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Topic: Why should we save our world?

The World is basically everything, but for humans, it generally refers to the earth that we beings live
on. Nowadays the world we inhabit today is facing mul ple challenges that threaten the very fabric
of our existence. From climate change and environmental degrada on to biodiversity loss and
resource deple on, our planet is in precarious. It is important to recognize that saving our world and
take decisive ac on to address these challenges is important. In this essay, we will explore the
compelling reasons why we should save our world. Need transi on words to show cohesion.

First, the primary and most immediate reason to save our world is the preserva on of human
civiliza on itself. Earth provides us with the essen al resources for survival, including clean air, fresh
water, food, and a stable climate. Climate change, caused by human ac vi es such as the burning of
fossil fuels and deforesta on, poses a grave threat to these resources. Extreme weather events,
rising sea levels, and disrup ons to food and water supplies are already impac ng communi es
worldwide. If we can do some ac on on climate change and protec ng the environment, we can
ensure the con nuity of human society and the well-being of future genera ons. Need transi on
words to show cohesion.

Second, the degrada on of environmental and resource deple on can have significant social and
economic costs. Pollu on, for instance, can lead to health problems and increased healthcare
expenses. Addi onally, natural disasters linked to climate change can devastate communi es and
strain economies. Conversely, inves ng in sustainable prac ces, renewable energy, and conserva on
efforts can generate economic growth, create jobs, and enhance the overall well-being of society.
(Signal word) Saving our world is not a burden but an opportunity to build a more prosperous and
equitable future. Good paragraph.

At last, **if we don't take ac on on saving our world, the interconnectedness of global issue will
intensify, for example, climate change, exacerba ng food insecurity and driving migra on as people
flee from regions affected by droughts, floods, and extreme weather events.** It also exacerbates
conflicts over scarce resources. By addressing environmental issues holis cally, we can break the
cycle of poverty, conflict, and instability that threatens global peace and security. Need transi on
words to show cohesion.

Saving our world is an urgent impera ve that encompasses not only the preserva on of human
civiliza on but also the pursuit of social and economic benefits, and the recogni on of the
interconnectedness of global issues. It requires collec ve ac on on the whole world with
governments, businesses, and individuals working together to reduce our ecological footprint,
transi on to sustainable prac ces, and priori ze the well-being of future genera ons. Need
transi on words to show cohesion.

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