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of historical geomorphology, which, in turn,

Quantitative gave birth to paleoenvironmental studies and

geomorphology geoarcheology.
A second quantitative revolution occurred in
Hervé Piégay the 2000s with the emergence of new geographic
University of Lyon, France data and expanding computer capacities accessi-
ble to scientific teams around the world. Nearly
Today, “quantitative geomorphology” could be five decades after the pioneers of geomorphol-
considered redundant, as geomorphology is ogy, these new contributions consistently refer
fundamentally based on quantifications. In fact, to “quantitative geomorphology,” such as in
quantitative geomorphology refers to a specific a special issue published in Géomorphologie in
way of exploring geomorphological questions 2011, entitled “quantitative hydrogeomorphol-
and takes its roots in the early debates between ogy” that described the emergence of a new
qualitative and quantitative approaches. When scientific era, similarly argued by Marcus and
reviewing the use of the term “quantitative Fonstad (2010) in “Remote Sensing of Rivers,
geomorphology” in the scientific literature, it The Emergence of a Subdiscipline in the River
predominantly appears during two periods: the Sciences.”
1950–1960s and the 2000s. Qualitative information (mainly visual obser-
The first period includes pioneer researchers vation) is biased by the perception and acuity
such as Horton, Strahler, Morisawa, or Chor- of the observer, his/her experiences, memories,
ley, who first published contributions entitled beliefs, and/or attachment to a given theory,
“quantitative geomorphology … ” or “quantitative as discussed in the case of the Davisian theory
analysis … ,” and argued the need to think about of cycles of erosion (Rhoads and Thorn 1996).
processes and explain how forms are related to Qualitative information that supports shared
processes. truth is limited to observable facts, even though
The pioneer quantitativists defended the need a large set of them is not visible or is difficult to
to move from “qualitative” to “quantitative” observe. The qualitative approach is also limited
geomorphology to study the spatial organization to those processes that are notably changing,
of forms (stream ordering, stream network, and many of which are not observable without mea-
basin characters) as related to driving factors surements over time. Quantification is necessary
(mainly hydraulics), by developing process-based to simulate processes in order to understand
and systemic approaches to understanding land- and generalize cause and effects based on order
scape complexity; these are the theoretical of magnitude and changes in volume or mass
framework for the discipline today (Church (e.g., sediment budgeting, appropriate timescale
2013). This period is seen as the “golden age,” estimates). A qualitative approach is often linked
wherein emerged the concepts of “dynamic geo- to an inductive approach, so that the observer
morphology” and “functional geomorphology.” lets the field speak without formulating any
These concepts developed fairly independently preliminary hypothesis (Rhoads and Thorn

The International Encyclopedia of Geography.

Edited by Douglas Richardson, Noel Castree, Michael F. Goodchild, Audrey Kobayashi, Weidong Liu, and Richard A. Marston.
© 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Published 2017 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
DOI: 10.1002/9781118786352.wbieg0417

1996). Even if a qualitative approach guided Geomorphology now fundamentally relies

by a critical attitude, multiple-hypotheses, and on quantification to answer different questions,
deductive reasoning reached a truth shared by a to characterize the magnitude and frequency
large set of people, it would still be limited by a of events and critical geomorphic phenomena
lack of precision and set of facts. Convergence (i.e., sediment transport, landslide), and to assess
of evidence is also a critical issue to give truth to the evolution and organization of forms and
interpretation. In this domain, quantification is their connections. Quantification is founded
useful as it can provide a wider set of solutions in physics. It is made possible by technologi-
and make interpretations more robust. cal advances in optics, mechanics, electronics,
Quantification is based on data collected or geoinformatics, including geocomputing,
by instruments. Quantitative geomorphology statistics, mathematical morphology, geometry,
supports the idea that objectivity should be modeling, remote sensing techniques, and geo-
reinforced by quantification, reliable and precise graphic information systems (GIS). It deals with
data, and shared procedures to avoid any bias. dating, geopositioning, and imaging the Earth
It is a way to gather more precise information surface and the water column using a set of
that can be shared by observers. Such factual innovative techniques such as optical stimulated
information can then be interpreted to refor- luminescence (OSL), isotopes (U/Th isotopic
mulate questions so as to design a new research ratios, 14 C, 137 Cs, 210 Pb, etc.), airborne and
strategy to gather additional facts. It allows one terrestrial LiDAR, various satellite and airborne
to distinguish and interpret facts and introduces imagery (hyperspectral, hyperspatial, radar, etc.),
a strong experimental framework: the so-called ground penetrating radar (GPR), and ground
deductive approach of hypothesis validation. sensors such as radio frequency identification
If quantification can be done in different (RFID) and cameras (Thorndycraft, Benito, and
ways, two complementary strategies are often Gregory 2008; Carbonneau and Piégay 2012). In
observed, with sometimes disciplinary debates this field, temporal resolution is also becoming
to consider which one is the most valuable, one significantly improved, notably with ground sen-
focusing on physical laws and the other explor- sors that record phenomena almost continuously
ing the Earth complexity using mainly statistics. (e.g., a few images per second for ground video
Physics, mainly mechanics, aims to understand cameras to a few images per year with the Pléi-
the elementary laws controlling the evolution of ade 1A and 1B satellites with a spatial resolution
processes and forms, is mainly grain-based, and equivalent to the conventional ortho-rectified
is supported by in situ and ex situ experiments, photos provided by national agencies (0.7 m
numerical models, and simulations. It simplifies versus 0.2–0.5 m)) or UAV technologies. With
the real world to understand step by step how the development of the Internet, more and more
it works. Earth complexity analysis is usually state services offer archived data online, increas-
more holistic, approaching Earth organization ing the data availability for research purposes.
and functioning by ordering, classifying, and These sites include online metadata/data catalogs
understanding factors by discriminating temporal and online geotreatment tools or tool packages
states and spatial units. For this type of analysis, to explore geomorphic systems within GIS.
statistics has become important, similarly to The computer revolution not only allows for
other integrative sciences such as ecology, to more complex modeling in terms of hydraulic
explore complex systems. simulations but also provides new techniques to


explore complex sets of data needing large com- (2008) or illustrated by works such as Notebaert
puter capacities (e.g., multiple-agent systems, et al. (2009) opening new bridges between these
segmentations and classifications, analyses of two main branches of the discipline.
uncertainties based on probabilistic approaches
and randomization tests, etc.).
New techniques and new data provide new SEE ALSO: Big data; Cloud computing;
insights. There is now the ability to more inten- Digital elevation model and digital surface
sively observe fine sedimentary structures, topog- model; Geocomputation; Geographic
raphy under forest cover, and river bathymetry, in information system; Geomorphological
order to study processes which were not yet fully mapping and geospatial technology; Modeling
examined (e.g., flux of wood, bank erosion dur- uncertainty in digital elevation models; Models
ing a flood event, landslides or debris flows, etc.). in geomorphology; Photogrammetry: 3-D from
This has allowed us to widen our range of obser- imagery; Quantitative methodologies;
vations and our vision, which was extremely Representation: 3-D; Representation: dynamic
limited in space and time by field-based complex systems; Synthetic aperture radar;
approaches. Traditionally field based, geomor- Technology; Unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV)
phology is now reaching the point in its evolution
where remotely collected images are provid-
ing more data than field observations, opening
exciting prospects to explore processes and forms
Carbonneau, P., and H. Piégay. 2012. Fluvial Remote
not only at a local scale but at much wider scales Sensing for Science and Management. Hoboken, NJ:
by combining observations and simulations. In John Wiley & Sons.
a certain way, geomorphologists not only base Church, M. 2013. “Refocusing Geomorphology:
their knowledge production on field observation Field Work in Four Acts.” Geomorphology, 200:
but also on remote sensing information, a com- 184–192.
plementary perspective of observing Earth. In Marcus, W.A., and M.A. Fonstad. 2010. “Remote
widening our space and time framework, these Sensing of Rivers: The Emergence of a Subdisci-
new data should improve our understanding on pline in the River Sciences.” Earth Surface Processes
how local observations can be generalized. and Landforms, 35: 1867–1872.
Notebaert, B., G. Verstraeten, G. Govers, and
Methods promoted by reductionists devel-
J. Poesen. 2009. “Qualitative and Quantitative
oped in the 1950s are now being progressively
Applications of LiDAR Imagery in Fluvial Geo-
adapted for applications at larger spatial scales. morphology.” Earth Surface Processes and Landforms,
Reductionist quantitativists must now collab- 34: 217–231.
orate with holistic quantitativists to explore Rhoads, B.L., and S.E. Thorn. 1996. “Observation in
phenomena in this big data era recognizing Geomorphology.” In The Scientific Nature of Geo-
geomorphology as a “system science.” This new big morphology: Proceedings of the 27th Binghamton Sym-
data era more closely connects physicists with posium in Geomorphology, 21. Hoboken, NJ: John
statisticians, who explore Earth complexity from Wiley & Sons.
two joined perspectives. It is influencing not Thorndycraft, V.R., G. Benito, and K.J. Gregory.
2008. “Fluvial Geomorphology: A Perspective on
only functional/dynamic geomorphology but
Current Status and Methods.” Geomorphology, 98:
also historical/evolutionary geomorphology as
shown by Thorndycraft, Benito, and Gregory

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