Week 3 Activity

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Semana 3/Week 3
Describing people/Jobs and occupations
Part 1:
1. Paste a photo of your favorite person.
2. Write a paragraph of 40-60 words. and describe her/him. Use the vocabulary you
3. What is her/his occupation?
(1. Pega una foto de tu persona favorita)
(2. Escribe un párrafo de 40-60 palabras y descríbelo. Usa el vocabulario que aprendiste)
(3. ¿Cuál es su ocupación?)

Part 2:
4. Paste a photo of yourself.
5. Write a paragraph of 40-60 words and describe yourself.
6. What is your occupation?
4. Pega una foto de ti
5. Escribe un párrafo de 40-60 palabras y descríbete. Usa el vocabulario que aprendiste
6. ¿Cuál es tu ocupación?
Cristiano Ronaldo is a football soccer player; he plays as a striker. He has played in several teams,
as Manchester United. He is the captain and the best goal scorer in the history of Portugal national
team. He is called CR7. Through the years he has beaten several records and he is one of the best
soccer players of all time.

My name is Diego Issai Miranda García. I like carpentry, architecture and robotics. I am 15 years
old, but I will be 16 on October 5th. I love practicing sports, like soccer, biking and swimming. I
have three pets, two turtles and a horned lizard. I am currently studying high school and I will
finish it in 2024.
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