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Attempt to… Contrary to • did attempt to…. Punishment for
sections 20(1) • …..did attempt to …… but could not the substantive
and …. achieve same according to your intent due to offence
circumstances……/due to the imperfection of….
Preparation Contrary to a. …….did Same as for
to/for…. sections 19 b. -prepare/supply/have in his possession, substantive offence
and … custody or control/have in the possession,
custody or control of any other person on your
c. instrument/materials or means
d. for use in committing -a criminal offence by
which life is likely to be endangered or
-Forgery or

Abetment Contrary to a. Did If crime abetted is

to…/Abetmen sections 20(1) b. Instigate/command/counsel/procure/ punishable by
t of…… and…. solicit/aid/facilitate/encourage/promote death=imprisonme
c. One …… nt for life
d. To …..
but in any other
case, same as crime
Duty to Contrary to Did fail to use all reasonable means to prevent Misdemeanor
prevent section 22 of one….from committing felony knowing that
felony the criminal ….designs to commit/is committing a felony.
offences act
1960, act 29.
Conspiracy to Contrary to Did agree to act together with the common If substantive
……. sections 23(1) purpose to…. offence is
and…. committed, same as
that criminal

If substantive
offence not
committed, as if
each had abetted
the offence.
Habouring Contrary to Did aid/conceal/habour one….., with the Misdemeanor
criminal section 25 purpose of enabling that person to avoid lawful
arrest or execution of a sentence,
knowing/having reason to believe that … has
committed or has been convicted of a criminal
Murder Contrary to Did intentionally cause the death of one….by Death
section 46 unlawful harm
Attempt to Contrary to Did attempt to commit murder First degree felony
commit section 48
Attempt to Contrary to Being under sentence of imprisonment for 3 Death
commit section 49 years or more, did attempt to commit murder
murder by
Genocide Contrary to Death
section 49A(1)
Manslaughter Contrary to Did cause the death of one ….. by an unlawful First degree felony
section 50 harm
Abetment of Contrary to Did facilitate/aid etc one…. to commit suicide First degree felony
suicide section 57(1)
However, the
person who
attempted suicide
commits a
Attempted Contrary to
Did attempt to commit suicide
suicide section 57(2)
Abortion or Contrary to With intent to cause abortion/miscarriage
miscarriage section 58(1) Did administer to herself/consent to be
(a) administered to her
A poison/drug/any other means Second degree
felony for all
Contrary to With the intent to cause abortion/miscarriage (not exceeding 5
section 58(1) of (the woman: one ……), years)
(b)(i) (Whether or not she is pregnant/has given
consent) NB. Not an offence
Did administer to her a poison, drug or any if done by
noxious thing/did use an instrument or any registered MD
other means specialized in
Contrary to
section 58(1) Did induce one… to cause or consent to registered MD in a
(b)(ii) causing abortion or miscarriage government
Contrary to hospital or any
section 58(1) Did abet one woman to cause abortion or registered private
(b)(iii) miscarriage hospital/ place
approved by L.I=if
Contrary to pregnancy as a
section 58(1) Did attempt to cause abortion or miscarriage result of rape,
(b)(iv) defilement of
female idiot or
Did supply/procure a poison, an instrument or incest and abortion
any other thing, knowing same was intended requested by
to be used/employed to cause victim/her next
abortion/miscarriage. friend or if
pregnancy would
involve risk life of
mother and she
consents or if child
would develop
serious abnormality
if born.
Causing harm Contrary to Did intentionally and lawfully cause harm to a Second degree
to child at section 60 living child during the time of its birth felony
Concealment Contrary to Did conceal the body of a child, Misdemeanor
of body of section 62 (Whether born alive/not)
child at birth With intent to conceal the fact of its (intention must be
birth/existence/death/the manner of to conceal from
death/cause of death. persons generally
and not just a
particular person)
(child must also be
6months grown or
above for offence to
Causing harm Contrary to Did intentionally and unlawfully cause harm to Second degree
section 69 one…. felony
Female Contrary to Did excise/infibulate/mutilate Second degree
Genital section 69A The whole or part of the labia minoria, labia felony (not less and
Mutilation majora and clitoris of one….. 4 years and not
more than 10 years)
Use of Contrary to Did intentionally and unlawfully cause harm to First degree felony
offensive section 70 one….by the use of (an offensive weapon)
Exposing child Contrary to Did expose a child to danger/Did abandon a
to danger section 71(1) child under 12 years Misdemeanor for
(a) both
Did expose a physical or mentally handicapped
Contrary to child to danger/
(child=under 18
section 71(1) Did abandon a physically or mentally
(b) handicapped child in a manner that is likely to
cause any harm to the child

Negligently Contrary to Did negligently and unlawfully cause harm to Misdemeanor

causing harm section 72 one…
Dangerous Contrary to Being solely/partly in charge of a steam- Misdemeanour for
thing section 73(a) engine/machinery/ship/boat/dangerous thing all
negligently or matter of any kind
causing harm Did negligently endanger the life of one……
or danger Contrary to
Having undertaken or being engaged in
section 73(b) medical or surgical treatment of one….
Did negligently endanger his/her life
Contrary to Having undertaken or being engaged in
section 73(c) dispensing/supplying/selling/administering/givi
ng away, of a medicine or poisonous or
dangerous matter
Did negligently endanger the life of one……
Threat of Contrary to Did threaten one… with unlawful harm Misdemeanor
harm section 74 With intent to put him/her in fear of unlawful
Threat of Contrary to Did threaten one…with death Second degree
death section 75 With intent to put him/her in fear of death. felony
Assault : Contrary to Type 1: Assault and battery(S.86) Misdemeanor
3 types section 84 With intent to cause
harm/pain/fear/annoyance to one…../with
intent to excite one…to anger
And without his/her consent
Did forcibly touch him/her

Type 2:assault without actual battery(s 87)

Did point a kinife etc, with the intention of
putting one….in fear of instant assault/battery

Type 3: Imprisonment(S.88)
Without consent
Did intentionally detain one ….in a particular
place (of whatever extent or character and
whether enclosed or not)/ did compel one…to
move to or be carried in a particular direction

Cruel Contrary to Did compel a bereaved spouse or relative of Misdemeanor

practices in section 88A that spouse to under a custom or practice that
relation to is cruel (cruel in nature if it
bereaved constitutes an
spouses assault above)
Kidnapping Contrary to Did unlawfully imprison one … and take/her Second degree
section 89 out of the jurisdiction of the court felony
Without his/her consent

Did unlawfully imprisons one… within the

jurisdiction of the Court, in such a manner as to
prevent him/her from applying to a Court for
his/her release or from discovering to any
other person the place where he is
imprisoned/ or in such a manner as to prevent
any person entitled to have access to him from
discovering the place where he is imprisoned.
Abduction of Contrary to With intent to deprive one…who is entitled to Misdemeanor
Child Under Section 91 the possession/control of the child/with intent
Eighteen. to cause the child to be carnally/unnaturally
carnally known by any person
Did unlawfully take the child from lawful
possession, care or charge of any person/
Did detain and prevent the child from
returning to the lawful possessions, care or
charge of any person.
Child-Stealing. Contrary to Did steal one…. under fourteen years of age, Second degree
Section 93 (whether with or without his consent) felony.

NB By section 94, A person is guilty of stealing

another person who unlawfully takes or
detains him, with intent to deprive him of the
possession or control of him any person
entitled thereto, or with intent to steal
anything upon or about his body, or with intent
to cause any harm to him
Abandonment Contrary to Being bound by law or any agreement or Misdemeanour.
of Infant. section employment, to keep charge of or to maintain
Section 96— any child under five years of age/ Being
unlawfully in possession of any such child,
Did abandon the child by leaving it at a
hospital, or at the house of any persons, or in
any other manner
Rape. Contrary to Did carnally know of one….(16 yrs or above) First degree felony
Section 97 Without her consent
Imprisonment for a
term of not less
than five years and
not more than
twenty five years.
Defilement of Contrary to Did naturally or unnaturally carnally know liable on summary
child under 16 section 101 one… child under sixteen years of age (whether conviction to
years with or without his or her consent) imprisonment for a
term of not less
than seven years
and not more than
twenty-five years
Carnal Contrary to Did have carnal knowledge or unnatural carnal commits an offence
Knowledge. section 102 knowledge of an idiot, imbecile or a mental and shall be liable
patient in or under the care of a mental on summary
hospital (whether with or without his or her conviction to
consent) knowing at the time of the imprisonment for a
commission of the offence that the person had term of not less
a mental incapacity than five or more
than twenty-five
Indecent Contrary to Without the consent of one… misdemeanour
assault. Section 103 Did forcibly make a sexual bodily contact with liable on conviction
him/her; or to a term of
Did sexually violates the his/her body imprisonment of
In any manner not amounting to carnal not less than six
knowledge or unnatural carnal knowledge. months
Unnatural Contrary to Did have unnatural carnal knowledge of one… First degree felony
Carnal Section 104(1) of sixteen years or over without his/her and shall be liable
Knowledge. (a) consent; or on conviction to
imprisonment for a
term of not less
than five years and
not more than
twenty-five years
Contrary to Did have unnatural carnal knowledge of one…
section 104(1) of sixteen years or over with his consent is
(b) guilty of a or Misdemeanour;
Contrary to Did have unnatural carnal knowledge
section 104(1) of an animal.
NB. Unnatural carnal knowledge is sexual
intercourse with a person in an unnatural
manner or with an animal.
Incest. Contrary to Being male of sixteen years or over liable on summary
Section 105(1) Did have carnal knowledge of a female whom conviction to
he knows to be his grand-daughter, daughter, imprisonment for a
sister, mother or grandmother term of not less
Contrary to than three years
Being a female of sixteen years or over and not more than
Section 105(2)
Did have carnal knowledge of a male whom twenty-five years.
she knows to be her grand-son, son, brother,
father or grandfather.

Being a male of sixteen years or over

Contrary to Did permit a female whom he knows to be his
Section 105(3) grandmother, mother, sister or daughter to
have carnal knowledge of him with his consent

Being a female of sixteen years or over

Contrary to Did permit a male whom she knows to be her
Section 105(4) grandfather, father, brother or son to have
carnal knowledge of her with her consent
Householder Contrary to Being the owner or occupier of a premises or a Liable on conviction
Permitting Section 106 person acting or assisting in the management to imprisonment for
Defilement of Did induces or knowingly permits any child of a term of not less
Child on his less than sixteen years of age to resort to or be than seven years
Premises in or on his premises to be carnally known or and not more than
unnaturally carnally known by any person twenty-five years.
Procuration. Contrary to Did procure one.. under twenty-one years of
Section 107(1) age, not being a prostitute or of known Misdemeanour.
(a)-(g) as immoral character,
applicable To have carnal or an unnatural carnal
connection in Ghana or elsewhere with any
other person; or
Did procure one… to become a prostitute in
Ghana or elsewhere; or

Did procure one… to leave Ghana

With the intention that he/she become an
inmate of a brothel elsewhere; or

Did procure one.. to leave his/her usual place

of abode which is not a brothel in Ghana with
the intention that he/she become an inmate of
a brothel in Ghana or elsewhere for
prostitution; or

Did by threats or intimidation procure or

attempt to procure one… to have any carnal or
unnatural carnal connection in Ghana or
elsewhere; or

Did by false pretences or false representations

procure one… not being a prostitute or of
known immoral character,
To have any carnal or unnatural carnal
connection in Ghana or elsewhere; or

Did apply, administer to, or cause to be taken

by any person, any drug, matter or thing, with
intent to stupefy or overpower the person as
to enable any person to have a carnal or
unnatural carnal connection with the person

Seduction or contrary to Having the custody, charge or care of a child misdemeanour.

prostitution of section 108 under the age of sixteen years
a child under Did cause or encourage the seduction, carnal
16 years knowledge or unnatural carnal knowledge,
prostitution or commission of indecent assault
upon the child.
Compulsion of Contrary to Did by duress, cause one… to marry against his Misdemeanor
Marriage. Section 109 or her will,
Stealing Contrary to Did dishonestly appropriate……belonging to ….. Second degree
section 124(1) felony
Fraudulent Contrary to Did dishonestly appropriate a thing the Second degree
Breach of Section 128 ownership of which invested in him as a felony.
Trust. trustee for or on behalf of any other person.

Stealing of Contrary to Did steal an underground cable or telephone Liable on summary

telephone section 127A wire attached to or connected with a conviction to a term
wires telephone or telephone pole. of imprisonment of
not less than 5 years
and not more than
25 years
Defrauding by Contrary to With intent to defraud Second degree
false pretense section 131(1) Did represent to one…..that…….(the existence felony
of a state of facts) based on which….
knowing same to be false

And thereby obtaining consent to part

with/transfer …(the ownership of a thing)

OR, did by personation, obtain the consent of

one…to part with or transfer the ownership of
a thing
Charlatanic Contrary to Did publish in any journal or newspaper of any The editors,
Advertisemen section advertisement or notice relating to fortune- publishers,
ts in Section 137 telling, palmistry, astrology, or proprietors, and
Newspapers. Did use any subtle craft, means, or device, printers of any
sought to deceive or impose on any member of journal or
the public, or which is calculated or likely to newspaper in which
deceive or impose on any member of the any such
public, and advertisement or
notice as aforesaid
is published shall
each severally be
Liable to a fine not
exceeding ¢500,000.
Improper Contrary to being employed in the Posts and Misdemeanor
removal of a section 139(2) Telecommunications Department
dealing with Did unlawfully remove from any postal matter
stamps on or telegraph form any stamp affixed thereto or
postal matters impressed thereon in payment for the postage
or message,

Did knowingly use or attempt to use, or sell, or

buy, or otherwise procures a stamp which has
been so removed;

Did knowingly use or attempt to use in

payment for any postage, any stamp or
stamped envelope or card or wrapper which
has been before used for a like purpose, or any
stamp cut from any such envelope or wrapper;

Did remove or attempt to remove the

cancelling marks from any stamp which has
been so affixed or impressed, in order that it
may be used or otherwise disposed of.
Falsification of Contrary to being a clerk or servant or public officer/ being Second degree
accounts section 140(1) an officer of (any partnership, company, or felony
(a) corporation),
And with intent to cause or enable any person
to be defrauded, or with intent to commit or to
facilitate the commission (of any crime)

Contrary to (a)did conceal/injure/alter/ or falsify, any book,

section 140(1) paper, or account kept by or belonging or
(b entrusted to his employers or to such
partnership, company, or corporation; or
entrusted to him, or to which he has access, as
such clerk, servant, or officer, or
Did omit to make a full and true entry in any
account of anything which he is bound to enter
therein; or
(b) did publish any account, statement, or
prospectus, relating to the affairs of (such
partnership, company, or corporation) which
he knows to be false in any material particular,

Fraud in Sale Contrary to In order to induce one….. to become a Misdemeanor

or Mortgage Section 141 purchaser or mortgagee of any land,
of Land. did fraudulently conceal any document which
is material to the title to such land
Fraud as to with intent to defraud misdemeanour.
Boundaries or Contrary to
Documents. Section 142(a) (a) did remove/injure/alter/or falsify, any
boundary mark or thing serving or intended to
distinguish the land or other property of
himself, or of any person, from the land or
other property of any other person; or

(b) did conceal/injure/alter/or falsify any bill of

Contrary to lading invoice, manifest, receipt, or other
Section 142(b) document evidencing the quantity, character,
or condition of any property, or the receipt or
disposition of or the title of any person to, any

Fraud as to Contrary to secretly or by duress or deceit, Misdemeanor

thing Pledged Section 143 and with intent to defraud,
or taken in did take or obtain any property from any
Execution person to whom he has pawned, pledged, or
otherwise bailed it or from any person having,
by virtue of any execution, seizure or other
process of law, the possession, custody, or
control thereof
Fraud in Contrary to Knowing that an execution, warrant, or other misdemeanour.
Removing Section 144 process of law has been awarded or issued for
goods to the seizure of anything belonging to him or in
Evade Legal his possession, custody, or control,
Did remove/conceal/dispose of any such thing,

with intent to defeat or evade such execution,

warrant, or other process
Fraud by Contrary to (a)being an agent misdemeanour.
Agents. Section 145(1) did dishonestly accept/obtain/agree to
(a) accept/attempt to obtain from any person, for
himself or for any other person,
any gift or consideration as an inducement or
reward for doing or forbearing to do or for
having done or forborne to do,
any act in relation to this principal's affairs or
business, or for showing or forbearing to show
favour or disfavour to any person in relation to
this principal's affairs or business; or
Contrary to
Section 145(1) (b) did dishonestly give/agree to give/offer any
(b) gift or consideration to any agent as an
inducement or reward for doing or forbearing
to do, or for having done or forborne to do,
any act in relation to his principal's affairs or
business, or for showing or forbearing to show
Contrary to favour or disfavour to any person in relation to
Section 145(1) his principal's affairs or business; or
(c) did knowingly give to any agent or if any
agent knowingly uses with intent to deceive his
principal, any receipt, account, or other
document in respect of which the principal is
interested, and which contains any statement
which is false or erroneous or defective in any
material particular, and which to his knowledge
is intended to mislead the principal.

Dishonestly Contrary to Did receive/buy/assist in the disposal of a Liable to the same

receiving section 146 property punishment as if he
Knowing same to have been obtained through had committed that
(any crime)/ knowing same to have been offence.
obtained with the proceeds of ….

Robbery Contrary to Did steal a ….. Minimum of 10

section 149 as
And with the intent to prevent her from years(without use of
amended by resisting the said stealing, did harm her weapon)
Act 646 by…/did use a threat of assault
Did steal a ……. Above 10 years
And for the purpose of stealing … did use force (with use of
on …/did cause harm to one…… weapon)
UNLAWFUL CONTRARY TO With intent to commit a crime, Second degree
ENTRY SECTION 152 Did unlawfully enter the apartment of one felony-so not
madam ama poma. exceeding 10 years.
FORGERY OF CONTRARY TO With intent to deceive
JUDICIAL SECTION 158 Did forge a judicial/an official document
FORGERY OF CONTRARY TO With intent to steal, did alter
OTHER SECTION With intent to defraud or injure on …did alter
DOCUMENT 159(a)-(c) With intent to evade the requirements of the
law did alter
UNLAWFUL CONTRARY TO Did intentionally and unlawfully cause damage Less than one
DAMAGE SECTION to a Mercedes Benz Saloon car with million=misdemean
172(1) registration ER 17 V, belonging to one Raphael our.

More than one

degree felony

If in a manner which
causes or is likely

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