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Discrimination occurs when you are being treated less favourably than other person or same
when your circumstances are different.
2. This treatment cannot be objectively justified.
3. Equality Act 2010 protects you from discrimination, but to rely on this act you need to prove
that discrimination has affected your enjoyment of one or more of the other rights in the Act.
4. However, you do not need to prove that this other human right has actually been breached.
5. The human rights act makes it illegal to discriminate person because of his sex, race, color,
language, religion, political opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status.
6. Term other status includes sexual orientation, illegitimacy, marital status, trade union
membership, transsexual status and imprisonment.
7. It can also be used to challenge discrimination based on age or disability.
8. Person is also protected from indirect discrimination by The human rights act.
9. Indirect discrimination means when a rule or policy, supposedly applying to everyone
equally, actually works to the disadvantage of one or more groups.

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