Developmental Characteristics Needs and Interests

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Joel Rei A.

Pelenio 09/20/2023

Developmental Characteristics Needs and Interests

Based on your observations from a particular grade level,

write a narrative report on your experiences.

Use these points as your guide.

Describe the differences in ability levels of the students in the class. (between
students who are performing well and those who are not)
In a classroom there are different kinds of students based on their attitude
and also on the way they learn. That is why teachers need to extend their efforts
to give each students the way of understanding they need in order for them to
learn. In a classroom setting most of the time, the students that are not that
interested seated at the back or in the middle of the row. And the students that
is more interested in learning seated at the front because they are the ones who
is more intelligent than others. The average students are the one who is very
playful and more often run and shout in the classroom. While the intelligent
students often seating in their chairs reading and writing assignments or

Describe the methods used by the teacher in handling the students' differences
in abilities.
The method of teaching that my CT used is more often “cooperative
learning”, she involves the students in the lesson by allowing them to read and
write the activities.

As a future teacher, what methods and strategies will you apply to ensure that
you will be able to meet the needs of the learners.
Active and Blended Learning Method is for me I will use in the future simply
because I want to involve the students in lesson for them can easily understand
the lesson. This two methods will which I think is the effective method of my
personality as a future teacher.

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