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Lesson 1 • The importance of the human be a selection which has been sung

being and his feelings and how he or played for several years.
ART AND HUMANITIES express those feelings have always
been the concern of the Dance
ART humanities.
• Art, like love is not easy to define. • Most direct of the arts for it
It concerns itself with the makes use of the human body as its
Art is a diverse range of human communication of certain ideas and
activities in creating visual, auditory medium.
feelings by means of a sensous • Dance heightens the pleasure of
or performing artifacts (artworks), medium-color, sound, bronze,
expressing author's imaginative, being, and at the same time mirrors
marble, words, film, and literature. the life of society.
conceptual ideas, the or technical • This medium is fashioned into a
skill, intended to be appreciated for symbolic language marked by
their beauty or emotional power. beauty of design and coherence of Primitive and Non-Primitive Dance
The expression or application of form.
human creative skill and • It appeals to our minds, arouses Ifugaos dance
imagination, typically in a visual our emotions. kindles our To celebrate the victory of the
form such as painting or sculpture, imagination, and enchants our warriors after a fight with their
producing works to be appreciated sense (Machlis, 1963) enemies
primarily for their beauty or
emotional power. Bagobos dance
Visual Art
To show gratitude to the spirits "for
HUMANITIES success war or domestic affair"
The art that we perceive through
our eyes and architecture is part of
Humanities = Latin humanus, which it. Involves not only painting and Indian Dance
means human, cultured, and sculpture but includes things such To give thanks for a harvest
refined. as:
Mexican dance
• To be human is to have or show • Visual Arts include much more To celebrate religious festival
qualities like rationality, kindness, than painting, sculpture, and
and tenderness. architecture. Out of the many Teenagers dance Parties
• Unlike other subjects, it is not common things we use in our daily Disco both old and young
group of scientific or technical lives, we derive real pleasure.
subjects. • A chair for example, can be
• The humanities are studies about Children dance everywhere
beautiful as well as comfortable. because it is pleasurable to express
human culture, such as literature, • A great range of objects can be
philosophy, and history. happiness through bodily
included in the visual arts, from movements.
Humanities, those branches of purely useful products at one
knowledge that concern extreme to those that were
themselves with human beings and designed for aesthetic appeal on Drama
their culture or with analytic and the other.
critical methods of inquiry derived • Because of this range, we are • Drama activities are usually part
from an appreciation of human surrounded by art in all these things of every school and community
values and of the unique ability of we see, hear, do, or use. The program.
the human spirit to express itself. Aesthetic aspects of any work, a • Classes dramatize the events they
( painting, song, story, dance, or are studying:
• Humanities embrace literature, play-are what make art. • Clubs Organizations and
languages, music and art history • Aesthetics refers to the forms and Institutions stage plays.
and philosophy. psychological forms of art.
• Concerned with the thoughts, Drama
creations, and actions of man in the
past and in the present. They tell MUSIC
man about his roots, his origin, his • Motion picture popular addition
neighbours, himself. • Art of combining and regulating to the various forms of the theater.
sounds of varying pitch to produce • Radio makes drama available for
compositions expressing various the Auditory sense and
Arts and Humanities ideas and emotions. imagination.
• Primary function is to entertain. • Television brings art of the drama
The Arts and Humanities include Thus when sounds are not to many people.
the disciplines of ancient and regulated or when a piece of music
modern languages, literature, is played improperly or in full blast, Play
philosophy. visual and performing as in case of unrelated stereo, it
arts. These disciplines explore, ceases to give pleasure or it fails in
share, and recreate expressions of • Form of literature.
its purpose. • Scenery and costume provide the
the human experience. • Great artwork of our civilization visual arts and music may serve as
along with literature, painting, background to set the mood or to
HUMANITIES sculpture architecture, and dance serve as the part of the plot.
• Deals with emotion. It's being a • Opera Is a drama set to music. It
Refers to the arts: "pure heart" enables it convey is a form of the theater.
• Visual arts such as architecture, emotions with great intensity and
painting, and sculpture; music, can affect people directly. Great What The Arts Have Common?
dance, the theater or drama, and music especially, radiates infectious
literature. joy.
• They are branches of learning • The most basic relationship is that
concerned with human thought, the arts are concerned with
• The song we sing may be a tune emotions with our feelings about
feelings, and relations. which is popular now but may things.
possibly be forgotten later. It may • Exciting Lovely and Stirring
• People experience excitement, Artist as the prime mover, A. Graphic Arts
pleasure, anger, and all other communicating his ideas through
emotional states in a way which is the performer, as his interpreter to I. Painting
very different from their intellectual the audience.
responses. Art of creating meaningful effects
• Emotions are part of our basic The process of creation on a flat surface by the use of
nature. pigments.
The IDEA The materials of the painter are
Artist pigments applied to wet plaster,
• Artists are highly sensitive canvas, wood, or paper.
• The person who exhibits persons specially aware of the
exceptional skills in design, things that surround them. They II. Drawing
drawing, painting and the like who notice the sounds, colors, and
works in one of the performing movements of people and things, Is the art of representing something
arts, like an actor or musician • A study of arts is the study of by lines made on a surface or the
• More sensitive and creative humankind, for through the arts we process of portraying an object,
• When he sees or learns can discover man's major interests, scene or forms of decorative or
something that impresses him, he feelings, and problems through the symbolic meaning through lines,
expresses himself in one medium or ages. shading, and textures in one or
another so that the others may • The art of the ancient Egypt more colors. Mediums used include
understand it too. shows clearly how the people of pencil, pen and ink, crayon, brush,
that time were pre occupied with and charcoal.
Creator and Performers the life after death, for many of
their most impressive monuments III. Graphic Process
A composer writes a song to be were erected as tombs for the
sung by talented singer pharaohs.
These are processes for making
multi-reproduction of graphic
A dramatist or playwright writes a THE MATERIAL AND PROCESS works. All processes involve the
play to be staged by a company of preparation of a master image of
actors. • The second phase of creation in the drawing or the design on
art concerns the material which the something durable material such as
A choreographer composes a ballet artist uses to give form to his idea. wood, metal, or stone from which
or sequence which will be • A painter uses pigments; a printing is done. Processes may be
performed by a troupe of dancers. sculptor uses stone. metal or wood; classified by the nature of the
an architect, various building surface from which the printing is
• A song cannot be considered materials. An author uses words; a done: raised (relief); depressed
complete until it has been sung: or composer, musical sounds which he (intaglio); or flat (surface, or plane).
a ballet until it has been danced. sets down as notes. A
• Individual interpretations to their choreographer uses people and a. Relief Printing
performers. Two great actors may their movements as the materials
play the same role in Florante at for his creations.
the process whereby unwanted
Laura yet it gives vastly different portions of design are cut away on
interpretations; two dancers may ORGANIZATION AND FORM the master image. Printed image is
dance the same ballet but render it formed by the remaining surface.
quite differently. • The third phase of creating is e.g. linoleum cuts, woodcuts, and
• Thus, in the performing arts, the organizing the idea and giving it wood engravings. Japanese prints
ideas and the interpretations of the form in the selected material. are made from woodcuts.
performer are added to the original • Artists have developed a host of
ideas of the creator. This dual different forms to express ideas b. Intaglio
contribution gives added richness they work on.
and meaning to these fields of arts. • Style refers to the development
• The creative artists communicate of forms on art that is related to Is a method of printing from a
directly with the observer. particular historical periods. palate on which incised lines, which
• Forms in the space arts are often carry the ink, leave a raised
symmetrically balanced in their impression.
Lesson 2
design; that is, the two sides of the
Arts and humanities object are identical.
• The symmetrical balance tends to
emphasize the center, creating a
• The work of the creative artist logical focal point for something
• Creativity is an artist trait one wishes to emphasize.
developed in the course of his life • Asymmetrical balance is the kind
to solve problems or express his of organization found in the most
feelings. paintings and others two-
dimensional graphic works. Here,
• His continuing reaction to the forms and colors on one side
emerging conditions of nature and are balanced by different forms and
social life gives birth to new ideas colors on the other.
and new methods. These in turn, he
uses to overcome difficulties which VISUAL ARTS
in the process of confrontation with
reality, give the solution to a vision,
create art, or activate social The visual arts are those that we
transformation. perceive with our eyes. They may
be classified into (two dimensional-
surface) and plastic arts (three
The process of creativity dimensional arts).

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