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Date: September 23, 2023

Appointment letter
Name of the Candidate: Nur-ul Momen Tohin
Address: Nikunja-2, Khilkhet, Dhaka
Contact Number: 01777305810

Dear Tohin,
We hereby confirm your joining as a full time (in-office) team member at Texon Limited,
subject to the following terms and conditions:

1. Position: Django Developer

2. Duties and Responsibilities: As agreed upon while applying after seeing the job
description for the role and further discussing with interviewers regarding deliverables
and responsibilities.
3. Reporting Officer: Punam Chowdhury Shuvo
4. Starting Date: September 16, 2023. If you fail to join on the agreed date, then this
employment will be considered void (Vice-Versa). As per Bangladesh Labor Law 2015,
amended version, if anyone is unable to join after signing, we may take legal action based
on it. You will be liable to pay a penalty of BDT 28,000 to Texon Limited.
5. Service Duration: You are expected to serve the company with full dedication till the
company ceases to exist.
6. Remuneration and increment: The annual remuneration for your activity will be a fixed
monthly gross salary, including all allowances, of BDT 28,000. After you have completed
your probation period, your remuneration will be further revised, subject to the review of
your performance by the necessary stakeholders.
7. Benefits and Fringes: You are entitled to receive two festival bonuses when you are
eligible for permanent employment. The bonus payment is subject to the employee being
employed on a permanent basis by the company at the time of the payment of the bonus.

8. Other Benefits: As per company policy.

9. Corporate Compliance: The employee is expected to follow company rules and
procedures at all times. Employees are required to be aware of all the terms and
conditions set forth in the Texon Limited HR Handbook and Code of Conduct documents.
Failure to do so will be subject to disciplinary action, according to HR policy.
10. Probation: The first three (3) months of your employment will be a probationary period.
You are not entitled to any earned leave or bonus during your probationary period. If
performance during the probation period is not satisfactory, the company will not be
bound to offer a permanent position. If you have completed the probation period, then
this clause can be ignored.
11. Workdays and Weekends: You will be entitled to one day of weekly holiday as adjourned
by the company. However, you cannot avail of any leaves beyond these without the prior
approval of your supervisor or outside the jurisdiction of the leave policy during or after
your probation period. Otherwise, there will be a financial penalty stated as per company
12. Termination: Employer can terminate with 30 (thirty) days’ notice during the probation
period. The employee will be bound to be employed by the company for a minimum of
one year, from the date of commencement. During this time period, the employee cannot
leave the job without a valid (company granted) reason.

This document is the standard employment agreement, which mentions the basic
conditions of our proposal to join Texon Limited. For any terms and conditions not
mentioned here or that are not clear, please refer to HR policy documents. Texon Limited
applies interpretation of any policy in favor of employees if there is any ambiguity.

Your Faithfully Received and Accepted by

Latifur Rahman
Co-Founder & CEO Employee Signature
Texon Limited

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