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ED 303

Methods of Research
Action Research Template

I. Abstract
1. Research Problem
2. Respondents
3. Findings
4. Conclusion
5. Action Plan

II. Introduction
1. Rationale of the Problem

III. Research Problem

1. Statement of the Problem
2. Significance of the Study

IV. Objectives of the Study

1. Reasons for the research conducted

V. Scope and Delimitation

1. Nature of the study and its respondents

VI. Theoretical Framework and Conceptual Framework


VII. Review of Related Literature

Concept 1 Olores
Concept 2 - Vanezza
Concept 3- Rubelyn
Concept 4-Lioniza
Concept 5- Jay

Related studies
article=1003&context=honors_component Jay -Roveline
VI. Methodology
1. Research Design - Crissam
2. Research Respondents- Vanessa
3. Research Environment- Roveline
4. Research Instruments- Rubleyn
5. Data-Gathering Procedures- Lioniza
6. Statistical Tools- Deve Joy

VII. Analysis and Interpretations of Findings

VIII. Solutions and Recommendations

IX. Plan of Actions

Action Research Workplan and Timelines

Strategies Program/Project Activities Resources Timeline

Human Financial Materia


X. Conclusion

XI. Bibliography

XII. Appendix

XIII. Curriculum Vitae

I. Abstract

II. Introduction
1. Rationale of the Problem

III. Research Problem

1. Statement of the Problem
2. Significance of the Study

IV. Objectives of the Study

1. Reasons for the research conducted

V. Scope and Delimitation

1. Nature of the study and its respondents

VI. Theoretical Framework and Conceptual Framework

VII. Review of Related Literature

1. Related Literature
2. Related studies

VI. Methodology
1. Research Design
2. Research Respondents
3. Research Environment
4. Research Instruments
5. Data-Gathering Procedures
6. Statistical Tools

VII. Analysis and Interpretations of Findings

VIII. Solutions and Recommendations

IX. Plan of Actions

X. Conclusion

XI. Bibliography

XII. Appendix

XIII. Curriculum Vitae

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