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Veți scrie pe foaia de examen doar răspunsurile, aşezându-le pe verticală:
Exemplu Ex. II 1. A
2. B etc.

I. Complete the text. Use only ONE word in each gap. 10 P

Could there (1) ________ a place for robots in education? One thing is certain, though. A robot teacher is better
than no teacher at all. In some parts of the world, there aren't enough teachers and 9–16 per cent of children under
the (2) ________ of 14 don't go to school. That problem could be partly solved (3) ________ robots because they
can teach anywhere and won't get tired or move somewhere for an easier, higher-paid job.
Those negative aspects of teaching are something everyone agrees on. Teachers all (4) ________ the world are
leaving because (5) _________ is a difficult job and they feel overworked. Perhaps the question is (6) ________
'Will robots replace teachers?' but 'How can robots help teachers?'
Office workers can use software (7) _______ do things, like organise and answer emails or arrange meetings.
Teachers waste a (8) _________ of time doing non-teaching work, including more (9) ________ 11 hours a week
marking homework. If robots could cut the time teachers spend marking homework, teachers (10) ________ have
more time and energy for the parts of the job humans do best.

II. Match the two parts of the sentences to restore the original text. 10 P

1. The famous Trans-Siberian railway line runs from A. believe that you shouldn’t only look at the
2. This is a special train, the Matvei Mudrov medical disease, but you should also treat the individual
train. The train, with its twelve patient.
3.The inhabitants of these remote places depend B. say they respect the doctors’ honesty and skill.
4.The Matvei Mudrov was named C. Moscow to Vladivostok, but there’s another line
5. He was one of the first doctors to about 650 kilometres north of the Trans-
6. Nowadays, the Matvei Mudrov stops in each Siberian.
town or village D. a laboratory for blood tests, heart monitors, an
7. Although the Matvei Mudrov can’t offer surgery, ultrasound and an x-ray machine.
the train has E. on this service because they mostly don’t have
8. The medical staff includes specialists, such regular access to any other health care.
9. The patients F. more than just a health service. It’s a
10.And, in fact, for these people, the Matvei Mudrov connection to the rest of their country.
is G. about twice a year.
H. after a Russian doctor in the nineteenth
I. to fifteen doctors, spends a day in each of the
small towns and villages.
J. as neurologists who can diagnose and
recommend treatment for their patients.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

III. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense: 10 P


Grace Vanderwaal is a singer who also 1) ……… (write) her own songs and plays the guitar beautifully. She 2)
……… (sing) since she 3) …….. (be) a child, but her name would still be unknown if she 4) ………. (not have) a
talent manager. One day she 5) ……. (play) her guitar when a man 6) ……. (come) to visit her father. The man 7)
…… (tell) them that he had never heard such a beautiful song before and that he wanted to become her talent
manager. Her songs (8) ….. (then/promote) and she began to be known. Her very first album (9) …… (bring) her
fame, but being always the best is not easy, so now she (10) ……. (just, try) to maintain her position in top ten.

IV. Use the words given in CAPITALS to form a word that fits into the gap. 10 P

Last week, we went on a fantastic trip to the Museum of (1) _______ History, which is (NATURE)
(2)____________________ only a few blocks away from our school. (LOCATE)
On (3) ________________ our guide was waiting for us and told us what we were going (ARRIVE)
to see.
The most exciting part of the museum was the section on (4) ____________ animals. (HISTORY)
There was a special (5) ___________________ on dinosaurs, creatures that have (EXHIBIT)
fascinated us for a long time. The guide gave us some (6)_________ facts about these (INTEREST)
gigantic creatures. The Tyrannosaurus Rex, for example, reached a (7)_____________ (HIGH)
of over 6 metres.
The only (8)____________ of the trip was that there was not enough time to see all the (ADVANTAGE)
interesting things the museum offered. Towards the end it got very (9)
_________________ and our guide informed us that it would be better if we came (CROWD)
during the morning hours.
At the end of the tour, she gave us a sheet of paper on which we could write down(10)
_______________ for future school groups. (SUGGEST)

V. Choose the correct answer: 10 P

1. Your work is _____ better. 6. I will do badly in my work, _____ try harder.
A. being B. doing A. if I’m not B. if I wouldn’t
C. getting D. falling C. if I haven’t D. if I don’t
2. The problem was _____ solved. 7. This is going to be my chance to _____ any difficulties.
A. easy B. easy to A. repair B. sort out
C. an easy D. easily C. solve D. improve
3. We can _____ walk or go by car. 8. It was difficult at first, but I soon _____ it.
A. both B. rather A. got used to B. get used to
C. either D. neither C. changed to D. used to
4. If I _____ enough money, I’d buy a new car. 9. How did you manage to cook _____ a good meal?
A. had B. would have A. so B. that
C. have D. shall have C. absolutely D. such
5. They _____ an old photograph of the place. 10. I’ve got _____ many problems.
A. came up B. came across A. too B. few
C. came into D. came after C. enough D. really

VI. Write questions for the underlined words in the sentences: 10 P

1. Tomorrow it's going to be sunny. ________________?

2. No, thanks. I love ice-cream, but I'm full. ______________?

3. She usually travels there by plane. _________________?

4. That football? It's the children's. _____________?

5. She is outgoing and talkative. ______________?

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