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We’ll begin by assembling the Hilt of the Sword.

1. Take the “Grip” and the “Grip Wrapping” and

screw them together.

This should be a fairly loose fit, if you’re

noticing a significant amount of friction
between these pieces, consider doing some
sanding if you ever hope to seperate them.
2. Insert the narrow end of the “Hilt Anchor”
into the channel at the top of the “Grip”.
3. Slide the “Blade Anchor” over the opposite end of the “Hilt
Anchor” and slide the “Anchor Pin” through the hole to hold
the parts together.

4. Cap each end of the “Anchor Pin”

with the 2 “Hilt Embelishments”.
5. Place a pin in each side of “Cross-guard Side
1”, and then sandwich the upper portion of your
Hilt Assembly between “Cross-guard Side 1”
and “Cross-guard Side 2”.

We’ll begin by assembling the hilt of the sword.

Take the “Grip” and the “Grip Wrapping” and screw them together.
This should be a fairly loose fit, if you’re noticing a significant
amount of friction between these pieces, consider doing some
sanding if you ever hope to seperate them.

Insert the narrow end of the “Hilt Anchor” into the channel at the
top of the “Grip”.
6. Slide the “Hilt Ring” over the “Grip” and up
into the channel on the underside of the
Cross-guard, locking the assembly together.
7. Place one of your Pins in “Pommel Side 1”, and
then sandwich the lower portion of your Grip
Assembly between “Pommel Side 1” and
“Pommel Side 2”.

The Hilt is now complete, you can put it to the

side while assembling the sword’s blade.
The Blade Assembly is made up of the “Blade Joiner” and
“Blade Pieces 2-6”. Assembling the Blade is as simple as
sliding all of these pieces together in the correct order.

8. Slide the thinner end of

the “Blade Joiner” into
the narrow end of “Blade
Piece 2”. Then attach
“Blade Piece 3”, and so on
until your blade is

Keep in mind “Blade Pieces 3-5” look to be roughly the

same size, but the Blade tapers toward the point, so be
sure you have the pieces in the correct order.
Cap each end of the “Anchor Pin” with the 2 “Hilt Embelishments”.

Place a pin in each side of “Cross-guard Side 1”, and then sand-
wich the upper portion of your hilt assembly between
“Cross-guard Side 1” and “Cross-guard Side 2”.

Slide the “Hilt Ring” over the “Grip” and up into the channel on the

The Blade of the Master Sword has been designed to friction

underside of the cross-guard, locking the assembly together.

Place one of your pins in “Pommel Side 1” and then sandwich the
lower portion of your grip assembly between “Pommel Side 1”

fit together without the aid of adhesive, but for additional

and “Pommel Side 2”.

The Hilt is now complete, you can put it to the side while assem-
bling the sword’s blade.

strength, a length of string or fishing line can be run through

The blade assembly is made up of the “Blade Joiner” and “Blade
Pieces 2-6” Assembling the blade is as simple as sliding all of
these pieces together in the correct order.

one of the holes in the “Blade Joiner”, up through “Blade

Slide the thinner end of the “Blade Joiner” into the narrow end of
“Blade Piece 2”. Then attach “Blade Piece 3”, and so on until your
blade is complete. Keep in mind “Blade Pieces 3-5” look to be

Pieces 2-5”, then through a loop in “Blade Piece 6” and back

roughly the same size, but the blade tapers toward the point, so
be sure you have the pieces in the correct order.

The blade of the Master Sword has been designed to friction fit

down through the length of the Blade and out the remaining
together without the aid of adhesive, but for additional strength,
a length of string or fishing line can be run through one of the
holes in the “Blade Joiner”, up through “Blade Pieces 2-5”, then
through a loop in “Blade Piece 6” and back down through the
length of the blade and out the remaining hole in the “Blade

hole in the “Blade Joiner”. After the Blade is fully assembled,

Joiner”. After the blade is fully assembled, you can tie the loose
ends of the string tightly to secure the sections of the blade

you can tie the loose ends of the string tightly to secure the
Now that your Blade Assembly is complete, it’s time to join it to
your Hilt Assembly. Simply insert the exposed end of the “Blade
Joiner” into the top of your Hilt Assembly, and slide “Guard Pins 1
and 2” into place from each side of the Cross Guard, securing your

sections of the Blade together.

blade in place. Make sure the pins are oriented so the flat side is
facing down toward the Hilt.

Great work! Your Master Sword is now fully assembled and ready
for combat!
9. Now that your Blade Assembly is complete,
it’s time to join it to your Hilt Assembly. Simply
insert the exposed end of the “Blade Joiner”
into the top of your Hilt Assembly, and slide
“Guard Pins 1 and 2” into place from each side
of the Cross Guard, securing your blade in place.

Make sure the pins are oriented so the flat

side is facing down toward the Hilt.
Great work! Your Master Sword is now fully
assembled and ready for combat!

Now that your Master Sword is complete, I’d

love to see it! If you share it on Twitter or
Instagram, feel free to tag me @popandsicle.

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