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Sources of data

1. Of the following sampling methods, which is a probability method?

a. Judgement
b. Quota
c. Simple random
d. Convenience

2. Which among the following is the benefit of using simple random sampling?
a. The results are always representative.
b. Interviewers can choose respondents freely
c. Informants can refuse to participate.
d. We can calculate the accuracy of the results.

3. Increasing the sample size has the following effect upon the sampling error?
a. It increases the sampling error
b. It reduces the sampling error
c. It has no effect on the sampling error
d. All of the above

4. Which of the following is not a type of non-probability sampling?

a. Quota sampling
b. Convenience sampling
c. Snowball sampling
d. Stratified random sampling

5. A sample is regarded as a subset of?

a. Data
b. Set
c. Distribution
d. Population

6. The difference between a statistic and the parameter is called:

a. Non-random
b. Probability
c. Sampling error
d. Random
Sources of data

7. The probability of selecting an item in probability sampling, from the

population is known and is:
a. Equal to one
b. Equal to zero
c. Non zero
d. None of the above

8. The distribution that is formed by all possible values of statistics is known as:
a. Hypergeometric distribution
b. Normal distribution
c. Sampling distribution
d. Binomial distribution

9. Among these, which sampling is based on equal probability?

a. Simple random sampling
b. Stratified random sampling
c. Systematic sampling
d. Probability sampling

10. The difference between the expected value of a statistic and the value of the
parameter being estimated is called a:
a. Standard error
b. Bias
c. Sampling error
d. Non-sampling error

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