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1. What are the three components of Katarungang Pambarangay?

*Lupong Tagapamayapa

*Pangkat ng Tagapagkasundo

*Legal Advisers

2. Give at least one component of Katarungang Pambarangay?

*Lupong Tagapamayapa

3. Literally disagreement, argument that gives rise to legal proceeding sucgh as arbitration, mediation or a lawsuit.


4. What are the two types of Dispute Resolution?

*Alternative Dispute Resolution


5. It is process of resolving disputes by filling or answering a complaint through the Public court system.


6. It is the process of resolving between the parties.

*Dispute Resolution

7. ADR means?

*Alternative Dispute Resolution

8. It is a official notice of a lawsuit.


9. It is a court order.


10. Give at least one Characteristic of Litigation.

*Involuntary – A defendant must participate (No choice)

11. It is the process where a neutral person assists the parties in discussing the matter and reaching a resolution.


12. Who assist the parties to have a agreement?


13. Explain the goals and rules of mediation.

*Mediator opening statement

14. Explains how the issues affects the parties.

*Disputants opening statement

15. Determining what issues to be addressed.

*Joint Duscussion

16.Both parties will privatekly talk to the mediator.

*Private Caucuses

17. This stage that the parties put a writing agreement and suggest they take lawyers for review.



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