PHONETICS I Mid Term Test 1

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DATE : 05/11/2020

Read the following dialogue

Mr.Brown: Hullo, Anne. How did the trip to St Albans go?

Mrs.Brown: Very well, thank you, John. There wasn´t much traffic on the road. And
we reached the school in very good time. By a quarter to ten, in fact. The headmaster
saw Frank straightaway, and everything was arranged in ten minutes. Frank´s starting
at the school next September.

Mr.Brown: That´s excellent. Richard will be pleased. He´s always wanted one of his
sons to go to his old school. He was extremely disappointed, I know, when James
didn´t get a place a couple of years ago. By the way, Simon wants me to him and Frank
to see the Arsenal this afternoon. Do you think you could take us in the car? It’ll
mean an early lunch, I´m afraid, to eat at 11.30

1) Strong and weak forms: account for all strong and weak forms( 10 ) that you can find in
the text in bold type. Say why they are weak or strong.

2) Pre fortis clipping : find 5 instances of pre-fortis clipping in the text, and explain each

3) Find at least 4 examples of “ happy i “ and 3 examples of “thank you “ in the text and
explain when these variants occur and who produce them .

4) Organs of speech and speech mechanism : Fill in the blanks with a suitable word
After entering through the (1)……………….the air goes through the vocal tract

which ends at the( 2)…………………. A large and complex set of (3)……………………………

Produces changes in the (4) ……………………………. of the vocal track and in order to learn

how the sounds of speech are produced, we must become familiar with the different

parts of the vocal tract. These parts are called (5) ……………………..

The (6) ……………………………………… a tube just above the larynx. The (7) …………………….is

often called the roof of the mouth”. It is followed by the soft palate or

(8)…………………….That part of the roof which is opposite the tip and blade of the tongue

is the (9)……………………………The most movable articulator is the (10)……………………………..

1)............................................................... 2)………………………………

3)………………………………………. 4)………………………………

5)………………………………………. 6)………………………………..

7)……………………………………….. 8)……………………………….

9)………………………………………. 10) ………………………………..

5)Correct the following sentences :

a) Susan called some of his friends to eat

/su:zn/ kɔ:ld məʊst əv hɜ: frendz tə i:t

b) What are you looking at ?

wɒt ɑ:ju lu:kɪŋ ət

c) The apple is on the table

ðə æpl ɪz ɒn ði teɪbl

d) That’s not a problem,

/ dætz nɔ:t ði prɒblm /

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