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Transportation accounts for 28% of greenhouse gas emissions. Through

travelling smart and using eco-friendly modes of transportation, we will live a
more sustainable life.

Water usage should be minimized worldwide. This can be done by turning off
the tap whenever possible, checking for leakages, and choosing water-saving
appliances. This method would ensure that aquatic life is preserved and that
water is accessible for generations to come.

Reduce energy consumption by using renewable resources such as wind and

solar energy. This conservation approach lowers our ecological footprint,
reduces the impacts caused by climate change, and ensures a more habitable
planet for future generations.

Eat sustainably by reducing meat consumption and prioritizing plant-based

foods. Local and organic farmers should be supported so that the massive
footprint caused by livestock is reduced and we can live a more sustainable life.
Reduce, reuse, and recycle. Reduce consumption by being mindful of what you
purchase, reusing items to extend their lifespan, and recycling materials such as
paper to divert waste from landfills.

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