Pride and Prejudice

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1. The title itself is very important as it conveys the whole idea of the story.

The word “Pride”

refers to the attitude of Mr. Darcy, who is initially arrogant due to his own sense of superiority.
On the contrary, the word “Prejudice” refers to the attitude of Ms. Elizabeth Bennet towards
Mr. Darcy. She perceived that Mr. Darcy is a bad guy based from what she heard without digging
information if it is true or not. And as the story progress, Elizabeth admitted that she was
wronged about how she viewed Mr. Darcy

2. Pride and Prejudice conflicts.

The movie “Pride and Prejudice” is based on Jane Austen’s novel of the same name and features several
conflicts that arise between the characters. Some of the conflicts include:

- Elizabeth Bennet and Mr. Darcy’s initial misunderstanding: Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy initially clash
due to his proud and reserved nature and her tendency to judge him harshly. This conflict is
eventually resolved when they come to understand and appreciate each other’s true character.

- Class differences: The novel is set in a society where class differences are highly valued, and this
leads to conflicts between characters from different social backgrounds. For example,
Elizabeth’s mother wants her to marry a wealthy man regardless of his character, while
Elizabeth values intelligence and good character over wealth and social status.

- Lydia Bennet’s elopement: Lydia’s elopement with Mr. Wickham causes a scandal and creates
conflict within the Bennet family, as they fear that their reputation will be ruined.

3. What are the themes of the story Pride and Prejudice? And how do these themes related to the plot
as well as to the characters?

Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen is a novel that explores several themes, including social
class, marriage, and love. These themes are intricately woven into the plot and the characters'
lives, driving the story forward and giving depth to the characters.
 Social Class: Social class is a central theme in Pride and Prejudice. The novel portrays
the differences between the aristocrat and the peasants and how these differences impact
individuals' lives. For example, The Bennet family, whose belong to a lower-middle-class
family, while Mr. Darcy is an aristocrat. These class differences play a significant role in
the characters' interactions as well as the relationships, especially in the context of
 Marriage: Marriage is another important theme in Pride and Prejudice. The novel
explores the expectations and pressures placed on women to marry and the social and
economic benefits of marriage. The Bennet sisters are all expected to marry well, as their
family's financial security depends on it.
 Love: Love is a central theme in Pride and Prejudice. The novel explores different forms
of love, from romantic love to familial love. The love story between Elizabeth Bennet
and Mr. Darcy is central to the plot, with their initial dislike for each other eventually
turning into a deep and meaningful love. The novel also explores the role of love in
familial relationships, particularly the love between parents and their children.
4.Setting of the story
The setting of a story can play a significant role in shaping the plot, characters, and themes. The
story of Pride and Prejudice, is set during the 19th-century England, specifically the rural
countryside and they have this strong set of hierarchical society at that time, which is important
in relation to the story's themes and conflicts.
On the other hand, I think the story can be set in a different setting or different time period,
however, their is a massive difference. The atmosphere, the conflict and how the story set
wouldn’t be the same as it is. Especially the traditions, customs and belief of that place will
affect the flow of the story.
Therefore, yes, it is possible that the story could be set to a different place but we cannot assure
the fact, that what we have witnessed from the story the Pride and Prejudice 19 century England
will be the same as it is.
5. In Pride and Prejudice, women play a central role in the social and romantic lives of the
characters. The story revolves around the efforts of several young women, particularly Elizabeth
Bennet, to find suitable husbands in a society where marriage and social status are
During that time, societal pressures, expectations and limitations are placed on women that they
should marry a man who is highly stable in terms if social status, even if you do not love that
person but you will sacrifice for the sake of your future, because they view women as the weak
one who is dependent to his husband. However, Elizabeth Bennet challenging these conventions
through her intelligence when she refused to marry for anything other than love.
6. In my opinion, I believed that the main purpose of the novel Pride and Prejudice is for us to be
aware of the societal norms during 19 century England. Where the society’s expectations has
been placed on women to marry for financial security and social status. And they have these set
of qualities such as wealth and physical appearance. Additionally, the story is highly meaningful
as it opens the issues of gender inequality and social class that were prevalent in the late 18th and
early 19th centuries, and are still relevant today.

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