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Question 1: r-.t.ike a comparison to write down ways in which plant cells are difTercnl
from animal cells.
er: The cells of animals and plants have the following differences:
Plant Cell
1. Anima m size. 1. Plant cells are larger than amn1al cells.
Amma l cells are generally small in
2. Cell wa ll is absen t. 2. The plasma membra11e of plant cells is
surro unded by a rigid cell wall of
3. Except the protozoan Eugle11a, no 3. Plastids are present
ammal cell possesses plastids.
4. Vacuol es in aninlill cells are many, 4. Most mature plam cells have a
small and temporary. permanent and large cen tral sap vanmle.

5. Anima l cells have a single highly 5. Plant cells h;ivc many simpler units of
complex and prominent Golgi apparatus. Golgi apparatus. called dictyoson1es.
6. Anima l cells have cena-osome and 6. Plant cells lack cena-osome and
centnoles. centnoles

Question 2: •tow is a prokaryo!ic cell different from a eukaryotic cell?

er: l.liffe rence between prokaryotic eel I and eukaryotlc cell:

Prokmyotk Cell Eukaryotic Cell
1. Cell size is generally small { ! - 10 11m) 1. Cell 1s generally large (5 - 1on 11m)
2. Nucle.:ir region 1s called nudeoid and 2. Nuclear material is surrounded by a
IS not surrounded by a nuclear nuclear membrane .
3. Only a single chromosome 1s present. 3. More than one chromosome 1s present
4. Nuc •• jis absenL 4. Nucleolus is presenL
5. Men Ce bound cell organelles are S. Membrane bound cell organelles.
6. Cell d1v1ston by fissmn or budding (no 6. Cell d1v1ston m1tol:Jc or memtic.

Question 3 : What would happen if the plasma membrane ruptures or breaks down?

er: Pl.asma membrane pro\~des a container for the cell organelles and cytoplasm.
Moreover. plasma membrane also protects the contents of a cell from ei,:ternal
em:ironmenL In caSt> the plasma membrane ruptures or breaks down. the cell contents
would be exposed to the external environment This would prove lethal for the cell and
the cell would cease to exist

Question 4 : What would happen to the life of a cell if there is no Golgi appararus?

er: Golgi apparatus plays the important role of packaging various substances for
further use or for storage. If there was no Golgi apparatus, various substances would
not be in a position to be 1Tansfom1ed in proper forms for fun her use. Certain
substances; like protein and lipid are important for the formation of plasma mem brane
and hence absence of Go!gi apparatus will hamper the fonnation of new ce!ls during
cell division.

Question S: Which organelle is kn own as the powerhouse of the cell? \Vhy?

er: Mitm;:hondria are knmvn as the powerhouse of cells. Mitochondria create

energy for the cell, and this process of creating energy for the cell is known as cellular
respiration. Most chemical reactions involved in cellular respiration occur in the
mitochondria. The energy required for various chemical activities needed for life is
released by the mitochondria in the fonn of ATP (Adenosi ne triphosphate) molecules.
For this reason. mitochondria are known as the powerhouse of cells

Question 6 : Where do the lipids and proteins constituting the cell membrane get

er: Lipids are synthesized in the endoplasrnic reticulum Protein is synthesized in

ribosom s whi are us all res nt on the rou h ER.
Question 7 : How does Amoeba obtain its food?

er: Amoeba obtains its food through a process called phagocytosis. The cell
membrane of amoeba is projected into nu merous finger-like outgrowths: called
pseut.lopoclia. Amoeba surTounds a food particll' by pseudopodia and makes a food
vacuole: after engulfing the food.

Question 8: What is osmosis?

er: The process of movement or a water molecule from a region of higher

concl'ntration to a region of lower concentr;ition through ;i semipermeable membrane
is known a.s osmosis.

Question 9 : C.irry oul the following osmosis experiment:

T.ike four peeled potato halves and scoop each one out to make potato cups. One of
these potato cups should be made from a boiled potato. Put each potato cup 111 a trough
containi ng water. Now,
(.i) Keep c.1p A empty
(b) rut one teJSpoon sugar in cup B
(c) Put one teaspoon salt in cup C
(d) Put one teaspoon suga. in the boiled potato rup D.
Keep these for two hours. Then observe the four potato cups and answer the following:
(I] Explain why water gathers i11 the hollowed porlion of B ;ind C.
(II) Wily is potato A neces~ry for this experimE'nt?
(ii!) Explain why water does not gather in the hollowed out portions of A and 0.

Experimental set up
(i] ~Valer gathers in the hollowed portions of set-up Band C because watl'f enters the
potJto as a result of osmosis. Since the medium surrounding the cell has a higher water
co1ice11tratlo11 th;rn thr CE'll, thr water moves insldr by osmosis. ll rnce, wawr gathers In
Lhe hollowed portions of the potato cup.
(ii) Potato A in the experiment ;1cts as ;1 control set-up. No water gathers in t he
hollowed portions of pow to A.
(iii) \-1/ater does not gather in the hollowed portions of potato A because potato cup A is
empty. It is a control set-up in the experiment
Water is not able to enter potato D because the potato used here is boiled . Boiling
denatures the protei ns present in the cell membrane and thus, disrupts the cell
membrane. For osmosis, a semi-permeable membrane is required, which is disrupted
in this case. Therefore, osmosis ,Viii not occur. Hence, water does not enter the boiled
potato cup.

Question 10: ~Vhich type of cell division is required for growth and repair of body ;ind
which type is involved in formation of gametes?

• Meiosis
Mitosis is the type of cell division that is involved in the gro\vth and repair of body
whereas meiosis is a type of cell division which results in the fonnation of gametes.

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