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1.1 Analysis
1.1.1 Introduction
1.1.2 Purpose
1.1.3 Scope
1.1.4 Technology used
1.1.5 Description of project module

2.1 Feasibility Study

2.1.1 Economic feasibility study
2.1.2 Technical feasibility study
2.1.3 Behavioral feasibility study
2.1.4 Characteristics of proposed system
2.1.5 Advantage of proposed system
2.1.6 Disadvantage of proposed system
3.1 Design
3.1.1 Use case diagram
3.1.2 Data flow diagram
3.1.3 E-R diagram
3.1. 4 Data tables

4.1 System security measures

4.1.1 Technical security measures
4.1.2 Infrastructure security measures
4.1.3 Organizational security measures
4.1.4 Personal related security measures

5.1 Screenshot form

6.2 Conclusion
7.1 Bibliography
1.1.1 Introduction
Online Examination System refers to service as conduct online
examination or test. It will use in IIEST for students’ progress
evaluation using modern computer technology. It replaced the
paperwork and overcome the outcomes of traditional way of
examinations using paper or pen.
By using new technologies like AI we can make it more secure to
prevent the malpractice and conduct the exam in fair means. Our
exam system uses the face recognition feature to detect the real
time face so that student can give the test in fair means.

1.1.2 Purpose
The purpose of on-line test simulator is to take online test in an
efficient manner and no time wasting for checking the paper.
The main objective of on-line test simulator is to efficiently evaluate
the candidate thoroughly through a fully automated system that not
only saves lot of time but also gives fast results.
For students they give papers according to their convenience and
time and there is no need of using extra thing like paper, pen etc.
1.1.3 Scope

Scope of this project is very broad in terms of other manually taking

exams. Few of them are:
 This can be used in educational institutions as well as in corporate
 No restriction that examiner has to be present when the
candidate takes the test.
 It is web-based platform can be used by Admin at any remote
 Exam system is fully developed automated system is to
efficiently evaluate the candidate progress that not only
save the time of Examination Controller and also gives fast
 The Administrator of the system has authority to propose
tests or papers.
 It is cost effective and time effective.

 The candidate can login through proposed computer with their

Enrollment number matching the details to the student’s
database, then they can take the
1.1.4 Technology used

Software Specification

 Wamp Server: It is a window web development environment. It

allows you to create web applications with PHP and MySqli
database. It also comes with PHPMyAdmin to easily manage
your database. Back End Technology

 PHP: It is Hypertext Preprocessor is a widely used open source

general purpose scripting language that is especially suited for
dynamic web development.

 MySqli: MySqli is an open source database. MySqli is the most

popular database system used with PHP.

 Browser: Internet Explorer and others. Front End Technology

 HTML: HTML is used to create and save web development.

 CSS: Cascading Style Sheet creates attractive layout and design.

 JavaScript: It is a programming language commonly used with

web browser. Hardware Specifications

 Operating System: Window XP and others

 Processor: Pentium 2.0 and above

 Ram: 256 MB

 Hard Disk Space: 1 GB

1.1.5 Description of project module

There are 3 types of modules: Student Module

 Login to the online examination system.
 There is a personal window because in this window, person
can only enter by login.
 Enrollment ID of student is user id and password by which a
person can enter the system. Exam Module

Examination Process
a. Login to the online examination system
b. Attend Test
c. Submit
Test Pages
This is most creative and important pages in this project:-
This test pages includes:-
 Timer
 Skip
 Next
 Previous
 Finish

The form of question in test pages:-

 Multiple Choice Questions.
 The questions are selected at random.
 Paragraph based Questions. Administrative Module

This module is protected by user id and password. This is encrypted
format. So ordinary user of the software will not permitted to enter the
administrative module of the application. Only Examination Controller
(Admin) and Academic Director of IIEST has authority to access this
module of application.
2.1.1 Economic feasibility study

Economic analysis is most frequently used for evaluation of the

effectiveness of the system. More commonly known as cost/benefit
analysis the procedure is to determine the benefit and saving that are
expected from a system and compare them with costs, decisions is
made to design and implement the system.
This part of feasibility study gives the top management the economic
justification for the new system. This is an important input to the
management the management, because very often the top
management does not like to get confounded by the various
technicalities that bound to be associated with a project of this kind.
A simple economic analysis that gives the actual comparison of
costs and benefits is much more meaningful in such cases. In the
system, the organization is most satisfied by economic feasibility.
Because, if the organization implements this system, it need not
require any additional hardware resources as well as it will be saving
lot of time
2.1.2 Technical feasibility study
Technical feasibility centers on the existing manual system of the test
management process and to what extent it can support the system.

According to feasibility analysis procedure the technical feasibility

of the system is analyzed and the technical requirements such as
software facilities, procedure, inputs are identified. It is also one of the
important phases of the system development activities. The system
offers greater levels of user friendliness combined with greater
processing speed.

Therefore, the cost of maintenance can be reduced. Since

processing speed is very high and the work is reduced in the
maintenance point of view management convince that the project is
operationally feasible.

2.1.3 Behavioral feasibility study

People are inherently resistant to change and computer has been
known to facilitate changes.

An estimate should be made of how strong the user is likely to move

towards the development of computerized system.

These are various levels of users in order to ensure proper

authentication and authorization and security of
2.1.4 Characteristics of proposed system

 In comparison to the present system the proposed system will be

less time consuming and is more efficient.
 Analysis will be very easy in proposed system as it is automated
 Result will be very precise and accurate and will be declared in
very short span of time because calculation and evaluations are
done by the simulator itself.
 The proposed system is very secure as no chances of leakage of
question paper as it is dependent on the administrator only.
 The logs of appeared candidates and their marks are stored and
can be backup for future use

2.1.5 Advantage of proposed system

 In comparison to the present system the proposed system will be

less time consuming and is more efficient.
 Analysis will be very easy in proposed system as it is automated
 Result will be very precise and accurate and will be declared in
very short span of time because calculation and evaluations are
done by the simulator itself.
 The proposed system is very secure as no chances of leakage of
question paper as it is dependent on the administrator only.
 The logs of appeared candidates and their marks are stored and
can be backup for future use

2.1.6 Disadvantage of proposed system

Let us look at the disadvantages of an online examination system:

 Challenges in Technology Adoption

 Infrastructural Barriers
 Difficulty in Grading Long-answer Type
 Susceptible to Cheating
 Transitioning to Open-Book Exams
3.1.1 Use case Diagram for Administrator


Enroll Students

Manage Students Records

Schedule Exam


Administrator View Students

Create Exam

3.1.2 Use case Diagram Student



Take Exam

3.1.3 Use Case Diagram for Faculty


Enroll Student

Schedule Exam


View Student

Create Exam

3.2 Data Flow Diagram

Administrator Student record



Test record
3.3 E- R Diagram



Username username

Exam id Registration
Exam Result User id


Resul Perfor
t m


3.4.1 Student Database Table

S. No. Name Data Type Length

1. Ent. Num. (PK) Int 14
2. Fname Varchar 50

3. Lname Varchar 50

4. CAddress Varchar 50

5. C. No. Int 10

6. Age Int 3

7. Gender Varchar 10

8. Email Varchar 30

9. Password Varchar 30

10. CPassword Varchar 30

11. DOB Date Date 10

12. Username Varchar 50

3.4.2 Add Questions

S. No. Name Data Type Length

1. Quid (PK) Int 9

2. Question Varchar 50

3. Option1 Varchar 50

4. Option2 Varchar 50

5. Option3 Varchar 50

6. Option4 Varchar 50

7. Paragraph Answer Varchar 800

3.4.3 Login Table

S. No Name Data Type Length

1. Username Varchar 50
2. Password Varchar 50

3.4.4 Marking Table

S. No Name Data Type Length

1. Qid Int 9
2. Username Varchar 50
3. NR Question Int 9
4. NW Question Int 9
5. TMark Int 9

3.4.5 Result

S. No Name Data Type Length

1. Ent. Roll (PK) Varchar 50
2. Username Varchar 50
3. Course Varchar 10
4. Batch Varchar 10
5. Paper Name Varchar 10
6. Tmark Int 10
7. Percentage Int 10
8. No. Right Int 10
9. No. Wrong Int 10
10. Date Date 10
4.1 System security measures

Any system developed should be secured and protected against

possible hazards. Security measures are provided to prevent
unauthorized access of the database at various levels. An uninterrupted
power supply should be so that the power failure or voltage
fluctuations will not erase the data in the files.

4.1.1 Technical security measures

This is associated with technical problems such as exception conditions

detected during execution. This exception should be programmed in
the system itself. System errors are some operation during the
execution may cause it to fail. This is because of logical programming
error. So it is essential to handle these problems effectively.

4.1.2 Infrastructure security measures

This is associated with computer failure, system crash, disk failure.

Physical problems and catastrophes refers to an endless list of
problems that includes power air conditioning failure, fire, theft,
damage, overwriting disk or tape by mistake
4.1.3 Organizational security measures

Some problems occur in organization due to the concurrent execution

of system. Prevention of labor turnover is another security measure
related to the organization.

4.1.4 Personal related security measures

This security is concerned with offering security to the persons who are
developing and using the system. This is offered by providing username
and password for each and every person using the system.
5.1 Screenshot form

Student login
Admin login
System check
6.2 Conclusion
This system, being the first We have created in PHP, has proven
more difficult than originally imagined. While it may sound simple to fill
out a few forms and process the information, much more is involved in
the selection of applicants than this. Every time progress was made and
features were added, ideas for additional features or methods to
improve the usability of the system made themselves apparent.
Furthermore, adding one feature meant that another required feature
was now possible, and balancing completing these required features
with the ideas for improvement as well as remembering everything that
had to be done was a project in itself.
Debugging can sometimes be a relatively straight forward process,
or rather finding out what you must debug can be. Since so many parts
of the examination system are integrated into one another, if an error
occurs on one page, it may be a display error,
for example; it may be the information is not correctly read from the
database; or even that the information is not correctly stored in the
database initially, and all three must be checked on each occasion. This
slows down the process and can be frustrating if the apparent cause of
a problem is not obvious at first.
Language used must be simple and easy to understand and
compatibility is paramount. If this system were not designed as an
entirely web based application, it would not have been possible to
recreate its current state of portability. Overall, the system performs
well, and while it does not include all of the features that
may have been desired, it lives up to initial expectations. The majority
of features that are included work flawlessly and the errors that do
exist are minor or graphical

7.1 Bibliography
 An Integrated approach to Software Engineering,Narosa publishers,
Third edition by Pankaj Jalote.
 The PHP
 Secure PHP Development-Building 50 Practical Applications by
Mohammed J Kabir,Wiley Publishing,inc.
 PHP for Absolute Beginners by Jason Lengstorf

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