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The very first verse in Revelation
chapter one holds a very deep The Book of Revelation
mystery. For the sake of those who
are not familiar with the teaching of As Revealed to the
Brother William Branham, we will
go into much detail in the study of
Prophet William Branham
this first verse. For if the minds of the By C.W. Wood July 2007
people can be opened to receive the
teaching hidden in the first verse, John was the scribe, the one who according to the time that God was
they will be well down the road to was to write down all the Revela- going to deliver the antediluvian
understanding other mysteries of the tions, God was there in Christ, but world, He sent the eagle. And the
Book of Revelation! who was the angel? At this point we time He was going to deliver Israel,
Rev. 1:1, "The Revelation of are going to appeal to the Prophet's sent the eagle. Do you believe that
Jesus Christ, which God gave unto teaching on this subject. We will give the time, even on John, on the Isle of
him, to shew unto his servants some statements Br. Branham made Patmos, this Message was so perfect
things which must shortly come to concerning this great mystery (and it that He couldn't trust it with an
pass; and he sent and signified [it] is GREAT), then we will go to the angel?
by his angel unto his servant Scripture to prove the quotes. You know, an angel is a messen-
John." The quotes that we ate about to ger, but did you know the messenger
I lere we see that God gave Jesus give show the astounding truth that was a prophet? Do you believe that?
Christ the truths that are found in the the angel" of Rev. 1:1 was "a Let's prove it. Revelation 22—let's
Book of Revelation. Then we see that prophet- who gave the whole Book see if it was an eagle. Sure he was an
Jesus Christ passed these truths on to of Revelation to John the Revelator. angel; he was a messenger. But it
His servant, John the Revelator. In the following quote, Br. was a prophet that revealed this
We want to look closely at the Branham speaks of the angel whole Book of Revelation to him.
method Jesus used in getting these (prophet) that came to John on the (Revelation the 22nd chapter and the
truths to John. Notice! The Scripture Isle of Patmos and revealed the 19th verse). Now, I believe that's
says that Jesus sent the revealed whole Book of Revelation to him. right if I've got it written down here:
truths to John by an angel. The truths QUOTE: THE SEVEN SEALS, 22:19. I may be wrong. No, 22:9.
come from God to His Son Jesus and PAGES 359-361, "This is just not That's what it is. I'm looking at 22:9.
from Jesus Christ to an angel and me standing up here to talk. I'm in That's right. Oh yes, here.
from the angel to John! here, too. I'm among you. It's me. "Then saith he unto me. See
In the beginning, the revelation I've got family. I've got brothers and thou do it not; for I am they
was in God, who gave it to Jesus, sisters that I love. And the God of fellowservant, and of they brethren
who then passed it on to John. It is Heaven kind enough to come down the prophets....
important to see that there are three and reveal that thing by His Watch what John seen here:
persons involved here in the bringing Own.. visions that's been proved "And I John saw these things,
of the Revelation to Earth. Number for thirty years it's the Truth. We're and heard them...
one, we have God (and we know that here. We have arrived. (Now, he's closing it. This is the
God and Christ are one), then we Scientific search has proved it. last chapter.) "And when I heard
have an angel, and then John the The vindication of the Word has and seen, I fell down to worship
Revelator. Do you see these three proved it. And we're here; and this before the feet of the angel which
persons in verse one? God, an angel, revelation comes from God, and it's shewed me these things. (And he,
and John the Revelator. We know the Truth. then the angel, see?)
who God was and we know who Have you caught anything? I "Then saith he unto me, See
John was. Seeing these three, then might not have to tell you then, thou do it not (No true prophet
the next pertinent question is, Who Sunday. Notice, notice. . ..Wonder- would be worshipped or messenger
was the Angel?- ful! Now notice now. And then of any kind)
"Then saith he unto me, see that's it. It's just arrived. That's the of Jesus Christ to the churches. And
thou do it not: for I am they Truth. You take anything from there, it had... John was just a writer, the
fellow servant, and of th.) brethren you twist it. See? So it's just got to be scribe, and—and the Book declares
the prophets, and of them which that way." (End quote) the same." (End quote)
keep the sayings of this book In the Book "The Revelation of Now comes the deep mystery!!! If
worship God." Jesus Christ,- Br. Branham again the Bible says that this angel of Rev.
See'? Now, the Book was so speaks of the angel who gave the 1:1 was a prophet, then which
important that it is the Word of God. revelations to John on Patmos! prophet was it? What prophet does
Now watch! And when the Word of QUOTE: THE REVELATION the Scripture say would come in the
God is brought forth, it's got to be OF JESUS CHRIST, PAGE 25, (In last church age and reveal the
brought by the prophet, because this statement, Br. Branham is mysteries?
that's who the Word of God comes referring to Rev. 1:1.), "Now, the 1st Rev. 10:7, "But in the days of
to. chapter. lst verse, was introduced to the voice of the seventh angel,
I was expecting to get a question John. Now, who is the writer? when he shall begin to sound, the
on that in this box here—I just John—John. It was not a Revelation mystery of God should be finished,
thought I'd just beat them to it 9 •.1 of John., and we know that it wasn't, as he hath declared to his servants
just feel there is one in there so.. I just because it was the Revelation of the the prophets."
thought I'd get to it, see. Every Word Lord Jesus Christ. He was....He was This seventh angel was to come in
of God is brought. The Bible doesn't chosen for a disciple. And the the the seventh church age to tie up all
change its system at all. See, it's the Book Itself reveals the thing, that it the loose ends that had been misun-
same thing. It's got to come to this was Jesus Christ in Whom He was derstood through the other church
seer that we're expecting to arrive. revealing. He ages. Now if we will look at Mal.
Now, notice. Revelation 10:1-7. And It was sent to the . ... 'And 4:5. we will see that this angel was to
Now, let us read the 9th verse again. signified this by His angel unto be a man born in our day with the
Now, we, before John.' We do not know who the spirit of Elijah on him.
we go to that verse. I want to ask you angel was. The Bible doesn't say Mal 4:5-6, "Behold, I will send
something. Do you see perfectly, who the angel was. But we know that you Elijah the prophet before the
before we leave these Seals? Now it was a prophet, 'cause the Bible coming of the great and dreadful
remember, there is no more powers later said that. 'I Jesus have sent My day of the Lord.
goes out after that eagle, no more. angel to testify of these things And he shall turn the heart of
Every time the antichrist sent forth which must shortly come to pass.' the fathers to the children and the
something, God sent a power. The Then we find out that when John heart of the children to their
antichrist sent another power; God started to worship the angel, the fathers, lest I come and smite the
sent something to combat it. Then he angel said. 'See that you do it not.' earth with a curse."
sent another power; God sent Revelation 22, I believe it is. And he This man, this angel, this Elijah
something to combat it. See? Then said, Tor I am of thy fellowser- was the same angel that had appeared
when Ile got down to the eagle, that vants and of the prophets.' It might on the Isle of Patmos to John the
was His Word, back like it was in the have been Elijah. It might have been Revelator! Now the question arises,
first place. one of the prophets...John was an "How could this angel of Rev. 10:7,
Now watch. Isn't the prophet that Apostle, but this prophet was sent. who was to come in the last days, be
we're looking to come, some man And John being an Apostle. ..Look at the same angel who appeared to John
anointed with the Spirit like Elijah? It the nature of the rest of his epistles; on the Isle of Patmos 2000 years
won't be Elijah, of course, but it will prove that it wasn't John wrote it. earl i er'?
be a man like that that will come because it has no nature like John. To answer this we have to go to
down, and his very ministry is to Take I John and II John, so forth, and the Scripture and quotes, to see that
send, to restore back to this fallen read it. And look at the nature of that, God's Bride was first created in
people through these denominational then look at the nature of this. John another kind of body.
twists, back to the original faith of the was a writer and was an apostle, but before they were ever created on
fathers. this is the spirit of a prophet. It's a Earth in this flesh.
Now, if that don't tie that Bible different person, altogether. See? Gen. 1:26-27. "And God said,
together, I don't know what does. I Wasn't John's writing, wasn't John's Let us make man in our image,
can't say no more about it. Because Revelation. It was God's Revelation after our •likeness: and let them
have dominion over the fish of the for whom are all things, in bring- came from a higher being. (A
sea, and over the fowl of the air, ing many sons unto glory, to make Theophany) In the beginning we
and over the cattle, and over all the the Captain of their salvation were in the Image of God. The veil
earth, and over every creeping perfect through sufferings." God of darkness keeps us from knowing it
thing that creepeth upon the earth. was going to put His sons in flesh now, but Jesus told His Disciples He
So God created man in his bodies, then bring them to Glory after was with them before the foundation
(own] image, in the image of God they overcame. of the world, see! We were. "....And
created he him; male and female I leb. 2:11, "For both He that if this earthly tabernacle be
created he them. sanctifieth and they who are dissolved we have one already
Notice! These were bodies just sanctified are all of one. For which waiting. Then we move into this
like God's own body. They were not cause He is not ashamed to call Theophany, what we once lived
clay bodies. The clay bodies came them brethren." in." (End quote)
later! Gen. 2:7, "And the LORD In this house of flesh there lives a
God formed man lofl the dust of We Came From part of our Theophany body, and that
the ground, and breathed into his a Theophany body of ours is pure sons
nostrils the breath of life; and man Higher Being and daughters of God, created
became a living soul." without hands, created by God's
A very interesting statement by Now notice, 1-16. 2:14. It tells us spoken word.
Br. Branham, "Adam first walked the that the children, who were once in
Garden of Eden in a Theophany Heaven with Father, in a Theophany, Did We By-Pass
body.- This was before he was ever were made to partake of flesh and Our Theophany?
created out of the dust of the earth. blood. "Forasmuch then as the
(Gen. 2:7) children are partakers of flesh and Some teach that we by-passed our
blood, He also Himself likewise Theophany. and that we have not
There are Two of Us took part of the same...." lived in it yet. No doubt, they base
The children of God, who had their teaching on a statement Brother
The Prophet taught that a part of been in Heaven with God, had a part Branham made in WHO IS THIS
our supernatural being (Theophany) of themselves put on earth in a clay MELCHISEDEC, where he said,
was placed in flesh, but that we are body, to be tested and tried. So the - See we have by-passed that (Heav-
not just altogether here in flesh, a part children, who were first in Heaven enly body) to come straight from
of us remained in the Theophany. with God, were made to be partakers God. The attribute (we were His
QUOTE: C.O.D. BOOK, PAGE of flesh and blood. attribute) be flesh, to be tempted
340, - Notice now, when man was QUOTE: C.O.D. BOOK, PAGE and tested by sin, like Adam was.
separated from the Theophany and 20-23, "He made the man and the But when testing time is over, then
put in flesh, he wasn't just altogether women before they was ever formed we are taken up to this body that was
there (in flesh). Part of his being was out of the dust of the earth. And then prepared for us before the foundation
still a Theophany..." (End quote) God made man not in I us own of the world." (End quote)
QUOTE: C.O.D. BOOK, PAGE Image. This body (of flesh) is not in But when we put this statement
341, - We are both natural and the Image of God, this body is in the with the one in the C.O.D. BOOK,
supernatural." (End quote) Image of beasts. Jesus told His PAGE 344, where he said, "We
The Prophet saying there are two Disciples that He knew them before move into the Theophany we once
of us. Let's read this in Scripture. 1 the fouftdation of the world was ever lived in," then we see that he only
Cor. 15:44, "There is a natural formed.- (End quote) meant that we by-passed our
body and there is (now) a spiritual Here Brother Branham makes Theophany in that we did not stay in
body." So, Brother Branham is reference to John 15:26-27..... "And It.
teaching that God created Adam first you shall also bear witness because A careful study of the Prophet's
in a Theophany, and not just Adam, you have been with Me from the message can leave no doubt about his
but all predestinated people, then beginning." In referring to this doctrine concerning our first creation
God took part of Adam. and us, and Scripture, again Brother Branham in a spiritual body, before we ever
placed us in a clay body. said. appeared on earth in flesh.
Does the Scripture teach this? QUOTE: C.O.D. BOOK, PAGE QUOTE: C.O.D. BOOK. PAGE
Heb. 2: 10-14, "For it became Him, 344, "That's the way we are here, we 342, "Well my dear sainted Brother,
my dear sainted Sister, before the Lord. The predestinated people of "For as much then as the children
foundation of the world. when God God have angels, which are their are partakers of flesh and blood,
created you in His Image.. .He made Theophany bodies, and they encamp He also Himself took part of the
you a Theophany just like Himself. around their clay bodies to constantly same."
When He said, "Let us" to the guard them. Who are we? We are the clay
creature He had made, let as make Heb. 1:13:14 confirms this, "But (flesh) part of a supernatural being.
man in our own Image, in our to which of the angels said He at that was created by God before the
likeness, a Theophany." (End quote) any time, sit on my Right Hand world was.
QUOTE: C.O.D. BOOK, PAGE until I make thine enemies they No wonder the Scripture says,
23, "Man was first made in the footstool. Are they not all minister- "We are one with Him." (John
Image of God, then he was made in ing spirits, sent forth to minister 17:11) No wonder it says "we are
the image of beast and he fell." (End for them who shall be heirs of joint heirs" (Rom. 8:17) and "flesh
quote) salvation?" of His flesh and bone of His bone."
QUOTE: WHO IS THIS MEL- Brother Branham confirms this (Eph. 5:30) No wonder the Bible
CHISEDEC, PAGE 17, "If we had again in the C.O.D. BOOK, PAGE says, "He is the vine and we are the
come that (in that Theophany) 1156 as follows. A person asks the branches." (John 15:5) It is also no
....there would have been no tempta- question, "Explain each person's wonder that the text says, "We are
tion, we would have known all angel who abides with them from accepted in the Beloved." (Eph. 1:6)
things." (End quote) birth." Answer .... "That's it. it is the Ilow correct Jesus was when He
spiritual body of the people." (Saying said, "I am in you and you are in
Guardian Angels it is their angel) (End quote) Me." (John 14:20)
As we gather the evidence which We are Children of God, having
Brother Branham also indicated the prophet taught and take it to the come out of Him, just as earthly
that the Theophany bodies of the Word, we see that we were first in children have come out of their
Bride are one and the same with their Heaven with our Lord, created in a natural parents. Earthly parents are
guardian angels. They are actually body like His own. Then it came only a type of the Bride coming out
supernatural angels that are en- time for the part of His plan to be of the Heavenly Father. in a spiritual
camped round about those that fear fulfilled that placed us on Earth in sense.
Him. flesh.
QUOTE: C.O.D. BOOK, PAGE, We were happy and eternally
1155, "Now there is an angel (of the satisfied where we were, it was not
Lord) but these angels of the Lord our thought to live in flesh. But we TO BE CONTINUED
that are encamped about those that were made to do so by our Creator, NEXT MONTH
fear Him (implying they are differ- for reasons of His, own. Rom. 8:20,
ent). Now this is pretty deep. It isn't "For the creature was made
promised that sinners have angels, subject to vanity, not willingly, but NOTE: This is thefirst of a series of
did you know that? It's so perfect; it by reason (or for the reasons) of sermons on the Book of Revelation.
will prove predestination to you." Him who has subjected the same in Hopefully, they will be published in
(End quote) Here he said the predes- hope." a book when the series is complete,
tinated have angels, or other bodies Then because God subjected His that is, if it be the will of the Lord
(Theophanies)...and that their angels sons to life in a flesh body. Ile came and jf He tarries yet before His
are different from the Angel of the and lived in one also. fleb. 2:14, Coming! Amen.



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