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Semana 7/Week 7
How often do you…?
Part 1:
1. Complete the following chart with an “x” according to your own information.
(1. Completa la siguiente tabla de acuerdo con tu propia información)
How often do Always Usually Sometimes Never
Take a shower X
Eat in X
Enter X
Eat cake x
Work outside X
of the city
Use the X
Ride a horse X
Drive a car X
Read X
Use WhatsApp x
to text your
I usually take a shower
Sometimes I eat in restaurants
I never enter to Facebook
Sometimes I eat cakes

I never Work outside of the city

I always Use the computer

I never ride a horse

Sometimes i dive a car

Sometimes i read magazines

I always use WhatsApp to text my friends

2. According to the information in the chart above, make 10 sentences using the simple
present and adverbs of frequency.
2. Haz 10 enunciados de acuerdo con la información que llenaste en el cuadro de arriba utilizando el
presente simple y adverbios de frecuencia.

1. I usually take a shower

2. Sometimes I eat in restaurants
3. I never enter to Facebook
4. Sometimes I eat cakes
5. I never Work outside of the city
6. I always Use the computer
7. I never ride a horse
8. Sometimes i dive a car
9. Sometimes i read magazines
10. I always use WhatsApp to text my friends
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