Evaluate Psychological Perspective of The Self

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What can you say about the results of the different self-assessment exercises?

I had fun learning more about myself through the lyrics of a song, drawing a pig and taking the Freud
test. I was able to learn more about different aspects about myself that I wasn’t aware of before. From
the results of the self-assessment test, I was quite surprised about the results as I didn’t expect that
some of it were actually quite accurate especially on the pig test. As for the Freud test, I already
expected that I would get the Ego result as I believe I am a rational person and I don’t give in easily to
my impulses.

What did today's lesson and activities reveal about yourself?

Today’s lesson and activities made me realize that I am a person who is driven by her ego. Based on the
Freud test, I got the Ego personality. Based on Freud’s theory the ego prevents us from acting on our
basic urges which is created by the id and works to achieve a balance with our moral and idealistic
standards created by the superego. I believe I am a rational person and know when not to give in to my
impulses and to short term gratifications. As for the pig test, I drew a pig in the middle of the paper
which perceives me as a realist. I also drew a pig who is facing to the left, which means that I believe in
tradition, I am someone who is friendly and remembers dates and birthdays. It only has a few details
which can be interpreted that I am a risk-taker, I wear my emotions on my sleeve and care little for the
details in life. The pig has four legs showing that I am secure, I stick to my beliefs and have been told at
least once in my life that I am stubborn. Most of these descriptions I find true about myself as I am a
person who focuses on the big picture, remember the important things about people who are very close
to me, and I have also been told a few time that I am quite stubborn.

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