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José Lauro de los Ríos Castillo*, Juan José Sánchez-Sosa*

S UMMARY gram, its use is recommended in the context of health

care facilities and conditions in developing nations.
In order to examine the effects of a nurse-patient inter-
action-training program on the perceived well-being and Key words
words: Hospital, recovery, cognitive-behavioral
medical recovery of patients in the Critical Care Unit of training, experimental, intensive, anxiety, health.
a second level care hospital, 18 nurses and 120 patients R ESUMEN
were randomly assigned to either an experimental or a
waiting-list group. Training consisted of an intensive Con objeto de examinar los efectos de un programa de
eight-week nurse training program which included read- entrenamiento en interacción enfermera-paciente sobre
ing materials, verbal instruction, modeling, role playing, el bienestar percibido y la recuperación médica de
and descriptive feedback (verbal and videotaped). The pacientes hospitalizados en la unidad de cuidados
program sought to establish specific nurse behaviors intensivos de un hospital público de segundo nivel, 18
such as visual contact, greeting the patient, offering enfermeras y 120 pacientes se asignaron aleatoriamente
help, physical proximity, praising, smiling, verbal re- a un grupo experimental o a uno control en lista de
quests, comforting touch, and avoiding criticizing, yell- espera. El entrenamiento consistió en un curso
ing/scolding and ignoring the patient. The effects of the intensivo de ocho semanas a las enfermeras, que
program were measured in terms of patients’ perceived incluyó materiales de lectura, instrucción verbal,
well-being, pain, level of satisfaction with nurse care, modelamiento, ensayos conductuales y realimentación
and length of stay in the hospital, as well as instruction descriptiva (sobre videograbaciones). El programa buscó
following, and approving or thanking nurse behavior. establecer, en las enfermeras, conductas específicas tales
Behavioral recording involved videotaping nurse-patient como hacer contacto visual, saludar al paciente,
interaction through a video camera and recorder con- ofrecerle ayuda, tener proximidad física, elogiarlo,
trolled by an automatic motion detection device which sonreirle, hacerle solicitudes verbales, darle contacto
could get activated at any time within the correspond- físico de apoyo y evitar criticar, regañar, gritar o ignorar
ing area. Medical recovery measures included the scales al paciente. Los efectos del programa se midieron en
of the Acute Physiology Age Chronic Health Evaluation términos del bienestar percibido, dolor, nivel de
II (APACHE-II) assessment system, the Glasgow Coma satisfacción con el cuidado de las enfermeras, además
Scale and caregiver estimates of apparent emotional de días de estancia hospitalaria, seguimiento de
state, independence from life-support equipment, re- instrucciones dadas por el personal de salud y
flexes, wound healing and general clinical stability. In expresiones de agradecimiento a las enfermeras. El
order to assess inter-observer reliability, independent registro conductual incluyó la videograbación de la
raters examined a random sample of at least one-hour interacción enfermera-paciente mediante un equipo
of videotaped nurse-patient interaction in each eight- activado por un sensor de movimiento, que se podía
hour hospital shift. Reliability levels exceeded 80% for activar automáticamente en cualquier momento. Las
any given behavioral category or scale estimate. Results medidas de recuperación médica incluyeron las escalas
consistently indicated both clinical and statistically sig- del sistema de valoración Acute Physiology Age Chronic
nificant higher scores for the appropriate interaction and Health Evaluation II (APACHE-II), la Escala de Coma de
recovery measures of experimental participants as com- Glasgow y estimaciones de los cuidadores sobre el
pared to those in the waiting-list condition. In view of estado emocional aparente, la independencia del
several measures adopted to mitigate, against some al- equipo de apoyo vital, los reflejos, la cicatrización y la
ternative explanations of the results, and the practical- estabilidad clínica general. Con objeto de establecer la
ity, low cost and effectiveness of the nurse-patient pro- confiabilidad del registro, los obervadores independien-

* Mexican Institute of Social Security and National University of Mexico.

Reprint requests should be addressed to the second author at: Apartado Postal 22-211, 14091 Tlalpan Mexico City DF ; or at
Recibido: 28 de noviembre 2001. Aceptado: 7 de enero 2002.

Salud Mental, Vol. 25, No. 2, abril 2002 21

tes asignaron puntajes a una muestra de por lo menos pitalized in critical care units usually suffer life-
una hora de videograbación de la interacción threatening conditions which require around
enfermera-paciente, por cada ocho horas que the clock observation and frequent interven-
conformaban los turnos del personal de enfermería. Los
niveles de confiabilidad excedieron el 80% en
cualquiera de las categorías conductuales o medidas Although attention to the critical care unit pa-
escalares. Los resultados revelaron constantemente tient encompasses the intervention of various
mayores puntajes clínica y estadísticamente significa- health care professionals, it is probably the
tivos, de las medidas de interacción apropiada, nursing personnel the one immediately re-
bienestar percibido y recuperación médica de los sponsible for the closest follow-up and daily
participantes en las condiciones experimentales, en supervision of the patients’ recovery. In this
comparación con los controles en lista de espera. En
regard, the nurses’ participation in the health
vista de una serie de medidas adoptadas a fin de mitigar
el efecto de algunas variables contaminantes que restoration process results is a key contribution
pudieran constituir explicaciones alternativas de los to the effectiveness of medical treatment. Suc-
resultados, y del carácter práctico y económico del cessive sets of nurses remain in frequent con-
programa de interacción enfermera-paciente, se tact with the patient 24 hours daily, they com-
recomienda usarlo en el contexto de las condiciones de prise the largest proportion of health
cuidado de la salud en los paises en vías de desarrollo. caregivers in hospitals’ critical care units, and
are responsible for directly incorporating most
Palabras clav
clave: Hospital, recuperación, entrenamiento
cognoscitivo, conductual, experimental, intensivo,
health care interventions on patients.
ansiedad, salud. In addition to administering most medical de-
cisions and interventions, nurses can provide
additional assistance to patients in the form of
I NTRODUCTION interpersonal support and encouragement.
Thus, nurses have the potential for implement-
Epidemiological profiles of morbidity and mor- ing additional interventions, psychological in
tality in Latin American countries in general nature, aimed at effectively helping patients to
and Mexico in particular continue showing a cope with stress and increase their well-being,
polarized status in terms of infectious and as well as accelerating health recovery. In fact,
chronic-degenerative diseases. Main causes of conspicuous absence of human support has
death include heart disease, malignant tumors, been linked to slower recovery and poor pa-
diabetes, cerebral-vascular diseases, liver cir- tient quality of life in hospitals (24). Such poor
rhosis, and accidents, among others. On the recovery usually occurs through high levels of
other hand, however, infectious diseases still stress and anxiety or emotional reactions asso-
constitute an important cause of death among ciated with excessive worrying and irrational
young children and the elderly, especially in fears. It may also occur through poor treatment
low income strata (28, 29, 32). compliance (17). Thus, it is only natural to
In addition to the importance of both types assume that nurses trained to interact within
of diseases as public health concerns, they bear well-calibrated interpersonal dimensions are
two additional features which make them likely to help hospitalized patients in critical
worthy of closer scrutiny by the behavioral care units. Another important aspect of im-
sciences in general and health psychology in proved medical recovery and patient well-
particular. On the one hand, they frequently being resides in the possibility of improved
lead to crises which imply extreme discomfort cost-benefit ratios of second and third level
or pain and severe deterioration of the patients’ health care, derived from shorter hospital stays
quality of life. These patients tend to require (18).
highly specialized urgent attention provided in It is sometimes considered that changes along
a hospital’s Critical Care Unit (CCU). Physical such dimensions are mere secondary additions
and psychological disability, work absentee- to hospital health care. Some research studies
ism, sustained stress and emotional affliction in the last two decades have demonstrated
are frequent additional components of these otherwise. In fact, they have led to the devel-
ailments. On the other hand, their intensive opment of such new areas as psycho-neuro-
management frequently involves high cost in- immunology. The environmental conditions
terventions, equipment and materials as well prevailing in critical care units, added to the
as relatively long hospital stays. Patients hos- (usually acute) health problems shown by pa-

22 Salud Mental, Vol. 25, No. 2, abril 2002

tients in such units are likely to become a shown that professional nurses with varying
prime opportunity to analyze the clinical ef- degrees of specialized training may indeed im-
fects (medical and psychological) of interven- pact on health care in terms of improved qual-
tions aimed at improving patients’ well-being. ity and cost-benefit ratios (3, 15, 31, 33). In
Paradoxically, very few research studies in the this regard, a widely used measure of hospi-
intersection of the medical, nursing and behav- tal health care quality involves the opinion of
ioral fields have analyzed such effects (6). patients. Some recent studies which have
Among other activities, nurses detect changes made notable contributions to this type of re-
suggesting significant deterioration or improve- search include those using objective definitions
ment in the health status of patients. Comments of quality, as well as expectations and predic-
and indications by nursing personnel to other tors of patient behavior (23, 35).
members of the health team frequently serve Other studies have estimated patients’ expec-
as feedback on care strategies. tations regarding nursing personnel, including
One of the best structured approaches con- satisfaction with such variables as restfulness,
cerning nurse patient relations has been that relaxation, food quality, personal hygiene, per-
by Hildegard Peplau (25). Its main purpose is sonal support, reaction to treatment and qual-
to familiarize nurses with the cognitive, affec- ity of contact with nurses (1). Still other mea-
tive and instrumental aspects of a highly func- sures have included such aspects of interper-
tional interaction. This approach emphasizes sonal quality as: communication, friendliness,
understanding the needs, feelings and attitudes courtesy, interest, kindness, personal tone and
of patients provided that such aspects adopt a humor, and cheerfulness (10). On the basis of
two-way syntonic interaction based on trust these and other studies, eight basic compo-
(17). Optimum nurse-patient relations are said nents of patient satisfaction have been identi-
to progress through four stages: orientation, fied: clinical competence, accessibility, com-
identification, exploitation and resolution. Al- fort, physical environment, patients’ socio-eco-
though these steps are supposed to fulfill rela- nomic status, care disposition, care continuity
tively specific identifiable functions they tend and treatment effectiveness.
to overlap in everyday practice, depending on In terms of the actual effects of nurse behav-
the needs of the patient (7). ior on patient satisfaction and health status im-
Thus, if health is conceived as the capacity provement at the critical care unit, some re-
to function at the highest possible physical, cent studies have shown promising results.
psychological and social level, and nurses are One showed that improved nurse-patient in-
expected to optimize the factors affecting teraction significantly decreased the type of
health recovery (14), it is only natural to ex- extreme anxiety associated with psychological
pect such factors to be a key component of immobility and numbness of patients under
health care (26, 36). prolonged assisted breathing (5, 19). Also
Experts in health care evaluation tend to within this line of research, results by Vason
agree on three basic quality components: a) (34) revealed that interpersonal contact aimed
technical care, b) interpersonal relations and at reducing excessive sensory stimulation in a
c) the quality of the health care environment. post-surgical recovery area decreased hyper-
Evaluation of such components should, in turn, tension, sleep disorders, and perceived stress.
allow for the evaluation of health care quality Finally, in a study including two hundred pa-
(11, 12). In Latin America, these assumptions tients recovering from liver-transplant surgery,
have led to reconsider the role of interpersonal improved nurse-patient interaction led to sig-
relations as part of quality standards for hos- nificant reductions in length of stay, in-hospi-
pital care (2, 27). Interventions aimed at tal infections and costs, while increasing pa-
achieving these purposes are likely to be ef- tient satisfaction (20).
fective only to the extent that they stem from These results provide some solid background
well-researched natural principles and mecha- and context to similar findings, but few stud-
nisms (30). ies include detectable fluctuations in nurse-
In the context of health care costs, the typi- patient interaction, as well as more reliable
cal scarcity of resources in Latin American measures of well-being and other recovery
countries compels the search for better cost- indicators. Additional methodological precau-
benefit ratios. Several recent studies have tions would allow for a clearer link between

Salud Mental, Vol. 25, No. 2, abril 2002 23

nurse-patient interaction and health recovery. Inclusion criteria
In order to examine the effectiveness of a Patients were admitted to the research proto-
training intervention on specialized (critical col if their medical condition included the fol-
care) nurses and its repercussion on the well- lowing three criteria:
being and medical recovery of the patients 1. Seriously ill patients with good recovery po-
receiving their care, the present study con- tential, requiring assisted breathing, constant
ducted a series of comparative controlled ex- specialized surveillance and assistance.
periences. An additional purpose was to de- 2. Patients suffering from intermediate (serious)
termine the applicability and practicality of the conditions who required additional assistance
interventions under the typical conditions for recovery.
prevalent in public hospitals in countries with 3. Patients recovering from major surgical pro-
social, economical and cultural characteristics cedures.
similar to those of Mexico. In order to achieve a reasonable level of ob-
jectivity concerning the inclusion criteria, the
nursing/medical team administered the “Acute,
Physiology, Age, Chronic Health Evaluation II”
(APACHE II). This set of procedures is de-
signed to evaluate the seriousness of a disease
(21, 22). The system takes three main param-
A total of 18 nurses of the critical care unit at
eters: age, a set of 12 physiological variables
the “Zone 2 hospital” of the Mexican Institute
and the health status prior to admission. Once
of Social Security in the capital city of the state
the system generates a score, it classifies the
of San Luis Potosi participated in the study. All
severity of the condition by combining the
were specialized nurses with formal training
three parameters. For the present study pa-
in critical care and worked in one of the three
tients with an “APACHE-II” score of 27, referred
usual shifts of hospital personnel: morning,
to the critical care unit along a period of 18
afternoon and night.
months were selected for participation. This
From the CCU nursing personnel roster in-
score assumes a 50-50 chance of survival and
cluding all shifts, nine were assigned to an ex-
recovery. Thus the sampling procedure of the
perimental condition and nine to a waiting list
study was intentional, producing a homoge-
(control) condition. They were asked to par-
neous participant pool.
ticipate in the study through an informed con-
sent letter which all agreed to sign. All were
Exclusion criteria
women with the modal ages in the 30 to 35
Due to the reduced reactivity of patients and
years range, most were married and had be-
highly invasive care procedures imposed by
tween 10 and 15 years of general nursing
some conditions, patients were not assigned to
practice with 5 to 7 years of professional ex-
the study if they:
perience in critical care units. Both groups had
1. Were recovering from coronary bypass sur-
attended one single continuing education
course in the last six months and none had
2. Were originally admitted to the CCU as a di-
attended conferences or conventions in the last
rect consequence of cardio-respiratory arrest.
12 months. Also, none of the participants had
3. Suffered third degree burns.
attended the weekly clinical sessions routinely
4. Were not completing a minimum of 24 hours
attended by physicians in which patient cases
of stay at the CCU.
were reviewed.
5. Had not completed the total set of "APACHE-
Patients II" assessment procedures.
Patients participating in the present study were 6. Had medical/nursing diagnoses leading to un-
sent by any of the hospital services or admit- certainty regarding the severity of their con-
ted to the emergency room. Participants in- dition, or coursing an agony/terminal phase.
cluded 120 patients, 60 randomly assigned to The actual principal conditions at admission
an experimental condition and 60 to a waiting for the patients included (in non-exclusive cat-
list group in terms of being cared by the nurses egories): chest pains (28%), shortness of breath
described above, who were either trained im- (13%), abdominal pain (15%), crime/accident-
mediately or in a deferred fashion. related wounds (15%), polyuria/polydypsia

24 Salud Mental, Vol. 25, No. 2, abril 2002

(8%), digestive tube bleeding (6%), loss of rence of behaviors belonging to a specific
consciousness (6%), intense headache (5%), category during the observation intervals. All
other types of pain (5%), electric shock (3%), positive behaviors were expected to occur in
second degree burns (2%), and other condi- the immediate physical proximity of the pa-
tions (8%). tient or his/her bed while lying on it. Observ-
The most frequent diagnoses made on arrival ers entered the appropriate code in the corre-
included myocardial infarction and conditions sponding interval segment of the recording
requiring exploratory laparoscopy. Most had sheet. Patient-recovery recording sheets in-
had one or two previous hospital admissions, cluded degree of consciousness, pain, reflexes,
with at least one requiring surgery. Upon ad- wound healing, clinical stability, apparent
mission, all patients were also administered the emotional status, and estimated interest to en-
Glasgow Coma Scale. The expression capabil- gage in activities.
ity of most patients was very similar, around A video camera was unobtrusively installed
the 9-11 (intermediate) range, in terms of re- in the appropriate area of the CCU, on the wall,
sponsiveness to verbal stimuli and reactivity to by the head side between two beds. The cam-
health team directions. In nearly all cases, the era was connected to a video recorder and a
initial medical assessment at the CCU led to motion-activated sensor which started the
specialized attention by the services of inter- system’s recording mode. The camera’s scope
nal medicine, cardiology and surgery. included two beds and could be activated at
In terms of patient socio-demographics, the any time, day or night.
percentage (in parentheses) distribution by Coding and recording from the videotapes
bracket included Age: 31-40 (25%), 41-50 (25%), was transferred to a printed sheet for noting
51-60 (20%), > 61 (15%). Gender: Male (53%), down the occurrence of the corresponding
Female (47%). Most patients were married, had categories. Recording sheets contained cells to
six years of formal education, and owned the include 30 intervals of 30 seconds of obser-
places they lived in. In most cases, such facili- vation each and a coding guide. Total record-
ties included running water, drainage, electric- ing by category included 24 time periods of
ity, bathroom and telephone. The modal fre- 15 minutes each. Thus occurrence frequency
quency of monthly family income was around included a total of 360 minutes for all catego-
two times the minimum wage (approximately ries.
300 US dollars). Regarding some health-relevant Four specially trained certified nurses with
indicators, their daily diet was judged (by hos- a minimum clinical experience of one year
pital dietitians) as inadequate and/or insufficient. prior to the beginning of the study acted as
Most reported taking showers every other day coders and observers. Two were the main
and washing their hands before eating or cook- observers for the study and two assisted in
ing. recording reliability periods and analyzing data
from the videotapes.
Apparatus and materials Observer training included four sessions,
The study’s recording and training activities each for each component of the recording sys-
were supported by a TV camera, two video- tem as follows: a) manual reading and mastery
recorders, a 21-inch color video monitor, vid- of behavioral categories, b) an oral exam in-
eocassettes, manual chronometers, writing cluding recording procedures and categories,
materials and specially designed recording c) two three-hour sessions of actual on-the-
sheets. setting supervised recording (where the trainer
provided descriptive feedback), and d) reliabil-
Measurement ity computing. Once a trainee achieved a re-
In addition to the regular recording of the liability criterion of 90% independent agree-
Glasgow Coma Scale and the APACHE-II sys- ment for occurrence and 75% for non-occur-
tems, a behavioral observation-recording sys- rence, he/she was formally assigned record-
tem was designed to measure nurse-patient ing tasks.
interaction indicators. It included behavioral Once initial baseline recordings for both pa-
categories involving positive and negative in- tients and nurses were completed across the
teraction indicators by nurses and patients. In three hospital working shifts, the successive
all cases interaction was defined as the occur- training segments were instrumented for the

Salud Mental, Vol. 25, No. 2, abril 2002 25

corresponding nurses one shift at a time start- patient. Examples: “No, not like that”, “I´ve
ing with the morning shift. already told you how to turn around”.
Nurses positive interaction behavioral catego- Yelling: Loud verbalizations or utterances con-
ries taining comments, criticism or disapproval of
Sharing: Facing the patient, the nurse offers the patient. Examples: “Hey, that was really
him/her such items as a glass of water, pre- bad!”, “Don’t get out of bed!”, “Don’t remove
scribed food, special urinals, the patient’s au- that bandage!”.
dio cassette player or transistor radio, or some Ignoring the patient: After a question or ver-
other object used to support the patient’s well- bal request by the patient, the nurse does not
being or treatment. answer verbally within five seconds in a con-
Praising: Verbal comments involving ap- gruent manner, or does not perform the re-
proval, recognition or praise to the patient, quested action or does not give an explanation
such as “that was very well done”, “you look of why it cannot be done, or simply nods (yes
much better today”, and “you are recovering or not), without establishing distinct visual
real fast”. All comments had to involve clear, contact with the patient.
audible and a kind tone of voice, and may or
may not involve such physical contact as pat- Patient positive interaction behavioral catego-
ting the patient’s feet, arms, hands or shoulders. ries
Visual contact: The nurse looks the patient Acceptance: After the nurse offers or performs
in the eyes for as long as the nurse is at the a health related or comfort providing function
patient’s bedside (unless engaged in incom- the patient says “yes”, “mmhm”, thanks the
patible technical procedures), regardless of nurse, nods affirmatively with the head, eyes
whether the patient is looking at her/him. or hand, expressing agreement, acceptance or
Brief contacts: The nurse stands at a distance satisfaction.
no longer than an arm’s length from the patient, Instruction following: Engaging a behavior
for a period no shorter than five seconds. (within the patient’s actual capabilities) in re-
Proximity: As in the previous category but sponse to an appropriate request or instruction
involving contacts longer than five seconds. by the nurse, within five seconds of the re-
Physical contact: The nurse touches, pats or quest. Examples: posture changes, answering
hugs the patient. questions.
Verbal requests: Include clearly audible ver- Visual contact: Same definition as the cat-
balizations expressing a request, a suggestion egory for nurses.
or announcement by the nurse. Some examples Physical contact: Same definition as the cat-
include “(patient’s name), please open your egory for nurses.
mouth”, “please lift your arm”, “please turn on Requests: Includes verbal, digital or manual
your side so that I can raise your headrest”, indications (in case of verbal impossibility) ex-
“you are going to feel a mild sting but it will pressing a need or request, followed by the
hurt very little”, “we are going to give you your corresponding nurse appropriate behavior.
sponge bath”. Examples: requesting a glass of water, pain
Smiling: Lifting the lips corners while look- medication, etc.
ing the patient in the eyes. Smiling: Same definition as the category for
Modeling: Body changes or movements ac- nurses.
companied by the corresponding descriptive Maintaining attention: The patient keeps
verbalization, reproduced by the patient within sustained eye contact while the nurse provides
the following ten seconds (“Please cough like an explanation, information, instruction or ap-
this”, “lift you tongue like this”). propriate comment.
Laughing: Lifting the lips corners or congru- Laughing: Same definition as the category for
ently opening the mouth while emitting the nurses.
characteristic voiced laughter sound, with or Praise: A verbalization or clearly distinguish-
without an appropriate comment such as “that able gesture expressing gratefulness or ap-
was funny Mrs/Mr... (patient’s name)”. proval of an action by the nurse.
Nurses negative interaction behavioral categories Patient negative interaction categories
Disapproving: Verbalizations implicating dis- Disagreement (negativity): Verbalizations ex-
agreement, negation, disgust or criticism of the pressing opposition to nurse’s actions. Ex-

26 Salud Mental, Vol. 25, No. 2, abril 2002

amples: “I don’t want that medicine”, “don’t T ABLE 2
move me”, “don’t touch me”, “I don’t want to Mean rank behavior changes in patients
in relation to treatment
eat”, “leave me alone”.
Yelling: Same definition as the category for Behaviors Control Exp. p

nurses in the absence of a justifying situation Acceptance 3.81 9.16 .0034

Praising 3.56 9.01 .0027
such as acute pain, extreme discomfort or other Visual Ct. 3.33 9.48 .0037
urgent need. Physical Ct. 3.21 9.40 .0027
Requests 3.98 9.06 .0031
Ignoring: Same definition as the category for Smiling 4.65 9.26 .0026
nurses in absence of a justifying situation such Instruct F. 4.71 9.44 .0039
Laughing 3.29 8.99 .0027
as being asleep or unconscious. Disapproving 9.50 3.50 .0021
Ignoring 8.50 3.00 .0022
Inter-observer reliability was assessed by com- participants in baseline ranged from 77% to
paring the recordings of two observers on ran- 90% during baseline, and from 65% to 81%
domly selected portions of every video ses- during treatment. Control patients’ reliability
sion. Reliability raters were two specially ranged from 80% to 90%.
trained nurses, separated by a wall partition,
which observed and recorded the appropriate Design
videotape segment. Three types of reliability The comparisons of the study involved a mul-
were obtained: occurrence, non-occurrence tiple baseline design across groups (4). Both
and total reliability (16) through the use of the patients and nurses of each of the three shifts
following formulas. of the hospital’s CCU comprised each group.
Total: Agreements divided by agreements Recording involved six sessions for the morn-
plus disagreements, multiplied by 100. ing shift comprising a total of 144 hours, twelve
Occurrence: Occurrences divided by occur- sessions for the afternoon shift (288 hours) and
rences plus non-occurrences, multiplied by 18 sessions for the night shift (432 hours). The
100. difference in the number of sessions reflects
Non-occurrence: Non-occurrences divided the stepwise delay component of the multiple
by non-occurrences plus occurrences, multi- baseline design for each successive shift.
plied by 100. Thirty-second intervals comprised each obser-
Total nurse performance reliability for both vation session.
baseline and treatment (control-experimental)
conditions ranged between 93% and 99%. Ex- Procedure
perimental participants’ baseline occurrence re- Nurse training involved six sessions which in-
liability ranged from 73% to 86%. Treatment cluded readings, discussion and analysis of spe-
condition reliability ranged from 73% to 82%. cific technical (nursing) and behavioral proce-
Reliability of control participants (baseline dures and observation criteria, written and
only) ranged from 74% to 86%. verbal instructions, modeling, role playing, and
Patients’ total reliability ranged from 95% to descriptive feedback by instructors on either
98% in both experimental and control condi- videotaped segments or recording materials.
tions. Occurrence reliability of experimental Training activities took place at either a room

Mean rank behavior changes of nurses in Patients mean physiological-reactivity recovery
relation to treatment in relation to treatment (all associated p <.002)
Behaviors Control Exp. p Parameter Exp. Control
Sharing 3.58 9.46 .0038 Glasgow Coma Scale 5.00 4.25
Praising 3.76 9.29 .0028 Apparent emotional state 3.00 3.90
Visual Contact 3.72 9.44 .0037 Reflexes 3.00 3.30
Proximity 3.69 9.41 .0036 Independence from:
Physical Contact 3.72 9.19 .0034 I.V. fluids 6.00 3.00
Requests 3.81 9.16 .0035 Catheters 6.00 4.00
Smiling 3.24 9.03 .0020 Probes 3.70 6.00
Modeling 4.61 9.18 .0031 Infusion pumps 6.00 3.80
Laughing 3.33 9.01 .0021 Draining 6.00 3.70
Disapproving 8.50 3.00 .0022 Cardiac monitoring 6.00 2.00
Ignoring 8.08 3.00 .0038 Assisted breathing 6.00 2.70

Salud Mental, Vol. 25, No. 2, abril 2002 27

APACHE-II Patient frequency and percentage distribution at admission and discharge
in relation to treatment (all associated comparisons Chi-square p<0.01 at discharge)

At admission At discharge
Condition severity f % (Exp.) f % (Control) f % (Exp.) f %(Control)
35 < points 3 5 3 5 - - 3 5
30 - 34 - - - - - - - -
25 - 29 3 5 3 5 - - - -
20 - 24 9 15 6 10 - - - -
15 - 19 48 80 51 85 - - - -
10 - 14 - - - - - - 4 7
5-9 - - - - - - 11 18
0-4 - - - - 60 100 42 70

with the video equipment or the actual work in the present study and the basic assumption
site (CCU) with patients. Training was consid- that the underlying variables on which the two
ered complete when nurses achieved 90% of groups (experimental and control) were com-
appropriate procedural/behavioral perfor- pared and continuously distributed (9). The
mance. Total training encompassed a total of computer program assigns a rank order to each
approximately 145 hours. Control nurses were measurement for each variable, and computes
assigned to an adjacent area, opposite the ex- the associated probability in terms of the dif-
perimental treatment area. The facilities’ physi- ferences between the data from the two
cal features made unauthorized communication samples (conditions). No initial significant dif-
between nurses belonging to the two groups ferences were found in any behavioral cat-
very difficult. egory.
Table 1 shows the mean rank values of nurse
R ESULTS performance before and after training for both
positive and negative behavioral categories.
Data collected prior to the nurse training in- The third column shows the probability asso-
tervention were collapsed in order to convey ciated to the size of the difference, ranging
a general sense of nurse and patient function- from p=0.020 to p=0.038. All but one (brief
ing prior to the treatment, and are labeled approaches) positive behaviors increased and
“control” or “before” throughout this section. all negative behaviors decreased after training.
Similarly, data collected once the intervention Table 2 shows the mean rank values in pa-
(nurse training) was completed are labeled “ex- tients comparing before (control) and after (ex-
perimental” or “after”. In order to explore any perimental) performance in both positive and
initial differences among nurses or patients to negative behavioral categories. As is the case
be assigned to either treatment or control con- for nurse behaviors, all positive patient behav-
ditions, a Mann-Whitney U test was computed iors increased and all negative behaviors de-
to data from their corresponding behavioral creased with change values associated to a
codes. This test was chosen provided the or- probability (significance alpha) ranging from
dinal nature of most measurement scales used p=0.021 to p=0.039.
Table 3 shows recovery data along medical
parameters from patients whose nurses had re-
Mean rank patient satisfaction on nurses performance
ceived the specialized training (Exp.), com-
at time of discharge (lower scores denote less satisfaction, pared to those who had not (Control). Data
all p<.000) include Student t scores on the means of physi-
Area Exp. Control ological and reactivity parameters on both the
Individualized attention 2.50 1.00 Glasgow Coma Scale and other physiological
Helpfulness 1.90 1.00 independence measures. Except for the scales
Information providing 2.25 1.05
Courtesy 2.10 1.00 on apparent emotional state, reflexes and the
Understandable explaining 2.65 1.00 use of probes, higher values represent less
Compassion 2.10 1.00
Punctual/opportune help 2.00 1.00 need for support materials and equipment.
Frequency of assessment 2.25 1.00 Statistical significance of pre- to post-treatment
Accessible object placement 1.95 1.00
Nurse care as recovery factor 1.60 1.00
differences ranged from p<0.002 to p<0.0001.
Concern 2.10 1.00 Table 4 shows the comparative frequency

28 Salud Mental, Vol. 25, No. 2, abril 2002

and percentage data for APACHE-II values of D ISCUSSION
patients at time of admission into the CCU and
at discharge. Higher values in these scales The purpose of the present study was to ex-
denote more severity of the medical condition. amine the effects of improving nurse-patient
Columns under the “At admission” heading interaction on the medical and psychological
include initial data from patients whose nurses recovery of patients hospitalized in a critical
would later receive the treatment (Exp.) and care unit. The study’s findings showed clini-
those who would not (Control). The statistical cally and statistically significant improvement
comparison between these two sets of data of patient recovery and well-being on the ba-
yielded non-significant Chi-Square differences sis of an intervention consisting of specialized
at admission. Data under the “At discharge” nurse training. Scores in both instruments and
heading contain the differences between pa- observed behavioral categories designed to
tients of nurses exposed to the treatment (Exp.) assess well-being and improvement along
and those who did not (Control). Frequency medical and psychological dimensions in-
differences at discharge showed statistical sig- creased only after the intervention was put into
nificance beyond the p<0.01-associated prob- effect. Differences could hardly be explained
ability value. Table cells containing dashes by time passage, general interactive habits by
denote no patients falling in the correspond- the health team, socio-demographic features of
ing APACHE-II condition severity-point inter- either patients or nurses or previous patient
vals. hospitalizations.
Table 5 shows the mean rank scores of pa- In terms of behavioral changes and psycho-
tient satisfaction along the ten categories de- logical well-being, measures related to qual-
fined for the opinion/subjective assessment of ity of interpersonal interaction appeared clearly
patients of their respective nurses’ perfor- linked to the treatment (nurse training). Expres-
mance during the patients stay at the CCU. sions by patients and additional measures of
Data for trained nurses (Experimental) and non- medical conditions showed no significant dif-
trained nurses (Control) showed Mann-Whitney ferences prior to treatment, but were notice-
U test differences associated to probabilities able differences afterwards. On admission,
beyond p=0.0009. patients were also similar concerning other
The largest differences occurred for the cat- variables such as previous number of hospi-
egories related to: understandability of expla- talizations, general diagnosis on arrival,
nations to patients (on procedures, health sta- APACHE-II and interpersonal interaction
tus, etc.); individualized attention to each pa- scores. In contrast, measures after treatment
tient, and amount of information given to pa- showed marked improvement apparently re-
tients. The smallest (although still significant) lated to the intervention package for nurses.
differences occurred in the categories referring Regarding medical recovery, nearly all the
to nurse care as direct health recovery factor physiological parameters as well as clinical and
and personal helpfulness. laboratory data reflected both improvement and
Finally, additional data on patients perceived stability as an effect of the intervention, in con-
pain, general interest and ability to engage in trast to those of patients whose nurses were
activities also showed significant improvement not exposed to it. The actual number of hos-
as compared from non-treatment to treatment pital stay days also reflected effects seemingly
conditions (p<0.002). Similarly, the modal per- related to the intervention, showing a cumu-
centage of days of stay at the hospital for ex- lative total of 212 days for patients under the
perimental patients was 23% for the three days treatment condition as compared to 419 for
value, in contrast to 58% of control patients patients under the control condition. Although
who stayed for an eight-day modal frequency. a specific analysis of actual hospital costs
Student T test analysis on the total mean of days would be beyond the scope of the present
per conditions yielded a value with an associ- study, it seems only natural to assume that the
ated probability of p<0.002 in favor of the ex- intervention actually helped reduce hospital
perimental condition data. expenditures.
An interesting feature of the rate at which
the behavioral effects became part of the
nurses’ permanent daily activities was their

Salud Mental, Vol. 25, No. 2, abril 2002 29

gradual increase. After the initial training, sys- medical personnel could also lead to improved
tematic feedback along several on-site sessions physician-patient interaction and medical effi-
still produced improved nurse performance. ciency.
This seems to imply that sustained appropri- Participating nurses informally pointed out
ate interaction patterns are not common in that they felt more efficient, useful and in
everyday nurse-patient work. This would better contact with their patients as a result of
make additional training along specific inter- the intervention. They also said training helped
personal standards a desirable goal for health them cope better with the stress associated to
care systems. staffing the CCU, provided better support to
The present findings also suggest the need their patients and their family members, were
for a systematic addition of interpersonal train- more competent clinically, developed better
ing to both nurse education curricula and con- human relations with the health team and felt
tinuing education programs. better professionals.
Concerning patients opinion, data showed in- Although there is always an open possibil-
creased values toward normalcy and satisfac- ity of both methodological errors and improve-
tion with the various features of the nurse- ment, several features of the present study
patient relationship associated to the treatment. were put into effect to help mitigate some al-
Patients were more alert, relaxed, depended ternative explanations of the main findings.
less on brief-usage prosthetic devices or life Behavioral and psychometric reliability was
support systems. high, nurses and observers were kept experi-
The findings of the present study confirm mentally naïve as to any changes expected
and extend previous ones in the sense of from the procedures, and automatic recording
showing that an improved nurse-patient inter- allowed for repeated assessment of behavioral
action contributes to both psychological and data. Also, the design (as well as specific pre-
medical recovery. Effects may well operate cautions) helped isolate the effects of the ex-
through such processes as improving interper- perimental intervention from other possible
sonal competence, reducing stress and anxi- confoundings such as time passage or unautho-
ety, providing comfort and support, and pro- rized communication between participants
moting therapeutic adherence, among others. under different conditions.
The effects of these processes have been pro- Further attempts to explore this line of re-
posed by several researchers in relation to search could include the analysis of long term
other instances of health recovery (13). In ad- maintenance, generalization and collateral ef-
dition, these results replicate other findings fects of improved nurse-patient interaction.
which suggest that improved nurse-patient Additional analyses might also involve exam-
interaction contribute to reduce the number of ining the potential effect of adding physicians
stay days, infections in surgical incisions, lev- to an interactive triad and, in fact, extending
els of stress and anxiety, as well as costs (1, the analysis of possible effects to other service
3, 5, 10, 15, 19, 20, 31, 33, 34). areas of hospital care. Such analyses and their
The present results also suggest that nurses respective findings are likely to help improve
trained in interpersonal skills tend to be more hospital care especially in a context of chroni-
effective in terms of clinical competence than cally scarce resources and occasionally run
untrained ones. down facilities and equipment frequently
Additional informal comments and opinions found in Latin American public hospitals.
by both medical personnel and hospital au- Health care in countries with these charac-
thorities at the end of the study consistently teristics is very likely to benefit from the sys-
pointed out that the trained nurses were more tematic implementation of interventions based
in contact with the patients needs, detected on sound behavioral research.
both physiological and psychological problems Other policies likely to contribute to long-
earlier, had better communication with physi- term improvement of health care include the
cians leading to improved joint interventions systematic addition of courses related to both
and increased the time physicians actually research and implementation on issues such as
spent inside the CCU. Further informal com- those covered by the present paper, to nurs-
ments by hospital officers suggested that dis- ing and medical basic curricula. Another strat-
semination of the procedures to the hospital egy includes providing a sensible place for

30 Salud Mental, Vol. 25, No. 2, abril 2002

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