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Visual Encoding: 10 Examples And Definition

Visual encoding refers to the cognitive process by which humans

convert visual stimuli, such as images, objects, or scenes, into a mental
representation that can be stored and retrieved within the memory

This mechanism is essential for transforming visual information,

including colors, shapes, and spatial relationships, into accessible data
that can be encoded and retained within an individual’s neural

Visual encoding is vital in various cognitive functions, such as

object recognition, spatial navigation, and visual working memory.

Although the brain may not recall each minute detail consciously,
it can retain the overall composition, color palette, and emotional
impact of a visual experience.

Visual encoding is an indispensable component of human learning

and memory recall. Without visual encoding, the formation and
preservation of memories would become considerably more challenging.
Visual Encoding Definition

Visual encoding refers to the neurocognitive mechanism by which

visual stimuli are converted into mental representations, thereby
enabling their storage and retrieval within the human memory system.

This process serves as the backbone of transforming visual

information, such as pictures, objects, or scenes, into data that can be
decoded and stored within an individual’s neural networks.

Makhijani (2020) describes visual encoding as:

“…the process of converting images and visual sensory information to

the memory stored in the brain.” (p. 47).

Upon perceiving visual stimuli, the human brain processes and

encodes the visual data, subsequently storing it within the memory
system for later recall. This fundamental process plays a critical role in
how humans retain information.

Bedford and Sanchez (2020) argue that:

“…visual encoding refers to the process by which we remember visual

images” (p. 115).

Visual encoding is integral to various cognitive functions, including

object recognition, spatial navigation, visual working memory, and the
retention and interpretation of faces, objects, landscapes, and written

Simply, visual encoding constitutes the cognitive process

responsible for converting visual input into a format that can be readily
recalled, thereby allowing individuals to assimilate and comprehend
visual experiences efficiently.
10 Visual Encoding Examples
1. Picture encoding: Visual encoding involves our brains processing and
filing away images or pictures. For instance, when we look at a
picture of someone dear to us: details like their facial features,
clothing selection, and environment are saved by the brain’s visual
2. Color encoding: The brain can encode colors, enabling us to perceive
and recall different hues. For instance, when we see a sunset, our
brain encodes the colors of the sky, such as red, orange, and pink.
3. Spatial encoding: Our brain can encode visually by forming a mental
map of positions and spatial relationships when navigating a new
city. Doing this allows us to retain information better and locate our
way back, even in unknown territory.
4. Object encoding: If we see a complex object, such as an airplane, our
brain encodes its components and shape of it. It allows us to quickly
recognize an object in the future, even when viewed from different
5. Face encoding: When we meet someone for the first time, our brain
encodes their facial features and expressions. So, the next time we
meet, our brain can rapidly recognize them even if they have
changed their hairstyle or clothing.
6. Motion encoding: If we watch a video or movie, our brains can
encode and remember an object’s movements on-screen. When
playing a game, for example, this type of visual encoding helps us
remember our characters’ movements and guide them in the right
7. Pattern encoding: This type of visual encoding involves processing
and remembering patterns and designs, such as stripes or polka dots.
For example, when we see a shirt with a specific pattern, our brain
encodes it to help us recognize it later.
8. Depth encoding: Our remarkable brain gives us the ability to store
depth perception and discern the relative position of objects in our
immediate view. As an example, when viewing a 3D sculpture, we
acknowledge not only its form but also each component’s exact
location within it.
9. Symbolic encoding: When viewing symbols, the brain can encode
them to help us later recognize and understand their meaning. For
example, when we see a mathematical equation written on paper,
our brain encodes it to help us solve it quickly.
10. Contextual encoding: If we view a scene, our brains can encode the
context of that particular moment. For example, when we see a
painting in a museum, our brain encodes the environment by taking
in factors like lighting, temperature, and sound.

Gestalt Theory On Visual Encoding

According to Gestalt theory, the human brain processes visual

information by organizing it into meaningful patterns and structures
rather than processing individual components in isolation. This
organization of visual elements is known as “Gestalt grouping.”

Gestalt theory emerged in the early 20th century as a response to

the reductionist approach of structuralism and behaviorism in

The pioneers of Gestalt theory, such as Max Wertheimer,

Wolfgang Köhler, and Kurt Koffka, emphasized the importance of
studying perception as a whole rather than breaking it down into
isolated parts (Peterson & Berryhill, 2013).

The core principle of Gestalt theory is that the brain organizes

visual stimuli into coherent and meaningful patterns based on a set of
principles or “laws of grouping.” These principles include:

 Similarity – When our mind perceives things that appear similar (in
shape, size, or another property) as part of a group.
 Proximity – When our mind perceives things that are close to one
another as part of a group.
 Continuity – When our mind perceives things that form a continuous
pattern as part of a group.
 Closure – When our mind processes unbroken lines and shapes as
cohesive closed shapes by cognitively closing the loop. This is a
mental heuristic.
 Symmetry – When our mind perceives symmetrical items as part of a
 Connectedness – When our mind perceives items that are physically
connected to one another as part of a group.

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