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R epublic of the P hilippines

D epartment of E ducation
N a t i o n a l C a pi t a l Re g i o n
Sc h o o l s D i v i s i o n O f f i c e o f La s Pi ñ a s C i t y


SY 2020-2021

Directions: Blacken the circle of the correct answer in the answer sheet.

1. What is the quantity used to measure an object's resistance to changes in rotation?

A. angular velocity C. moment of inertia
B. mass D. torque

2. When an object experiences uniform circular motion, what is the direction of the
A. same direction as the velocity vector.
B. opposite direction of the velocity vector.
C. directed toward the center of the circular path.
D. directed away from the center of the circular path.

3. A boy and a girl are riding on a merry-go-round which is turning at a constant rate. The
boy is near the outer edge, and the girl is closer to the center. Who has the greater angular
A. the boy
B. the girl
C. Both have zero angular velocity.
D. Both have the same non-zero angular velocity.

4. The acceleration of gravity on the Moon is one-sixth what it is on Earth. An object of

mass 72 kg is taken to the Moon. What is its mass there?
A. 12 N C. 72 N
B. 12 kg D. 72 kg

5. Two planets have the same surface gravity, but planet B has twice the radius of planet A.
If planet A has mass m, what is the mass of planet B?
A. 0.707m C. 2m
B. 1.41m D. 4m

6. Who was the first person to realize that the planets move in elliptical paths around the
A. Brahe C. Einstein
B. Copernicus D. Kepler

7. Let the average orbital radius of a planet be r. Let the orbital period be T. What quantity
is constant for all planets orbiting the Sun?
A. T/R B. T/R2 C. T2/R3 D. T3/R2

8. When the mass of a simple pendulum is tripled, the time required for one complete
A. does not change.
B. increases by a factor of 3.

C. decreases to 1/ 3 of its original value.
D. decreases to one-third of its original value.

9. Which is not an example of approximate simple harmonic motion?

A. A ball bouncing on the floor.
B. A child swinging on a swing.
C. A piano string that has been struck.
D. A car's radio antenna as it waves back and forth.

10. Which one of the following quantities is at a maximum when an object in simple
harmonic motion is at its maximum displacement?
A. acceleration C. kinetic energy
B. frequency D. speed

11. The distance traveled by a wave in one period is called?

A. Frequency C. Period
D. Wavelength
B. Speed of wave

12. Which of the following is the speed of a wave traveling with a wavelength λ, frequency f,
and period T?
λ f C. v = λ·f
A. v = B. v =
f λ D. v = f·T

13. What will be the change in the speed of the wave, when frequency doubled, and
wavelength is constant?
A. It doubles.
B. Remains unchanged.
C. It quadruples.
D. It is cut to one-half.

14. What will happen to the distance between two consecutive crests, when frequency
increases and speed remain the same?
A. It increases.
B. It decreases.
C. Stays unchanged.
D. It increases first and then decreases.

15. Which of the following statements is true about transverse waves?

A. They always have the same frequencies.
B. They always have the same velocities.
C. The particles vibrate in a parallel direction with respect to the wave motion.
D. The particles vibrate in a perpendicular direction with respect to the wave motion.

16. Which of the following statements is true about longitudinal waves?

A. They always have the same frequencies.
B. They always have the same velocities.
C. The particles vibrate in the same direction as the wave motion.
D. The particles vibrate in a perpendicular direction as the wave motion.

17. Two wave pulses with equal positive amplitudes travel on a cord approaching each other.
What is the result of the oscillations when the pulses reach the same point?
A. It is constructive interference with twice the amplitude.
B. It is destructive interference with zero amplitude.
C. It is constructive interference with slightly greater amplitude.
D. It is constructive interference with the negative amplitude.

18. It refers to the interaction of two waves to combine or form a bigger wave?
A. Wave intensity
B. Constructive Interference
C. Destructive Interference
D. Wave speed

19. It refers to the apparent change in the frequency at which sound waves leave a source and
that at which they reach an observer, caused by a relative motion of the observer and the
wave source?
A. Harmonics C. Doppler Effect
B. Wave Speed D. Wave interference

20. Car A moves at 72 km/h and car B moves at 90km/h, approach each other. Car A honked
with a frequency of 650 Hz. If the speed of the sound waves in air is 350 m/s, then what
is the frequency of sound heard by the driver of car B from car A?
A. 748.6 Hz C. 73.86 Hz
B. 738.6 Hz D. 7386 Hz

For numbers 11-13. Please refer to the given situation below.

The string at the right is 8.2 meters long and is vibrating as the fifth harmonic. The string
vibrates up and down with 21 complete vibrational cycles in 5 seconds.

21. What is the frequency of the string?

A. 4.2 Hz B. 4.6 Hz C. 2.4 Hz D. 3.6 Hz

22. What is the period of the string?

A. 0.378 seconds C. 0.238 seconds
B. 0.328 seconds D. 0.832 seconds

23. What is the wave speed of the string?

A. 12.8 m/s C. 14.8 m/s
B. 13.8 m/s D. 15 m/s

24. Which of the following statements is TRUE?

A. The first harmonic is twice the frequency of the first overtone.
B. A traveling wave appears to stand still, vibrating in one place.
C. The fundamental frequency determines the pitch of a note.
D. Standing wave is a combination of waves moving in the same direction, having the
same amplitude, and same frequency.

25. How many times greater than the lifting force must the force applied to a hydraulic lift be
if the ratio of the area where the pressure is applied to the lifted area is 1/7?
A. 1/49 B. 1/7 C. 7 D. 49

26. Which of the following statements is TRUE about buoyant force?

A. An apparent increase in weight of a sinking object.
B. When the buoyant force is great, the object sinks.
C. The downward force that acts together with gravity.
D. The volume of the object submerged in a container is equal to the amount of fluid
rise in the container.

27. When blood pressure is taken, why must be the jacket be leveled with the heart?
A. Pressure seeks its own level
B. Pressure depends on depth
C. Pressure is at its maximum value
D. The pressure decreases with depth

28. How long is the wavelength of a wave whose frequency is 282 Hz and travels with a
speed of 343 m/s?
A. 96, 726 m C. 1.22 m
B. 0.822 m D. D. 90, 000 m

29. What is the intensity of the sound waves produced by a trumpet at a distance of 3.2 m
when the power output of the trumpet is 0.20W? Assume the soundwaves are spherical.
A. 1.6 x 103 W/m2
B. 1.6 x 10-3 W/m2
C. 1.5 x 103 W/m2
D. 1.5 x 10-3 W/m2

30. Which of the following can be explained by Pascal’s Principle?

A. Two balloons of the same size and shape move closer to each when air passes
between them
B. The toothpaste comes out when you squeeze its tube.
C. The designs of the vehicles affect the efficiency and speed of the vehicle itself
D. The water rushes out of a hose when the hose is partially blocked with a finger.

31. What will be the effect of temperature on the object?

A. Thermal equilibrium C. Contraction

B. Expansion D. Both B and C

32. Professor X is doing an experiment, based on the data controlled temperature turned to 56
°F. What will be the temperature in °C?
A. 13.33 B. 14.00 C. 14.50 D. 47.00

33. Linear: Length as Superficial: ______________.

A. length C. area
B. volume D. density

34. How would you use the principles of physics when the lid of the jar is too tight that
causes it is difficult to open?
A. Put the jar in an ice-cold bath and twist the cap
B. Allow the lid to be heated, then twist the cap
C. Get a can opener and forcibly open the cap
D. Throw the jar

35. As you walk on the street, you can observe that road has lines, and this is because of the
thermal expansion. If the main span of the road is 3.0-km long. Calculate the change in
length ∆L when the bridge is exposed to extreme temperature from 18°C to 90°C. Use
= 10 x 10-6 C-1.
A. 240.0m C. 2.4 m
B. 24.0m D. 0.024m

36. What relationship can you derive from the experiment relating which matters most “mass
or length.?
A. Mass is more important than length
B. A change in length causes a change in mass
C. A change in mass cause the change of period
D. Period is changing as the length change.

37. From the given definition of the period as T=1/t what will the change in period if the time
change to one ½.
A. decreased by ½ C. increased by 2
B. increased by 1 D. doubled

38. What relationship you can derive from the data about period and time
Length 20 15 10
A. directly proportional C. Exponential
B. Inversely proportional D. Quadratic (analysis)

39. From Archimedes principle. How would you create an illustration showing the concepts?
A. Using the free-body diagram
B. using perspective view
C. the bird’s eye view
D. analytical

40. What can you infer why the mass of an object in the air is higher than the mass of an
object submerged in water?
A. The force of the liquid water pushes the object upward.
B. The force of the air pushes the object upward.
C. No forces exist.
D. The gravitational forces push the object upward.

41. Which of the following statement best describe the principles of Zeroth law of
A. Two objects placed next to each other will never reach thermal equilibrium.
B. Two objects placed next to each other will form a wormhole if the temperature is
high enough.
C. Two objects placed next to each other will eventually reach thermal equilibrium.
D. There is no reaction between the two objects.

42. A 5 L of water at 75°C is added to 2.5 L of water at 15°C. What is the temperature of the
resulting mixture?
A. 80 B. 70 C. 60 D. 55

43. Glass A and B are stuck together. What will you do to separate them?
A. Add cold water to both glasses.
B. Add cold water to the glass on the top and hot water to the glass at the bottom.
C. Add hot water to the glass on the top and cold water to the glass at the bottom.
D. Put them in a water bath.

44. From the equation ∆U =Q + W, the value of W differs. Which of the following of the
following statements is TRUE?
A. W is positive when work done by the system
B. W is negative when work done in the system
C. W is positive when work done in the system, and negative when work is done by
the system
D. Both A and B

For problem 45-48. Given the P-V diagram, the different thermodynamic processes and
description. Match the P-V Diagram and description from the given thermodynamic processes as
shown below.

Presseure-Vollume (P-V)Diagram


Isothermal Isochoric Isothermal Adiabatic V

F. volume of the system stays constant

G. Q = 0
H. the pressure of the system (often a gas) stays constant
I. Q=W

Thermodynamic Processes Description P-V Diagram

35. Isochoric a process taking B
place at constant
volume. It is also
sometimes called as
an isometric process
or constant-volume
36. Adiabatic A process that D
occurs without
transfer of heat or
matter between
37. Isothermal A process change of C
system in which the
remains constant
38. Isobaric process taking place A
at constant pressure

49. It refers to the process in which both the system and its environment can return to exactly
the states they were in by following the reverse path.
A. Irreversible process C. System
B. Reversible D. Isolated

50. A 5.0 grams of wood is burnt after an hour it all turns to ashes, and weigh 4.5 g. What
can you infer?
A. It is a reversible process, and 0.5g of wood change to energy.
B. It is an irreversible process; 5.0 g wood is turned into ash.
C. It is an irreversible process, and follows the law of conservation of mass.
D. No process that takes place, it remains the same.

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