EXODUS - GROUP3 - Solanum Tuberosum (Potato) Bioplastic With Dendrocalamus Asper (Bamboo) Microfibrillated Cellulose (MFC)

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Solanum tuberosum (Potato) Bioplastic with Dendrocalamus asper

(Bamboo) Microfibrillated

Cellulose (MFC)

In Partial Fulfillment of

the Requirements in

Research 1

Baaclo, Mirjanna S.

Borces, Alexa Angelique A.

Cabuquit, Rhynharld John N.

Galang, Ma Isabel C.

Mazo, Sophia Abigail P.



Every challenging work requires self-effort, perseverance, and guidance. This investigatory

project is made possible because of the individuals who exerted and offered help to make this

investigation a reality. With this, the researchers would like to express their utmost gratitude and

appreciation to these people,

Mrs. Elizabeth B. Agbay, the investigatory project teacher, for her enthusiasm and sincere

guidance, for being present during times of confusion and challenges.

Mrs. Gracel N. Menguito, class advisor, for her guidance and patience to assist the


Sir Henry Noel N. Alazas, Uncle of our Assistant Leader, for accompanying the

researchers as they performed their pilot testing regarding this study.

Gwen F. Carreon, a friend, for providing the researcher advice, feedback, and support in

preparing the research.

Andro L. Mazo, acquaintance of the researcher, for providing bond paper and printing

required for this study.

And to all the people whom the researchers failed to mention, who in one way or another

had made significant contributions, thank you very much.


Table of Contents


Title page …..…………………….………………………………………………………………..1

Acknowledgement ……………………………………………………..…………………………2

Table of Contents …………………………………………………………..……………………..3

Chapter 1: Research Introduction

Background of the Study …….……..………………………………………………...……..……5

Conceptual Framework of the Study ……………………………………….……….……………8

Statement of the Problem …………………………………………………….…….……………..9

Statement of the Hypothesis ……………………………………...…………….……………….10

Scope and Delimitations of the Study …………………………………………….………..……10

Significance of the Study ………...……..……………………………………...….…………….11

Definition of Terms …………………………………………………..………..….…….……….12

Chapter 2: Review of Related Literature and Studies ……………………………………..…….15

Chapter 3: Research Methodology

Research Design ……………………………………………………………………....….……...20

Research Environment ………………………………..………………………….…….….…….20

Test Subjects …………………………………………………….……….…….……….….……21

Research Instruments ………………………………………..……………….………….….…...21

Data Gathering Procedures ………………………….…….………….………………….….…..22

Treatment of Data ………………………………………………....….…..……………….…….30

Risks Assessment …………………………………..……….….………….……….………..…..30

Ethical Considerations …….………………………………………………...…….……...…..…30

References ………………………………………………………………..……..….……………32


Appendix A………………………………………………………………..……………………..35

Appendix B………………………………………………………………………..………….….36

Appendix C………………………………………………………..………………………….….37

Appendix D………………………………………………………………..………………….….38

Appendix E…………………………………………………………………..……………….….39

Appendix F……………………………………………………………………………………….40

Curriculum Vitae…………………………………………………………………………………41



Background of the Study

Plastics have become an integral part of everyday life due to their simplicity in

production and increased versatility (Dominguez, 2016). However, the problem lies in the fact

that plastic is not easily digestible by bacteria in the environment. Instead, plastic degrades

slowly under UV radiation or through natural processes such as exposure to ocean conditions

(Dörrer, 2016). As a result, plastic waste persists in the environment, gradually breaking down

into smaller particles that are often imperceptible but still present (Dominguez, 2016).

The most commonly used type of plastic, conventional plastics, are typically made from

polyethylene terephthalate or PET plastic (Dörrer, 2016). These single-use products take

hundreds of years to degrade due to their synthetic nature and petroleum-based components.

Consequently, plastic waste contributes significantly to environmental pollution (Silviana &

Rahayu, 2019). In 2015 alone, over 300 million tons of plastic were consumed worldwide,

leading to severe environmental and global issues (Thakar, 2018).

Biodegradable plastic is seen as the plastic industry's solution to combat pollution due to

the accumulation of plastic waste (Dominguez, 2016). Starch, a renewable resource, holds

promise as a beneficial component of bioplastics due to its low cost and widespread availability

(Dörrer, 2021). Additionally, starch can be used to reduce the carbon footprint of traditional

resins by replacing petroleum-based polymers with natural alternatives, thereby enhancing

degradability. Importantly, it can be utilized alongside compostable polymers without interfering

with the degradation process (Lacuarin et al., 2019).

The utilization of starch for creating bioplastics has been explored for several decades

(Curvelo et al., 2001). However, bioplastics currently account for only 1% of all plastics (Cho,

2017). Nonetheless, there is an expanding industry and a growing need for bio-based plastics,

indicating a significant increase in production soon. However, approximately 45% of bioplastics

produced today are not fully biodegradable (Dörrer, 2021). According to Padamati (2021),

materials can be produced from renewable resources and still exhibit varying degrees of

biodegradability, similar to fossil-based plastics.

Among the materials used in researching starch-based bioplastics, potato starch is

commonly employed due to its ready availability, affordability, and high starch content (Horst &

Grover, 2019). Moreover, potato starch is a natural polymer that can be easily modified to

possess desired properties for specific applications (Horst & Grover, 2019). It serves as a

renewable resource, presenting a more sustainable alternative to traditional petroleum-based

plastics. Numerous studies have investigated the use of potato starch as a raw material for

producing bioplastics, including its potential applications in packaging, disposable cutlery, bags,

and more (Soomaree, 2016).

Similarly, cellulose, the most abundant natural polymer on Earth, holds immense

potential as a sustainable alternative to petrochemicals when extracted in the form of

microfibrillated cellulose (MFC) (WEIDMANN Fiber Technology, 2019). MFC is a renewable

and biodegradable material that can help reduce marine pollution and plastic waste by replacing

petroleum-based materials. The cellulose fiber matrix in wood consists of thin fiber bundles held

together by hydrogen bonds (Mleziva & Wang, 2012). When incorporated into a polymer matrix,

MFC enhances the mechanical properties of the composite, such as stiffness, strength, and

toughness (Silviana & Rahayu, 2019).

In recent years, there has been a growing interest in the development of

cellulose-based materials for various applications, including packaging, textiles, and construction

materials (Marichelvam et al., 2019). These materials have the potential to offer a sustainable

alternative to traditional materials, thereby reducing the environmental impact of human

activities. As research in this field continues to advance, cellulose-based materials are expected

to play an increasingly significant role in shaping a sustainable future for our planet.

The overall purpose of this research is to develop a bioplastic that can be fully broken

down by natural processes and completely biodegrade, aiming to reduce plastic pollution in the

environment. Enhancing the biodegradability of bioplastics is crucial to ensure that it will not

harm the environment and to reduce the dependency on fossil fuel-based plastics. Consequently,

this study will focus on improving the mechanical properties of bioplastics made from potato

starch by incorporating bamboo MFC as a reinforcement.

Conceptual Framework of the Study

Figure 1: Schematic Diagram of the Conceptual Framework of the Study

Figure 1 presents the conceptual framework of the study, in which the type of bioplastic

serves as the independent variable. There are two setups or groups for this variable as shown in

the diagram, namely the control group and the experimental group. Potato starch-based bioplastic

reinforced with bamboo cellulose will be used in the experimental setup while a common potato

starch-based bioplastic will be used in the control setup. Meanwhile, the effectiveness of

starch-based bioplastic in measuring the best solution through biodegradability, tensile strength,

and water absorption are the dependent variables.

Statement of the Problem

This investigatory project seeks to determine the effectiveness of Solanum tuberosum

(potato) starch-based bioplastic reinforced with bamboo cellulose. Specifically, this investigatory

project seeks to answer the following research questions:

1. What are the characteristics of the Solanum tuberosum (potato) starch-based bioplastic

reinforced with bamboo cellulose in terms of biodegradability, tensile strength, and water

absorption in the following concentrations:

a. 1% bamboo MFC (0.15g)

b. 3% bamboo MFC (0.45g)

c. 5% bamboo MFC (0.75g)

2. What concentration of the bioplastic solution shows potential characteristics as a plastic

alternative in terms of:

a. Biodegradability

b. Tensile Strength

c. Water Absorption

3. Is there a significant difference in the characteristics of the developed bioplastic on

different concentrations?

4. Is there a significant difference in the biodegradability, tensile strength, and water

absorption of the bioplastic in the experimental and control set-ups?

Statement of the Hypothesis

This study is grounded on the following null hypotheses:

1. There is no significant difference on the characteristics of the developed bioplastic on

different concentrations.

2. There are no significant differences between the bioplastic made of Solanum

tuberosum (potato) starch-based bioplastic reinforced with bamboo cellulose from

traditionally made bioplastics.

Scope and Delimitations of the Study

This study focuses on the practicality of three components, namely potatoes and bamboo,

as alternative options for producing bioplastics. The selection of potatoes and bamboo is based

on their abundance in the locality, their practicality in bioplastic creation, as well as their

cost-effectiveness and environmental friendliness. The research revolves around the concept of

developing biodegradable plastic that can serve as an eco-friendly substitute for conventional

plastics that take longer to decompose. The primary objectives of this study are to investigate the

feasibility of creating a bioplastic with enhanced tensile strength and biodegradability. The

research specifically addresses the potential of utilizing Solanum tuberosum (potato) as the base

material for biodegradable plastic, incorporating bamboo microfibrillated cellulose as a

reinforcement. The study aims to determine if this combination is achievable and reliable enough

for practical use in business industries.

This study, however, does not provide a comprehensive solution to plastic pollution.

Instead, its focus is on mitigating the environmental impact of plastic through the use of

biodegradable plastic made from Solanum tuberosum and Dendrocalamus asper (bamboo).

Significance of the Study

The outcome of this research will contribute information about biodegradable plastics

and will benefit the following beneficiaries:

Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR).

The research findings on potato starch bioplastics can assist the DENR in formulating policies

and regulations to encourage the adoption of biodegradable materials, contributing to their goal

of reducing plastic pollution and preserving ecosystems.

Department of Trade and Industry (DTI).

To educate the public on the benefits of bioplastics for the environment and to gather more

understanding about them. This knowledge can empower businesses to explore sustainable

alternatives, support local manufacturers, and contribute to a more environmentally conscious


Waste Management and Municipal Authorities.

The findings of this study can aid waste management and municipal authorities in understanding

the behavior and degradation process of potato starch bioplastics. This knowledge can inform

waste disposal strategies, composting techniques, and facilitate the development of more

sustainable waste management systems.


To reduce the use of greenhouse gas emissions, fossil fuels, and plastic waste while offering an

alternative solution in using petroleum-based plastics.

Environmental Conservation and Sustainability Organizations.

The research on potato starch bioplastics can provide valuable information for these

organizations to advocate for the adoption of biodegradable plastics. They can use the findings to

support their campaigns, educational initiatives, and policy advocacy efforts aimed at reducing

greenhouse gas emissions, fossil fuel use, and plastic waste accumulation.


Reduce the dependence on petroleum-based plastics while utilizing natural resources more

effectively. Additionally, the use of potato starch bioplastics can create economic opportunities at

the local level, such as establishing small-scale bioplastic production facilities and supporting

agricultural sectors through increased demand for potato crops.


Researchers in the field of biodegradable plastics can benefit from this study by providing

insights for future research directions. By contributing to the existing body of knowledge on

potato starch bioplastics, this research can inspire further investigation into improving the

material's properties, exploring new applications, and developing more efficient production


Definition of Terms

To facilitate and provide clarity and better understanding, essential terms in this study are

hereby defined operationally:

Bamboo fibers serve as a valuable source for extracting microfibrillated cellulose (MFC).

Biodegradability refers to the ability of substances to undergo decomposition through the action

of microorganisms such as bacteria or fungi, enabling them to assimilate into the natural


Bioplastics are derived from biomass sources such as potatoes, cassava, and sugarcane, these are

alternatives to petroleum-based plastics.

Cellulose, a fibrous carbohydrate present in all plants, serving as the structural component of

plant cell walls. Cellulose finds applications in various industries, including papermaking,

clothing, and pharmaceuticals.

Conditioned weight is the weight of the produced bioplastic after all the moisture is removed

through drying in an oven.

Dendrocalamus asper (Rough Bamboo or Giant Bamboo) are large species of bamboo native to

Southeast Asia, characterized by its dense clumping growth habit in tropical and subtropical


A desiccator is a glass vessel involved in the water absorption test to facilitate the cooling

process of the produced bioplastics after being heated.

Dispersants are substances that facilitate the even distribution of particles within a liquid


Microfibrillated cellulose of Bamboo (MFC) is a polysaccharide that constitutes an essential

structural component of the primary cell wall of bamboo. MFC can be utilized as a reinforcing

filler in composite matrices.

Solanum tuberosum (Potatoes) is a significant crop plant that yields substantial quantities of

nutritious tubers. Potatoes are abundant in starch content and widely available.

Tensile strength is the maximum load that a material can withstand when subjected to stretching

forces without breaking.

Water absorption is the capacity of a material to absorb moisture from its surroundings. Plastics

exhibit limited water absorption, with the degree of moisture uptake depending on the type of

plastic and environmental conditions such as temperature, humidity, and duration of contact.

Wet weight is the weight of the bioplastics after being submerged in water.



The plastic industry is using biodegradable plastic as a solution to combat the

deterioration of the environment due to plastic waste. Plants are a promising option for bioplastic

production because they are renewable, sustainable, and capable of producing polymers like

starch and cellulose. Starch, in particular, is attracting attention for its biodegradability, low cost,

and renewability (Ojogbo et al., 2020). However, there are some limitations to starch-based

materials, such as a lack of long-term stability due to water absorption, deterioration over time

caused by retrogradation, and weak mechanical properties (Delville et al., 2003). To overcome

these limitations, studies exploring the utilization of potential alternatives like potatoes and

bamboo in the creation of biodegradable plastics were explored.

The use of potatoes in the creation of bioplastics has been the subject of numerous

studies. Researchers have investigated the potential of using potato starch to produce

biodegradable and renewable materials (Jiang et al., 2020). These studies have explored various

aspects of bioplastic production such as the properties, performance, and environmental impacts

of the materials. As a result, potato-based bioplastics have been found to have several advantages

over traditional petroleum-based plastics, including better biodegradability, lower toxicity, and

greater renewability. This discovery has led to an increased interest in using potatoes as a

sustainable source of materials for bioplastic production. According to Priedniece, Spalvins,

Ivanovs, Pubule, and Blumberga (2017), potatoes are a valuable source of starch, proteins,

ascorbic acid, and other nutrients. They also noted that potato proteins and starch can be used to

create bioplastics with properties similar to low-density polyethylene. Arıkan and Bilgen (2019)

investigated a bioplastic made from potato peel waste to determine its properties, such as water

absorption and biodegradability. The study found that the bioplastic degraded significantly faster

than commercial bioplastics in moist soil and vermicompost, and also had a higher water

absorption capacity. The results suggest that using food waste for bioplastic production,

specifically potato peel waste, is a promising solution for reducing waste and promoting

sustainable development.

Several studies were conducted to further investigate and compare the use of potatoes

with other biomass materials in the production of biodegradable plastic. A study conducted by

Ismail, Mohd Tahir, Norihan, Abdul Wahid, and Khairuddin (2016) extracted starch from

potatoes and yams, which were selected for their high starch content to use as raw materials for

bioplastics. Accordingly, the bioplastics exhibited high biodegradability along with good thermal

and mechanical properties. Nizami and Mazhar (2019) also compared the bioplastics produced

from starch obtained from raw potatoes and commercially available corn starch wherein they

commented that the produced bioplastic from the potato starch was flexible and strong. Lakshmi

and Rajeswari Hari (2020) hypothesized that the experimental conditions can be adjusted to

produce a thin and firm product for use in the production of raincoats, bags, and packaging

materials. This clearly shows the potential of potatoes as a promising alternative as it has shown

satisfactory characteristics.

Multiple studies and researches have been seeking ways to enhance the physical and

mechanical qualities of starch-based materials. According to Momotaz, Hasan, Sarkar and

Chowdhury (2022), the majority of starch-based materials claimed to have extremely poor

physico mechanical characteristics, such as low tensile-tear strength, excessive stiffness, poor

moisture stability and elongation at break. Their study aims and attempts to enhance the

properties of starch-based biodegradable plastics and found that the resulting bioplastic had high

tensile and shear strength. Moreover, Cardona, Orrego, and Paz (2009) reported that depending

on the botanical origin of starch, and plasticizer content, various mechanical properties can be

acquired. It has been concluded in their study that the production of starch-based bioplastics is a

promising alternative. Furthermore, it was observed that nearly 23% of the bioplastic had

degraded in just 10 days. Overall, the developed bioplastic shows great potential. Similarly,

Özdamar and Murat (2018) sought to find ways to enhance the longevity of the material by

making both organic and inorganic changes to improve its durability and resistance to humidity

and weather conditions. They compared a variety of starches, including potato, corn wheat, and

tapioca which were then tested and mixed with pellets known as local agricultural waste, natural

fibers, and aggregates. It has been noted that tapioca starch produced the finest, smoothest, most

flexible, and strongest biopolymer of all, followed by potato starch ending with wheat starch.

Cordeiro, Caetano, and De Carvalho (2019) noted that the bioplastics they produced had

favorable organoleptic properties, with a thickness comparable to that of polypropylene films,

and exhibited good degradability. Another study has reported promising results for biodegradable

plastics, showing good physico mechanical properties and significant mechanical strength.

Compared to regular plastic, the biodegradable material has a higher melting point and a lower

water vapor transmission rate, as found by Momotaz, Sarkar, Hasan, and Chowdhury (2022).

A few studies and experiments explored the utilization of bamboo microfibrillated

cellulose (MFC) in the production of biocomposites including bioplastics. Silviana and Rahayu

(2019) reported that bamboo MFC can significantly increase the bioplastic tensile strength.

Moreover, the use of Potassium Chloride in the mixture enhances its stability and shortens the

preparation time for bamboo MFC solution. It was discovered that the bioplastic exhibited a

tensile strength value of 21.9 MPa. However, further analysis using Scanning Electron

Microscopy (SEM) revealed that the surface of the bioplastic still displayed randomly distributed

pores of varying sizes and diameters. To improve the homogenization process, KCl salt was

employed as a dispersing agent during the production of bamboo MFC solutions. Zhang et al.

(2015) recommended the use of salt solutions as dispersing agents in ultrasonication, as it can

considerably enhance the productivity of MFC derived from plant materials. A similar study

concluded that the mechanical and morphological properties of biocomposite products could be

improved by reinforcing it with bamboo MFC in combination with sago starch (Silviana &

Hadiyanto, 2017). Early studies uncovered that the tensile properties of bamboo fiber reinforced

biodegradable plastics yielded excellent mechanical properties (Ochi, 2012). In summary, the use

of bamboo MFC can potentially enhance the tensile strength of a biocomposite. Nonetheless,

studies regarding the utilization of Bamboo MFC as reinforcement filler is only limited to the

incorporation of sago starch-based plastics. It is crucial to find new ways to incorporate it into

different types of biocomposites and develop a deeper understanding on bamboo MFC.

Despite the potential of bamboo MFC as a material for bioplastic production, research in

this area remains limited. The majority of studies in the field of bioplastics have focused on the

utilization of various starches such as potato starch, which has demonstrated promising results in

the development of bioplastics with improved properties and characteristics. Although more

research is needed to fully understand the potential of bamboo MFC, the current literature

suggests that potato starch is a more well-established and widely studied material for bioplastic

production. Nonetheless, as interest in sustainable materials continues to grow, it is likely that

more studies will explore the use of alternative materials like bamboo microfibrillated cellulose

in the development of bioplastics. The lack of research in this area and the objective of

producing an in-depth understanding of the effect of bamboo MFC in bioplastic production led to

the development of this research.



Research Design

This study will employ the true experimental research method, specifically the

Posttest-Only Control Group Design. The independent variable in this study will be the type of

bioplastic, while the dependent variables will be the overall mechanical and biodegradable

properties. The parameters to be measured and observed for the mechanical and biodegradable

properties of the bioplastics include biodegradability, tensile strength, and water absorption.

There will be three experimental treatments (T1=1% bamboo MFC; T2=3% bamboo MFC;

T3=5% bamboo MFC) and one control group (Negative control=no bamboo MFC). Additionally,

there will be three trials in triplicate per treatment.

Research Environment

The research will be conducted at two carefully chosen laboratories, the Science

Laboratory of Talamban National High School on Borbajo Street, Talamban Cebu City, Cebu,

and the University of San Carlos Laboratory on Sitio Nasipit, Brgy Talamban, Cebu City, Cebu.

These locations were selected to ensure a highly controlled experimental environment. The

experimental group, involving the creation of bioplastics with bamboo MFC and the extraction

of bamboo MFC, will be conducted at the San Carlos University biology laboratory, while the

control group, the creation of bioplastics with potatoes only, will be conducted at the Talamban

National High School laboratory.

Test Subjects

This study will make use of locally available bamboo (Dendrocalamus asper) and potato

(Solanum tuberosum) as test subjects. These plant and crop choices were made because of their

local availability, and significant economic impact on the country. In addition to the

aforementioned reasons, using these specific materials will also allow for a more

environmentally sustainable approach. Bamboo is a fast-growing and renewable resource, and its

use can help reduce dependence on non-renewable materials (The Top Ten Reasons Why Bamboo

can Help Save the Planet, n.d.). Potatoes are a widely cultivated crop, and utilizing them in this

study can promote the use of agricultural waste and byproducts (Potato Processing and Uses

-International Potato Center, 2017). Overall, this study's choice of materials not only has

practical and economic benefits but also aligns with the principles of sustainable development.

Carefully selected potatoes will be extracted for potato starch. Similarly, bamboo will be

carefully chosen and sent to the laboratory for extraction of bamboo MFC. The study will utilize

one control group and one experimental group, with four treatments. Each of these treatments

will contain a constant concentration of 15g of potato starch, 100 mL of water, 10g of glycerol,

and 10g of vinegar. Since there are four treatment groups in triplicate, there will be a total of

540g of potato starch, 3, 600 mL of water, 360g of glycerol, and 360g of vinegar.

Research Instruments

The produced bioplastics will be evaluated based on their biodegradability, tensile

strength, and water absorption. To measure biodegradability, the bioplastics will be weighed

using an electronic scale before and after burial. The mechanical properties of the bioplastics will

be assessed through the measurement of their tensile strength. A spring balance will be employed

to determine the breaking point of each bioplastic. Additionally, water absorption will be

analyzed by subjecting the bioplastics to drying at 50°C in an oven and then cooling them in a

desiccator. Subsequently, the weight of the bioplastics will be measured using an electronic scale

before submerging them in water using a large glass bowl. The collected data will be recorded,

and the average value will be calculated.

Data Gathering Procedures

Preliminary procedures

Before commencing the scientific investigation, the researchers will secure necessary

permits and consents from the relevant authorities. To conduct the control group experiment at

Talamban National High School laboratory, the researchers will seek permission from the school

Principal, Mr. Lolito N. Tolero, and the school laboratory in-charge, Mrs. Geraldine I. Bontuyan,

as well as the school research teacher, Mrs. Elizabeth B. Agbay.

The experimental study will take place in San Carlos Nasipit, Cebu, where the

environment will be strictly controlled, and permission to use the facility will be obtained. As

only locally available plants and low-risk chemicals will be utilized, no special permits will be

required, but utmost care will be exercised. As the researchers are minors, their parents will sign

a consent form, and the researchers will sign an assent form.

Preparation of the experimental group

A. Preparation of raw materials

The collection of bamboo trees (Dendrocalamus asper) for this study will be conducted

at Sitio Lubi, Cabangahan, Consolacion, Cebu, following proper authorization obtained from the

owner of the bamboo. Moreover, the required chemical reagents essential for the treatment of

bamboo fibers and the preparation of microfibrillated cellulose will be purchased and supplied

from the Physics Laboratory of San Carlos University.

B. Preparation of bamboo fibers

To begin the process, the bamboo tree internodes will be divided into 10 cm segments,

with the nodes and a thin layer of the outer bark (exodermis and endodermis) being carefully

removed. Next, the cylindrical part of the culm will be peeled lengthwise, resulting in strips that

are approximately 0.2 cm thick, 12-15 cm long, and around 3 cm wide. These bamboo strips will

undergo a washing step using distilled water at room temperature, effectively eliminating any

dust and impurities present on their surfaces. Finally, the strips will be rolled gently to extract the

bamboo fibers (BFs).

C. Preparation of microfibrillated cellulose from bamboo fibers

The production of MFC will involve the conversion of BFs through an acid-catalyzed

hydrolysis technique. Initially, the BFs will be crushed into particles approximately 500

micrometers in size using a cutting mill. To isolate the cellulose fibers, it will be necessary to

remove other components like lignin, hemicellulose, and pectin from the BFs. This will be

achieved through an alkali treatment and bleaching process. The alkali treatment aims to dissolve

the hemicellulose and pectin present in the BFs. The BFs will be treated with a 2 wt% of sodium

hydroxide (NaOH) solution at a temperature of 30°C for 72 hours. Afterward, the dissolved

components will be eliminated by rinsing them with deionized water. The bleaching step will

whiten the BFs by eliminating phenolic compounds or chromophoric molecules in the lignin.

During this stage, the BFs will be treated with a 5 wt% solution of sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl)

at 30°C for 3 hours. Once the bleaching is complete, the BFs will be washed with deionized

water until they reach a pH of 7 and then centrifuged to obtain the residue, which will serve as

the raw material for acid hydrolysis. Following hydrolysis, the resulting mixture will be diluted

ten-fold with distilled water and neutralized using an alkaline solution until a pH of 7 is

achieved. The centrifuged residue will then undergo dialysis against deionized water and be

sonicated for 45 minutes in an ultrasonic bath. Finally, this suspension will be freeze-dried to

obtain the dried MFC products.

D. Preparation of the potato starch

The researchers will begin by cleaning the potatoes thoroughly with tap water, rinsed

with distilled water, and prepared by peeling and cutting them into cubes. The potatoes will then

be blended with water with a 2:1 ratio, in which the resulting mixture will be sieved to extract

the filtrate, which will be used to obtain the potato starch. The potato chaff will be set aside and

the potato starch will then be allowed to settle for an hour in a glass bowl, covered, to facilitate

the separation of starch from water. Afterward, the water will be carefully decanted until the

potato starch is clean. The wet starch will be left to dry outside for 24 hours before scraping it off

a large plate and storing it in a jar.

E. Preparation of bioplastic production with potato starch and bamboo microfibrillated


To prepare the bioplastic solutions, different amounts of bamboo microfibrillated

cellulose (MFC) will be used: 1%, 3%, and 5%. The corresponding quantities of bamboo MFC

are 0.15g, 0.45g, and 0.75g. These measurements will be accurately obtained using an electronic


The three treatment groups, each with varying amounts of bamboo MFC, will be

combined with 15g of potato starch and 100 mL of water using an ultrasonic homogenizer for 30

minutes. Subsequently, the resulting mixture will undergo gelatinization by heating it to a

temperature of 90°C using a bunsen burner. Furthermore, 10 grams of glycerol and 10 grams of

vinegar will be added to the mixture, followed by stirring for 15 minutes. Finally, the heated

mixture will be poured into a tray measuring 6 x 8 inches by evenly spreading it out using a

spatula. The tray will then be left to air dry for 48 hours.

Preparation of the potato starch bioplastic

A. Preparation of potato, glycerol, water, and vinegar

Potatoes will be sourced from a local market, while commercially available vinegar and

distilled water will be used. Furthermore, glycerol will be obtained from a local pharmacy.

B. Extraction of potato starch

An exact method of extracting the potato starch from the preparation of the potato starch

and bamboo MFC bioplastic will be observed for the preparation of the potato starch bioplastic.

C. Preparation of bioplastic production with potato starch

In a beaker, 100 mL of water, 15g of potato starch, 10g of water, and 10g of vinegar will

be mixed using a stirring rod for 15 minutes. Subsequently, the mixture will be heated at 100°C

for 5 minutes using a Bunsen burner with gauze on a tripod. The heated mixture is then evenly

spread out in a 6 x 8-inch tray using a spatula allowing it to air dry for 48 hours.

Data Collection

The researchers will prepare three experimental units and one control unit labeled T1, T2,

and T3. The concentration of bamboo MFC will be varied from 1%, 3% and 5% in the different

experimental treatment groups and 0% in the control group. The composition of each treatment

group will be as follows:

Treatments Bamboo MFC Glycerol Potato Starch Vinegar Water

T1 1% (0.15g) 10g 15g 10g 100 mL

T2 3% (0.45g) 10g 15g 10g 100 mL

T3 5% (0.75g) 10g 15g 10g 100 mL

Control 10g 15g 10g 100 mL


Table 1: Test subjects’ preparation

T1 T2 T3

Control Group

Figure 2: Control and Experimental Unit

Once the bioplastics are ready, they will be subjected to different tests to assess their

biodegradability, tensile strength, and water absorption.

To measure the biodegradability of bioplastics, the researchers will first weigh the

plastics using an electronic scale. The plastics will then be buried in 50 grams of soil and left for

a specified period of 45 days. The buried bioplastics will be weighed every three days using an

electronic scale to determine any weight changes, which will indicate their mass loss over time.

Table 2: Sample table for data collection of biodegradability

𝑀o− 𝑀𝑎
(%) 𝑚𝑎𝑠𝑠 𝑙𝑜𝑠𝑠 = ———————— 𝑥 100
Where 𝑀o and 𝑀𝑎 respectively are the weight of bioplastics before being buried and after

being buried.

To assess the tensile strength and durability of the bioplastics, researchers will utilize the

spring scale test (SST), using bioplastic samples measuring 12.7 mm in width and 100 mm in

length. The SST involves measuring the force required to break or deform the bioplastic under

tension, providing a quantitative measure of the material's ability to withstand stress and strain.

Table 3: Sample table for data collection of tensile strength

To conduct the water absorption test, the researchers will dry the two-inch diameter

specimens in an oven of 50°C for 24 hours, and then allow them to cool in a desiccator to

prevent moisture absorption. The specimens will then be weighed using an electronic scale

before being submerged in water under 23°C for 24 hours. A large glass container will be used to

hold the specimens during the test.

Wet weight – Conditioned weight

Increase in weight, % = ___________________________ 𝑥 100
Conditioned weight

Table 4: Sample table for data collection of water absorption

Data Analysis or Treatment of Data

The tabulated data will be analyzed, and the quantitative data will be treated statistically.

To determine if there is a significant difference in the mechanical properties and biodegradability

of the four treatment groups in various solutions and concentrations, a One-way Analysis of

Variance (One-way ANOVA) will be utilized. This statistical method is appropriate since there

is only one factor, namely the amount of the bamboo MFC, to investigate if different

concentrations have a measurable effect on the dependent variables, including biodegradability,

tensile strength, and water absorption. The one-way ANOVA will provide information on

whether there is a relationship between the independent variable and the dependent variable.

Risk Assessment

This study involves the use of two plants, potatoes, and bamboo. The potatoes will be

purchased from a local market and handled with care. The bamboo will be acquired by cuttings,

and sharp tools like a machete, saw, or pruning shear. The researcher will observe careful

handling of the bamboo to avoid damaging the nodes and internodes and will seek assistance

from an adult and the owner of the bamboo. Both the researchers and the owner of the bamboo

will wear garden gloves, protective clothing such as long sleeves and pants, and high rubber

boots to prevent injuries. In case of accidents, a first aid kit containing sanitizing materials will

be readily available.

Ethical Considerations

To conduct the experimental study, permission will be sought from the school principal,

and a permit to use the facilities at Talamban National High School and San Carlos University

will be obtained. As the researchers are minors, a consent form will be signed by his/her parent

or guardian, and an assent form will be signed by the researchers. The study will not involve any

animal subjects or potential biohazard specimens. Furthermore, the utmost care will be given to

the test subjects. An adult will supervise the experiment to guarantee the safety and security of

the student researchers. The procedures will be meticulously observed, and data will be recorded

with complete honesty. Waste will be disposed of in compliance with environmental regulations

after the experiment.


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The study attached hereby, entitled “Solanum tuberosum (potato) with Bamboo Micro-fibrillated
Cellulose (MFC) as Reinforcement“, prepared and submitted by MIRJANNA S. BAACLO,
GALANG, and SOPHIA ABIGAIL P. MAZO, in fulfillment of the subject requirements in
Research II is hereby recomended for acceptance.

Accepted in fulfillment of the subject requirements in Research II


Research I Teacher


Republic of the Philippines

Borbajo St. Talamban, Cebu City

May 11, 2023

Lolito N. Tolero
School Principal
Talamban National High School



Most respectfully, we, 8 Exodus students from Talamban National High School, are
conducting a research study entitled "The Creation of Bioplastic Using Solanum tuberosum with
Bamboo Microfibrillated Cellulose as Reinforcement Assisted by Potassium Chloride" as part of
the partial requirements for our subject requirements in RESEARCH II.

In this regard, I hereby request you to kindly allow us to access the laboratory after
school hours to conduct research for the said requirement. Your favorable action regarding this
request is highly appreciated, for this study would not be made possible without your utmost
support. We shall be thankful to you.

Respectfully yours,

Team Leader

Contents noted:

Research I Teacher


Lolito N. Tolero
School Principal


Republic of the Philippines

Borbajo St. Talamban, Cebu City

May 11, 2023

Mrs. Geraldine I. Bontuyan

Laboratory Custodian
Talamban National High School

The undersigned is currently working on a study entitled "The Creation of Bioplastic
Using Solanum tuberosum with Bamboo Microfibrillated Cellulose as Reinforcement Assisted
by Potassium Chloride" in partial fulfillment of the researcher's subject requirements in
The researchers would like to ask for permission from your office, to allow us to utilize
the school laboratory and other laboratory apparatuses/instruments for the conduct of our study.
Your favorable action regarding this request is highly appreciated, for this study would
not be made possible without your utmost support. Thank you.

Respectfully yours,

Team Leader

Contents Noted:

Research teacher


Mrs. Geraldine I. Bontuyan

School Laboratory Custodian


Republic of the Philippines

Borbajo St. Talamban, Cebu City

May 11, 2023

Roland Emerito S. Otadoy

Faculty of Department of Physics
University of San Carlos
Talamban Campus



The undersigned is currently working on a study entitled "The Creation of Bioplastic

Using Solanum tuberosum with Bamboo Microfibrillated Cellulose as Reinforcement Assisted
by Potassium Chloride" in partial fulfillment of the researcher's subject requirements in

The researchers would like to ask for permission from your office, to allow us to utilize
the school biology laboratory and other laboratory apparatuses/instruments for the conduct of our

Your favorable action regarding this request is highly appreciated, for this study would
not be made possible without your utmost support. Thank you.

Kind regards,

Team Leader

Contents noted:

Elizabeth B. Agbay Lolito N. Tolero

Research teacher Principal


Roland Emerito S. Otadoy

Faculty of Department of Physics


Title of Research: "The Creation of Bioplastic Using Solanum tuberosum with Bamboo
Microfibrillated Cellulose Assisted by Potassium Chloride"

I , hereby give consent for the participation of my son/daughter ,

to conduct the study entitled “The Creation of Bioplastic Using Solanum tuberosum with
Bamboo Microfibrillated Cellulose Assisted by Potassium Chloride”.

I understand that his/her participation in this experiment is an important part of his/her

learning process. I have considered the benefits that my son or daughter will derive from his/her
study provided that precaution and safety will be observed to ensure the safety of my son or
daughter and that the school will not be held accountable for any untoward incidents that may
happen beyond their control. Thank you very much.

Signature over printed name of parents
Date signed: _____________________


Title of Research: "The Creation of Bioplastic Using Solanum tuberosum with Bamboo
Microfibrillated Cellulose Assisted by Potassium Chloride"

I , a student of Talamban National High School, willingly conduct the study

entitled “The Creation of Bioplastic Using Solanum tuberosum with Bamboo Microfibrillated
Cellulose Assisted by Potassium Chloride” as a requirement of our RESEARCH II subject.

I understand that participating in this experiment is an important part of my learning

process. I have considered the benefits that I will derive from the study provided that precaution
and safety will be observed to ensure our safety and that the school will not be held accountable
for any untoward incidents that may happen beyond our control.

Signature over printed name of student- researcher

Personal Data
Name : Mirjanna S. Baaclo
Home Address : Blk 5, Lt 10, Phase 1, La
Montaña Homes,
Cabangan, Cebu, Philippines
Age : 13 years old
Date of Birth : June 20, 2008
Place of Birth : Talamban Center Cebu
Cebu City 6000 Cebu
Father : Michael E. Baaclo
Mother : Cherry S. Soriano

Educational Background
Elementary : Golden Gate Children's House Villa
Leyson Subd., Bacayan, Cebu City
S.Y. 2012-2020

Talamban National High School

Borbajo St., Talamban, Cebu City
S.Y. 2020- 2021
Secondary : Talamban National High School
Borbajo St., Talamban, Cebu City
S.Y. 2021-2023

Achievements : With honors S.Y. 2015-2018

Top 1 Student S.Y. 2018-2021
With Honors, High Honors, and
Highest Honors S.Y.
Supreme Student Government
Representative S.Y. 2019-2020

Personal Data
Name : Alexa Angelique A. Borces
Home Address : Blk. 18 Lot 8, Phase 2A, Villa
Leyson, Bacayan, Cebu City,
Age : 14 years old
Date of Birth : December 5, 2008
Place of Birth : 85 Osmeña Blvd, Cebu City,
6000, Cebu
Father : Alexis G. Borces
Mother : Princess Farah II. A. Ano-os

Educational Background
Elementary : Golden Gate Children's House Villa
Leyson Subd., Bacayan, Cebu City
S.Y. 2012-2021

Secondary : Talamban National High School

Borbajo St., Talamban, Cebu City
S.Y. 2021-2023

Achievements : Grade 6 class Valedictorian S.Y. 2020-2021

Don Sergio Osmeña Sr. Academic Excellence
Awardee S.Y. 2020-2021
Supreme Student Government
Representative S.Y. 2019-2020

Personal Data
Name : Sophia Abigail P. Mazo
Home Address : Highway 77 Talamban Cebu,
Age : 14 years old
Date of Birth : January 09, 2009
Place of Birth : Talamban Center,
Cebu City, 6000, Cebu

Father : Andro L. Mazo
Mother : Rudylita C. Paray

Educational Background
Elementary : Talamban Elementary School
Borbajo St., Talamban, Cebu City
S.Y. 2012-2020

Talamban National High School

Borbajo St., Talamban, Cebu City
S.Y. 2020- 2021
Secondary : Talamban National High School
Borbajo St., Talamban, Cebu City
S.Y. 2021-2023

Achievements : With honors S.Y.


Personal Data
Name : Rhynharld John N. Cabuquit
Home Address : Sitio baca Brgy Apas, Cebu,
Age : 13 years old
Date of Birth : October 19, 2009
Place of Birth : Merida-Isabel Palompon Street
Ormoc City 6541 Leyte
Father : John Anthony B. Cabuquit
Mother : Narissa N. Cabuquit

Educational Background
Elementary : Banilad Elementary School
Gov. M. Cuenco Ave, Cebu City,
S.Y. 2012-2020

Talamban National High School

Borbajo St., Talamban, Cebu City
S.Y. 2020- 2021
Secondary : Talamban National High School
Borbajo St., Talamban, Cebu City
S.Y. 2021-2023

Achievements : Science class student

S.Y 2021-2023

Personal Data
Name : Maria Isabel C. Galang
Home Address : Candarong Pulangbato, Cebu,
Age : 14 years old
Date of Birth : December 13, 2008
Place of Birth : Cebu City medical center
Natalio B. Bacalso Ave,
Cebu City, 6000 Cebu

Father : Norman B. Galang
Mother : Delia C. Galang

Educational Background
Elementary : Pulangbato Elementary School
Pundok, Brgy. Pulangbato, Cebu City,
6000 Cebu
S.Y. 2012-2020

Talamban National High School

Borbajo St., Talamban, Cebu City
S.Y. 2020- 2021
Secondary : Talamban National High School
Borbajo St., Talamban, Cebu City
S.Y. 2021-2023

Achievements : With Honors S.Y



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