Bellamy. They
sat in the car and remained silent for a while.

"Guys, now I understand what risk you're at." Drake was worried.

"Yeah." Law mumbled just that.

Kid's phone rang. Unknown number.


There was a man's voice on the other side of the phone.

"It's Mihawk."


Law looked at him questioningly.

"The principle of the high school. Can I see you and your partner?"

"For what?"
"I got a message."

"All right, we'll be here. Forward it to me."


Kid hung up, and Law couldn't wait to find out what was going on.

"The school principal got a message and wants to see us. I'm waiting for him to send it to me."

After a while, Kid received notice. The four of them were looking at the phone. He open the
message that read: "You're next."

Their eyes widened. Before they left, Kid turned to Drake and Nami.

"We'll get you back to department."

Nami and Drake just nodded.


They arrived in front of the school, and before they came down, Kid asked Law "Trafalgar, are you

"Yes. You?"

"Me too."

They went to the principle's office.

"Thank you for coming so fast."

"Let's go straight to the point." Kid wasted no time.

Law asked him a question "Do you have any idea who might have sent it and why?"

Mihawk thought for a moment and replied "I don't know."

Then Law decided to act a little more decisively "Well, we know you're hiding something. Tell us
all or we won't be able to help, right Eustass?" Law want support from Kid.

"Yes. So start talking. What are you hiding?"

"I think it's because of the recordings." Mihawk knew he wouldn't be able to get away.

"Recordings?" the two said this in one voice.

"There was a case at the school that I covered."

Kid and Law sharpened their attention.

"What happened?" Kid kept asking.

"Four years ago, three of the students mocked and raped a classmate. I found out about the case
and immediately took the recordings."

Kid had two questions and started asking them.

"Why did you cover this up?"

"I know it's banal, but the school's reputation would have fallen. We had just climbed the charts
and found popularity."

"Question two: By chance, the ones who mocked the classmate were: Vivi, Delinger and Boa?"


Things have already begun to tie up.

"What was their classmate's name?" Law hurried to ask him a question.

Mihawk sighed "Sorry. Two years ago, I had an accident and began to forget. I can't remember
names unless someone refresh my memory. Conis wasn't here at the time of the case either, and she
can't help you. The staff has also changed since then." Mihawk sighed.

They were so close and started to move away again.

"Okay, it's not a problem. Give us the records. From there, we'll see who it is." Kid was impatient.

Mihawk dialed Conis and told her to go to the safe where the records were. Only he and she knew
the password for the safe.

"What will happen to me?" Mihawk was worried.

"You'll probably be charged because you covered up such a case. But until we catch the killer,
they'll assign you security because you're in real danger."

Mihawk just nodded.

"Conis should have come by now. Let's go check it out." Mihawk broke the silence that had been

As they walked down the corridor, they saw Conis lying on the ground. Law ran up to her and tried
to wake her up. After a while she opened her eyes.

"Are you okay?"

"Yes, thank you."

Law told Mihawk to take her to the doctor's office to examine her after they left.

"What happened?" Mihawk was next to her.

"I was carrying the records and suddenly someone hit me on the head."

"The recordings? Where are they?" Kid began to look around.

They weren't there. Kid punched against the wall.


The two got in the car and Kid kept swearing. It was already evening.

"Eustass, will you drop me off at the vet clinic? Or rather, the remnants of it."

"I want to see if Bellamy is still there. He said he'd stay to clean up. I want to test a thesis."

"I'll go with you."

"No need. I won't be long. Go get some rest, today was a hard day."

Kid agreed.

Law entered the remains.

"Bellamy, are you here?" Law shouted.

There was no answer. Maybe he was gone. But something impressed him. He went and saw
someone lying on the ground. Blonde hair.

"Fuck, Bellamy!"

Law went up to look around. The attacker may still be here, but before he got there, he felt a dull
pain in his neck. Someone hit him and for a moment blackened before his eyes. When he came to
his sense, he pulled out his phone and dialed Kid.

"Trafalgar, give me some peace..."

Law quickly interrupted him "Eustass, come back! Bellamy was attacked. And someone hit me!"

When he heard Law's last words, he put down the phone and turned the car around.

Law realized there was no point in going after the man. Instead, he called an ambulance.

Kid barely crashed into a pillar while parking. He got out of the car and ran to Law, who was
standing on the side of the ambulance.

"Trafalgar, are you okay?"


Despite the answer, Kid look him from bottom to top to make sure he was really okay.

"Did they say anything?"

"He was stabbed."

"Gentlemen, he's stabilized for now, but he's still in danger." A doctor came to them.

"Okay, thank you. Call when there is a change in his condition." Law asked him.

The doctor nodded and left them.

"Come on, Trafalgar, let's go. I'll drive you to your apartment."

Law just nodded at him. He had no chance of walking home.

They were silent on the way. When they arrived, Law wished to Kid good night, but before
opening the door, he felt Kidd pull him and hug him. Law relaxed and hugged him too. After a
while, they separated from each other. Kid didn't dare do anything else and also wished him good
Chapter 11

The next morning, Kid met Law at the entrance of the department. Law had lit a cigarette and was
staring thoughtfully at one point.

Kid was ready to talk to him but noticed Nami and Drake approaching them.

"Are you okay? Sabo told us what happened." Nami was worried.

"We're fine. But we just took a step forward and the bastard took two!" Kid was already in a bad

"Relax Kid, everything's going to be alright." Drake tried to calm him down. Well, as much as he

The four entered the building.

"Law, I was told I have to take shooting training. Can you help me?" Drake dared to ask him.

Kid wanted to throw the newbie out the window, but instead he was quick to speak before Law
could say anything "Usopp can help you more."

"I know, but I trust Law more."

Oooh, the bastard wanted his partner. His!

Nami poked him in the ribs and Kid looked at her.

"No problem, I'll find time after lunch." Law answered him before entering the office.


Law sat down at his desk with a cup of coffee when Kid began to speak.

"It's suicidal to start looking for every single former student and staff member to find out the name
of the boy who was raped. By then, the killer can kill the entire town!"

"What I do know is that the killer is monitoring us somehow. Did he leave any tracking device
somewhere?" Law was thoughtful.

"Let's give our phones to Franky and Robin to check."

"Good idea."

"Trafalgar, is it possible that Bellamy or the principle faked these events? I don't trust them very

"I was thinking the same thing Eustass, but would Bellamy make such a risky move just to distract
us from him? Or kill his boyfriend?"

"The man we're dealing with is a psychopath. So anything is possible."

Law nodded at him. Kid was right.

Before leaving, Kid noticed the beer bottle sitting on Law's desk.
"Trafalgar, I know you're crazy, but get that bottle out of here. Someone's going to accuse you of
drinking on duty!"

Law gave him the middle finger. He then pulled the phone out of his jeans and tossed it to Kid,
who left to drop them off for inspection.


Kid was talking to Franky when he saw Law and Drake walking towards the shooting range

When they entered the range Drake was impressed. Law told him to put on safety glasses and
plungers. Then he loaded a gun and handed it to him.

"Okay, try to shooting so I can see what I can do to help you."

Drake made a few attempts that weren't the best.

"Okay, your stance is wrong. You're holding the gun at the wrong height."

Drake listened carefully and tried to do what Law showed him. There were some good hits.

Time had passed and Kid was tapping his fingers nervously on the table.

"Are you okay? You seem nervous." Franky noticed that Kid was acting strange.

"Yes, yesterday was a rough day. Time to go. It will be dark soon."

"Good night Kid."

"Good night."

Kid went and packed his stuff. He saw that Law's things were still there. Instead of leaving, he
went to the shooting range.

When he entered he saw Law standing behind Drake. His hands were on his and he was talking to
him. What impressed him was how Drake was deliberately touching Law. Oh, that bastard knew
what he was doing.

"Trafalgar! Let's go! I'll take you to your apartment!" Kid called out so the dumb newbie could hear

Law looked at him calmly while Drake was slightly startled.

"Drake, you did it great. We'll continue next time."

Drake just nodded at him. Kid looked at him with disdain. They said goodbye and left.

When he parked Law grabbed the door handle and saw Kid do the same.

"Eustass, I can go home myself. You don't have to come down."

"I want to take a walk in the fresh air."

Law said nothing to him and left. Kid walked behind Law. They reached the apartment, Law put
the key in the door and unlocked it. He turned to say goodbye to Kid when he felt lips on his. His
eyes widened and by the time he reacted he had already been pushed into the apartment. Kid
slammed the door and continued to kiss him. Aggressive, passionate, dominant. Kid was clinging
to him and swallowing every part of his mouth. Law didn't know what was going on. Before he
knew it, they were already in the bedroom.

The apartment was similar to Kid's and it wasn't hard to find her.

Kid kept kissing him. He grabbed his shirt and tore it. Law heard the buttons fall to the ground. He
started to protest, but Kid had pulled him close again and was already kissing his chest. He left
marks everywhere. Law began to moan. Kid was learning new things that Law liked.

It was Law's first time seeing Kid so dominant. What had caught him? Yes, Law didn't pay much
attention to the kisses and allowed him sometimes, but they had agreed not to have sex anymore,

By the time these thoughts were running through his head Kid was already on top of him. Even if
Law wanted to, there was no way to escape. Kid was possessed.

"What are you doing Eustass? We've agreed to..." then Kid cut him off with a rough kiss.

Law surrendered and grabbed his hair. He began to move close to him while Kid's hands were on
either side of his head.

After a while, Kid started kissing his body. He slowly made his way down, unbuttoned his jeans
and removed them along with his boxers. Then he grabbed his already hard cock and started taking
it in his mouth. Law stood up slightly.

"Hey, you don't have to…" Kid just looked at him and Law fell silent. He lay down again and
closed his eyes. The way he sucks and licks him drove him crazy. Law tried to move his hips up
and down, but Kid wouldn't let him. Kid was in complete control of him. He surrendered even
though what they were doing was wrong.

"Kid, please… don't stop! Fuck…" Law grabbed his hair and soon came in his mouth. He was
panting and trying to catch his breath while Kid licked his lips.

Law looked at him and realized that this was not the end. This was only the beginning.

Kid turned him over on his stomach and Law felt Kid's cock slip between his ass cheeks. Law
didn't remember at what point he told him where the lube was. Pleasure consumed his mind. He
wanted Kid inside him, but he had other intentions.

Kid kept watching as the body beneath him writhed. While teasing him Kid leaned down and
started kissing his back. Law clutched the sheets and Kid put his hands on top of his. There wasn't a
part of his body that Kid hadn't been through. Law only moaned and panting.

"Eustass… what… got you?" Law said these words between moans.

Kid stood up and inserted just the tip of his cock, then pulled it out. Law tried to push against him,
but Kid wouldn't let him.

"I will make you remember only my name!"

Law wondered what Kid meant. After a while Kid put his cock in with a smooth motion. Law
closed his eyes and bit his lip. Kid got him on all fours and started pounding him in quick motions.
Possessiveness. He held his hip with one hand and ran the other down his back. He immediately hit
his weak spot. Law began to tremble with pleasure.


Law wasn't sure if he had heard correctly. Kid moved his hands to his waist. That he has more
power. Nothing existed at the moment. Only they.

Kid watched the cock go in and out of that tight ass. After a few more moves, he emptied himself

Law went limp on the bed and Kid lay down next to him. They needed time to come out of the
ecstasy they had fallen into.

After calming his breathing, Kid turned to Law.


But he got no answer. When he looked at him she noticed that he was asleep. Law was exhausted
from the sex. Kid pulled back the covers and covered them. Law shifted and slipped one hand
under the pillow. Kid smiled, started stroking his hair without waking him and soon fell asleep.


When Law woke up Kid was gone. He still can't explain what got him. They didn't even like each
other? Right?

When he stood up, he felt a pain in his lower body. He reminded himself that Kid had never come
across such a big and thick cock before. Last time, Kid was gentler and didn't feel as much pain.
But yesterday they had engaged in a wild dance.

He took a shower and got ready for work.

When he arrived he saw Nami joking with him.

"Law, you walk like somebody fuck you to the pount of fainting!"

He just scowled at her.

"Wow, I guess right." Nami laughed slightly.

Law walked past her without saying anything. He went to the office and sat down. Kid was sitting
there typing something on the computer. Law was wondering what the hell was going on in his
head! But Kid didn't speak to him, didn't even look at him. Law chose not to pursue matters further,
although he wanted an explanation. They didn't say a word.

Drake walked in and blushed before greeting them. Law looked at him questioningly, and Kid just
smirked. He felt proud of the work he had done yesterday. No matter how much Law hid the marks
on his body, it was impossible to hide them all. Let's hope this newbie finally backs off.

"Um, anyone want some coffee?" Drake asked them and they both shook their heads.


At noon, Nami saw someone at her office door.

Nami left the papers she was fixing.

"Kid, what's up? You rarely come here."

Kid didn't know what to say without looking like a complete idiot "Can we talk about something
unrelated to work?"

"Of course." Nami felt happy inside. She hoped she could help him.

Finally he mustered up the courage.

"How do I show Trafalgar that I like him?"

Kid expected Nami to start mocking him.

"Let's go to lunch. We'll talk in peace."

The two went to eat.

"Since when did you realize you might have a crush on him?"

"After we fucked each other at the restaurant."

"Wait, is that why you took so long then?" Nami was surprised.

Oops, Kid forgot she didn't know about that.

"We were drunk and took it as a mistake."

"Okay, what about the elevator situation?"

Kid lied a bit here because he couldn't tell about the problem with panic attacks "That's how I felt
at the time."

"Did you have sex when I sent Law to check on you when you were sick?"


"What about yesterday? Did you do something?"


"You know Drake likes him too?"

"Yeah and it's been annoyed me so much lately."

"Is that why Law showed up today barely walking and covered in marks? You want to show Drake
to sit away from Law?"


Kid clearly wanted to show Drake that Law belonged to him! And don't try to get close to him!

"What about Law? How do I take these… let's call them meetings."

"He like it."

"So you feel chemistry between you?"


"Did you tell him something?"

"No, after each time we tell ourselves that this should not happen again and everything starts the
same way."

"What does Law think of Drake?"

"He doesn't say anything."

"How did feel when you found out Drake tried to kiss him?"

"At first I didn't care, but then I started to get annoyed. So Drake told you that?"

"Yes, he told me sometimes random things. He want advise. Okay, ask him out. Somewhere he
likes. Try to get to know him without fighting." Nami emphasized the last few words.

"Where does he like to go?"

"Hmm, I remember he used to love walking on the beach."

"Great, thanks woman."

Nami hoped she had been able to help him.


"Trafalgar, do you want to go for a walk to the beach after work."

"Eustass, are you sure you didn't hit your head?"

"What do you mean? I'm fine."

"First - yesterday you fuck me as if your life depended on it. Second - all day you pretend I don't
exist and you don't give me an explanation for your actions. We agreed that what happened was a

"Then why didn't you pull away? Both know you like it!"

Law could not answer that question. How he hated it when the redhead counters him with his

Nami walked past the door and heard them arguing. She decided to help Kid.

"Law, why don't you take a walk to the beach? The weather is nice today."

"What? I don't want to go anywhere. You two can go if you want to." Law had turned to her.

"Ooh, right, good. I'll call Robin to come with us too. She'll be more than happy to tell her about
your bed activities."

Kid backed off a bit, he had a feeling there might be victims. Law gaped at her and then looked at
"Seriously Eustass? Did you tell the whole world?"

"She guessed anyway!" Kid rushed to his defense and yelled.

"And you decided to tell her?"

"Stop it Trafalgar. You're annoying me!"

"You too. I'm leaving!"

He went to collect his things. Nami closed her eyes and thought about the idiots she had to deal

"Kid, come on. I'll call Robin." Nami continued to blackmail Law.

"I'll smoke a cigarette and wait for you outside!" Law had finally surrendered. This witch was
capable of anything.

"I can't believe it worked. You're one crazy bitch!" Kid stared in amazement.

"Go, you'll thank me later." she winked at him and left.

Chapter 12

They reached the beach. Law kicked off his shoes and rolled up his jeans to his knees. Kid
followed him.

The water was pleasant. Law could feel the breeze on his face. Kid walked with his hands in his
jeans pockets.

"What happened to you last night?" Law broke the silence.

Kid knew he would have to explain to him at some point "I was mad at this idiot." he could not
come up with an excuse and had to tell the truth.


"Drake." Kid looked away and avoided looking at Law.

"You've been angry with someone before. I find it hard to believe that if someone made you angry
about something you would act like this?" Law spoke in a calm tone.

"The newbie likes you and is only looking for contact with you." Kid elaborated on the subject.

"What's wrong with that?"

"I don't like that."

"Eustass, listen to me. I told you I wouldn't be your fuck buddy. You agreed to that. Yes, I won't
deny that sex with you is divine, but I'm not owned by anyone. Not you or Drake."

"So you don't like him?" That was all Kid cared about.

"Drake is young and inexperienced. I haven't told him he's not my type. I don't want to be rude to

"Why are you acting like that? You'd basically would cut him off right away?"

"Maybe because he's our colleague."

"I'm your colleague too?"

"You are another case." Law laughed lightly.

Kid still wasn't saying he liked him. While walking he began to think. In fact, Law was the only
person who could tolerate him. Their characters were similar. They were smart, proud, stubborn
and wild in sex.

"By the way, the operation Smoker sent us to - I liked it." Kid tried to start a conversation again.

"They almost killed us? What did you like?" Law said this jokingly.

"I liked being with you."

Law didn't know what to say. He blushed slightly. Actually, he liked it too, but he didn't say


"Let's go home. It's getting late."

"Shall I send you to your apartment?"

"No need. Then I'll have to think about whether you made it home."

Kid wondered if he was saying that because he was worried about him or if he was just joking in
his style. The two parted, saying only goodbye.


The next morning, Nami burst into Kid's office.

"How was yesterday?" Nami was impatient.

"He said she didn't like Drake." Kid looked at her triumphantly and grinned.

"Did you tell him you like him?"

"No, but the important thing is that he doesn't like the newbie."

"Kid, you're an idiot! The other thing was more important!" Nami hit her head. Kid was hopeless.

Law came a little later. His hair was shaggy and he' yawning.

"Trafalgar, are you got drunk last night?" Kid was trying to act normal, but it was getting harder
and harder.

"Shut up, I over sleep! I didn't have time to get ready!

Kid just laughed at him. He didn't actually tell him he looked sexy that way.

Law was eating chocolate when Kid's phone rang.

"They're from the hospital." Kid got up, walked over to Law, picked up the phone and put it on

"Doctor, any news on Bellamy?"

"I just wanted to let you know that there is no change in his condition. You will not be able to
question him at this stage."

"Thanks, call me if there's anything." Kid hung up the phone and cursed. Law did the same.

Kid was still hovering over Law when he noticed Drake walking down the hall.

While Law was thoughtful Kid bent down and directly took the piece of chocolate that was in
Law's hand with his mouth. He wanted to make sure the newbie saw that. Drake looked at them, he
was embarrassed and hurried through the door. When Kid saw that everything had gone according
to plan, he felt Law hit him on the head.

"Idiot!" Law was angry.

"What? I wanted a chocolate!"

"Couldn't you have asked the normal way?"

"Like I said i wanted a chocolate!"

Law rolled his eyes. For the last few days, he couldn't understand what was going on with Kid.

"Eustass, did Franky find any tracking devices on our phones?" Law change the subject.


"How does this psychopath know our every move?" Law was increasingly confused.

"Maybe he's thinking of covering his tracks?"

"Just as we're getting close to revealing something?"

Kid thought. Law was right.

They all left. Law had refused Kid to give him a ride because he had a meeting with friends.

Kid was almost home when his phone rang. He saw that he was the principal of the school.

"Principle, what's up?"

"Please come. Someone's following me!"

"What about the policemen guarding you?"

"I can't see them! Please!" Mihawk sounded worried.

"Lock yourself in the office! I'll be right back!"

Kid dialed Law. He didn't answer.

"Come on Trafalgar! Pick up the fucking phone!"

There was no answer. Before he arrived he saw Law return his call.

"Eustass, what's up?"

"The principal! He thinks someone is following him! The cops guarding him are gone! I'm almost
in front of the school! You don't have to come, I just want you to know."

He heard Law swearing on the phone.

"I'm coming the quickest way!" Law hung up.

Kid was glad that Law left his friends in the second to come and help him. He entered the school
and saw the two police officers lying on the ground. They were knocked out.

He looked around and drew his gun. He started to climb the stairs. Also noticed that the lights
weren't working and he couldn't see very well. He relied on the light that crept in from outside.

He went to the principal's office, who unlocked the door for him.
"Thanks for coming!"

"Let's get out of here!" Kid was hurrying as fast as he could.

Then he heard a noise. He went to the door and saw a figure approaching the office. He told the
principle to hide somewhere until the danger passed.

"Don't move or I'll shoot!" Kid walked out of the office and into a defensive position.

The figure froze for a moment. Kid couldn't see his face because of the darkness.

Close, they were so close!

Kid almost reached him, and just before he caught him, he felt a blow to his face. He dropped his
gun. The figure tried to run away, but Kid managed to grab his arm and pull him. A second kick to
the leg followed, knocking Kid off balance. Kid could only see that the killer had a scar on his
arm. The figure slipped away and ran.

At that time, Law intercepted him and pointed his gun at the figure.

"Don't move! I'll shoot!"

Law was distracted for just a second to see Kid's condition and the figure took advantage of it. He
picked up a vase from a nearby table and threw it at Law. He dodged it, but the figure managed to
pass through him.

In seconds, Law had to choose between seeing Kid's condition or going after the figure. The
decision was not difficult.

"Eustass, are you okay?"

"Shit! He get out!" Kid punched the ground.

"Calm down, you're not injured right?"

"I'm fine, he punch me in the face! The bastard knows how to punch!"

Law confirmed his opinion. Kid was excelled in hand-to-hand combat. He knew that there were
points in the body that if you hit them, you directly neutralize the opponent. Such was the case.
The bastard had left no chance for a reaction on Kid. Then something dawned on Law.

"Wait, are we going to be able to find prints?"

"No, he was wearing gloves."

"Shit. I called for backup. They'll take care of the principle."

"I only saw that there was a scar on the arm." Kid was quick to share that fact.

"It's a good discovery, but there's no way we're going to start checking every single person in town
for that kind of mark." Law looked at him and sighed.

"You're right. We're at a dead end again!"

By the time other officers arrived Kid and Law were sitting near the principal.
When they got out into the street Law noticed that Kid had a split eyebrow. He made him sit in the
back seat of the car and started to clean the wound.

"I keep thinking if the principle is bluffing? I'm no longer sure that the one who attacked us is the
person we are looking for." Kid was troubled by this.

"It's not impossible."

Law then turned his attention back to helping Kid.

"Thank you for coming." Kid didn't move or complain.

"You're welcome. Sorry I couldn't help you."

"No, it was important to me. You'd rather see if I'm okay than go after him."

"That's what we're partners for." Law smiled at him.

Kid lifted his head and looked at him. He could see with what concentration he was doing his job.
Law was really beautiful. Not only externally, but also internally. Now he realized that no matter
how much they hated each other, he could always count on him to have his back. Law would
always come to help him no matter what time of day it was.

"Eustass, why are you looking at me like that? Did I have something on my face?"

Kid saw that he was staring at him for too long. He looked away and Law continued. After a while
he put a bandage on the wound.

"You are ready."

He went to the trunk and left the first aid kit. When he closed the door and turned, Kid was behind


Without answering him, Kid wrapped his arms around his waist and kissed him. Gentle, slow and
caring. Law was subconsciously used to Kid's surprise kisses and for that he reciprocated. For a
long time he wondered why he couldn't resist him. Kisses, touches, sex - everything attracted him.
Kid lifted him so that Law was sitting on the trunk lid and stood between his legs. Law put his
arms around his neck and let Kid pull him even closer. Kid was enjoying, he wanted to touch him
but after a while Law stopped everything.

"Eustass, please. This is not right." as much as he wanted to keep going, he decided it was best for
both of them.

"Why? Do you think I'm that aggressive too?" Kid was referring to his ex-boyfriend's words. They
had been subconsciously memorized in his mind. He knew he was stubborn, but did everyone
really see only aggression in him?

Law was beginning to guess what was going through Kid's head. When he looked at him he
noticed how angry he was.

"Eustass, don't act like a child... It's not what you think... I..."

"What? Tell me why the hell are you clinging to me and when I want to do something you pull
away? I can't read your signs? I keep hearing how this isn't right?" Kid was already speaking

"Eustass… please." Law lowered his head and didn't know what to say. Why was he really pushing
him away?

"You know Trafalgar, fuck you! I've trampled my pride enough!"

Kid backed away, picked up his backpack and started walking. Law had just pushed him away and
it unexpectedly hurt him.

Law's life became more and more confused. It wasn't enough that they were dealing with a
psychopath, but now he had to think about his relationship with the Kid. If he was with anyone else
he wouldn't care, but with Kid it was different.


The next day they all drank coffee together. Kid and Law didn't say a word to each other. Nami
was noticing that. She had a feeling that if she asked Kid, he would get angry and there would be a
scandal. Maybe it was a good idea to ask Law when they were alone.

Kid was drinking coffee and looking out the window. Law and Drake weren't next to him, but Kid
could hear what they were talking about.

"Law, do you want to go out for a drink tonight?" Drake was worried as he asked his question.

Law thought for a moment. Was he in a love triangle? Kid kept his eyes fixed on the window and
pretended to be distracted, but he carefully waited for Law's response.

"I'm tired. Can we do it another time?"

Kid continued to watch with a blank face, but inside he was screaming that Law refused him.

"Yes, of course. No problem."

Law knew he had to sit down and talk to Drake someday. Apparently he had given him some hope.


Nami met Law in the hallway and cornered him.

"What?" Law was annoyed.

"What's up with Kid?"

"Nami, that's enough. It's okay. We fucked each other a few times and nothing more!"

"Why are you acting like stupid teenagers?"

"It's not true!"

"You're supposed to be smart, but you're not. Law, open your eyes a little! Put your pride behind

After these words she left.

Kid was sitting reading something when Law came in and closed the door. What was going on?
They were rarely behind closed doors.

"Eustass, I'm going to tell you something that no one else knows."

Kid was proud and stubborn and pretended not to notice him. Law wondered if there was any point
in talking, but if something was going to happen, it was good that someone knew.

"I had some tests done in an outside lab a while ago."

Although Kid kept his eyes on the documents, his heart began to beat wildly. What did Law mean?

"It's about the case when I was asleep and he found me here in the morning. I have my doubts, but
I want to see the results first. I'm telling you this because I only trust you."

Kid heard the door open and Law step out. He looked at him for a long time, even though he had
long since gone out.


Law was smoking at the window when Kid entered. All day, Law's words did not give him peace.

"What did you mean earlier?" Kid was beginning to worry.

"I don't want to talk now Eustass. We have to be careful! I have a bad feeling."

Kid knew that if Law didn't want to talk right now, there was a reason. That's why he didn't insist
on telling him exactly what was going on in his head.

"You know you can count on me." Kid had swallowed his pride again. They could have quarreled,
but he wanted Law to know that he would always be there for him.

"I know. Thanks." Law gave him a sincere smile.

There was silence.

"Are you going to go?" Kid went to get his backpack and waited for an answer.

"I still have little things to finish, you go."

"Good night." Kid came out.

"Good night Eustass."


Law stood a little longer. He went over the report again and again. He decided it was time to go.
He stood up and stretched. Before turning off the light, he saw the bottle of beer that Kid was
telling him to put away because he would be accused of drinking on the job. The bottle was empty,
he took it and threw it in the trash. He had decided to clean his desk tomorrow because it was
cluttered with all kinds of documents. Then locked the door and headed for the exit.

He started walking down the street and thought about Kid... Did he do the right thing by pushing
him away? Did he even want to push him away? Although they fights, he enjoyed his company.
Kid had swallowed his pride and went to give him support, which Law greatly appreciated. Maybe
tomorrow he would try to improve their relationship.
He began to think about the case and something flashed before his eyes. Then he froze! No, no, no!
The last piece!

Suddenly thousands of things and situations

spun in his head! Yes, he had certain suspicions before, but everything came together! It couldn't
be! He looked that it was already late, his partner might have gone to bed, but dialed Kid
immediately. During this time he began to panic. He was about to give up and Kid picked up.

"Trafalgar?" Kid knew that Law wasn't going to call him just like that at this time, and he was
slightly worried.

"Eustass! Thank god you picked up!"

Law was talking fast and Kid knew something was up.

"What's up, are you okay?"

"It's been right in front of our eyes all the time! We've been so blind! The killer is..."

Then Law felt someone hit him on the back of the neck. In seconds he fell to the ground and closed
his eyes.

"TRAFALGAR?" Then Kid heard someone cut the line.

His heart would have jumped out. He tried to call Law again, but the phone was already switched
off. He was hoping this was some kind of joke! He got dressed and went to Law's apartment. He
didn't really know if he had come home or if he was still out.

When he arrived, there no trace of Law.

He call Sabo right away! They had a serious problem!

Chapter 13

Law woke up. He felt dizzy. Apart from the fact that someone had hit him on the head, on top of
that he felt that he had been injected with something. A sedative? His neck hurt. Tried to
understand the current situation.

He was tied to a chair. He couldn't move his arms and legs. He was blindfolded and couldn't see
anything. It was cold and quiet. He could hear a river flowing. It is apparently located on the
outskirts of the city. Only from there the river passed. The memories of being kidnapped as a child
came flooding back, but he tried not to panic. Then he heard footsteps stop in front of him.

"You know, you started poking your nose everywhere."

Law recognized the voice that spoke to him.

"Your goal is to eliminate anyone and anything that might reveal you." Law started asking

"It is logical."

"Why are you doing this?"

"Those fools were messing with me!"

"Why didn't you tell someone?"

"There was no one to get support from, so I decided to act alone!"

"Why did you wait so many years?"

"I had to earn the trust of these fools."

"So you ended up keeping in touch with them."

"Of course. All three of them got what they deserved. I wanted them to feel what I felt!"

"Psycho!" Law didn't hold back. After a while, he felt a punch in his stomach.

"You've already asked a lot of questions, time to get some sleep. You've given me a lot of
headaches to sort out."

Law heard a bottle being opened. He tried to pull away. He felt the needle in his neck. This time
the dose was bigger. After a while he got sleepy.


A few hours later everyone was in the department, despite it being the middle of the night. Kid
walked back and forth.

"Okay, so Law found out who the killer was and before he told you the line went dead?" Franky
wanted to know the situation.
"Yes!" Kid was already circling angrily. He was wondering how Law was doing. The information
that Law had found out who the killer didn't interest him at the moment.

"Kid, we'll find him..." Drake tried to reassure him but Kid cut him off.

"Shut up! I don't want to listen you!" Kid was ready to sweep everything in his path.

"Kid!" Nami scolded him.

"We don't need to fight each other. We won't help anyone!" Robin tried to calm the situation.

"Robin is right, let's calm down first and then we'll start looking." Sabo also supported the opinion
of others.

"What are we going to look for when we have no leads?" Kid started yelling again.

"Kid, pull yourself together. Are you going to give up now?" Nami understood why Kid was acting
like this. She knew he had feelings for Law. She was sure Law felt the same way. He just hoped
Kid wasn't acting on emotion because that would be a problem.

Kid paused for a moment. Nami was right! He would find Law!

"Excuse me, there is a package for Law." there was a policeman at the door.

Everyone looked at it and Kid hurried to pick it up.


When he entered the office, Kid looked at the package.

It had the logo of some laboratory on it. The results Law has been waiting for! Kid quickly opened
the package and pulled out a piece of paper.

The results were positive! His eyes widened and he continued to read. There was a sleeping pill in
his blood!

Law had told him yesterday that he was referring to the incident when he woke up in the office.
Even then, Law told him that he did not remember falling asleep there! But why would anyone
have given him a sleeping pill at that moment? Apparently, Law had these suspicions and that's
why he had told him that they should be careful.

He quickly rewound what had happened that morning. He remembered that he went to look at the
record from cameras and Law looked at Boa's phone and found nothing. That's right, the phone!
Law was very surprised that there was nothing in it. Things cleared up for him. At that moment,
Law was holding something that he shouldn't have seen.

"Kid, can I have a moment?" there was a knock at the door and Drake was there.


"I want to apologize for the morning."

Kid didn't want to deal with him at all at this point.

"No problem." he thought he was done talking when Drake continued.

"Do you have feelings for Law?"

Kid was surprised by this question and became even more angry, but he didn't show it.

"I'm not going to discuss this with you!"

"Okay, but I want you to know that I won't give up on him that easily."

How dare that idiot talk to him like that. He just told him that he wanted to take Law away from
him. He wanted to throw him out the door.

"I don't have time to talk!"

Drake took the hint and walked out.

Kid wanted to know how long the sleeping pill lasted. He would ask Nami, but not tell her it was
about Law. Still, Law trusted him and would not betray him.


Law woke up briefly. He felt dizzy and couldn't control his body.

Apparently he wasn't giving him any sedative. He tried to untie himself, but he had no strength. It
was professionally tied. He couldn't feel his phone. He's still blindfolded. It wasn't that cold, so it
was still daytime. He heard no footsteps or anyone talking. He was alone. He wanted to take
advantage of it, or at least as much as he could. He knew it didn't matter, but he cried out.


Nothing. Why did you imagine Kid might be here.

All the while he tried to control his breathing, which proved to be a difficult task. His strength was
leaving him more and more and he fell asleep again.


Kid thought of acting mainly alone. If it agreed every single thought with everyone, it would waste
a lot of time. He didn't know what state Law was in and every minute was important. He eent to

"Franky I need help."

"Sure Kid, just say."

"Do you have any tracking device I can wear. I'm exclude out giving me a phone. It can be
neutralized very easily."

"What do you have in mind?"

"Nothing for now. I want to have another device besides the phone."

"Okay, wait a second." Franky got up and brought him a bracelet.

"Here, at first glance, it's a bracelet. There's a tracking chip inside, it has other functions."

"Great, please follow me on it if needed."

"Kid, what's going on in your head? Don't do stupid things!"

"I just might have to act fast and not have time to tell you."

Now he had to mentally prepare himself to go to Nami and most likely look at the newbie's
dumbfounded face. Lately he couldn't stand him, he wanted to take away something that was his!
Okay, almost his! He took the resulta in his hand and walked towards Nami.

"Woman can you help me for a bit?" Kid directly began to speak.

Nami was doing some research and it took her a while to pay attention to him.

"Wait a second." she got up from the chair and went to remove her gloves.

Nami turned to Kid and noticed him looking at Drake. It didn't make much of an impression on
her, she was used to everyone's moods.

"With what can I..."

Kid immediately cut her off.

"It doesn't matter. It's not important. See you later." he was in a hurry to get out.

Drake looked at him, then at Nami, who shrugged.

"This man is incorrigible!"


Kid ran to his office and closed the door. Law's words, that everything was before their eyes all the
time! Everything is connected!

Damn it!

The missing phone in Dellinger's apartment. The photo that was missing from the album. Boa's
phone, which had nothing suspicious on it. Now he remembered that the beer label that was on
Law's desk is the same as the one they found in Boa's office. For this, Law kept repeating that he
was familiar. It was in front of his eyes all the time. Fires that occurred just as Bellamy was about
to say something important. The records that Mihawk had been keeping disappeared. In every
single situation with them it was the same person!

Kid was sure Law had done the same things! The killer suspected that Law was starting to guess
some things and that's why he attacked him!

Damn it!

The killer was ahead of them the whole time, Drake to be exact!

He had to calm down first! He didn't have to show that he revealed it. Otherwise, he wouldn't be
able to save Law! He wouldn't tell anyone so he wouldn't screw something up. He would just act
like every day.

If Law was alive, which he was sure of, then Drake would take him to him. He just had to bide his
time and track him down. He knew that Law would try his best to distract him from killing him.
Ok, now it was time to show acting skills!


Kid went to lunch and everyone was there. Drake was talking to Sabo. He kept telling himself to
act normal. He sat down next to Franky and began to eat.

"Kid, what happened to you earlier? You were quite overexcited?" Nami asked him as she ate.

Kid didn't feel like talking, but he had to. He lifted his head and grinned.

"You know I'm always overexcited!" Kid said this with a sly grin.

"Sometimes I wonder where you get that energy from!" Nami started laughing.

"Shut up woman!"

Franky and Sabo were done and got up from the table. Robin and Nami went to get something for
dessert. Kid was still eating and was alone with Drake for a bit.

"Kid, I know you don't like me, but I really like Law."

Kid wondered for a moment if he really liked him or if he was playing. He really hoped it was the
latter because he couldn't imagine a serial killer actually liking Law.

"Look newbie, I don't know what you expect me to do by telling me these things. I just want you to
know one thing - I really like Trafalgar and I'm not going to give it up! You're messing with the
wrong person!"

"Kid, I don't want to fight. Let Law decide who to be with. A humble guy like me or an aggressive
guy like you."

Kid could feel his blood boiling. He kept telling himself how he had to save Law. It should not
have been issued for this purpose. Then he grinned. If this bastard wanted to play, Kid would show
him how.

"Really? Listen carefully! He's looking for me! He ONLY lets me touch him! I kiss him! I fuck
him! He screams MY name! I wake up next to him! Yes, me...the aggressive man!"

Drake froze and stared at him with open mouth. He had nothing to say to that.

Right in the top! Kid just showed him how to screw a man up!

Robin and Nami came back and sat down. They looked at Drake and then at Kid.

Robin sighed and Nami just said "Poor Drake."

It's time for them to go. It was time for Kid to act. He watched as Drake gathered his things and

He quickly gathered his own and followed him. He knew how to drive when he had to follow

Drake stopped in front of a building. According to Kid, he lived there.

He turned off the car and began to wait. His thoughts were only on Law. 30 minutes passed, an
hour, an hour and a half.

Then Kid noticed Drake walking out. He saw that it was quite late. He really hoped to get him to
where Law was.

Drake left and Kid followed. Luckily there was still traffic and Kid was blending into the crowd.
For now, he had no idea where he could drive.

After a while, Drake made a turn. They were leaving town. This road led to the old butcher shop,
which is closed. Okay, he didn't have to follow him anymore. He would wait and sneak away.


Kid had parked the car out of sight. He managed to get in through the back entrance and hid behind
some equipment. He quickly looked around and saw Law. His heart began to beat faster and faster.
He saw that he was tied up and was lying limp on the chair.

Drake walked over to Law and wake him up by dousing him with a bucket of cold water.

Law was startled and began to breathe heavily. Damn, what he was injected him with was not
being cleared from his system.

Kid was ready to jump at the second, but stopped at the last moment. Remind himself that he have
to act smart, not by emotion. It was hard, very hard!

It would have been easier Drake to leave and then save Law! He was sure his partner would make

"What are you going to do?" Law couldn't see where Drake was, but he sensed that he was close to

"I thought about killing you outright, but I changed my mind. You will live a little longer."

"What?" Law was buying time, but for how long?

"I'll wait a few days for things to settle down at work. Kid was pretty nervous and pissed me off a
lot today."

"Well done to Eustass!"

Kid felt proud by hearing this from Law.

Law felt a blow to his face. Because of the blindfold, he couldn't see what to expect. Kid sat and
could barely contain himself. He clenched his fists.

"I don't know who I want to kill more. You or him?"

"No matter what happens to me, someone will find out what happened and you will pay!"

"You know, I'm thinking of catching Kid and killing him too. No matter how nice I was to him, he
never liked me. I kept wondering why? I finally figured out it was because he was jealous."

Law didn't want to show any reaction. Drake continued "After today, I thought of something. I'm
going to bring him here, but before I kill you, I'm going to make sure Kid watches me rape you!"

"You're a sick brain!"

Drake started laughing.

"I want to show him that he's not the only one who can touch, kiss and fuck you!"

If they were in any other situation, Kid knew he'd screwed up. Very seriously.

Law felt something sharp tearing at his shirt.

Drake was running a knife through the right side of Law's chest. Blood flowed and Law gritted his
teeth. He continued to breathe heavily.

"I see the substance is working well. You only need a little more to overdose. Then I wonder what
effect you will unlock."

Law was silent. Kid immediately remembered what effects this substance could have. Nami had
explained them in detail.

"Good night Law."

Law heard his footsteps recede. His strength was leaving him again. He injected such a quantity
into that he slowly tormented him. After a while he heard footsteps again.

Damn it! He thought that today would pass. He no longer knew how to buy time.

Then he felt the blindfold fall off. He needed time to get used to the light. Then he saw that fiery
red hair.

"Eustass?" for a moment he wondered if he was seeing correctly. Was he hallucinating?

After a second, Kid grabbed his head and pulled him into a passionate kiss! Yes, Law realized it
was Kid!

"Relax, I'm going to untie you now."


"What?" Kid stopped for a moment and looked at him.

"Are you seriously going to tell the whole world that we're fucking?"

"That bastard must know not to touch what is mine!"

Before Law could answer, he felt Kid's lips on his again.

"We will talk later." Kid hurried to untie him.

Kid untied his legs. Law hardly try to move from sitting in one place for so long. Kid began to
untie his hands, which were tied to the backs of the chair.

Then he felt something touch his head. He froze and looked at Law, who was watching with wide

Drake had a gun to his head!

"Don't move guys." and grinned.

Chapter 14

Law still had his hands tied. Kid had to think fast, but the gun to his head wasn't helping. He was
sure of only one thing - he would protect himself and Law.

"Kid, stand next to Law." Drake spoke in a calm voice.

Kid kept his eyes on Law who urging him to do as he was told. This one was a psychopath. Kid
stood next to Law.

"Why did you come into the department?" Kid asked him a question as he thought about what to

"I knew someone would find out about the murders. I wanted to be close so I would know how to

"Since when have you been planning this?" Kid continued to ask.

"From the moment they messed with me! Even when we were students they always picked on me!
All three of them thought they had the world in their hands!"

Kid remembered Bonnie's words when she told him that Vivi was not the good person. Apparently,
she was talking about this part of her character.

"What happened to you is terrible, but this was not the way to solve the problem!" Kid was trying
to buy time.

"Don't pretend to care!" Drake was yelling and continued "That's why I enrolled to study this. I
wanted to be near you. Then find some people's which helped me to begin to work here."

"So you have accomplices?"

"The idiots who helped me had no idea."

Law thought what a sick brain they was dealing with and Kid asked the next question.

"Vivi? You waited for her to come out of that bar, didn't you?"

"Yes, the fool thought that offering me money and not telling anyone about me would save her!"

"Dellinger's phone? When did you manage to get it?" Kid continued to ask questions.

"Thanks to you I found out that Law forgot it. Leaving work for one hour is an easy task. The bomb
I left I thought would kill you, but the both are too stubborn."

"Bellamy recognized you when we went to the vet, didn't he?" then Law ask another question.

"How did you know?" Drake was curious.

"When you told Bellamy "thanks" for some medicine for "your dog" he gave you a surprised look,
he wanted to say something but only smiled."

Kid just watched and Law continued "After seeing that Bellamy was most likely going to tell us
something, you suddenly disappeared. Seconds after you came back the fire started. Many

"I didn't expect you to catch on so quickly."

"You drugged Trafalgar so you could clear the messages and calls to Boa." Kid continued. It was
more of a fact than a question.

Law looked at him. So the results were positive.

"That's right. It was hard to keep my composure when I knew a little phone check would betray me.
There were messages from me to Boa. That night I just asked Law to drink the beer I gave him and
it was full of sleeping pills. I had some omissions, but fortunately you directed me to correct them."

"Then you were with Nami." Law remembered when the two were drinking beer and talking.

"Yeah, I knew how long he needed the sleeping pill. I just told Nami I forgot my phone and needed
to get back. Easy job." Drake couldn't stop grinning.

"What if Law hadn't drink the beer?" Kid asked him a question.

"I had prepared another one." then a curious thing occurred to him and he said to them, "I thought
you were going to target Mihawk."

"Mihawk was also a suspect, but when we found out about the records and what he was really
hiding from, I turned my attention back to you." Law answered him.

"It doesn't matter. You're the only one who knows about me. When I get rid of you, everything will
be fine. I'll make Mihawk guilty. For that someone wanting to kill him will turn out to be his own

"How are you sure we're the only ones who know?" Law tried to bluff. Within seconds, a smile
appeared on his face. That's how he hoped to confuse him.

"No way. Law, you don't trust only Kid. And Kid, for his part, was showing he was going to act
alone, no matter how hard he tried to hide."

"Did you realize I recognized you?" Kid asked him another question.

"Hm, you're actually a good actor. I thought for a moment when you stormed out of Nami's office.
Tell me how you knew it was me?"

"A scar on your hand. I saw it when you tried to kill Mihawk. Then I connected the other clues and

"Why are you giving them this substance?" Law wondered that.

"When Dellinder was raping me, those two bitches gave me some substance that burned my body.
So I decided to return the favor with something like that. Do you know how I felt? Watching those
bitches laugh and record me. Or how Dellinger is satisfied himself!" Drake was already yelling but
continued, "I returned the favor! I wanted them to feel what I did! I guess you feel it already Law?"

Yes, Law could feel it. The weakness in his body, the heavy breathing. If he kept injecting him
with this, who knows what else he would start to feel.

"What amount did you inject him with?" Kid couldn't hide his affiliation.
"Aw, how sweet to watch you worry about each other. He just needs a little more to overdose."
Drake looked at him with disdain.

Law wanted to tell Kid not to get emotional at this point. That wasn't going to help them.

Law was trying to control himself. He was succeeding to some extent, but it was becoming more
and more difficult.

"How did you know I was here?" Kid wanted to know a few more things.

"Actually, I forgot to inject Law with a dose, and luckily for me you were here. It made it easier for
me to wonder how to get you."

"Do you really like Law?" Kid asked that question like it was the most important thing in the

Law's eyes widened. What happened to Kid? It wasn't the time he should be asking such personal

"Who wouldn't like him. He's beauty. He caught my eye. After much investigation i reached the
both of you. It turned out that you're the best in this sort of murdes. I researched and found out that
the both don't tolerate each other, which was a big plus for me. I thought I could win Law. But you
began to have feelings for him and he started poking his nose everywhere."

"Eustass, shut up! Is that the most important thing right now?" Law whispered to Kid.

"What? It's important to me! Didn't you hear him that he really liked you? I can't accept the fact
that a serial killer really likes you!" Kid whispered to him as well.

"Eustass, if he weren't a serial killer, would you accept the fact that he liked me?"

"Of course not!"

"Shut up! I actually thought you were going to kill each other, but the fool is getting jealous of
you!" Drake had interrupted their little argument.

Despite the situation, Law began to feel embarrassed. He felt like a toy they couldn't share.

"Kid, put all the weapons you have on the ground. Then pick up and put your hands behind your
head!" Drake began ordering.

Kid didn't want to obey, but he knew he had to. The problem was that there was no plan of action.
There were no objects or anything around them to help him. He took and snorted his gun and a
knife on the ground.

"Just the slightest movement and Law dies in seconds. As you know, I have no inhibitions!" Drake
pointed the gun at Kid.

Drake approached slowly, never taking his eyes off Kid. He threw a syringe at him and Kid caught
it. What was that? Then Drake walked away again.

"Inject him!"

"Fuck you, NO!!" Kid couldn't bear to hurt Law.

"Do it Eustass!" Law wanted to buy some time. It was important that Kid at least to get out.
Law looked at him once more and Kid understood. He saw those smiles Law had when he was
sure of what he was doing.

Kid approached and injected the substance into his neck. Law only heard from him "I'm sorry."

During this time, Drake couldn't stop laughing. Kid knew this was another dose. What he didn't
know was that Law had found there was no immediate reaction and meant they still had a little

Drake began to approach Kid again. It was time to tackle him too. He just reached him and Law
used his leg to trip him.

Drake lost his balance, and thanks to Kid's quick reaction, he was on the ground.

He tried to catch the gun he dropped, but Kid wouldn't let him. He hit him with all the strength he
had. Before he could land another punch, Drake managed to roll over and hit Kid in the stomach,
who winced in pain for a moment.

Drake got up and wanted to punch Kid so that he would lose consciousness at the moment.

"EUSTASS! Behind you! Dash to the right!"

Kid heard it and did just that. Still on the ground he used his leg to knock Drake down and

He quickly got on top of him and grabbed him by the neck so that he lost consciousness. Kid
wanted to take care of Law first, then they would deal with Drake. The problem was there no
telephone anywhere.

He instantly lunged at Law.

"Trafalgar? Can you hear me? Are you okay?"

"You asked a lot of questions Eustass. The substance takes time to work. So if we leave quickly,
there might not be much damage."

Law spoke breathlessly. By every minute he was starting to feel different symptoms. But he had to
be strong, at least while they were safe.

As he untied his hands, Kid kept looking at him.

"What are you looking at?" Law yelled at him.

"You are beautiful!"

"Eustass, when it's over I'll be sure to take you to the doctor! You've been acting strange lately!"

Law's brain was deliberately avoiding the possibility that Kid might like him. He kept telling
himself that they had to be together because of work.

Kid just chuckled. When Law got up his legs gave out and Kid caught him.

"Hold on to me."

Kid instantly decided that it was more important to escape than to try to arrest him right now. He
didn't want to risk Law's health anymore. The two of them went out, walking slowly, and reached
near the river. It was cold and windy today. They were just thinking that everything would soon be
over when a bullet grazed Kid's leg. He quickly turned around and saw Drake! The bastard had
somehow come to his senses! Law's reactions were getting slower and slower, it was only a matter
of time before his body gave up.

"Eustass, are you okay?"

"Yeah, just a scratch. But I have a feeling he won't miss next time."

Drake decided to start shooting. Ah, how he wanted to kill them. They were about to ruin

"Jump in the river!" Kid wouldn't let go of Law.

Law was unable to say anything. The idiot Kid really wanted to kill them! Did it not occur to him
that he is not able to swim at the moment!

Drake started firing and before a few bullets could shoot them they jumped. They had better fight
the water instead of this psychopath.

The two were side by side trying to reach the other shore. At one point, Law began to stay behind.
His body barely listened to him. He had no strength and began to swallow more and more water. At
one point his vision went blurry. Was that the end? Maybe he should have talked to Kid about
some things, but it probably didn't matter anymore.

Kid almost reached the shore and turned around. Where was Law?

He used the remaining strength he had and dived under the water. Law was there, sinking. Damn

He managed to catch it and went ashore. He put his back to Law and tried to wake him up. There
was no result. He approached him and froze. He wasn't breathing! No, it couldn't be happening.

Kid began to do CPR. One, two, three times... until he lost track. But he wasn't going to give up
until that arrogant idiot woke up! He didn't care if Drake was around.

"Come on Trafalgar! Don't do this to me! Please!" Kid was yelling.

Tears began to flow down his cheeks. But he didn't stop. If it was anyone else would have given up
by now, but not Kid!

He was going for another round as Law spat out water and began to cough. He could hardly
breathe. Kid quickly turned him on his side and patted him lightly on the back.

"That's right, breathe!" Kid kept talking to him.

"Eustass…didn't I tell you…not to make a habit of this?" Law barely managed to tell him that.

Kid remembered how Law had told him that when he had a panic attack and Kid decided to give
him CPR.

"What can I tell you? I can't listen very well!" Kid answered him laughing.

"By the way Eustass… are you crying?"

Kid wasn't going to hide anymore. Even if Law mocked him.

"Yes, I was crying."

Kid was sitting next to him and suddenly fell. Law began to stare with wide eyes.

"Eustass!" but he didn't have the strength to get up.

Drake had hit Kid on the head.

"You guys really gave me major headaches."

Drake punched Law, who also collapsed.

Chapter 15

Kid woke up. For a moment he didn't know what was happening. The last thing he remembers is
the dull pain in his head and Law calling him. Law! Where is he? He looked around the room and
saw him. Thank goodness! He stood up quickly, but felt dizzy. Okay, apparently he should have
moved more slowly. He walked over to him and nudged him lightly.

Law opened his eyes and began to speak slowly "That psycho won't leave us Eustass."

"Relax, I'll smack his face when I see him. Now we have to figure out how to get out."

"I don't want to freak you out, but just to say that I'm a little dizzy right now and I don't know how
much I can help you."

"You try to stay alive, leave the rest to me."

As they considered their next move, the door opened. Drake had a gun pointed at them. No one
dared to move.

Drake walked over to Kid and put a towel over his mouth. Kid instinctively tried to pull away, but
found himself feeling dizzy. He couldn't get up. Drake stepped back and tossed the towel aside.

"What did you gave him psycho?" Law was shouting but there was nothing he could do. He had
never felt so weak.

"Anaesthetic. Nami has plenty of that stuff."

Law wondered why Drake didn't put Kid to sleep completely. What was he going to do?

Drake came over and kicked him in the chest with his foot, causing Law to fall on his back. He was
already out of strength and knew that he could not fight. He received another dose of the substance.
He immediately felt the symptoms. Did they show up right away this time? He realized that he had
probably already overdosed.

Drake sat on top of him and began to unbutton his shirt. Kid sat by the wall and watched what was
going on.

"I know you're wondering why I didn't put him to sleep completely. Like I said I want him to watch
me rape you."

Kid and Law's eyes widened.

"Law…" Kid managed to mumble only that, but no one heard him.

Law was semi-conscious. No matter how much he tried to control his body, it was no longer

Drake was hovering over him and began groping him. The only thing Law could do was move his
arms in an attempt to push him away, but Drake easily neutralized him.

Law felt disgusted. From the situation and especially from the touches of this psychopath.

Kid watched from the sidelines. He couldn't accept the fact that this person was touching Law. His
Law. This thought gave him strength and he somehow stood up. He wasn't going to let that
psychopath touch him anymore.

Drake continued by unbuttoning his jeans. He was just about to put his hand under his boxers when
Kid pounced on him.

Drake fell to the side and Kid used his body to shield Law.

"If you touch it one more time I'll kill you! Psycho!" Kid was yelling at him.

Drake was starting to lose patience, but then his phone rang. He quickly got up and pointed his gun
at them. He picked up the phone. He hadn't realized that it was already morning.

"Hi Nami. What's up?"

On the other end of the phone, Nami was worried "Drake, where are you, are you okay?"

"Yeah, sorry, I overslept. Will you cover me until I come?"

Kid knew that if he said anything, they were done. He would have gotten out of the situation in
another way.

"Sure Drake. Apparently today is a sleepover day. Kid's gone too, but his phone is off."

"He'll show up in no time. I'm going to get up and be right there."

"Okay, bye." Nami hung up, but she was deliberate.

"What's up Nami? Why are you so intent?" Franky came and asked her.

"Strange that Kid is gone. He knows about Law."

"What do you mean?"

"Kid was willing to dig up the world to find him. And now he's gone?"

Nami knew that Kid liked Law, but she didn't say it directly.

Then Franky thought about it. Kid had told him the day before that he might have to act without
telling anyone. He remembered giving him the tracking bracelet as well.

If Kid was gone a little longer, he would have checked where he was.

Drake put his phone down and continued talking "You really gave me a lot of trouble! I completely
forgot I had to go to work! I think I'll end it with you in a different way!"

Drake just gritted his teeth. He carried them one by one into a cold room. It was freezer. Good
thing it still worked. They would be freezing in a few hours. He didn't need to get his hands dirty.
Wasted too much time.


Drake showed up an hour and a half later.

"Thanks for covering for me Nami. It took me a while."

Nami noticed some scratches on him.

"What are these scratches?"

Drake had to think fast. He smiled and laughed casually.

"Love game."

He liked Law, didn't? He couldn't be with him.

"I suppose it wasn't from Law?" Nami was surprised.

"No. I don't know if I have a chance with him. Kid has proven to be pretty stubborn."

"As I told you - they are both interesting characters." Nami laughed slightly.

"I completely agree."

The two went to their office. No one from the team suspected the danger they were in.


Kid's senses sharpened. It was cold and he lying on the ground. The first thing he was thoughtin
was Law. He saw him lying near to him.

"Hey Law."

Law opened his eyes slightly, he was already at the limit. When he saw Kid, he just smiled.

The psychopath had locked them in a freezer. Kid got up and tried to open the door, but with no
success. He was tired too.

He went and sat next to Law. He could only hug him to keep them warm at least until they found
them. Possibly.

"I'm cold." Law snuggled as tightly as he could into Kid.

"Relax, they'll find us soon."

"Eustass, I didn't know you were such a positive person."

Kid laughed. The thought of Law messing with him at such times gave him courage.

"You know Law, I think we should go out somewhere."

"Like a date?"

"Yes of course, like a date." Kid stroking his cheeks.

"You know I haven't been on a date in a long time." Law smiled as hard as he could.

"I'll make sure you never forget it." Kid kissed his forehead.

Law knew that the outcome of this would most likely not be good, so he allowed himself to speak.
He didn't want to have this conversation at a time like this, but then he might not have another

"Why... do you want to go out with me?"

Kid looked at him and decided he wasn't going to dodge things anymore.

"Because I like you." Kid felt happy for say this words.

"We agreed to…"

But Kid cut him off instantly "I don't care what we agreed to because I have no intention of
keeping it. It was a mistake from the start. I'm not going to suppress my feelings anymore."

Law knew Kid was right and decided he would tell the truth. This could be his last chance.

"You know Eustass I like you too. Maybe more than that."

Kid hugged him tighter. Those things they said to each other sounded like goodbyes.

"Yes, me too."

Those were the last things Law heard. At least he knew Kid liked him.

"Would you like to move in with me? I know it sounds rushed, but i like waking up with you." Kid
continued to speak to him.

He waited a few seconds and when he got no answer, he looked at Law. His eyes were closed. He
nudged him, but he didn't move. Kid quickly panicked. He had been in all kinds of situations, but
this one was difficult for him to accept. When he was in hard situations he knew he shouldn't work
emotionally, but now he couldn't help it. He began to cry.

"Come on Law hold on. We'll be out soon."

He kept talking to him until his own strength left him. At one point he felt only the cold.


Sabo went to Franky and Robin.

"Have you seen Kid? I was supposed to leave him something but the office is locked."

Franky looked at him in surprise. The situation was becoming suspicious. As much as he didn't
want to, he sat down at the computer and started checking his location.

After a while the address appeared on the screen. Franky looked puzzled and Robin asked him
"Honey, what's up?"

"Kid is currently located in the former butcher shop by the town."

Sabo and Robin immediately approached.

"What's he doing there?" Robin wondered.

"I don't know, but he's standing still. I don't like that."

"What do you mean?" Robin began to worry as well.

"Yesterday Kid wanted me to give him a device that would allow me to track him if needed."

"Kid had something on his mind." Sabo immediately jumped.

Franky and Robin just nodded.

Nami and Drake appeared at one point. Sabo, Franky and Robin were just getting up to go check
out what was going on.

"Guys, where are you headed?" Drake asked.

Sabo hurriedly told him "We're going to check out a place. Kid's still gone. We have doubts where
he might be."

Drake got nervous. Did they know? He was sure he had turned off his phone and was untraceable.

"Can I come with you?" Nami was adamant.

Sabo nodded. Nami then turned to Drake and said "Do you want to come?"

"Sure, but where are we going?"

Franky and Robin were already out, and Sabo just answered him "We'll talk on the way."


Kid opened his eyes for a moment. The only thing he was doing was holding Law close. He
managed to check his pulse, which was barely perceptible. Then he fell asleep again.

As they rode in the car Drake asked again "Where are we going?"

Franky was up front next to Sabo who was driving the car and answered "The former butcher shop
by the town."

Drake paled, but he shouldn't have shown it. That's why he asked "Why there?"

"His location is there. It's weird that he's sitting in one place. We all know the Kid and we know
he's very stubborn."

"Great, so you got his phone?" Drake began to ask questions.

"No, he had some doubts and asked me to give him another device, in this case it was a bracelet."

That's right, Drake had seen the bracelet, but he didn't suspect that this redhead idiot would be
insured in several places.

Drake smiled nervously. He hoped they were frozen by now.

They reached the butcher shop.

Franky watched as there was no change. Kid didn't move. There were two options - either he was
caught or the device was simply dumped there. He didn't know which was better.

They all followed Franky, who stopped at a door.

"It's a freezer!" Robin was very worried.

Everyone immediately tried to open the door. It was locked.

"I'll go get some tools." Sabo said this and went to the car.
Nami was already worried. He hoped everything was okay. Then he looked at Drake, who also
looked worried, but it was like he was worried about something else instead of his colleagues. He
abstracted from it, everyone took things differently.

Sabo came back. The door opened and what they saw shocked them.
Chapter 16

Kid had hugged Law. They didn't move. Everyone rushed towards them.

Franky took Kid and Sabo took Law. They tried to wake them up.

Kid opened his eyes briefly, saw Franky and then Drake, who gave him a sly smile without anyone
seeing him.

Kid tried to warn them that this psychopath was a killer, but failed. The others were very worried
and did not understand the gestures Kid was trying to make.

"Law..." was all Kid managed to mutter.

"Relax Kid, Law's here, he's fine. Everything's going to be alright." Franky tried to calm him down.

Franky didn't know what else to say to him. Obviously, it would have complicated the situation if
he had said anything other than Law was fine. And he's not. Kid heard only that and closed his

Robin immediately called an ambulance while Nami tried to assess their condition, which wasn't
good at all. Especially Law's. For seconds she wondered if he was even alive.

Franky and Sabo carried them outside. Not long after, the ambulance came to take them to the
hospital. They all got into the car. Drake was nervous because there was nothing he could do in
this situation. He just hoped these idiots didn't survive.

They arrived outside the hospital and went to the waiting room. Everyone was a ball of nerves
because they didn't know what actually happened except that they were frozen. Drake was sitting
slightly away from everyone.

After a while, a doctor came out and headed towards them. He knew the patients were police

"Are you their relatives?"

"No, but they are our colleagues and close friends." Robin answered him.

The doctor just nodded and continued. He had two folders and opened the first.

"I'm starting with Eustacss Kid. He has body injuries, moderate. Severe hypothermia and we found
he was sedated."

"Is he awake now?" Robin continued to ask.

"I'm sorry, no. These frostbites are very dangerous. By our reckoning, he sat several hours. It's a
miracle he lasted that long. Apparently your friend is quite stubborn."

Despite the situation, they laughed. Yes, Kid was extremely stubborn.

"What about Law?" Robin was afraid to ask.

The doctor also opened the other folder.

"Trafalgar Law. Unfortunately things are different."

Everyone began to stare intently. No one wanted to hear bad news.

"He also has injuries on his body which is not the problem, he has severe hypothermia like his
colleague. And he has been sitting for the same amount of time as him. We have suspicions that he
was close to drowning. What is different about him is that we found a specific substance in his
blood. I don't need to explain to you what there could be consequences, you know them. He's
certainly overdosed."

The doctor showed what it was and Nami froze. It couldn't be!

"I'm sorry to say it, but he's in a coma." the doctor finished with that.

Robin almost fall to the ground. Frankiy grabbed her and hugged her. Nami just put her hands over
her mouth and Sabo grabbed her shoulder and pulled her close to him.

Only Drake continued to stand without reaction. He was glad that he was at least halfway done.

"Look, the fact that he's endured so much gives hope." the doctor hastened to reassure them. Then
he decided it was time to leave them alone.

Everyone was in shock. They went to a more peaceful place.

"What is happening?" Robin asked through tears.

"Law has figured out who the killer is. Kid too." Nami replied.

"How did you know?" Robin didn't stop to cry.

"They found this specific substance in Law's blood! The same as it was with all the victims.
Chances are very high that he meet the killer. That's why Law disappeared. You know Kid and
Law think the same way, and that's what Kid guessed quickly."

Everyone agreed. There was logic in that. Drake then tried to confuse them and divert their
attention to another person.

"I'm almost certain it's Bellamy!" Drake acted like he was angry.

Sabo looked at him and said nothing.

"He worked at the vet clinic. He can easily get hold of the substance." Drake continued to speak
along these lines.

"Yeah, but Bellamy's in hospital." Sabo asked him that question.

"We never considered the possibility that the killer might not be alone." Drake wanted everyone to
believe this theory.

"We'll think about that later. Kid and Law are more important right now." Robin was very upset.

The others rallied around this. Then Drake realized that he should share the opinions of others.

"You're right. I'm going to go get something to eat. Do you have any food claims?"

They all answered with no and he went. Drake needed some time alone to think over his moves.
"I don't know how Kid will take the news about Law. My heart breaks." Nami had buried her face
in her hands.

"Don't worry Nami. Kid will take it as normal. Everything will be fine soon." Sabo tried to calm
her down.

"It's different Sabo. Kid's gonna go crazy."

"Did he?" Sabo was already confused.

"Don't you understand. Kid is in love with Law! I don't know if it's a good idea for him to
understand at all."

Robin had expected such a response from Nami. She always had one thing in mind that the two of
them had feelings for each other. Franky and Sabo were surprised.

"Are you serious? Kid is in love with Law? What about Drake, did he have an interest in Law?"
Sabo was still trying to accept this fact.

Nami just sighed.

"Law never had any interest in Drake. But in Kid, i'm sure he has feelings for him too. They're just
too proud to admit it. Although Kid admitted at one point."

"Everything will be fine." Robin tried to calm everyone down.

They stood for a while in silence.

Smoker had heard what had happened and immediately went to the hospital. When he saw
everyone, he directly began to speak.

"How are they?"

Nami turned and answered him. "They have severe frostbite. Kid might be fine, but Law…" Nami
trailed off.

Smoker began to look even more worried. Yes, they were his best detectives, but above all he felt
them like sons.

"Law is in a coma." Franky decided to finish Nami's sentence.

Smoker's eyes watered. Sabo walked over to him and tapped him on the shoulder. Some had to
cheer them up.

"Boss, everyone, they'll be fine. We know them, right?"

Franky sensed Sabo's point and continued "Yeah, we'll be watching them fight each other soon."

The others laughed.

Drake walked in at that time. He already had a plan. He wanted to be alone, and then he would
easily get rid of them both.

The day passed slowly and no one moved from there. Drake tried to get them to leave and him to
watch over them, but they agreed to keep it to the two of them. Nami stayed with him.
Drake was pacing the corridor nervously and Nami had gone to see Kid. She wasn't used to seeing
him be silent.

"Kid, come on wake up..."

While Nami sat there getting no response, Drake had gone to Law. There was a nurse who was
giving him some medicine. To avoid suspicion, Drake asked the nurse "How is the patient?"

"There is no change for now. But I can tell you that this is a very fighting person. In most cases,
the outcome would have already been fatal." the nurse replied as continued to infuse him with
various systems.

"Can I stay with him?" Drake smiled at her.

"Sure, I'll be done in a bit."

Now he had to wait for his work to be done, or at least half done.


Nami held Kid's hand the whole time. Just before she let go, she felt Kid's grip on her.

"Kid?" Nami bent over him.

Kid forced to open his eyes with all his might. He succeeded. His vision was blurry, but he knew
from the voice that Nami was there. The memories immediately hit him. Law!

He tried to say something but couldn't. Nami felt that Kid getting overexcited and his breathing
became heavier.

"Kid, take it easy. It's okay."

No, it wasn't right. There was a serial killer among them and Nami had to find out. One way or

He tried to say something again and only managed to utter "!"

"Law?" Nami knew that it would be a mistake to tell Law's condition at this point, so she continued
"He's fine. Rest now." but Nami noticed something was bothering Kid.

Kid tried to stand up, but Nami quickly stopped him.

"Don't be stubborn."


Nami approached him. Did he say Drake's name? He knew Kid was jealous of Drake, but what did
that have to do with the case?

"Kid, what are you trying to tell me? Breathe in and out and calmly try to tell me."

Kid did just that, and after a while he tried again.

"Law... Drake..."

"Kid, now is not the time to be jealous."

"No...Law revealed...the killer..."

Nami's eyes widened. She was pretty sure they had run into the killer, but who was it?

"Drake…" Kid kept repeating his name. He didn't have the energy to say anything related.

Nami froze, but since Kid was talking incoherently and she might not have understood correctly,
she decided to summarize his words.

"Kid, aren't you telling me Drake is the killer?"

Nami really hoped she didn't get it right.

"Yes." Kid was glad she understood.

"No it can't be! Kid are you sure?"

Damn, didn't that crazy woman hear well?

"Yes... I'm sure!"

"Damn, Drake is with Law right now!"

Kid panicked but gathered his thoughts and told her "Don't let... him know... that you know this!"

Nami immediately left, Law was in danger. Before she got out he started wrestling with Kid who
kept trying to get up.

"Kid, if you try to get up one more time, I'm going to call for someone to give you sleeping pills!
I'm going to see Law, everything's going to be okay."

Kid just looked at her and saw her walk out. He hoped everything was okay. But could he sit still in
such a situation? Of course not! He tried to get up again.


Nami was running towards Law's room. She grabbed the handle and opened it.

Nami saw Drake remove Law's oxygen mask. Apparently he wanted to do something else.

"Drake, what are you doing?"

Drake was startled, but quickly recovered.

"The nurse had moved his mask."

Nami walked over to him and put the mask back on.

"Those nurses are pretty careless. Let's go. The doctor said not to sit too long with them. Let them

Drake had nothing to do. He agreed and left. Before leaving, he only looked at Law. That fool got
away with it for now!

They were walking down the corridor. Nami's heart would skip a beat. She hadn't had to
knowingly sit next to a serial killer and act like they were friends.
"Drake if you're tired why don't you go home? There has to be someone at work anyway. If you
haven't slept you won't be able to work."

"Don't worry, if you need to go get some sleep. I'll keep an eye on them."

Nami had to admit that Drake knew how to get out of the situation.

"No problem Drake, I'll stay. Can you go get something to eat? I'm hungry."

"Sure. I'll be back in a bit."

"Okay, I'll wait for you here."

Nami waited for Drake to enter the elevator. She wasn't hungry, but she wanted to make him linger
longer so she could go to Kid.

When she returned to the room, she found Kid leaning against the wall. He hadn't gotten very far.
Ah, that idiot!

"Kid are you normal? Did I tell you not to get up? Do you even listen to me?"

By this time Kid had come to his senses a little and answered her "I wasn't really listening to you!
What happened?"

"When I got to Law, Drake had taken off his oxygen mask. He's making excuses that the nurse was
careless. He's doing well to keep his composure."

"Wait! Oxygen mask? Isn't Law awake already?"

"You need to get better first and then we'll figure out what to do." Nami was worried so she tried to
change the subject.

"Isn't Law awake? Why are you avoiding the question?" Kid sensed something was up and
repeated his question.

"I'm not avoiding anything." Nami couldn't hide her worry anymore.

"You're lying! Tell me what's going on or I'll find out!"

Nami knew that if she didn't say, then Kid would find out on his own.

"Sorry Kid."

Kid started to panic. What did she apologized?

"WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?" Kid started yelling and instantly lost his balance. Nami
immediately went to him and grabbed him. She led him to the bed and made him sit up.

"Law is in a coma." Nami almost cried saying those words.

Kid forgot to breathe. What? This couldn't be happening!

"Kid, breathe! Don't scare me..." Nami was right about what will happen if Kid know about Law.

"What? Why?"

Nami noticed that Kid was becoming inadequate.

"Kid, take it easy. Law will be fine. You know him."

"I will kill him! I will kill this bastard with my own hands!"

Nami then noticed that Kid was crying. She went to him and hugged him.

"Kid, don't worry. Law will be fine and you'll be fighting again soon."

"I don't want to fight with him. I just want him by my side!" Kid hugged her and continued to cry.

"He'll be by your side." Nami understood what he meant.

Kid wasted his energy and fell asleep.

Nami left the room and went to wait for Drake.

"Nami, where have you been?" Drake stood behind her.

"Oh, while I was waiting for you I decided to take a walk."

Drake noticed that Nami was acting strange but said nothing. He just watched her while she ate.

Nami didn't want to tell anyone until Kid explained the situation to her.
Chapter 17

Nami was telling Drake that Kid didn't wake up either. The idea was to make him think Kid wasn't
going to wake up soon.

They left and when Nami made sure she was alone she returned to the hospital. He needed to talk
to Kid. He went to his room.


There was no answer and she went to him. She nudged him lightly and he stirred. After seconds, he
opened his eyes.


"Calm down Kid. Please collect your thoughts for a moment and tell me what happened. I haven't
told anyone yet."

Kid looked at her for a moment, calmed down as best he could, and began to speak "He killed
everyone for revenge. Law set things up at some point, Drake suspected that Law knew and
kidnapped him. That's why everything eluded us and the clues disappeared. He was always with us
in those moments. When I was in your office and suddenly I ran away, actually that's when found
out he was the killer. I followed him and he took me to Law. He kept injecting him with that
specific substance. He saw that wasn't going to handle us easily and threw us into the freezer."

"The doctor mention anything about drowning?"

"Yeah, we just thought we were going to run away...but that psycho started shooting and the best
decision was to jump into the river. Law was out of strength and almost drowned."

"The problem is do we have evidence?" Nami immediately thought of it.

"Yes, the bracelet that Franky used to track me also has recording functions. Drake hadn't noticed
and told us everything."

"Okay, it should be in your stuff. I'll get it. Shall I bring it to you?"



"Why is Law in a coma?" Kid was only interested in that.

Nami looked at him and her heart ached. Kid was looking at the ground. He didn't seem himself.

"Overdose on the substance. One of the consequences is this."

"It's my fault. That psycho made me inject him with it." Kid didn't know where to look.

"Kid, it's not your fault." Nami walked over to him and hugged him. Kid bit his lip and was barely
holding back the tears.

Nami then lifted his head so he could see her.

"Law got through everything because you were there for him. So he'll get over it now, right?"

Kid kept looking at her. But it encouraged him. He wouldn't surrender, he wouldn't let Law
surrender either!

"That's right, I want to watch the Kid i know." Nami smiled at him.

Kid smiled at her too.

"By the way since when do you call him Law~?" Nami couldn't miss that fact.

Kid's face turned as red as his hair.

"Shut up woman!" Kid yelled at her and Nami just laughed.

"Kid, what are we going to do?" Nami became serious again, or rather very worried.

"I want to go to Law first. Otherwise, gather everyone in our office tomorrow. We're going to put a
show to this psycho he won't forget."
Kid just grinned and stood up. He needed to see Law right now.

Nami held him as they walked. The nurses and doctors were unable to deal with Kid's

When they reached the door Kid stopped and turned to Nami "Go home and rest. Leave the
bracelet in the room before that."

"Are you sure you can handle it?"

“Yes, right now I just want to see him!”

Nami nodded to him and left. She wanted to take a shower and get some sleep.

Kid entered. He could only hear the sound of the machines. He approached the bed and cried. Law
was lying but not moving. Kid wasn't used to seeing him in such a state. He sat down in a chair and
took his hand.

"Law, baby, wake up. You promised me we'll go on a date, didn't you?"

There was no answer.

"Come on, I want you to yell at me! Do whatever you want with me, just wake up!"

Again there was no answer.


He started stroking his hair. He only hoped Law could hear him.

He stay with him until one of the nurses threatens him that if he doesn't go back to his bed, she will
give him a sleeping pill.

Before going back into the room, Kid kissed Law on the forehead.

In the evening, Franky and Robin were at the hospital. The night passed peacefully.

The next day, Nami went to department. Franky and Sabo welcomed her.

"Nami, did you rest well?" Sabo was slightly worried.

"Yeah thanks. Where's Robin and Drake?"

"They went to help some colleagues."

"Alright when they get back let's all gather in Kid and Law's office."

"Is everything alright?" Sabo looked at her a little surprised.

"Of course."

A few hours passed. Everyone had gathered. As they waited for Nami, Drake asked "Did Nami tell
for what she wants us all to get together for?"

They all shook their heads.

Nami had told Kid that they would all be together soon, but Kid didn't say anything more. He had
only told her to occupy them with some things for a while.

Nami entered the room and closed the door.

"Nami, what's going on? It's not Kid and Law related is it?" Robin asked worriedly.

Nami saw Robin's eyes and rushed to comfort her.

"No, they're fine. I mean there no change."

Nami constantly maintained the version that Kid hadn't woken up.

She had to quickly come up with a topic of conversation, but the hasty Kid didn't tell her how long
she had to being a clown.

"I wanted to talk about the killer. What are we going to do?" she had decided to talk about it.

"We're really at a dead end." Franky thought about it.

"What about you Drake? What do you think? We can't let this case." Nami was already talking to

"I agree. Like I said, I think it's Bellamy and he has an accomplice."

"What if Bellamy just sold this substance to the killer?" Nami continued to ask questions.

"That may be so." Sabo had joined the conversation.

Drake was sitting with his back to the door when it opened. When he turned, he froze.

At the door sat the Kid!

Everyone was surprised and Nami was relieved. Although he didn't expect Kid to come.

"Hello," then turned to Drake "hello to you too, psycho!"

Franky, Sabo, and Robin watched in shock. Why Kid is watching Drake with murderous look.
"K...Kid, you're okay." Drake thought Kid wasn't awake. Only now he realize how naive he had
been to believe that the fool hadn't woken up.

Now he figured out why Nami kept giving him tasks. She wanted him to sit away from the

"Oh yes bastard, unfortunately for you I am okay, but soon you will not be!" by the time he
realized what was happening, Drake was on the ground. Kid had hit him.

"What's happening?" Sabo yelled.

"He's the killer! This psycho is responsible for all the murders! He's also responsible for Law's
condition!" Kid was shouting.

It took them a while to figure out exactly what Kid told them.

"What are you talking about?" Drake tried to defend himself.

"I know you feel protected because you think we have no evidence, but unfortunately for you there
is a recording! A recording of you admitting to me and Law what you did!"

Drake felt pressured. He didn't think Kid would have a record at all. Taking advantage of
everyone's shock, he managed to escape from the room before being arrested. Along the way,
throw various objects to slow them down. The working day had passed and there were no other
colleagues to help them. Being in no condition to pursue Kid was unable to do anything. Sabo
made an attempt but without success.

When they calmed down, Robin broke the silence "Nami did you know?"

"Yeah, Kid told me last night. Drake insisted on staying at the hospital to get rid of them. If Kid
hadn't woken up to warn me, Drake would have killed Law. And then Kid. We wouldn't have

"Let's focus on finding him. I have the bracelet. Franky, I'll give it to you. Everyone better to listen
the record. I'll go to Smoker to explain." Kid was giving directions to everyone.

Everyone nodded but Nami was wondering something and asked "By the way Kid, how did you
get here? Did they let you go from hospital?"

"Did you think I asked anyone? I ran away!"

Yes, that was typical for Kid.

"I will mobilize everyone to be alert." Sabo got up and walked to the door.

Everyone got to work. Kid walked over to Smoker, who immediately hugged him when he saw
him. Kid explained the situation to him.

"Go rest." Smoker was adamant.

"No, I'm going to Law!" Kid was even more emphatic.

Smoker knew it was suicidal to argue with Kid.

Before going to Law, Kid had stopped by a flower shop. Some sunflowers caught his eye. He took
a bouquet and headed to the hospital. He met a nurse in the room.

"What is his condition?"

"Sorry, but there no change."

Kid asked a question he didn't want to know the answer "Any chance he won't wake up?"

"Unfortunately yes. It all depends on him. We are currently maintaining his vitals."

Kid almost cried in front of her, but held back the tears. He had to be strong. When he was alone
with him, he left the flowers in a vase and put it next to him.

"Law, they're for you. I hope you like them."

When he didn't get an answer he started talking again "We exposed him. It's only a matter of time
before we catch him. I promise he'll pay, especially for hurting you."

Kid began to squeeze his hand.

"Come on, get up. I already know where to take you on a date. I'm sure you'll like it."

He never got an answer. Law didn't move. He could only see that he was barely breathing.

"I love you… I love you so much!" Kid kept repeating these words to him.

Kid realized that in his previous relationships there was no love, only attraction. If it came to broke
up he did nothing. He was just giving up. But now it was different. He was afraid of losing Law.
He missed the fights, the comments he always makes, those smiles Law gave him, those gray eyes,
the touches, the time spent with him, he didn't want to think about walking into their office and
Law not being there. He is afraid because he was in love with Law.

But his words echoed in the silence.

Kid sat and just stared at Law.

He decided it was time to go, but on the way he was met by a nurse.

"Sir, please return to your room!"

Kid looked at her with a frown. He had forgotten that he escaped from the hospital.

"Look miss... I feel wonderful and have important things to do."

"Sir, you are not yet discharged. Please return to the room."

"Are you deaf? I'm fine!"

Kid had attracted attention. He decided it was time to get out or there would have been a problem.
He texted Nami if she could come to the hospital to stay with Law.


Law was in a spacious field. It felt so peaceful.

He saw a light. Bright. He headed towards her. He was almost there and saw three figures.
Through tears he said "Mom, dad, Lami!"

Everyone smiled at him. He walked and hugged them tightly. He didn't want to let them go and
kept telling them "I missed everyone so much!"

"And you honey." his mother said this in a calm voice.

"Finally we'll be together." Law continued not to let them go.

"Honey, you've turned into a beautiful man!" his mother was proud of him.

"Yes, nii-chan. You catch the bad guys don't you?" his sister was curious.

"Yeah Lami, I catch the bad guys." Law laughed.

"I'm so proud of you Law." his father tapped him on the shoulder.

Law felt warmth. Then he turned to the light.

"Is that where we should be going?"

"Yes honey… but we will go without you." his mother smiled.

"Why? I want to be with you." Law immediately frowned.

His father and Lamy walked off, and his mother stopped and pulled him close.

"I know you want to honey, but you can't. There's someone waiting for you there."

"Mom, nobody's waiting for me. You're mistaken." Law looked at her questioningly.

"No honey, there's a redhaired man waiting for you there."


"Yeah, he said something to you a while ago."

"What did he tell me?"

"You have to remember."

Law closed his eyes for a moment. He relaxed. Then the words "I love you... I love you so much!"
popped into his head.

"Eustass!" Law was suprised.

"Yes honey, he is." his mother smiled again.

"Mom, did I understand correctly. I heard him tell me he loves me? I'm not imagining it, right?"

"Yes, you heard right. Now go to him. Be happy. You deserve it."

"What about you?"

"We're here and we're happy for you."

"But I don't want to leave you." Law was still confused and sad.
"Honey, I know we weren't there for you in the important moments of your life, I know you had no
one to share your emotions with, but I'm now calm that there is someone to replace us. This man
loves you. He is your home!" his mother kept smiling.

Law kept listening to her intently. Home, Kid was his home. The man he can count on. Law loved
Kid. He hugged his mother once more and ran in the opposite direction. Someone was waiting for
him there. The words Kid had told him were seared into his mind. Law kept smiling.

His family watched him walk away. They looked at each other and smiled and knew Law was in
good hands.


Nami walked into Law's room and immediately noticed the flowers. They were so beautiful. She
was sure Kid had left them. She sat next to him and saw that Law was trying to open his eyes.

"Law! Oh Law!"

Nami saw that his gaze was unfocused.

"Quick, somebody come!" Nami was out in the hallway yelling.

After a while, a doctor came into the room.

"He's awake!" Nami kept yelling.

The doctor checked Law's reactions.

"Doctor, how is he? What's going on?" Nami couldn't find a place.

"No reactions. Maybe his brain just sending signals to his body."

The doctor went to get medicine to put in his system.

"Come on Law please, Kid is waiting for you." Nami whispered to him.

Law could hear what was being said, but he couldn't answer. He closed his eyes again.

Nami was too excited and forgot to tell Kid that Law had woken up. Even if it was for a moment.
Chapter 18

It was getting dark outside. Kid had gone to his apartment. He picked up a gun that was sitting in a

He sat on the couch and thought. What would Drake's next move be? He had to think like him. He
stood there thinking for a while when the word "revenge" popped into his head.

Kid jumped off the sofa. Since Drake couldn't retaliate against him, the only vulnerable person
right now was Law! The hospital! He had to get there as fast as possible. Kid shouldn't have left
there at all!

He dialed Nami to warn her.


Nami had left her bag in Law's room. It was getting late and she decided to go get something to eat.

It wasn't until she was downstairs that she remembered that she hadn't told Kid that Law had woken
up. She told herself that when return to the room she would contact the Kid.

The corridors were empty. As she walked it seemed that someone was following her. He turned but
saw no one.

She kept walking until someone pressed her mouth. She managed to see that it was Drake. Didn't
expect that he would dare to go back to the hospital.

"I didn't know you were so stupid Nami. To let your guard down like that!"

Drake smirked as Nami tried to yell or get away. But he was stronger.

Drake gripped her neck until she collapsed. He moved her and headed directly to Law. Right now it
was most important to kill him, and then Kid. There was no time to deal with her now. He went to
his room and stood over him.

Law heard the commotion and forced his eyes open.

His brain still wasn't functioning properly, but he recognized him. There was nothing he could do
in this situation. He was breathing heavily through the oxygen mask. He tried to move his arms,
but without success. His body wasn't listening.

"Don't try Law. There's no point, there's no one to save you this time." Drake pointed a gun at him.

Drake liked to watch his victims suffer.


"Damn it!" Kid couldn't connect with Nami.

He drove the car like crazy. He ran several red lights. He was glad it was late and there was no
traffic. He pulled into the hospital parking lot and jumped out of the car. He didn't even close the

There was no one in the corridors. Apparently Drake had neutralized the guards, but he didn't have
time to check now.

He ran as fast as he could to Law's room.

Before he pulled the trigger, Drake heard loud footsteps. He went to the door and saw Kid running
towards the room.

"Shit. Gotta admit Kid. I have a feeling he's crazier than me. I'll take care of him first. Looks like
you'll have to wait a little longer." then he came out.

Law managed to turn his head a little. He was wrapped with different systems. Hell, there was no
power in him. He was so weak right now. But Kid was in danger.

Kid ran, but he didn't expect someone to hit him. Then he lost his balance. Before he realized he
felt a second blow, this time in the stomach. He fell on his back and then he saw that Drake was
there. Before he could get up, he felt Drake's foot step on his wrist. He tried to scream but couldn't.
Drake had quickly sat on top of him and gagged him. Kid wasn't fully recovered and couldn't
defend himself.

"Kid, behave yourself. If you start yelling, you'll wake up the patients." Drake was smiling like

Then he used his gun to hit him in the face again. One, two, three until Kid stopped resisting. He
was covered in blood.

Kid couldn't forgive himself for letting his guard down like that. He was blinded to get to the room
and hadn't even considered the fact that something like this could happen.

The fact that he couldn't see Nami anywhere probably meant that he had neutralized her as well.

"Come on Kid, let's go somewhere. I don't want to kill you in the middle of the hallway." then he
looked around for a more suitable place and laughed "Come on, the stairs are perfect."

Drake hit him once more. This time in the chest, which knocked out Kid's air. He could hardly
breathe. Before he knew it Drake was dragging him towards the stairs.

Drake threw him against the wall and Kid fell. He managed to lean back on the wall.

Drake had his gun pointed at him.

"Luck is on my side Kid. I was thinking of killing Law first, but I'd be happy if you were first."

Kid just smiled at him.

"Psycho, if you think I'm afraid, then you're wrong!"

Kid was only afraid of losing Law. He managed to pull himself together a bit, but even if he did,
Drake would have shoot him. Basically, whatever he did wouldn't matter. He only hoped he had
caught someone's attention and managed to protect Law in some way.

Drake just scowled at him and Kid closed his eyes. The only thing repeating in his head was the
words "I love you Law."

Then a shot rang out.

Nami woke up. She was in some room.

Did she imagine or hear a gunshot?

She immediately thought of Drake. He had dare to back in the hospital. How had she not guessed.
She had to go check on Law and get her phone. At the very least, she should have told Kid. She
hoped someone had noticed something was going on. Before collapsed she hadn't seen the security
anywhere. Then started to panic. She hoped wasn't too late because Kid would be devastated if
anything had happened to Law.

She stood up. When she got near Law's room noticed there was blood in the hallway. Looked
around and saw that there were blood trails leading to the stairs. Whose blood was that?

First she wanted to go to the room to check on Law and then he would possibly go down the path
of the tracks.


Kid felt nothing.

Where had Drake shoot him? The head? The heart?

Had he died so quickly that he didn't feel anything?

Various thoughts ran through his head. All were related to Law. How he wished he could share his
life with him.

Yes, they fought, but they were a perfect match. Even if they didn't show it, they cared about each
other. The chemistry between them was obvious. He wanted to continue working with him, they
were an amazing team, he wanted to take him out on a date, he wanted to live with him, he wanted
to marry him.

But there was no time for any of that. It was all a dream. A dream he left with.

If being dead would save Law's life, then he was happy.

At least he was glad he had some time with Law. It warmed his soul. He would never forget the
touches, the kisses, the sex. They could take his life, but not his memories.

From here on out, he hoped Law would be able to overcome this and move on with his life.


Drake had pulled the trigger, right? Why then was blood flowing from him?

He didn't feel it when fell to the ground. It began to be difficult to breathe. Why?

He had to get rid of Law as well. Once they were all dead, then he would have exacted his revenge.
But he couldn't stand up. He tried to say something but couldn't. What was going on?

He wanted everyone to suffer! He was so close! Why did these two have to appear? They messed
up his plans!


Kid opened his eyes.

He was still leaning against the wall. Why was there no fatal wound? What about the shot? He
couldn't figure out exactly where he was hit.

He looked over to see Drake, who had fallen to the ground. There was a pool of blood under him
Then his gaze shifted to the person behind him.


He was holding on to the wall with one hand and holding a gun with the other. Although his hand
was shaking, he was able to shoot with incredible accuracy.

Kid wondered if he was dreaming? But it was all so real. Law hadn't answered him at all for the
last time, and now he was standing straight.


Law was barely conscious, but when he heard his name he looked at Kid and smiled as best he
could. Law wondered how he had gotten this far. He was driven first by Kid's words "I love you"
and then by the fact that Kid was in danger. He had to help him even if it was the last thing he
would do.

Kid cried when he saw that smile. But this time the tears were of happiness. His Law was smiling
at him.

Kid stood up and walked over to him. He was not interested in anything else at the moment. He
hugged him and Law collapsed in his arms. He was critically weak. Kid knew that if he stayed a
little longer away from the machines that were supporting him and the meds that were infusing
him, he wouldn't last long. Kid slipped one arm under his legs and put the other behind his back.
Law's head rested on his chest. Kid didn't have the strength to call for help, so he walked slowly.

Nami had gone to the room to find Law is gone. She panicked. Had Drake kidnapped him again?

Then she noticed that her bag was on the ground and the gun she had to protect herself in case of
need was gone.

He left the room and followed the bloody trail.

Several staff came and explained that they heard noises and a shot.

Nami told them to call the police and look for Sabo. He knew what to do.

She reached the stairs and the her heart was about to stop. She saw one of the sweetest sights of her

Kid was hugging Law like he was the most beautiful creature in the world and looking at him with
such love.

Then she noticed Drake lying on the ground. Determined that he was not a threat at the moment
and they would take care of him later.

She approached Kid who was moving slowly.

"Kid, are you okay?"

"Yes… but Law needs urgent help." Kid was visibly tired, but until Law was in safe hands, he
would not be separated from him.
Nami nodded and immediately went to call someone.

As Kid walked, he heard Lau mutter something "Eustass… I… love you too."

Kid blushed. He had never felt such strong feelings.

"Who… who told you?"

"I heard you. You told me." Law smiled at him with the last of his strength. Whatever happened,
Law wanted Kid to know what his true feelings were.

Kid smiled and kissed him softly on the mouth. So even in a coma, Law heard him. Then Law fell


Sabo had come the quickest way. Drake was alive, but he was going to suffer the most severe
punishment. He was unlikely to survive long in prison. Still, he was worth this fate.

Franky and Robin came too. They immediately found Kid and Nami.

Kid was readmitted to the hospital to have his wounds treated. His wrist bone was broken. He
needed time to recover.

They examined Nami and determined that there were no serious injuries.

"How are you?" Robin was very worried.

"It's all right. Kid will have to stay here for a few days." Nami started talking because Kid was
sitting on the bed and was silent.

Robin looked at Kid who was still sulking. She laughed slightly.

"They will take care of Law as well. He will need more time to recover. The doctors said the most
important thing right now is that he wakes up." Nami continued to explain the situation.

Franky and Robin took a break. They were so happy that their friends were okay.

"You guys are incorrigible! You don't think about what you're doing!" Nami decided it was time to
scold Kid a bit.

Kid just stared blankly and remained silent.

"Irreparable, but always together." Robin added this.

"Where did you try to go? Don't tell me you're going to run away again?" Nami saw Kid stand up.

"I'm not running, just going to Law."

Everyone could see that Kid couldn't sit still and Nami decided to make a joke.

"Ah, love! It's going to take me a while to get used to seeing you as a couple instead of trying to
kill each other."

Kid's face started to turn red, yes they both had feelings for each other but he didn't know if Law
would agree to go out with him on a date. However, they talks in not particularly normal situations.
What if Law wasn't so self-conscious that he didn't know what he was talking about? If you still
didn't like him?

"And don't you dare have sex at work!" Nami started scolding Kid again.

Nami was convinced that this would happen. Still, they were both loose and didn't really care
where they were.

"Shut up woman! You're talking nonsense! I'm not stupid!"

"Of course you're not stupid, just shameless." Nami laughed.

At some point Sabo joined them. He quickly told them that Drake was currently in the hospital
next to the prison he was going to be in. The evidence from the recording where Drake confessed
was enough. Any clues would help too. All that remained was the report Kid and Law had to give.

Smoker also came by and told everyone to take a few days off.

When everyone left, Kid's plans failed.

An extremely annoying nurse did not let him go to see Law! How dare she?

He, for his part, did not hear the words that the patient was unconscious and needed rest. Who was
she to tell him what to do? Well, he ended up tied to the bed!

In the morning when they came to visit him, everyone couldn't stop laughing at the angry Kid who
was trying with all his strength to remove the ropes with which he was tied.

Yes, he was their Kid and that was expected!

Chapter 19

At last Kid was given the opportunity to go to Law. He had to argue a lot to get a visit.

The nurses had realized that this redheaded patient was very stubborn and finally let him.

Kid was almost running towards Law's room and stopped when he got in front of her. Yes, he
couldn't wait to see him, but what was he going to tell him. What if Law was so out of his mind and
that's why he told him he loved him? If he rejected him? Law had already done it once and Kid
wasn't going to take another rejection.

For the first time since his last relationship, Kid wanted to be with someone again. He feel like
idiot in love.

He plucked up courage and entered the room.

When he heard the door open Law opened his eyes and turned around. It was Kid. Law still felt
very weak, but he was certainly better than yesterday. The good thing was that there was almost no
need of a oxygen mask.

"Hey." That was all Kid managed to say to him and sat down in the chair next to the bed.

"Hello Eustass."

"How are you?" Kid was worried about his condition.

"I've been better. How are you? This morning a nurse was telling me about a very stubborn
redhead patient!" Law laughed a little and Kid just scratched his head and laughed too.

"These nurses are very annoying." Kid had so many ideas in his head of what to say, but when he
saw Law it all disappeared.

"I wonder if the same redheaded left those beautiful sunflowers?" Law looked at the flowers and

"I think it's the same." Kid got into Law's game, but was glad he liked them.

"I don't know if you know, but sunflowers are my favorite." then Law looked at Kid.

"When I saw them they immediately caught my eye. So my intuition was right." Kid kept looking
at him, too.

"Thank you Eustass. You did the impossible to save me." Law spoke in a calm voice.

"I thank you too. If it wasn't you, I'd be dead right now."

"Thats why we're partners Eustass." Law reached out and placed his hand on top of his.

"Are we just going to be just work partners?" Kid decided to put his question this way.

Law once again admired his ability to ask the right questions in a certain way. He knew they
needed to talk about this as well.

"Still waiting for my date Eustass." Law decided to answer him in a playful way.
"You remember?" Kid asked him in surprise.

"Of course I do Eustass. And since I know your brain will overheat with some questions, I want
you to know that I remember every single word we said to each other when we were caught."

Kid's eyes lit up and Law noticed this.

"As I said I will make sure you never forget this date " Kid's spirits immediately lifted.

"We'll see Eustass, we'll see. I'm not easily impressed."

Those words motivated Kid even more. They both kept smiling. After a while, Kid's smile

"Eustass, what's wrong?" Law began to worry.

"I… I'm sorry, it's my fault. I should have refused to inject you with that substance. I helped that
bastard to hurt you." Kid was already looking at the ground. He had no eyes to look at Law.

"Hey, I told you. This stuff didn't work that fast back then. And I knew that even if something did
happen, I'd be in good hands. Like I told you, I only trust you." Law reached out and stroked his

"Really? You're not mad?" only then did Kid look at him.

"Of course not. I can only thank you for being there for me." Law smiled at him again.

The tension that Kid was feeling disappeared. He was glad Law wasn't mad at him. Then he
decided to change the subject.

"Law did they tell you when you will be discharged?"

"I've been told to prepare for a week's stay here. Until my body clears of the substance I won't be
released. How about you, when can you leave?"

"Luckily for me and them, tomorrow."

Law laughed. He could only imagine the harassment the nurses and doctors were subjected to.

At the moment, none of them wanted to talk about the recent events.

"Alright, I'll let you rest before someone comes and throws me out the door."

"Okay. Can you coming again?" Law said this with hope.

Kid smiled and shook his head. Of course he would come to see him. At that moment, his blocked
brain managed to kiss Law on the cheek. Law bit his lip and found Kid's shy state endearing. He
didn't know Kid had a side like that.

"By the way Eustass, I like it." Law called out before Kid walked out.

"What do you like?" Kid turned and wondered.

"Calling me Law. Sounds nice coming out of your mouth."

If Kid was ashamed, now he wanted to hide somewhere. He hurried out of the room and heard Law
laughing. Ah, that one...!"

Kid's heart was beating wildly, but he headed for his room satisfied.


Kid was discharged the next day. Nami and Robin had come to take him to his apartment.

Since Kid wouldn't listen, the doctor explained to Nami and Robin that his arm would have to be in
a splint for about a week.

They went to Kid's apartment. Sanji had cooked a few meals that he know Kid loved. Before they
left Nami started to explain some things to Kid in a stern tone.

"Kid, you got what the doctor said. No business! Rest!"

"Yes, yes, woman. I am not dumb."

Nami looked at him suspiciously. He knew Kid didn't like to follow orders.

"Kid, really listen! The boss also said to fully recover first and then go back to work." Robin joined
the conversation.

"One babysitter wasn't enough for me, and now a second one has appeared." Kid just rolled his
eyes and sighed.

Nami and Robin looked at each other. That redhead idiot was truly incorrigible.

At last Kid was left alone. He sat on the sofa and closed his eyes. He could now rest, but
something was missing. He looked away and saw the empty seat on the couch. He remembered
Law sitting there trying to piece together the case. Then they moved on to other activities.

He was just wondering what to do when he got a message.

"Eustass, did you manage to survive Nami and Robin's grumbling?"

Kid was glad it was Law and answer him quickly.

"I could barely stand it. These two are acting like babysitters!"

"I do not envy you!"

"Don't worry, they'll start with you soon!"

"In that case, I'm thinking of running away to some lonely island."


"Maybe not."

"Really? With who?"

"You. Still gotta have someone to fight with."

"Just for that. I feel hurt."

"Calm down Eustass, we'll think of something else. I'm leaving you now because the nurses are
starting to fight with me too."

"Good night." Kid was happy.

Law wished him the same.


For the next few days, Kid visited Law in the hospital. He was always asking the doctor or one of
the nurses how Law was doing.

It's time to discharged him too. Nami and Robin wanted to come too but Kid told them he could
take care of it. His arm hardly hurt and he could drive the car. The two finally surrendered. After
all, they were facing the most stubborn monster!

Law was increasingly able to coordinate his movements. He did not expect such an overdose to
lead to such consequences, but in the end he was happy to be alive. He was going to get better. He
had just filled out the discharge papers and Kid entered the room.

"Are you ready?"

"Yeah, I can't wait. I can't walk from lying around so much. The doctors said I'll need

Kid laughed and dared to ask him something.

"Hey Law… I wanted to ask if you wanted to come over to my apartment while you recover?"

Actually, Kid wanted to ask him if he wanted to come live with him. In the last few days he
realized that he didn't want to be alone. Law's presence was enough for him. But since he didn't
know how to ask him the question, he used Law's recovery as an excuse.

"Eustass, I'm not a baby."

"I know, I just want you to take it easy. You're still struggling and I'd be happy to help. I can help
with the rehabilitation, too."

As much as he didn't want to admit it, Law need help at times. There were cases when he would
stutter and feel dizzy. It wouldn't hurt to have someone around him to avoid any serious accidents.

"Are you sure? I don't want to be a burden on anyone."

"Are you saying I can't handle you?" Kid looked at him with his typical smile.

"Of course not Eustass. Okay, I'll come for a few days." Law laughed.

Kid jumped for joy, walked up to him and kissed him passionately on the mouth. Law responded

But none of them talked about this - what they were going to do from here on.


They arrived at Kid's apartment. Law sat down on the couch while Kid made dinner.

Kid had bet on something he knew Law would eat. Dinner was ready and Kid called out to Law
who didn't answer. He got worried and saw that Law was deep in thought.


After seconds, Law came to his senses and gave him a slightly forced smile. Kid then sat him
down and made him look at him.

"Law, are you okay?"

"I…yeah, I'm fine."

Kid knew it was a lie. Law did not look well. He knew something was troubling him and guessed
what it was.

"Hey, look at me, whatever's bothering you, you can tell me."

"No problem Eustass, I've just had a lot going on in the last few weeks. I mean the both."

"Law don't hold back the emotions you hold."

"I… Eustass, don't think I'm weak."

"You're not weak. What you did no one else could have done. You were in a coma and gathered
the strength to come and help me. You're amazing."

Law lowered his head, but Kid grabbed him with both hands and gently made him look at him

"Eustass… I was scared." Law dared to speak what he kept inside and weighed on him.

Law's eyes watered. Kid knew that Law took things in his head, and because of his pride he
wouldn't let him say what was bothering him.

"Tell me what you were afraid of. I'm not here to laugh at you. I want you to be sure of that."

"When Drake caught me, I was afraid that... that... I wouldn't see you again. I tried to keep my
composure, but..."

Although Kid was holding his head, Law didn't have the strength to look at him and closed his

"I was afraid of losing you too. When you called me that night and the line went dead something
inside me broke." Kid also began to share his emotions. He wanted to show Law that he was not

Law looked at him. He hadn't expected to see Kid so serious. Dead serious.


"Yeah, I couldn't find a seat."

"In the hospital I saw how he went after you and wanted to kill you. I wanted to protect you. Like
you protected me." Law kept sharing.

"You protected me Law."

Kid pulled Law close and hugged him. They stayed like that for a while.

"You know Eustass, I had a dream. I was in a beautiful field and I saw my mother, father and sister.
I had surrendered and wanted to go with them, but they told me that a redhaired man was waiting
for me and loved me. "

"I really hope it's me." Kid hugged him tighter and buried his face in his hair.

"How many redheads do I know Eustass?"

"Just me." Kid grinned.

Law laughed lightly. After a while, Kid released the hug and looked at Law again.

"Do you feel better?"

"Yes thank you." Law did feel more relaxed.

"Okay, let's eat."

Kid hadn't felt so happy to be home in a long time. There was always a piece that was missing, but
now it all fell into place. As Law deftly picked what to eat from the plate, Kid watched him fondly.

"What?" Law looked up and stopped eating.

"I'm just enjoying you."

"Eustass, I promised you I'd take you to the doctor! I think I will!"

Kid laughed out loud. Despite everything, he was glad that Law was coming to his senses.

Law wanted to sleep on the sofa, but Kid started arguing with him that this was not going to
happen. Law was finally agreed.

Kid also went to bed. Law was lying on one side and Kid was lying behind him. He put his arm
around his waist. He thought Law was already asleep.

"I love you." Kid whispered to him and pulled him close.

Law was awake and these words warmed his soul. He snuggled closer into Kid and they both fell


The next few days were uneventful. During that time, Law had only gotten dizzy a few times. It
was good that Kid was with him and helped him when needed.

Law and Kid had to go to department today. They were there at noon. During these days the others
tried not to bother them with visits. Nami wrote to them regularly and told Kid to take good care of

When they went, everyone was happy. Everything was getting back to normal.

"Guys, what are you doing here?" Robin was slightly worried.

"We've come to see you. And we still need to get Smoker's reports on the case." Law began to
explain to them.

At some point, Nami pulled Kid aside.

"What's up woman?"

"Tell me are you and Law together?"

Kid thought. Yes, he and Law did not hide that they had feelings for each other, but it all ended

"Well... such..."

"You're an idiot! What's are you doing these days? You had plenty of time!"

From the sidelines, the others watched them fight, or rather Nami fight with Kid.

"Shut up woman! Of course I have a plan! I'm going to ask him out on a date!"

"Act! Law won't wait for you until you make up your mind!"

Yes, Kid knew Law didn't like to wait.

"I know!"

"Eustass, are you done fighting with Nami?" Law interrupted their argument.


"Let's go to Smoker."

Kid left without saying anything. And this did not go unnoticed. Everyone looked at each other and
just smiled.
Chapter 20
Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

The next morning, Law couldn't move because Kid was hugging him. He wondered if Kid thought
of him as a pillow, but the moment Law tried to get up, Kid pulled him even closer. After a long
struggle, Law managed to break free from his grip.

He just wanted to make breakfast.

After about 30 minutes, Kid woke up and panicked to find Law it's not in the bed with him. He
jumped out of the bedroom and left the room without getting dressed.

Law was making eggs with bacon and jumped when she saw the Kid burst into the room.

"Eustass, are you okay? Are you having a nightmare?"

"I… no… well… I felt like going to the bathroom." Kid could only come up with this because his
pride prevented him from saying that he was worried that Law was gone.

The problem was that Law didn't really believe him.

"And for that you almost broke the bedroom door?"


Law just laughed. He decided he wasn't going to torture Kid anymore.

"Come on, I made breakfast. You always did it." Law was proud of himself.

Kid sat down like an obedient child.

"How's your hand?" Law asked him as he ate the bacon.

"It's fine, it barely hurts. I think it make a full recovery soon."

Law smiled at him and continued eating.

After breakfast Kid told Law he had some work to do and had to go out. While Kid was gone Law
went shopping. He was still moving slowly, wondering when he would fully recover.

In the late afternoon Kid came home.

"Hello Eustass." Law was watching TV but did not ask him where he had been. He didn't want to
interfere with his personal business.

Kid just nodded at him. Law wanted to talk to Kid. He already felt like he should go to his

"Eustass, I've been waiting for you to come back so we can talk."

"Okay, what's up?" Kid wondered what Law meant.

"Look, thanks for everything, but it's time to go home. I've taken up a lot of your time. I guess you
have personal things you want to do while we're on work break."

"What? Why… why don't you stay a little longer?" Kid looked at him in panic.

"I'm starting to think you want me to stay permanently." Law was laughing as he said this.

"I'm glad you're at least catching on quickly." Kiddalso answered him in his own style.

Law started to say something, but Kid quickly cut him off.

"I have a surprise for you."

"Really? What?" Law looked like a small child.

"We have to go there." Kid got up and took the car keys.

Law went with him. It wouldn't hurt him to stay a little longer.

They traveled about 30 minutes. The sun was beginning to set. They got out of the car and Kid
made Law close his eyes.

Law stepped carefully, Kid holding him and directing him where to go.

When they stopped, Kid told Law to open his eyes.

They were at the beach. Law didn't recognize the place, it was secluded and there were no people.
There was a blanket on the sand and food on it.

For a moment, Law did nothing, didn't move, didn't react at all, and it was hard for Kid to
understand what Law was thinking. After a while, Law broke the silence they had fallen into.

"Eustass seriously? Is that what you came up with?" Law still showed no reaction and Kid started
talking to himself.

"Damn, damn. Great Kid, is that really what you came up with? You should have taken him to a
restaurant instead of acting like a clown. Well done, you ruined it before it even started."

Kid put his hands in his pockets and bowed his head. How he wanted to leave has already been
sufficiently exposed.

Then he felt Law kiss his cheek.

"If this is the date you were talking about, then all I can say is…I'm impressed Eustass."

"Really?" Kid immediately turned and looked at Law.

"I didn't know you were so romantic Eustass. Let's go I'm starving."

They both sat down. Law closed his eyes and listened to the sound of the sea. That calmed him

"What do you want to eat?"

"Eustass, haven't you robbed a store? There's so much food." Law was laughing.

"Shut up!" Kid was extremely embarrassed. He couldn't remember if he had ever felt this way. Not
even with an ex-boyfriend had he behaved like this.
They ate while enjoying the view. Then they opened a beer.

Then Kid began to speak "You know, when I thought Drake was going to shoot me, all I could
think about was you. The things I wanted to do with you went through my head."

"What things do you want to do with me?" Law asked him after listening carefully.

Kid took a deep breath and mentally said to himself "now or never."

"I want to continue working with you." then stopped. Why was it so hard for him to speak? He
didn't want Law to laugh at him. He never cared what he said or what anyone said about him.

"Only that?" Law noticed that Kid was having a hard time and decided to goad him into telling

Then Kid looked at him and sank into his gray eyes. He mustered up the courage to speak again.

"Of course not. I want you to be my partner in life too. And... and to live with me. I like waking up
next to you."

Law was glad to hear that the feelings were mutual.

"Good. I'm glad because I would like that too."

Kid blinked a few times and jumped "Really? I mean, you're not afraid of me?"

"Eustass, just because your ex-boyfriend was scared of you for some reason doesn't mean I'm
scared either. You may be aggressive at work, but you're not aggressive in relationships. In the
short time i were with you in the apartment, I only saw you to care about me."

Kid looked at him with admiration. He wondered what he disliked so much about Law from the

"And if you get aggressive, you know I can deal with you!" Law finished with that.

Then the two started laughing. Law didn't realize when he was under Kid, who was kissing him
like his life depended on it.

Law slipped one arm behind his neck and pulled him closer.

Kid's hands were starting to move all over Law's body.

"Eustass, don't tell me you want to have sex here?" Law asked breaking the kiss.

"Of course I want to. I specifically chose the place because I know no one will come here and at
this time." Kid kept kissing him.

"You are incorrigible!"

Good thing they were both shameless and enjoyed the moment.

After the session that they made up, the two had laid down and were hugging each other. Kid had
prudently brought an extra blanket to wrap themselves in when it got dark.

"Eustass, I didn't know you could make love! You really impress me with every move you make. I
never thought you had such a side to you."
Good thing Law was snuggled up against his chest and couldn't see that his face was as red as his

"I love you Law." Kid felt it was the right time to say it precisely and clearly.

"Me too Eustass." Law lifted his head and kissed him.

They enjoyed the view for a while.

"Law, since when do you have feelings for me?" Kid was eager to hear the answer.

"The first time in the bar when we were drunk I really took it as a mistake. I thought you were of
the same opinion. But when you kissed me in the elevator, then I really enjoyed it, and of course
the times we had contact after that. Maybe more or less at this time." Law was sincere and then
asked him "What about you?"

"I started having sympathy right after the sex in the restaurant. But I started having feelings when I
gave you CPR in that closet. I liked touching you, even though I pretended to be blind afterwards."
Kid was also sincere in his words.

"Seriously? Only you can say you started having feelings for someone after giving them a CRP!
You're one of a kind." Law was laughing. Kid laughed too.

"I hope I'm one of a kind only in your eyes?" Kid said this jokingly, but he was actually serious
about it.

"Eustass, I don't know if you know, but when I'm in a relationship with someone, I don't have eyes
for another person."

"I'm not worried because this will be your only relationship from here. I won't let you go." at which
Kid stroked his hair.

Law just closed his eyes and enjoyed these touches.

"Have we subconsciously had feelings for each other before?" Kid thought.

"Possibly Eustass." then Law continued to speak "I don't know why I kept telling myself that what
we were doing was wrong. But when we got into that situation where we almost lost our lives,
that's when I realized it wasn't right to hide my feelings."

Kid agreed with every word he said.

If someone had told them a while ago that the two of them would be together as a couple, they
would never have believed it. But now they were both happy.

It started to get colder.

"Hey Law, do you want to go home."

"Yes, let's go."

They left the beach holding hands.


A few more days passed and Law moved in with Kid. It wasn't a problem for him because his
apartment was rented, while Kid's apartment was owned. At this stage they would live there until
something better came along.

The two decided to go back to work. Smoker of course tried to dissuade them, but it was no use.
These two didn't listen to anyone.

Everyone was drinking coffee when Kid and Law appeared.

Law held a cup of coffee and Kid looked around for something to eat.

When she saw them, Nami kept looking at them. Law was still sleepy and not paying much
attention to her, but Kid knew what she wanted to know. Instead of speaking, he just pulled Law
and kissed him passionately in front of everyone. Law nearly dropped his coffee. Kid enjoyed the
kiss to the max and pulled away after a while.

"Did I answer your question woman?" Kid was talking to Nami.

"Of course!" Nami was smiling at him.

Law took a sip of his coffee, looked at Kid, then at Nami and just stared.

Franky, Sabo and Robin watched from the sidelines and just smiled. Nami had explained the
situation between them and they were all happy.

Law sat down and began to question what had happened during the time he and Kid had been gone.
Yes, they knew some things, but they were looking to focus on their relationship, which was
relatively new. Sabo told different stories that made everyone laugh.

After a while, Kid sat down next to Law, put his arm around his shoulder and pulled him close.

"I'm really happy for you guys. Ever since the beginning, I always thought you'd make a perfect
couple." Nami was talking to them dreamily.

"A couple who wants to kill each other." Franky joked and everyone started laughing.

"And one more thing Kid, like we talked about before refrain from various activities in the work!"
Nami spoke to him in a edifying tone.

Law realized what was going on and turned to Kid, who realized he had messed up.

"Eustass? First you told the whole world what we did in bed, and now you're talking about what
you're thinking of doing in the future?" Law wondered whether to laugh or cry. Kid was

"It's not true! This woman started telling me what not to do at work! I'm not such an idiot!" Kid
was quick to defend himself.

"Kid, we all know you're capable of anything and that's what I warned you about!" Nami continued
to scold him.

Kid thought there was going to be a spectacular scandal, but he saw that Law couldn't stop
laughing. Kid couldn't stop looking at him. He wondered how this beautiful man had been standing
in front of him all this time and he hadn't noticed him. But now he was sure he would make up for
lost time and not let it go for anything in the world.

Law also looked at Kid and became worried.

"Are you all right Eustass?"

"Yeah, I just can't enjoy you." Kid kept smiling.

Law was embarrassed. He had forgotten what it was like to be with someone. He felt that his life
was starting to fall into place.

The two sank into their world. Kid touched his forehead to Law's.

"I love you." Kid whispered this to him so only he could hear.

"I love you too Eustass." Law smiled at him.

After a while, Tashigi came in and greeted Kid and Law with welcome. Then she told them that the
boss was calling them.

"Guys, we have a case." Smoker handed them a folder.

The two looked at each other and smiled.

"Let's go."


Chapter End Notes

I really enjoyed writing this fic and hope you liked it. Now I will focus on the other fic
"I want to live".

I'm currently writing a new story that I hope to share soon... ❤️

And last but not least, I want to thank everyone for the kudos and comments you
leave. ❤️

See you soon ~

End Notes

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