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An introduction that provides some brief information about the organization

you have chosen and the key characteristics of the marketing concept

Keels Super is one in all the

premier super market
chains within the country,
that adds worth to their
product to enhance client
satisfaction and retain them
within the long run. Keels
Super could be a food
market chain that has
variety of supermarkets in
several of the most important cities within the country. Keels Super is that the initial
super market chain within the country United Nations agency took the initiative in
dynamic the food market culture by creating several changes, especially within the last
decade. There have been solely few supermarkets for the last 20 years, however they
weren't client oriented, and however Keels Super is that the initial food market that has
created a fast modification in client care. They need introduced some valuable and
effective advertisements within the food market business. The shoppers are enjoyed
edges like wide alternative straightforward payment comfy searching atmosphere. Keels
have made several staff in country thanks to their effectiveness of their retailers. currently
Keels has been one in all the leading supermarkets in country, as a result of their client
services, quality product, and their selling techniques square measure terribly effective
than different supermarkets. Within the recent past Keels inquisitive about penetrating
into areas that it doesn't have market presence? (Ex.)A food market outlet was opened in
Gampaha and it tries to penetrate in to untapped areas of the business.

Keells, has opted to form the foremost amendment from its dominant red and emoticon
featured complete identity. They need opted for a dramatic makeover in inexperienced.
They need additionally transitioned their name to easily ‘Keells’ by dropping the ‘Super’
descriptor. This was to be expected following the name-change of Keells meat product to
Krest that has freed up the putative company complete for exclusive use within the food
market business.
Characteristics of Marketing Concept

The idea that achieving organizational goals depends on knowing the needs and wants of
the target markets and delivering the desired satisfactions better than competitors do

Customer orientation

The marketing process begins with knowing the customers’ desires until a business can
create a product or offer a service that can meet and satisfy them. Happier customers lead
to higher profits.

Integrated approach

Coordinated collaboration between various departments within a business (marketing,

production, finance, etc.) is crucial to meeting the customers’ needs.

Long-term perspective

Creating long-lasting relationships with consumers with consistent service and quality
that they can trust ensures profits, retaining customers, and attracting new customers over
a long period of time. This makes a business into a trusted and well-known brand.

Profitable sales volume

Earning a profit over a long period of time is a tell-tale sign of whether a business’s
marketing efforts were a success. Not only does a business want to increase profits, but
they want it to happen consistently long-term

(Kierra Benson,TechFunnel Contributors, 2020)

2. An explanation of the organization’s micro and macro environment

Macro Environment
It is evident through the analysis of the PESTEL factors below (Table 1.1), that the Sri
Lankan Macro environment is highly dynamic. The analysis proved that the factors
identified would have an impact on both traditional marketing activities and digital
marketing activities of Keells Super

Even though few factors of the political environment prove unstable, certain factors such
as “the dissemination of 1000 accessible Wi-Fi zones island-wide by August 2015”-
(Colombopage,2015) by the government, would give Keells Super an opportunity to
manoeuver interactive digital strategies such as “Location based marketing” to attract
users of mobile devices at these centers. It also widens Keells Super’s scope of the digital
market. However, the legal factors impose limitations to the digital environment in Sri
Lanka. Factors such as, currency remittance and fund transfer will have an impact of
Keells Super’s international transactions completed by customers willing to delivery non-
durables to their local homes in Sri Lanka.
Micro Environment
The porter’s five forces will look at the balance of power in the market between Keells
Super and other similar organizations in the sector. The five forces proves that the Micro
Environment is equally versatile as the Macro environment in Sri Lanka. The growing
need for digitalization and the internet by businesses reduce the substantial investment for
e- marketing FMCG’s in Sri Lanka and thereby imposing a threat to Keells Super.
Additionally, the threat of existing rivalry could increase due to the growth potential of
the industry (YoY Growth of 30%) followed by an indication towards a prosperous future
by the macroeconomic factors and to increased mobile/internet usage in Sri Lanka
3. An explanation of why market research is important for the organization, and
two examples of how the organization could collect and use market research.
The examples must include one qualitative and one quantitative technique

 Successful market planning depends upon informed decision making

 Identifying needs and wants in the market
 Understanding Competition and the Environment
 Develop marketing objectives
 Selecting target markets
 Understanding Consumers and Positioning the product
 Developing 4 Ps strategies
 Minimize Risk
 Information is the fuel that runs the marketing engine.

A Process that first determines what information marketing managers need and then
gathers, sorts, analyzes, stores, and distributes relevant and timely marketing information
to system users.

Gathered via monitoring of everyday data sources, observations, discussions with sales
 Competitor Websites
 Industry trade publications
 Direct field observations
 Social Listening Tools / Hashtags

The process of collecting, analyzing, and interpreting data about customers, rivals, and
the business environment in order to improve marketing effectiveness.

Syndicated research

Research by firms that collect data on a regular basis and sell the reports to multiple firms

Custom research reports

Research conducted for a single firm to provide specific information its managers need.
Qualitative research involves the collection of data that is open to interpretation and
where there is no intention of establishing statistical validity,

eg : focus groups, in depth interviews, small scale surveys.

Research Eg: Job satisfaction of employees in selected outlets

Selected target is - Employees of Keells

Quantitative research involves the collection of data that is quantifiable and is not open
to the same level of interpretation as qualitative research,

eg : large scale surveys, sales figures, government statistics.

Research Eg: Quality of consumer foods and items

Selected target is – Customer / Consumer of Keells

4. An explanation of the importance and benefits of market segmentation and
targeting to the organization and the process that the organization may use to
segment and target the market

Market Segmentation

 Dividing a market into smaller segments with distinct needs, characteristics, or

behavior that might require separate marketing strategies or mixes.

 Companies divide large, heterogeneous markets into smaller segments that can be
reached more efficiently and effectively with products and services that match
their unique needs.

Using Multiple Segmentation Bases

 Marketers use multiple segmentation bases to identify smaller, better defined

target groups
 Nielsen is an example of providing multivariable segmentation systems to help
companies to segment their market.
During the year under review, lower discretionary spending patterns negatively impacted
demand for some of our products although volumes of both sausages and meat balls our
core products saw an increase. The proliferation of vendors offering sub-standard, low
cost frozen foods in loose form, thereby compromising the integrity of the cold chain and
food handling standards, continues to be of concern. In the face of such testing
conditions, the focus was to develop a compelling branding strategy coupled with
consumer education to underpin all marketing efforts for the year. The brand proposition
capitalized on our versatile portfolio. The Keells and Krest range of products were
promoted as the brand of choice for the mass market to satisfy a diverse variety of taste
profiles and consumption occasions, while the high-end Elephant House (EH) range
leveraged on its unique taste properties to fulfil the needs of the more discerning palate.
5. An explanation of marketing theory, supported by examples of the following:

a. Product mix decisions that the organization has taken

The complete range of products present within a company is known as the product mix.
Numerous products are present in any multi brand organization. No organization in
today’s competitive world can take the risk of being present in the market with a single
product. If the company has only a single product then either the demand for the product
is too great or the company does not have the resources to expand (Mukta Mehrotra,Dr.
S.S Khanuja, 2016)


I. Product Mix:

Product mix is the combination of total product lines within a company. Taking a very
common example a company like KEELS has numerous product lines like food,
beverages, vegetables, Meats, Sanitizery items, bakery items, etc. Likewise product mix
with respect the combination of all these product lines is the product mix.

II. Product Line:

A subset of the product mix is known as the product line. The product line generally
refers to a type of product within an organization. Thus the number of different types of
products is equal to the number of product lines. If we take a very general example of
KEELS there are a number of product lines for example milk based product Milkmaid,
food products like Maggi and chocolates like Ritzbury and such other product lines. The
other examples are telephone bill payments, Electricity bill payments, water bill
payments, etc.
III. Length of Product Mix:

If a company has 3 product lines and 9 products within each product line then the length
of the product mix is 27. Thus the total number of product lines forms the length of the
product mix. This equation is known as the product line length. For example if KEELS
has 5 product lines of Dairy products, Bakery items, fresh vegetables, meats and within
each are 4 products each then we will say that the length of the product mix will be 20.

IV. Width of the Product mix:-

The product line width is a depiction of the number of product lines which a company
has. Considering the above example if there are 3 product lines within the company and 9
products within each product line then the width of the product mix will be 3 only.
Continuing with the above example if KEELS has 5 product lines and within each
product line there are 4 products each then width of the product mix will be 20.

V. Depth of Product Mix:

The depth of the product mix is the total number of products within a product line. Thus
if a company has 3 product lines and 9 products in each product line then the product mix
depth will be 9. As per above example the depth of product mix will be 4.

VI. Product Line Consistency

The lesser the variation between the products the more is the product line consistency.
For example KEELS has various product lines which are all Consumer goods. So many
product lines which are completely independent of each other than the product mix
consistency will be low.
b. Place — how the organization makes the product or service available to the
customer, Eg. Channels of distribution

Distribution strategies (the place component) outline when, how, and where the firm will
make the product available to targeted customers.

 Sell directly to the final customer or work through wholesalers and retailers?
 Choosing the right distribution strategy depends on product, pricing, and
promotion decisions.

Few producers sell their goods directly to final users. Instead, most use intermediaries to
bring their products to market. They try to forge a marketing channel (or distribution
channel)—a set of interdependent organizations that help make a product or service
available for use or consumption by the consumer or business user. A company’s channel
decisions directly affect every other marketing decision. Pricing depends on whether the
company works with national discount chains, uses high-quality specialty stores, or sells
directly to consumers online. The firm’s sales force and communications decisions
depend on how much persuasion, training, motivation, and support its channel partners
need. Whether a company develops or acquires certain new products may depend on how
well those products fit the capabilities of its channel members. Companies often pay too
little attention to their distribution channels—sometimes with damaging results. In
contrast, many companies have used imaginative distribution systems to gain a
competitive advantage. Enterprise Rent-A-Car revolutionized the car-rental business by
setting up off-airport rental offices. Apple turned the retail music business on its head by
selling music for the iPod via the Internet on iTunes. FedEx’s creative and imposing
distribution system made it a leader in express package delivery. And
forever changed the face of retailing and became the Walmart of the Internet by selling
anything and everything without using physical stores.

Distribution channel decisions often involve long-term commitments to other firms. For
example, companies such as Ford, McDonald’s, or Nike can easily change their
advertising, pricing, or promotion programs. They can scrap old products and introduce
new ones as market tastes demand. But when they set up distribution channels through
contracts with franchisees, independent dealers, or large retailers, they cannot readily
replace these channels with company-owned stores or Internet sites if the conditions
change. Therefore, management must design its channels carefully, with an eye on both
today’s likely selling environment and tomorrow’s as well. (Philip Kotler,Gary
Armstrong,Pearson Education Limited, 2016)

Using two or more marketing channels to reach customer segments in one market area is
Multi-Channel Marketing.

Each channel can target a different segment of buyers, or different need states.
c. The pricing methods used by the organization

Business owners within the market business will draw on several worth methods to
maximize profits. the apparent alternative is to supply lower costs than each different
store, however the equally obvious result's that this strategy keeps profits for good low.
For this reason, several supermarkets choose a lot of complicated methods to confirm
profit whereas still appealing to price-conscious consumers.

 Loss-Leader Pricing

Loss-leader valuation may be a common market strategy and happens once the distributer
sells high-demand things at untypically low costs, notwithstanding those market costs
need taking a loss on it specific item, explains food web site cooking cognitive content.
For instance, supermarkets usually have temporary discounts on low or alternative house
necessities. The goal is to draw in customers in search of the discount. Those discount
hunters’ square measure possible to shop for alternative things if solely out of
convenience, that is however the shop remains profitable.

Sometimes supermarket decrease their prices for dairy products and bakery items prices,
because those products will get expired soon.

 Everyday Low Pricing

Supermarkets typically use loss-leader evaluation on a restricted basis as a part of a short
lived sale. One drawback with this approach is customers begin to mistrust
advertisements. as an example, a client would possibly hear a couple of discount however
worry that the promotion can finish before he has time to induce to the shop, or believe
there's a hidden catch, sort of a demand to shop for an outsized amount of things.

 Loyalty Discount Programs

Supermarkets will collect valuable client knowledge is to form a loyalty program. This
needs customers to choose in to a data-collection program, that tracks their purchases.
Such programs provide many worth strategy enhancements. First, change of integrity the
program qualifies customers to receive lower costs.
d. The organization’s promotional mix

The promotion mix is the specific blend of advertising, public relations, personal selling,
and direct marketing tools that the company uses to persuasively communicate customer
value and build customer relationships.

Basic Promotion

Related objectives:

 Create awareness & interest

 Educate, position

 Influence, reposition
Persuade  Build seller buyer relationship
 Maintain top of mind awareness or recall

 Maintain seller buyer relationship

Remind  Maintain loyalty

 ATL Marketing Definition

‘ATL Marketing’ stands for Above the Line Marketing ‘. This kind of marketing is the
kind of marketing that has a very broad reach and is largely untargeted.

 BTL Marketing Definition

‘BTL Marketing’ stands for Below the Line Marketing ‘. This kind of marketing is the
kind of marketing that targets specific groups of people with focus.

 TTL Marketing Definition

‘TTL Marketing’ stands for Through the Line Marketing ‘. This kind of marketing is
really an integrated approach, where a company would use both BTL and ATL marketing
methods to reach their customer base and generate conversions.
e. The importance to the organization of the role of people, process and physical
evidence in the marketing of products or services

The original marketing mix was 4 Ps; product, place, promotion and price. Over time, 3
additional Ps were added to cover the intangible nature of services;

 People- The people who your customers come into contact with and who
they see as representing your brand are the people who determine the quality
of service your customers receive. This applies more to services, but also
impacts on businesses making tangible products. Cahiers and trainees with
uniform, Supervisors with name tag.

Happy, skilled and motivated staff make happy customers. They are more
likely to think about the customer and deliver good customer service if they
are well trained and are recruited for their positive attitude to customers.

 Processes- The processes involved in considering, purchasing, delivering

and supporting your products and services to the customer have an impact
on the way in which your customers perceive you.
 Physical Evidence- Physical evidence is a term used to describe the type of
image your business portrays through its physical presence; the premises,
the appearance of staff, company vehicles and so on.

Providing training delegates with certificates or

charity supporters with a label pin or wristband
are also examples of physical evidence. Bags
which have printed brand and logos, Bills with
brand & logos etc.

These tangible symbols directly represent Keells values and so need

developing carefully.

6. How the organization’s marketing mix responds to changing market conditions

The major marketing mix tools are classified into four broad groups, called the four Ps of
marketing: product, price, place, and promotion. To deliver on its value proposition, the
firm must first create a need-satisfying market offering (product). It must then decide
how much it will charge for the offering (price) and how it will make the offering
available to target consumers (place). Finally, it must engage target consumers,
communicate about the offering, and persuade consumers of the offer’s merits
(promotion). The firm must blend each marketing mix tool into a comprehensive
integrated marketing program that communicates and delivers the intended value to
chosen customers. We will explore marketing programs and the marketing mix in much
more detail in later chapters. (Philip Kotler, Gary Armstrong, 2016)
Over time, a business may adapt its marketing mix to suit the business climate, changes
in trends relating to customers’ wants and needs, changes in the size and scale of the
business, changes in the business’ aims and objectives, or changes in demand for a
product or service.

Changes to products- products may have to possess their style updated, be discharged in
an exceedingly cover version or have a code update. In addition, trends like veganism
Associate in healthier lifestyles will cause an inflated specialize in sports merchandise or
environmentally friendly merchandise. Businesses got to develop new merchandise to
suit dynamic client needs and wishes.

Changes to prices -Many businesses frequently modification their costs. One reason is
that costs might modification to mirror demand. As an example, if demand will increase,
costs might increase, whereas if demand decreases, costs may decrease.

Changes to place- to reflect the dimensions of a business or its magnified use of

technology. Several businesses that historically had main street stores square measure
currently putting in place websites and dynamic their distribution channels to adopt an
additional trendy and efficient approach. Many purchasers currently use the web to buy
and search prices/costs.

Changes to promotion- any retailers currently sell through the net, either solely or in
conjunction with a network of stores and/or paper-based catalogues. The net brings
opportunities for retailers to sell to and communicate with their customers through one
extremely interactive and versatile channel. Within the final a part of this course, you
may study however retailers use promoting communications to interact the interest of
their target customers
Chandrasekera, D., n.d. Research Portfolio on the digital environment and Keells Super's Digital

Kierra Benson,TechFunnel Contributors, 2020. What is Modern Marketing Concepts?.

Characteristics of Marketing Concept, 20 july.

Mukta Mehrotra,Dr. S.S Khanuja, 2016. Product Mix of Products of LIC of India- An Analysis. 07

Philip Kotler, Gary Armstrong, 2016. Marketing: Creating Customer Value and Engagement. In: s.
edition, ed. Principles of Marketing. s.l.:s.n.

Philip Kotler,Gary Armstrong,Pearson Education Limited, 2016. Principles of Marketing,The

Nature and Importance of Marketing Channels. sixteenth edition ed. s.l.:s.n.

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