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Fifth Year

Final Exman

Nov / Dec 2010

A. Read the passage and answer the questions.

Sun, sea and roof

From Japan, the country that brought you the virtual pet and the virtual pop star
comes the latest leisure idea: the virtual seaside resort. This is the Ocean Dome at
Myazaki, south-west of Tokyo, the biggest artificial indoor beach in the world,
where overstressed Japanese office workers can kick off their shoes and walk on the
beautiful cool white sand. But it is not real sand – it’s fake, made entirely from
crushed stone.
In fact, everything under the dome is fake, from the 140 meter – long beach to the
air temperature – kept at a steady 30° C by and incredible giant, ultra-modern
central- heating system. If that’s too hot for you, you can order an attractive plastic
palm tree to provide shade. With fake waves and fake sunshine, the Ocean Dome
has become such a craze that the average Japanese office worker usually has to
share it with about 10,000 other sunseekers.

The fake sea covers about three times the area of the beach and has 15,826 tonnes of
water – that’s about the same as ten Olympic swimming pools. It is kept at a
constant temperature of 28° C.

But why spend s much money on a man-made beach when the real this is free?
Well, bathing off the Japanese coast isn’t much fun because the sea is cold, polluted
and full of sharks. Besides, the Ocean Dome is closer to Mc Donald’s.

But even a fake beach holiday wouldn’t be complete without some optional
activities, and Ocean Dome offers an amazing choice. You can start with the
“Rocky Slider”, a high slide which takes you down into the water, before moving on
to “Lost World”, a raft-journey on and underground lake. And after that, what could
be better than a run on the ski-slope? Just half an hour from downtown Tokyo, there
is a huge artificial ski-slope where even more overstressed workers can practice
their skiing on perfect, powdery snow – indoors of course.

1. What is the Ocean Dome? Why is it special?



2. Why are pets and pop stars from Japan mentioned in the first paragraph?


3. Why do so many people visit it?



4. What are real beaches in Japan like?



5. What can people do at the Ocean Dome?



B. Find the words in the passage that mean the following:

1. not real ....................................................

2. darker and cooler area protected

From direct light and heat of the sun ....................................................

3. an activity which is very popular or

Fashionable, often for a very short time ....................................................

4. people who want to enjoy the sun ....................................................

5. very fine and dry, like dust ....................................................

C. Complete each of these sentences so that it means the same as the sentence
written before.

1. Carol asked Anne what she had done the day before.


.................................................................................., Anne? “asked Carol.

2. Jane used to go swimming three times a week before she became a manager.

Jane hasn’t....................................................................................................................


3. A friend met me at the airport. He carried my suitcase.

The ...............................................................................................................................


4. Julian started taking English classes six months ago. He’s still studying.

Julian has ......................................................................................................................


5. “Why don’t you take the bus? That’s what I’d do.”

If I ...............................................................................................................................


D. Complete with the correct tense or form

One summer afternoon in New York in 1875, while his wife (1)
(prepare) ................................ dinner, Mr. Levi Gamin left his house (2)
(buy) ................................some tobacco. He never returned. Sixty years later in 1935,
the New York Times printed a story about a man “dressed in strange old-fashioned
clothes” who (3) (step) ................................ in front of a car while crossing Times
Square. He (4) (die) ................................ instantly.
The dead man (5) (carry) ................................ no identification and there was nothing in
his pocket except some bank notes from the year 1875. The police had no idea who the
man was or why he (6) (wear) ................................ such strange clothes, until a police
officer decided (7) (check) ................................ the missing persons file for 1875. In the
file was a description of the dead man exactly. It was then that the questions began.
Why had Mr. Gamin disappeared in 1875? Where (8) (be) ................................
he ................................ for the past 60 years and why (9) (not
change) ................................ his appearance ................................ ?
Unfortunately the answers to the questions (10) (not find) ................................ yet.

E. Write five questions you would ask in the following situation:

Your best friend is going out with a boy / girl he / she has met. Ask your friend
questions about:

- how they met for the first time

- his/her physical appearance
- place or first outing
- feelings before meeting
- plans for next weekend

1. ..................................................................................................................................


2. ..................................................................................................................................


3. ..................................................................................................................................


4. ..................................................................................................................................


5. ..................................................................................................................................


F. Listen and then answer the questions.

1. What is an au pair?



2. How long do they usually live with the local family?



3. What must they do?



4. What does the phrase “au pair” mean?


5. Do au pairs have to wear a uniform?



G. Composition.

Choose one of the following:

1. Write a letter to an English-speaking friend inviting him / her to come to your

house and have a holiday with you. Tell him / her about the city / country and
the people. Suggest how you could spend the time together.
2. Write a story beginning with the words “I am happy to say I have never had that
dream again”

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