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Appendix 2: Coursework authentication sheet

Pearson Edexcel International GCSE in English Literature 4ET1/03

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Assignment Mark Comments
1. Modern Drama essay


2. Literary Heritage Texts




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Pearson Edexcel International GCSE in English Literature – 33

Specification – Issue 2 – November 2017 © Pearson Education Limited 2017
How does the dramatist make use of structure, form, and
language to represent Sheila’s development?
Pink: Reference to the question word
Yellow: language analysis
Green: acts, audience, dramatic tools

J.B. Priestly wrote An Inspector Calls in 1945. It has three ongoing acts to keep the
audience's interest. This drama addresses several themes, including responsibility, guilt, and
morality. Sheila, Mr. Birling's privileged daughter in her twenties, has a significant part in this
play and is one of the most developed characters throughout.

At the beginning of act one priestly presentes Sheila as naive and incautious. “very pleased

in life rather excited" which shows to the audience how naive and Childish she is.“Who has put

the ring on, admiringly” as was mentioned in the stage direction to make us visualize her reactions.

”Now really feel engaged” reflects to the audience how Sheila is shallow and materialistic and

happy with a ring. “I am sorry daddy actually I was listening” explains how innocent and girlish

she is; the dramatist preferres this noun“daddy”, in particular, to show the audience how childish

she is.

Furthermore, Early in act one when the inspector arrives Sheila’s character will develop and

start to be mature." But These girls aren’t cheap labour- they are people” this demonstrates to the

audience how flourish Sheila is.“But l felt rotten l feel a lot worse” this illustrates how Sheila feels

horrible about what she did. Priestley uses the adjective“rotten”, in particular, to show how guilty

she feels that makes the audience sympathy with her. "I’d persuade mother to close our account

with them” (Theme of power) which indicates how she misused her Power and money that reflects

also that she was raised in an environment filled with people who misused their power she

represents the upper-class women in that time ."I was furious with her" this exhibit envy one of
the 7 deadly sins, She was envious of Eva's look that’s why she insisted that she should be

dismissed and misused her statue. "I will never, never do it again to anybody” this Stipulates how

She feels Sinful and about What She had done to Eva and responsible for what she did. Priestley

uses ,in Particular, repetition of the negative word “never, never” which attracts the audience and

shows them how determined Sheila is not to do that again. "of course, he knows” the dramatist

shows the audience at the end of chapter one that she is well-developed and perceptive

In addition, at the beginning of act two J.B Priestley wants to show the audience Sheila

in a different light, how confident and experienced she is “with a hysterical laugh” as it was

mentioned in the stage direction to describe Sheilas’ reaction that makes us visualize how she

feels“You see? what did l tell you?”. “I Know l am to blame and I'm desperately sorry” Theme of

responsibility This indicates that Sheila is now Fully grown and responsible for her actions, unlike

her father who didn't want to take the blame for what he did. The dramatist uses the adverb

“desperately”, in particular, to show the audience how Sheila feels guilty and blameworthy about

what she had done." we all started like that- so confident, so pleased with ourselves until he began

asking us questions” the author wants the audience to feel proud of Sheila as the play progress she

shows another and different side from her character at the beginning she was a naive, childish and

self-centered girl representing girls from her class ,but she developed and become Shrewd and

optimistic. She was trying to let her mother say the truth and be responsible for the consequences

of her actions.“Perhaps it’s because impertinent is such a silly word” Sheila here was mocking her

mother, and the author uses this adjective“impertinent” in particular to show the gap between the

old generation and the young generation. “And Eric’s one of them” this maintains the attention of
the audience as Sheila here was helping the inspector, she said that Erics drinks a lot her mother

didn’t know as Eric seemed to her like a 12-year-old boy.

On top of that, Sheila’s development is shown when she was trying to stop them and let them

take responsibility for what they have done “But we really must stop these silly pretenses” this

Stipulate to the audience how Sheila is assertive and trying to stop them before things get worse

in the middle of act two. “I talked about building up a wall that sure be knocked flat” the dramatist

wants to show the audience how intelligent Sheila is as she warned her mother at first that the

inspector knows everything, and she won’t be able to hide anything; the author uses this

adverb“Flat”, in particular, to show the audience that it will only get worse if they tried to hide

anything from the inspector. "he's giving us, the rope-So that we’ll hang ourselves” the author

wants to show the audience how astute and discriminating she is, she means that Goole gives them

parts of the story, and each confesses the rest of the story. “and probably between us, we killed

her” Theme of responsibility, Priestley wants the audience to be pleased with Sheila that she is

taking the responsibility of what she had done and admitted it. “With a sharp sarcasm” as was

mentioned in the stage direction that is meant to visualize her reactions “you were the wonderful

fairy prince. You must have adored it” J.B. Priestley wants the audience to be shocked at how

Sheila has developed and can now speak up, here she was being so serious and sharp because of

what Gerald did as he cheated on her and also harmed Eva.

As the play develops, Sheila develops “I don’t dislike you as I did an hour ago, Gerald…….

I rather respect you more than I’ve ever done before” the author wants the audience to see how she

is full-grown and quick-witted and how she respects Gerald even though he cheated on her by the
end of act two; the dramatist uses this adverb“rather” to show the audience that now respects

Gerald as he now admitted what he had done. “You and I aren’t the same people who sat down to

dinner here. “We’d have to start all over again, getting to know each other.” Theme of change,

Sheila was aware that she had changed, and she is not the same person who was sitting here an

hour ago she wants to start again as it is the first time to see Gerald, and to tell each other everything

without hiding or lying. “No, no please” this demonstrates how Sheila feels culpable about the

consequence of her actions.

Besides, in act three, Sheila is presented as the only one who has a conscience of all of them

“ I know I did and I’m ashamed of it. But now you’re beginning all over again to pretend that

nothing much has happened” the author wants to show the audience how mellowed is Sheila. J.B.

Priestly uses the adjective“ashamed”, in particular, to show the audience how Sheila feels and let

them sympathy with her. “Sharply attentive” as was mentioned in the stage direction to describe

Sheila’s reaction that makes us visualize how she feels “ls that when the inspector came, just after

father had said that” J.B priestly wants to raise questions in the audience minds by the timing of

the entrance of inspector Goole, he wants to show them how nimble and noticed this detail. “But

was he really a police inspector?” The dramatist wants to keep them focused as he shows them

how skillful Sheila is she was the first to notice that he might not be an inspector.

In the middle of act three, the dramatist wants to show the audience how sophisticated Sheila

was and how she had changed .“flaring up” as was mentioned in the stage direction to make us

visualize her reactions “he inspected us all right…we drove that girl to commit suicide” Theme of

responsibility, Priestly wants to keep them interested, and he wants to show them how Sheila feels
guilty even though the inspector wasn’t a real inspector, in the end, he inspected them and all he

said was the truth . “everything we said had happened really had happened” the dramatist wants to

show the audience how she is being realistic and that every one of them was part in this even if it

is not the same Eva but at the end, every one of them had harmed an Eva. The author uses the

repetition of the word “happened, happened”, in particular, to engage the audience and to show

them how tenacious she is. “No, not yet. It’s too soon. I must think.” At the end of act three priestly

wants to show the audience how Sheila had developed and change 180 degrees she became more

mature, and she refused to take the ring and that’s a wise decision from her.

Finally, J.B. Priestly effectively used structure, form and language to highlight theme of

responsibility. Yet, just two characters in the play have been modified. He intends to show the

audience, through Sheila and Eric, that there is hope in the youth. This play is so intense that it

will end with an open ending, leaving the audience with many unanswered questions.

Word count: 1529

How does Jane Austen use structure, form, and language to represent
the role and status of women?

Grey: context

Pink: reference to the question

Green: form and structure

Yellow: language

Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice was a romantic novel written in 1813, and it took place in

England. It is one of the greatest novels of all time. It is also one of the greatest romantic novels

in British literature. Furthermore, it discusses a lot of themes like love, class, and state of


The opening lines of the novel showed the readers how Women at that time didn’t receive

respect, during this time marriage, was the most important thing for women as it was difficult for

them as they couldn’t work to make money because they have little power so it was a must for

them to get married was shown in “the business of her life was to get her daughters married”.

The author makes use of the noun “Business” to demonstrate to the reader how marriage was a

significant thing in a woman’s life back then. “Jane will be quite an old maid soon, I declare. She

is almost three and twenty” said by Lydia in chapter 39. Jane Austen chooses the noun“old

maid”, in particular, to show the readers what they used to call an unmarried woman; moreover,

this exhibits how women were treated back then. At that time and in this society being at the

beginning of your twenties and still not married is misery which leads women to get married for
only the idea even though they don’t love the men they are married to like charlotte “Happiness

in marriage is entirely a matter of chance” this was said by charlotte in chapter 6, at that time and

in this society it did not matter to women if they are happy or not in their marriage but what

matters to them that they are finally married at an old age, and now they have financial support

and no longer they’re dependent on their family’s that were worried that they will end dying as

an old maid, and this illustrates the role and status of women. Besides, for this reason, men get

married after marriage everything their wives own becomes in his power which leads to

something called“fortune hunter” where men get married to take the fortune of their wives.

Austen showed the readers an example of this it was Wickham when he tried to abscond with

Darcy’s sister Georgiana.

On top of that, the rule of inheritance. Daughters don’t inherit only the sons or the closest

male relative; as a result, women tend to get married or start working as a governess to be

financially havened. Back then at that time and in this society women didn’t have much power

when Jane said in chapter 40“Well if they can be easy with an estate that is not lawfully their

own” the author wants to demonstrate to the readers how women weren’t able to take their

rights, and how they have accepted this. Austen makes use of the adverb “ lawfully” to depicts to

the readers how men back then took have the power to take things that belonged to women. As

you know, the main family in this novel “the Bennets” were only girls, so the one who was going

to inherit Mr.Bennet was Mr.Collins his relative. Therefore, that’s why Mrs.Bennet was trying

hard to marry him to one of her daughters that was seen in chapter 29 when lady Catherine said

“your father’s estate is entailed on Mr.Collins, I think”; and Jane Austen makes use of the verb
“entailed” to show the readers how the law of inheritance work as males inherit over several

generations so that ownership remains under the family name. Austen makes use of inheritance

to show the state and role of women.

Furthermore, Austen makes use of education to demonstrate to the readers how women were

educated back then. The author depicts to the readers that education for girls at that time was

from home, it was different for boys as for girls they only learned from their home by a

governess or their mothers, and some went to private seminaries and that depends on the family

remuneration and state. “Must improve her mind by extensive reading” was said by Darcy in

chapter 8, the author wants to demonstrate to the readers that reading is of the utmost importance

of a women’s education as by reading they were taught all the masters. Austen makes use of the

adjective “ extensive” to illustrate to the readers of reading covers a large part of women’s

education back then. Through the rising actions in chapter 29 when Elizabeth was talking with

lady Catherine, For the Bennets’ Mrs.Bennet is the one who was in charge of them. However,

Mr.Bennet didn’t care much about their education as shown in “to study under the benefit of

masters”. “ I believe we were neglected ” was said by Elizabeth, the writer wants to show the

readers that women’s education wasn’t a prominent thing back then and they have educated the

things that let them able to work as a governess or educate their children. The writer makes use

of the adjective “neglected” to make the readers look closely at how some women were treated

back then. Education helps women as if they will be able to work as a governess in case they

didn’t get married or inherit from their fathers, so they can be independent financially. The

author herself started to write novels to support herself financially. This illustrates the status and

role of women.
Into the bargain, money in that time and this society played an important role. Money

back then was from the problem that faced people back then in marriage was the lack of money.

“It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in a possession of a good fortune must

be in want of a wife” this was said by Mrs.Bennet in chapter 1, Jane Austen demonstrates to the

readers how Money and marriage affect each other as the rich single man must need a wife and a

woman who can’t inherit from her father must need a rich man to get married to and this

indicates the state of women. Austen makes use of the adverb “Universally” to show the readers

that it was believed by everyone back then that a wealthy man should need a wife. “Single,.., to

be sure” was said by Mrs.Bennet in chapter 1, the writer wants to manifest to the readers that the

priority back then at that time is to get their daughters to marry a rich man which depicts the

status and role of women. This was shown when Mr.Bingley came and rented the house next to

them Mrs.Bennet was trying to get him married to one of her daughters. Jane Austen’s sister

faced this problem as she was engaged to a man, and they weren’t able to get married because of

the lack of money plays a significant role in marriage.

Besides, woman’s Reputation was so prominent in this society. Women at that time should

act and behave in a way that suits the society back then as if they didn’t follow the circumstances

of society back then it will have an appalling effect on their reputation that will lead them to not

get married so they will end up as old maids and even won’t be able to work as a governess and

won’t be financially supported. Furthermore, Jane Austen wants to depict to the readers that

when a woman starts to act in a way that is abnormal to society her actions become unacceptable

to some people and that was seen in “show an abominable sort” said by Caroline in chapter 8.

The author makes use of the adjective “Abominable” to demonstrate to the readers that Elizabeth
caused an awful moral behavior, and this depicts to the readers how women back then strictly

follow the social circumstances. It was going to be miserable for the Bennets when Libya ran

away with Wickham without getting married which was a climactic point as it was going to

affect her sisters’ reputation. Moreover, none of them were going to get married and will end up

as old maids that were shown in “will contact themselves with such a family” said by Mr.Collins

in chapter 48, the writer wants to demonstrate to the readers that back then in that time and this

society that an immature decision of one daughter has an appalling effect on the rest of them.

This shows how much society looks closely at the behavior of girls to evaluate their manners.

The author makes use of reputation to illustrate the state of women.

Finally, Jane Austen created this novel to demonstrate to readers how women suffered in

the nineteenth century, from how they were treated if they were not married to how they should

act and behave. Austen utilises women as a tool in her novel to remind readers that at the time

and in this culture, women did not have the rights or the power to speak out about the social

injustice they faced. Austen effectively used structure, form, and language to highlight the theme

status of women in “Pride and Prejudice”.

Word count: 1525

Reference :,makes%20her%20vulnerable





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