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Name: ___________________________ ( ) Class: _________ Date: _________________

Cells, Human Reproduction

and Heredity
4.1 Cells (refer to Book 1B p.3–21)

l (1) ____________ (細胞) are the basic unit of living things.

l Living things made up of one cell only are called (2) _________________ organisms (單細胞
生物). Other living things made up of more than one cell are called (3) __________________
organisms (多細胞生物).
l Basic structures of cells:
(4) __________________
(7) __________________

(5) __________________ (8) __________________

(6) __________________ (9) __________________

plant cell animal cell

Found in Found in green

Structure Function
animal cells? plant cells?
Cell membrane Controls the (10) _____________ of (11) (12)
(細胞膜) substances into and out of the cell
Nucleus Contains (13) ____________ materials (14) (15)
(細胞核) which control the activities of the cell
Cytoplasm The medium where chemical reactions (16) (17)
(細胞質) take place
Cell wall Protects, supports and gives
✘ ✓
(細胞壁) (18) __________ to a cell
Vacuole Contains mainly water and stores (20) (21)
(液泡) dissolved (19) _____________
Chloroplast Site where (22) __________________ (23) (24)
(葉綠體) takes place in order to make food

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Foundation Worksheets
Unit 4

l A (25) ________________ (顯微鏡) can produce magnified (放大的) images of small objects.
It can be used for observing cells.
Ø (26) _________________________ (光學顯微鏡) : used in the school laboratory
Ø (27) _________________________ (電子顯微鏡) : used in research laboratory

l Main parts of a light microscope:

(28) ____________________
(33) ____________________

(34) ____________________
(29) ____________________

(30) ____________________ (35) ____________________

(36) ____________________
(31) ____________________

(32) ____________________ (37) ____________________

l Magnification (放大率) of a microscope

= magnification of (38) __________________ × magnification of (39) __________________

l The image observed is (40) _________________ and (41) _________________ under the

original image image observed under

on the slide the microscope

l When observing ox eye cells and onion skin cells under the microscope, we can add a drop of
Ø (42) ________________________ solution (亞甲藍溶液) to stain ox eye cells; or
Ø (43) ____________ solution (碘液) to stain onion skin cells
to make them easier to observe.

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Foundation Worksheets
Unit 4

l Steps of using a microscope:

Step 1 Place the microscope near a Step 2 Choose a (45) ___________ eyepiece
(44) ________________ (e.g. a lamp and rotate a (46) ___________
or near a window). objective into position.

Step 3 Look through the eyepiece with both Step 4 Place the slide on the (48) ________
eyes open. Adjust the (47) ________ and move the specimen to the centre.
to obtain the most suitable brightness. Hold the slide with clips.

Step 5 Look from the side. Turn the Step 6 Look through the eyepiece. Turn the
(49) _________ adjustment knob to (50) _________ adjustment knob in
lower the objective until it is just the opposite direction until a clear
above the slide. image is seen. Turn the (51) _______
adjustment knob up and down until
the sharpest image is obtained.

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Foundation Worksheets
Unit 4

l (52) __________ stands for deoxyribonucleic acid (脫氧核糖核酸), which is the genetic
material inside the nucleus. It coils up and wraps around (53) ______________ to form
(54) _____________________ (染色體), which are thread-like structures.

l Each human body cell contains (55) ____ pairs of chromosomes (or (56) ____ chromosomes).
Ø 22 pairs of (57) ______________ (常染色體)
Ø (58) __________ pair of sex chromosomes (性染色體) :
(59) __________ in females (60) __________ in males

l Living things grow by increasing the size and number of cells.

l Cells can undergo (61) ___________________ (細胞分裂) to form new cells. A cell divides
into two new cells called (62) ____________________ (子細胞).

(a) The (63) ________________ divides (b) The genetic materials in the nucleus
into two. make an identical copy of themselves.

(c) The (64) ________________ divides (d) Two daughter cells are formed, each
into two. containing a nucleus. They absorb
nutrients and grow bigger.

Correct order: (65) ______ → (66) ______ → (67) ______ → (68) ______

4.2 How are cells organized in living things? (refer to Book 1B p.22–28)

l (1) _____________ (幹細胞) can (2) _______________ (分化) into different types of cells.
These cells become specialized (專門) to perform a particular function.

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Foundation Worksheets
Unit 4

l The process of cells becoming specialized is called cell differentiation (細胞分化).

l Different levels of organization in living things, for example:

(3) _________ → (4) _________ → (5) _________ → (6) _________ → (7) __________

heart muscle cell heart muscle tissue heart circulatory system the human body

4.3 Human reproduction (refer to Book 1B p.29–47)

l Human reproduce by (1) ____________________ (有性生殖). This involves the fusion (融合)
of a male sex cell called (2) _________ (精子) and a female sex cell called (3) ________ (卵)
or egg.

Sperm Ovum
Size (4) ____________ in size (5) ____________ in size
Shape Looks like a tadpole Has a spherical shape
Structure nucleus
jelly cell
coat membrane
tail cytoplasm

Ø The (6) __________ carries the Ø The cytoplasm contains

genetic materials of the male (7) ________ substances.
parent. Ø The nucleus carries the genetic
materials of the female parent.

Movement (8) _________ (Can/Cannot) move (9) _________ (Can/Cannot) move

with its tail by itself
No. of
(10) ____________
No. of autosomes (11) ____________
Sex chromosomes half: (12) _____
(14) _____
half: (13) _____

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Foundation Worksheets
Unit 4

l Male reproductive system:

(15) ________________ (18) ________________

(19) ________________
(16) ________________

(20) ________________
(17) ________________

Structure Function
Penis (陰莖) Ejects (21) ________ to the female reproductive system during
sexual intercourse
Sex glands (性腺體) Produce a fluid which contains (22) ___________ for the sperms
Sperm duct (輸精管) Carries sperms from the (23) __________ to the urethra
Scrotum (陰囊) A bag of skin which holds the testes
Testis (睪丸) Produces (24) _________________ and (25) _________________
Urethra (尿道) Carries semen and (26) __________ out of the body

l Female reproductive system:

(29) ________________

(27) ________________
(30) ________________
(28) ________________

Structure Function
Ovary (卵巢) Produces (31) _________________ and sex hormones
Oviduct (輸卵管) Carries the ovum from the ovary to the (32) ___________
Uterus (子宮) The place where a (33) _________ grows and develops before birth
Vagina (陰道) Ø Receives the penis during sexual intercourse
Ø A (34) _________ passes through here at birth

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Foundation Worksheets
Unit 4

l During sexual intercourse (性交), the husband inserts his (35) ________ penis and ejects
semen into the vagina of his wife.
l When a sperm fuses with an ovum, a (36) ___________ (合子) (also called a fertilized ovum
(受精卵)). The process is called (37) ___________________ (受精).

l The sperm and ovum each carries one set of chromosomes (N) and the zygote carries two sets
of chromosomes (2N).

l After fertilization, the zygote (38) _____________

many times to form a ball of cells called an
(39) _____________ (胚胎).
l The embryo is moved to the uterus and it then attaches
to the (40) _____________________ (子宮內膜). This
process is called (41) _____________________ (植入).

l Development of the embryo:

(42) _______________

(43) _______________:
filled with a (44) __________
__________ which acts as a uterine
(45) ___________to protect
the embryo against shock.
(46) ______________________

l The embryo needs (47) ____________ and nutrients in order to grow. It also needs to get rid of
(48) _______________________ and other wastes produced. The placenta allows the
(49) _____________________________ between the embryo’s blood and the mother’s blood.

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Foundation Worksheets
Unit 4

l The embryo develops into a (50) _____________ about eight weeks after fertilization.

l A baby is ready to be born about (51) _______ weeks after fertilization.

l (52) _____________ (分娩) begins with a sign of pain in the abdomen (腹部).

l Steps of a birth of a baby:

(a) The amnion breaks.

(b) The baby is pushed out with the head coming out first.
(c) The muscles of the uterus contract strongly.
(d) The opening of the uterus becomes wider.
(e) The placenta is expelled.
(f) The watery liquid flows out.

Correct order: (53) ____ → (54) ____ → (55) ____ → (56) ____ → (57) ____ → (58) ____

l Puberty (青春期) usually starts at the age of 10 or 11 and ends around 18. It usually occurs
(59) __________ in girls than in boys.

l When teenagers enter puberty, their bodies produce more sex hormones (性激素).

l Secondary sexual characteristics (第二性徵) of males and females appear at puberty.

Write a ‘✓’ in the appropriate boxes.
Males Females
(60) Beards grow. c c
(61) Breasts develop. c c
(62) Hair grows in pubic area and armpits. c c
(63) Hips become wider. c c
(64) Larynx becomes larger and voice becomes deeper. c c
(65) Shoulders become wider and the body becomes more muscular. c c

l At puberty, signs of sexual maturity (性成熟徵兆) also appear. Boys may start to experience
(66) _______________ (夢遺). Girls start to have (67) _________________ (月經), in which
the tissues of the uterine lining, blood and the unfertilized ovum pass out through the vagina.

l The (68) _________________________ (月經週期) usually lasts 28 days and its length may
vary from person to person.

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Foundation Worksheets
Unit 4

Day 1–5 Day 6–10

The thickened uterine The uterine lining
lining (69) ___________ (70) ___________ again.

Day 15–28 Day 14

The uterine lining remains (71) _____________ (排卵)
thickened. occurs when a
(72) __________ ovum is
released from an ovary.

4.4 Being parents (refer to Book 1B p.47–52)

l The signs of pregnancy (懷孕徵兆) include

Ø Absence of (1) __________________ Ø Nausea

Ø Feeling tired easily Ø Swollen (2) ______________
Ø Frequent urination Ø Constipation

l A pregnant woman should take extra care to maintain her own and her baby’s health.
Write a ‘✓’ in the appropriate boxes.
(3) Drink alcohol. c c
(4) Exercise regularly. c c
(5) Have regular health check-ups. c c
(6) Maintain a balanced diet. c c
(7) Smoke. c c
(8) Take drugs without a doctor’s approval. c c
l Parenting is essential for the healthy growth of babies.

l To reach their goals of family planning (家庭計劃), married couples may practise
(9) _______________________ (控制生育) to avoid pregnancy.

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Foundation Worksheets
Unit 4

l Preventing the fusion of a sperm and an ovum is one of the basic principles of birth control.
Ø Preventing sperms from reaching the ovum

(a) (b) (c)

(10) _____________________ (11) _____________________ (12) _____________________

(d) (e) (f)

(13) _____________________ (14) _____________________ (15) _____________________

Ø Preventing ovulation

(16) ____________________________

l How do the above birth control methods work? Match them with the letters provided.
Birth control
(17) Stop ovulation by using sex hormone ___________
(18) Placed at the opening of the uterus so that sperms cannot enter the uterus ___________
(19) Avoid having sexual intercourse around the days when ovulation occurs, ___________
so that the sperms have no chance of meeting the ovum
(20) Sperm ducts are tied and cut so that sperms cannot be passed out of the ___________
(21) Rolled over the erect penis of the husband so that semen is trapped. ___________
(22) Oviducts are tied and cut so as to prevent ova from passing down the ___________
(23) Placed inside the vagina of the wife to catch semen. ___________

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Foundation Worksheets
Unit 4

l Using condoms can help prevent the transmission of (24) ______________________________

__________________ (STDs) (性病).

4.5 Heredity and variation (refer to Book 1B p.53–69)

l (1) _____________ (遺傳) is the passing of (2) _________ (性狀) from one generation to the
next, as a result of the transmission of genetic information.

l Analysing a (3) _________________________________ (遺傳性狀樹) helps us study the

passing of traits through each generation in a family.

l Differences in features among individuals of a species are called (4) _____________ (變異).

l There are two types of variation.

Ø (5) _______________________________ (連續變異) : a continuous range of differences
We can draw a (6) __________________ (直方圖) present the data.

Ø (7) _______________________________ (不連續變異) : clear-cut differences

We can draw a (8) __________________ (棒形圖) present the data.

l Some examples of variations found in humans:

Write a ‘✓’ in the appropriate boxes.
Continuous Discontinuous
variation variation
(9) Blood group c c
(10) Body mass c c
(11) Arm length c c
(12) Heart rate c c
(13) Natural eye colour c c
l Some variations are determined by (14) ________________ while some are determined by the
(15) __________________. There are also variations determined by both factors.

l If two embryos develop in the uterus of the mother during pregnancy at the same time, the two
babies born from a single pregnancy are called (16) ___________ (雙生).

l There are two types of twins.

Ø (17) ___________________________________ (單卵雙生)
Ø (18) ___________________________________ (非單卵雙生)

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Foundation Worksheets
Unit 4

Identical twins Non-identical twins

Genetic materials
(19) _______________ (20) _______________
(the same / different)
Gender May be of the same gender or
(21) _______________
(the same / different) different genders
(look alike /
look different)

Look (22) _____________ May look (23) _____________

from each other

l The variations between identical twins are due to the differences in their (24) ______________
____________ and environments.

l Structure of DNA:
l Consists of (25) ______ strands
Ø Four different kinds of (26) __________ on the strands: A, T, C, G
Ø A always pairs with (27) _______ . C always pairs with (28) _______ .
Ø The bases pair up in a way called
(29) ____________________________________ ( 互 補 鹼 基 配 對 )
that makes DNA a (30) ______________________ (雙螺旋).

l The sequences of bases on DNA acts as (31) __________________ (遺傳密

碼), which encode the instructions for the cells to make different types of
proteins in the body. Every three bases encode one instruction, so it is a
called (32) ________________ (三聯體密碼). By controlling the types of
proteins a cell makes, DNA can determine our traits inherited from our

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Foundation Worksheets
Unit 4


4.1 (1) Cells (2) unicellular (3) multicellular (4) vacuole

(5) cell wall (6) chloroplast (7) nucleus (8) cytoplasm
(9) cell membrane (10) movement (11) ✓ (12) ✓
(13) genetic (14) ✓ (15) ✓ (16) ✓
(17) ✓ (18) shape (19) minerals (20) ✘
(21) ✓ (22) photosynthesis (23) ✘ (24) ✓
(25) microscope (26) Light (27) Electron (28) eyepiece
microscope microscope
(29) objective (30) clip (31) diaphragm (32) mirror
(33) coarse (34) fine adjustment (35) arm (36) stage
adjustment knob knob
(37) base (38) eyepiece* (39) objective* (40) magnified*
(41) inverted* (42) methylene blue (43) iodine (44) light source
(45) low-power (46) low-power (47) mirror (48) stage
(49) coarse (50) coarse (51) fine (52) DNA
(53) proteins (54) chromosomes (55) 23 (56) 46
(57) autosomes (58) one (59) XX (60) XY
(61) cell division (62) daughter cells (63) cytoplasm (64) nucleus
(65) b (66) c (67) a (68) d

4.2 (1) Stem cells (2) differentiate (3) cell (4) tissue
(5) organ (6) system (7) organism

4.3 (1) sexual (2) sperm (3) ovum (4) smaller

(5) larger (6) nucleus (7) food (8) Can
(9) Cannot (10) 23 (11) 22 (12) X*
(13) Y* (14) X (15) urethra (16) penis
(17) scrotum (18) sex glands (19) sperm duct (20) testis
(21) semen (22) nutrients (23) testes (24) sperms*
(25) sex hormones* (26) urine (27) uterus (28) vagina
(29) oviduct (30) ovary (31) ova (32) uterus
(33) foetus (34) baby (35) erect (36) zygote
(37) fertilization (38) divides (39) embryo (40) uterine lining
(41) implantation (42) placenta (43) amnion (44) watery liquid
(45) cushion (46) umbilical cord (47) oxygen (48) carbon dioxide
(49) exchange of (50) foetus (51) 38 (52) labour
(53) c (54) a (55) f (56) d

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Foundation Worksheets
Unit 4

4.3 (57) b (58) e (59) earlier (60) Males

(61) Females (62) Males, Females (63) Females (64) Males
(65) Males (66) wet dreams (67) menstruation (68) menstrual cycle
(69) breaks down (70) thickens (71) Ovulation (72) mature

4.4 (1) menstruation (2) breasts (3) Don’t (4) Do

(5) Do (6) Do (7) Don’t (8) Don’t
(12) female
(9) birth control (10) male sterilization (11) diaphragm
(13) male condom (14) rhythm method (15) female condom (16) birth control pills
(17) g (18) b (19) e (20) a
(21) d (22) c (23) f (24) sexually

4.5 (1) Heredity (2) traits (3) genetic traits (4) variations
(5) Continuous (6) histogram (7) Discontinuous (8) bar chart
variation variation
(9) Discontinuous (10) Continuous (11) Continuous (12) Continuous
variation variation variation variation
(13) Discontinuous (14) heredity* (15) environment* (16) twins
(17) Identical twins (18) Non-identical (19) The same (20) Different
(21) The same (22) alike (23) different (24) living habits
(25) two (26) bases (27) T (28) G
(29) complementary (30) double helix (31) genetic code (32) triplet code
base pairing

(Note: Accept answers marked with * in different orders)

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