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The American Ideal versus the American Reality

Most people don’t think twice about what it means to be an American. If they do, they

often talk about the American Ideal: the dream that everyone aspires to earn. The American

Reality is a harsh reminder that the minority of the population can access that dream . Imbolo

Mbue’s Behold the Dreamers exposes the ideal America to be an unattainable standard

glamorized through TV and movies, ignoring the harsher realities of the American lifestyle.

What people tend to ignore is that the quality of life in America is higher on television.

People aren’t shown suffering from the stressors of everyday life, such as having enough money

to pay for food, bills for water and electricity, rent, and insurance. Everyday struggles are mined

for comic relief without people delving into why they are struggling. It’s always the formulaic

“Person X is struggling”, then it’s “briefly talked about with Person Y” - only to be “resolved”

within the span of an hour or forgotten about entirely for more entertaining plotlines.

Nevertheless, Neni was convinced that the America portrayed in movies was the best chance to

get a better life. TV presented people who lived in America as the “portrait of bliss” (Mbue

311). While knowing that what she saw on screen was fictional, she also saw people who were

prosperous. She wanted in on the ideal American life. She bought fake Chanel and fake Gucci

because it allowed her to be a part of the American Experience- even if she wasn't an American

herself. It also allowed her to project an image of wealth and success even though she is not

wealthy nor successful herself.

People want to believe that “America gave everyone…an equal opportunity to be

whatever they wish to be” (Mbue 312). We want to believe that we can live the dream. However,

being an American isn't as glamorous TV and movies make us think it is. Movies are used as a

form of propaganda because it's a widespread form of media. One glance at a phone, and the
world is at our fingertips. Manipulating immigrants to believe that America is the gold standard

of living is made possible by TV and movies. This ignores the complexity that is America. The

American Reality can be cutthroat, vicious, even morbid; yet also fulfilling, rewarding, and

opportunistic. People can be determined and take their lives into their own hands, as being able

to achieve anything is the American mentality. TV and movies allows people to see a more

hopeful version of America, while simultaneously reminding people that there is work to be done

to achieve that reality.

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