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Informed Consent Form


“The Community Development Concepts of Indigenous People in Banayoyo,

Ilocos Sur”

Jose, John Vincent A.

Guerrero, Allana Nicole G.

Dennis A. Cabuena

Bachelor of Arts in Political Science 4A-Student

Poblacion, Banayoyo, Ilocos Sur



You are being asked to take part in a research study. Before you decide to

participate in this study, it is important that you understand why the research is being done

and what it will involve. Please read the following information carefully. Please ask the

researcher if there is anything that is not clear or if you need more information.

The researchers, John Vincent A. Jose, Allana Nicole G. Guerrero, and Dennis A.

Cabuena are conducting a research study regarding the community development concepts

of the indigenous people of Banayoyo, Ilocos Sur. The purpose of your participation in this

study is to help the researcher determine and understand if there are Community

Development Concepts in terms of Land and Property Ownership and Social Justice System

of the Indigenous People in our Municipality.

You were selected as a participant for this study because you are listed as a member

of the Indigenous People and you are already believed to be in a legal age to answer such

study like this.


If you agree to participate in this research study, the following will occur: the

researcher will first explain to you the purpose and the description of the research, including

this informed consent form for you to understand its significance, benefits and other aspects

regarding the study. If you agreed to participate in this research study, a letter for permission

will be given and read to you for some ethical considerations. After which, you are asked to

answer or fill out a questionnaire prepared by the researcher, if you have some questions

regarding the questionnaire or the whole study, feel free to ask the researcher.

The researcher estimated 15 participants for this study. Each will be visited for

approximately 10-15 minutes. For some documentaries, your permission will also be asked

whether or not you allow the researcher to take some videos, photos and recordings.


If you feel uncomfortable, embarrassed or inconvenienced, you may decline to

answer any or all questions and you may terminate your involvement at any time if you



There will be no direct benefit to you for your participation in this study. However,

there researcher hopes that the information obtained from this study may be a great help for

you to understand and know more regarding the community development concepts of the

indigenous people in the municipality, this can also be a way for you to know about the

development in the IP community and actions needed to be done for you to cope up. And if
given the chance, the findings in this study will also be shared to the authorities for them to

be aware of your needs.


All information taken from the study will be coded to protect each subject’s name.

No names or other identifying information will be used when discussing or reporting data.

The researcher will safely keep all files and data collected in a secured locked cabinet. Once

the data has been fully analyzed it will be destroyed.

The records from this study will be kept as confidential as possible. No individual

identities will be used in any reports or publications resulting from the study. All

questionnaires, tapes, transcripts, summaries will be given codes and stored separately from

any names or other direct identification of participants. Research information will be kept in

locked files at all times. Only research personnel will have access to the files and only those

with an essential need to see names or other identifying information will have access to that

particular file.


If you have questions or further clarifications at any time about this study, or you

experience adverse effects as the result of participating in this study, you may contact the

researcher whose contact information is provided.


Your participation in this study is voluntary. It is up to you to decide whether or not

to take part in this study. If you decide to take part in this study, you will be asked to sign a

consent form. After you sign the consent form, you are still free to withdraw at any time

and without giving a reason. Withdrawing from this study will not affect the relationship
you have, if any, with the researcher. If you withdraw from the study before data collection

is completed, your data will be returned to you or destroyed.


I have read and I understand the provided information and have had the opportunity

to ask questions. I understand that my participation is voluntary and that I am free to

withdraw at any time, without giving a reason and without cost. I understand that I will be

given a copy of this consent form. I voluntarily agree to take part in this study.

Participant's signature Date

Researcher's signatures Date

Iloko Translation (Informed Consent Form)

PAULO: “The Community Development Concepts of Indigenous People in

Banayoyo, Ilocos Sur”


Jose, John Vincent A.

Guerrero, Allana Nicole G.

Dennis A. Cabuena

Bachelor of Arts in Political Science 4A-Student

Poblacion, Banayoyo, Ilocos Sur



Sika ket makidkiddaw nga makiparticipar kadeytoy makunkuna nga research study.

Ngem sakbay iti partisipasyon mo ket napateg nga maawatam nu apay nga daytoy nga

research study wenno pinagadal ket maisaysayangkat ken anya iti sakop na. Basaen nga

nalaing dagiti sumaganad nga impormasyon ken damagen ken ti agada dal nu adda man iti

haan nga maawatan ken masapol pay iti naan anay nga impormasyon.

Agiti agad-adal nga da John Vincent A. Jose, Allana Nicole G. Guerrero ken Dennis

A. Cabuena ken mangisaysayangkat itay makunkuna nga research study wenno pinagadal

mainaig iti inisiyatibo iti Community Development Concepts Agiti Indigenous People dito

pagilian tayo. Ti gagem iti partisipasyon yo ket makatulong para kadagiti agad-adal tapno

maamwan ken maawatan da no adda man itti Community Development Concepts kadagiti
Indigenous People nangnagruna iti topiko a Land and Property Ownership ken Social

Justice System.

Sika ket napili nga makipartisipar kadaytoy gappuwanan ta nakailista iti nagan mo a

kas miyembro iti Indigenous People ken mapapati nga adda kan iti usto nga tawen nga

makasungbat kadeytoy nga pinagadal.


Nu umanamong ka nga makipartisipar kadeytoy nga pinagadal, dagitoy dagiti

sumaganad nga mabalin nga mapadasan. Ummuna ket ilawlawag ti agad-adal nu anya

daytoy nga ganwat wenno research study ken karaman iti informed consent tapno

maamwam nu anya iti pagsayaatan, benepisyo ken usar daytoy nga ganwat. Maited met ti

surat nga pammalubos nu sika ket umanamong nga makipartisipar. Kalpasanna ket adda iti

maited nga questionnaire wenno pagsungbatan mainaig kadayti paulo nga topiko. Ket nu

adda damage mo, wayam iti agdamag ken iti agad-adal.

Tallo nga gasut ken tallo ti makipartisipar kadaytoy nga pinagadal. Sangapulo

aginggana kinse nga minutos ti maysa nga mannalon. Para met iti dokumentaryo, masapol

pay iti permisom nu mangala man iti litrato wenno video.


Nu man haan ka komportable, mabalin mo iti haan nga agpartisipar kadeytoy nga



Awan iti direkta nga benepisyo para iti pinagpartisipar kadaytoy nga pinagadal ngem

iti agad-adal ket namnamaen nan ga dagiti impormasyon nga maala na ket mabalin nga

makatulong para iti pannakaammo pay kadagiti Community Development Concepts agiti

Indigenous People dtoy pagilian tayo. Daytoy pay nga pinagadal ken agbalin nga instrument
ti pannakaawat nu anya pay dagiti kurang tapno masupusopan daytoy. Ket nu adda man

tiyansa, mabalin nga iti resulta daytoy nga pinagadal ket maipakammo kadagiti awtoridad kas

iti NCIP kn LGU- Banayoyo.


Amin nga impormasyon ket maikkan ti “code” tapno maprotektaran iti kinasiyasino

dagiti respondente. Awan mainagan wenno personal nga impormasyon iti mausar nu

mailawlawag iti resulta ti pinagadal. Amin nga papel kada datos nga nakolekta ket

siguradwen ti agad-ala nga maidulin nga nasayaat.


Nu adda saludsod mainaig kadaytoy nga pinagadal, wenno haan nga kompable iti

pinagpartisipar, mabalin nga tawagan iti agad-adal tapno maibaga daytoy.


Ti pannakipaset mo kadeytoy nga pinagadal ket boluntaryo wenno haan nga

mapilpilit. Adda kenka iti desisyon nu kayat mo wenno saan. Ngem nu nagboluntaryo ka ket

adda iti informed consent nga mapapermaan. Uray met nu nakaperma kan nu kayat mo iti

agbabawi ket mabalin, adda man maidatag mo nga rason wenno awan ken maisubli dagiti

impormasyon nga inted mo. Ti pinagbabawim ket saan nga makaapekto iti adda nga kasasaad

yo ken ti agad-adal.


Nabasak ken naawatak dagiti impormasyon nga naidatag ken naidamag ko dagiti

kayat ko nga saludsuden. Maawatak nga ti partisipasyon ko ket boluntaryo ken adda

karbengak nga agbabawi iti anya man nga oras. Ammok nga maikkan nak iti kopya daytoy

nga pammalubos ken agboluntaryo nak nga makipartisipar kadaytoy nga pinagadal.
Perma ti Makipartisipar: Petsa

Perma agiti Agad-adal: Petsa


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