2nd Meeting Minutes Finman

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August 19, 2023
I. Call to Order
The students of CBEA-01-301P were called to order on August 19, 2023, at 12:27 p.m. in OB-
306 by Prof. Macrina Violeta V. Vicente-Mutuc.

II. Roll Call

Attendees Present:
Aguinaldo, Juan Miguel S. Jabines, Jeanette D.
Amurao, Princess Kimberly R.
Angintaopan, Ainah P. Javier, Charmaine B.
Baid, Mary Rose B. Lachica, Royce Anne Marie J.
Balingbing, Maria Kathrina D. Losito, Myra E.
Barsaga, Sherilyn B. Mijares, Rayan J.
Betonio, Nicole Angelie O. Montealto, Roselyn M.
Bicaldo Mikylla B. Nicabera, Patricia Joyce M.
Billones, Syra Mae M. Noriel, Maria Julia G.
Carcer, Jasmine Claire G. Nuñez. Daflyn Mae F.
Casicas, Hennejane P. Pablito, Jacquelyn F.
Clemente, Samantha Nicole R. Pamaong, Jeremy Luz J.
Del Valle, Rowen Alexis B. Pantonial, Hanz Christian M.
Dela Cruz, Jean Reign R. Pelaez, Jade M.
Dela Peña, Rica Shaine F. Peralta, Jezzavhel N.
Delfino, Angelica L. Ramos, Cristine Joy A.
Desposado, Chanchee Rose E. Ramos, Jazmine Raven A.
Dionisio, Andrea May M. Raymundo, Bea Samantha M.
Fernandez, Charmaine M. Regala, Jennylyn A.
Galsim Kimberly P. Romero, Danielle Iea E.
Gerbano,Jireh Shine Y. Sabalza, Marilou G.
Hilario, Andrea Nicole I. Trinidad, Jenica G.
Ingreso Jaymart C. Villanueva, Maria Ila


III. Agenda
1. Attendance
2. Reading, motion for approval and seconding of minutes of last meeting.
3. Group and Individual activities
4. Other matters
5. Photo ops
IV. Approval of Minutes
The motion to approve the minutes of the previous August 12, 2023’s meeting was made by
Ms. Mary Rose Baid, Minutes Officer of Group 6 and seconded by Ms. Chanchee Rose
Desposado. Minutes Officer of Group 7.

V. Discussion
 Prof. Macrina Violeta V. Vicente-Mutuc introduced the book to the class to be used for
the whole semester which is the “Financial Management: Principles and Application”
by Cabrera to which amounted to Php650.00. Even though the book wasn’t required,
it is highly encouraged to buy the book as it contains most of the future activities of
the class.
 Ma’am Macrina reminded the class about the importance of reading in our discussion.
She said that reading the recommended books before coming to class will make the
discussion lighter and easier to understand.
 The minutes of the previous meeting were prepared and read by Ms. Andrea May
Dionisio as soon as the class was called to order. It was moved by Ms. Mary Rose
Baid and seconded by Ms. Chanchee Rose Desposado.
 Ma’am Macrina asked to include the names of the people who moved and seconded
the minutes in the document. She also reminded to ensure that the whole section
officers had already signed the paper before she placed her signature on the
 She also said that there should be a quorum which refers to the total number of
section officers divided by 2 plus 1.
 The discussion then proceeded to the third agenda, the activities of the class to which
relates to the RTU’s Vision, Mission, and Philosophy. The activities were divided into
two- Individual and Group Activity. Prof. Macrina explained the directions of the
 Ma’am Macrina clarified what DP or Deposit Points are.
 Before the activity started, five volunteers were called for recitation about the keyword
that best explains the message in the RTU’s Vision, Mission, and Philosophy.
Technology-based was chosen for the Vision, socially responsible for the Mission, and
Moral responsibility for the RTU’s Philosophy. The five volunteers were Ms. Jean
Reign Dela Cruz, Mr. Jaymart Ingreso, Ms. Princess Kimberly Amurao, Ms. Mary
Rose Baid, and Ms. Daflyn Nuñez.
 After the activities, 3 volunteers (Ms. Dela Cruz, Mr. Ingreso, and Ms. Bicaldo) were
called to share the challenge that they faced and how did they solved it while doing
the Individual activity. On the other hand, three groups (Group 4, Group 5, and Group
2) were called to share their answers for the group activity.
 Lastly, the class picture for the 2nd meeting was taken.
 The Individual activity entitled “My Vision, Mission, and Philosophy thru RTU” has the
following objectives: ALIGNMENT, COMPOSITION, and COMMUNICATION. This
activity was done using 1/16 yellow pad paper. The Individual activity started at 12:59
and lasted only for 5 minutes.
 The Group activity entitled “Our Group, Vision, Mission, and Philosophy” has the
following objectives: TEAM DIRECTION, GROUP DYNAMICS, and SKILLS
ENHANCEMENT. The Group Activity lasted for 10 minutes.

VII. Adjournment
The meeting was adjourned at 1:35 p.m. by Prof. Macrina Violeta V. Vicente-Mutuc.

VIII. New Meeting

The next face-to-face meeting will be held at 12:00 p.m. on August 26, 2023, in OB-306.

Minutes submitted by:

Myra Losito
Minutes Officer

Minutes approved by:

Macrina Violeta V. Vicente-Mutuc _______________________

___________________________ Rowen Alexis Del Valle Andrea May Dionisio
Instructor Section Coordinator Minutes Section Officer

Syra Mae Billones

_______________________ Samantha Nicole Clemente
_______________________ Hennejane Casicas
Technical and Logistics AVP Section Officer Section Archivist
Section Officer

_______________________ _______________________
Moved the Motion Seconded the Motion

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