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As a follow-up of the discussion on DRRM, you are tasked to come up with Risk Assessment and
Risk Management Action Plan of your household.

Date of Submission: May 21, 2023 at 11:59 PM

Criteria for A & B

a. Content-clear and substantive: 20 pts

b. SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Time-bound): 20 pts
c. Follow the instructions: 5 pts
A. Risk/Hazard Assessment
1. Column A, identify possible risk/hazard in your household such as waste segregation,
ventilation, electric wire, etc., which somehow can expose humans to risk.
2. Column B, categorize the level of risk of the identified possible risk in Column A Into Very
High Risk, High Risk, Moderate and Low Risk.
3. Column C, explain categorization in Column B, why such is classed as such.

A. Possible Risk/Hazard B. Level of Risk C. Description

Disarrange wirings High risk It cause a burn in our boarding
Scattered bottles and wrappers Low risk It can cause to a dirty
environment and some animal
might harm them
Forgot to turn off the gas High risk It can cause a massive explosion
stove/tank of the tank and cause a wild fire
that can burn a thousand of
boarding house

B. Risk Management (Action) Planning

Based on the Risk Assessment above, formulate your own action plan as a concrete response to
the findings.
1st column: Copy and list down the already identified possible risk above according to the level
of risk, from the very high risk to low risk.
2nd Column: Briefly state the objectives (what you want to achieve).
3rd Column: State concrete action to be taken (what you want to do).
4th Column: Who will do the action identified in 3rd column?
5th Column: When that action will be performed and how long?
6th Column: For monitoring purpose to see whether the action plan has been accomplished or
not (in your case, you can just attach the picture taken before (the action taken) and after (the
action taken) below this matrix.

Remember your action plan must be SMART-Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Time-

Identified Objectives Action to be Person In Time Source of

Risk & Its Taken Charge Frame/When Verification/Reviewed
High risk To avoid a Arrange the Danielle May-present The use safer outlet
wild fire in wirings Bañares and arranging the
our boarding wires properly

Low risk To avoid Put those Danielle May-present Cleaning

harming scattered Bañares surroundings
animals and bottles and
have a clean wrappers
environment. and
then throw it
in the
High risk To avoid Always Danielle May-present Always check
massive remember to Bañares especially when done
explosion and turn off the cooking
burn our gas stove
boarding and tank

C. In 10-15 sentences, what are your takeaways from the above activities (action plan)? Cite a
Biblical verse to enliven your discussion (15 points).

This hazard and risk assessment will help me. Create awareness among people and use it as a
training tool. Reduce incidents in the workplace. As students, we should be responsible, knowing the
risks and hazards. The action that I take is to always unplug devices when possible. Even when an
appliance is turned off, it may still use power. Switch off anything that uses electricity when not in use
(lights, televisions, computers, printers, etc.). Then Replace disposable items with reusable ones,
anything we use and throw away can potentially spend centuries in a landfill. Carry our own reusable
cup or water bottle, or we can Pack a waste-free lunch. carry your utensils, cloth napkin, and containers
in a reusable lunch bag. use the proper separation containers for your household per the local recycling
services. always remember to make sure your trash bags are recycled or biodegradable, and always cut
up the plastic rings from packs of beer or soda to prevent wildlife from getting caught. As I do this I just
created a change in my lifestyle and helping the environment.

As we Read Matthew 23:25-28. Jesus, he criticised the Pharisees for being clean outside but unclean
inside. He told them to be clean from the inside out.

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