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December 28, 20222022

Big Three of Dense and by AK(can use either of these as a main exercise(M-W-F) or warmup
1) reverse step ups, (Monday)
 10x10 each leg end goal is 6”+slantboard or 8’’ + heel elevation @ 50%
bodyweight/45kg. Ben alternates between Poliquin(heel elevated = knee emphasis) and
raising on the toes(overall leg). (24.10.22: 15 reps for 50% bW)
2) ATG split squats, (Wednesday)
 10 sets of 5(ben)(10(Andrew, he also does 5 now(Jan 2023) in both legs.(20 sets in total
Start bodyweight flat ground. After passing bodyweight add 5% of bodyweight as
additional load…then 10%...etc. work up to 50%BW or 45kg as the goal! Ben alternates
each week with heel elevated and without heel elevated (24.10.22: 8 reps for 50% BW)
3) full squats… VMO? Bulgarians could possibly be used here.
 10x10 with goal of 25% bodyweight or 23kg in 10 minutes! Start Bodyweight and add 5
pounds(2.5% BW) at a time (24.10.22: 20 reps for 25% BW)

Feb.6.2023Best 2 exercises to grow Quads: Both can be performed once a week. 3-5 working sets of 5-
10 reps at your own pain free level is a great start for ATG Split Squat, while Poliquin Step Ups(heel
elevated on a slantboard version) can be 3-5 working sets but up to 10-20 reps. ALWAYS start with

Supplemental ATG/KOT Exercises

 Tibialis Raises
o 100 reps in 5 minute timer.
o Andrew alternatively does 3x20 with 15/20lb kettlebell around his foot
o Can do up to 3x a week on leg days.
 Nordics
o Just focus on negatives. 5x5 once a week max. Can do after Bulgarians. Ben did them
with VMO day(5x5)(Friday) while Andrew(possibly updated) did them with Poliquin step
ups(3x5)(Monday). Doesn’t matter.
 L-Sits/Hip Raises(Hip)
o Can do(and even recommended) after all lower body workouts (M-W-F 3x a week).
 Calf Raises (Andrew does each of these 1x a week while Ben does the same 3x)
1. One foot Calf Raises off a step
 Andrew does 3x20 Bodyweight(Friday workout). Bens original program shows
sets of 10 alternating with a 5 minute timer. “As high as I can, as low as I can”.
On the ATG Split squat day, but can do 3 times a week(M-W-F). Long term: 25%
BW for 15, closer to 50% for truly elite athletes. At that level only 2 sets 1x a
 Andrew 2023: - 4 sets of 12 hack calf raise (Any standing, straight leg, calf raise
can be substituted for hack calf raise, but I recommend it because it takes
balance out of the equation
2. Bent Knee over Toe Calf raises(one foot)
 3x20 BW (Andrew)(Wednesday workout can add weight if that becomes easy)
(25% for reps is the goal)
3. FHL Calf Raise(where your leaning towards the wall)
December 28, 20222022

 3x20 BW (Andrew)(Wednesday workout can add weight if that becomes easy)

(25% for reps is the goal)
 Andrew April 2023: 4 sets of 25 bodyweight FHL calf raise at your level (One leg or
regressed two leg)

Tuesday(Upper Body + Mobility Routine A)

1. External Rotation: 3x15 ((using 15 pounds)(Andrew) OR 5x5 per arm with 5% bodyweight(8pounds)
working up to 10%(16 pounds)/20pounds. Ben likes 4 second eccentrics.
2. Trap 3 Raise/Pullover superset: 3x5 for the trap 2 raise(an excellent postural exercise that targets the
lowest, third section of the trapezius, and other muscles in the upper back. Cues include straight arms, 5
second pause at the top, and a 5 second eccentric for the strictest form), and 3x10 for the pullovers
-This exercise might need the back extension machine(Trap 3 raise). Pullovers with
-Nov.29/2022: Pullovers 25% of BW for 10 reps on a bench with bent elbows or 10% BW on a
foam roller. Trap 3 rise 10% of bodyweight for 8 reps per side.
3. Incline Pigeon Pose : 3x60 seconds
4. Seated Good Morning: 3x20 (40 in each hand)(Can also do this exercise on Lower body day
opposite Nordics day as posterior exercise). 40 reps in 5 minute timer alternative?
Accesorries(can get my upper body lifts in here Bench/Dips)(Bens original program had 5x5 of Dumbell
ATG Chin Up/ATG Dip: 3x8/3x8(Tuesday)(weighted)
Scapula Pull Up/ATG Pull Up: 3x10/3x10(Tuesday)
Hang : 3x30 one hand with small weight(Tuesday)
20 Slant Board Calf Raises to Jefferson Curl(25%BW/50lbs) to for a deep stretch

Thursday(Upper Body + Mobility Routine B)

1. Zottman Curl: Elbow bulletproofing. Start around 6.25% BW. Build up to Standards: 12.5%(11kg) x5
with 5 second negatives. Andrew does it with 15 pounds 3x5
2.Powell Raise: 3x10(15 pounds) shoulder exercise (2nd one in bulletproofing shoulders). (Best on an
incline bench. Back Extension machine looks possible.
3.Standing Pigeon Pose: 3x60 seconds
4.ATG Incline Press/Back Extension superset: 3x15/3x20
5. Another Option for Pullovers(trap 3 raise)(Prolonging Sitting). Thorasic Superset: Start with around
12.5% and build up to Standards of 25% and 2.5%(23kg and 2kg). 5 reps of Thorasic on bench. Followed
by 5 reps of 5 second holds laying on floor holding plates up. For 2 nd exercise Work up to A) 5 sets of 5
b) 5 second holds in 5 min c) 2.5BW in each hand
6. Loaded Groin Stretch(Butterfly): Knees to floor, 3 sets of 60 seconds. 12% of bodyweight or 11 kg
weight on each leg are the standards

Supplemental ATG/KOT Stretches

December 28, 20222022

1) Couch Stretch:
 3x60seconds each side M-W-F
2. Incline Pigeon Pose
 Done on off day(Tuesday) and Thursday for 3x60.

Hamstrings/glutes/and back route

Dense…(simultaneously do these after full palms to floor)

1. Slant Board Jefferson Curl (handle tight calfs/hamstring)
 20 calf raises on one leg(or two if its two tough) leaning forward using the slant board
for a greater stretch. work towards 25% bodyweight wrists below toes bar to the
floor/23kg wrists below toes
2. Nordic Eccentrics
 5x5 (3x5 by Andrew)
3. Dumbell Seated Back Good morning (tight abductors and tight glutes)
 Standards is 50%/45kg with dumbells. If using dumbells, thighs slightly above parallel.
A stanard bench with bar on back is parallel. Starting out, 5 minute timer, try to get to
40 reps. If get 40 reps in 5 minutes, move up in weight. Andrew does 3x20(40 in each
hand) on Tuesday sessions along with Jefferson Curls.

Standards exercises
1. One leg single leg deadlift on back extension
2. Single Leg RDL
3. Full Nordic Control on the way down

Other Exercise (GAIT)

-10k steps a day/Walk, get some form of exercise daily, even if just walking!
-Hill sprints for improved Cardio/Heart health/athletisicm? (20+ maintain)

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