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Activity: HL Extended Inquiry

3.7D Robots and autonomous technology dilemmas, 3.7A Types of robots and autonomous
technologies (content)

Challenge: Research and describe the global challenge.

Many developing countries have aging populations, which are predicted to create issues in
the future.
 Use effective research skills to describe the challenge of an aging population in
Intervention: Research and evaluate the use of social robots as one intervention for this
 Research and evaluate this intervention using the HL extended inquiry framework.
 Make a recommendation for steps for future action.
HL extended inquiry Framework
Step 1: Create an extended inquiry focus that integrates a prescribed area for inquiry of your choice.

Step 2: Explore and investigate challenges

What course concepts, content and contexts will be most helpful to consider with this challenge? Highlight
those you have chosen.

Concepts Content Contexts

2.1 Change 3.1 Data 4.1 Cultural

2.2 Expression 3.2 Algorithms 4.2 Economic

2.3 Identity 3.3 Computers 4.3 Environmental

2.4 Power 3.4 Networks and the internet 4.4 Health

2.5 Space 3.5 Media 4.5 Human knowledge

2.6 Systems 3.6 Artificial intelligence 4.6 Political

2.7 Values and ethics 3.7 Robots and autonomous technologies 4.7 Social

Answer the following questions:

How does this challenge manifest itself at local and global levels?

What are some impacts and implications related to this challenge?

Step 3: Identify interventions

Identify at least one intervention for each prescribed area for inquiry. These must involve digital systems, but
they do not always need to refer to discrete devices, services, apps or platforms. A policy or rule change, for
example, may also be considered as an intervention that involves digital systems.
Categories of





Step 4: Evaluate interventions and recommend steps for future action

Intervention evaluations and recommendations

Evaluation Description Steps for future action








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