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Introduction to Soil Texture and Colour

Soil Texture
Relative coarseness or fineness of the soil
Is the relative proportions of sand, silt and clay
Its one of the most important properties of soil as it determines the surface
area of soil solids. This in turn affects the rate and extent of many physical
and chemical properties such as water movement, soil structure, aeration,
density, shrink-swell capacity and the nutrient supplying ability
Its a fundamental and usually permanent feature of the soil.

The different size groups of particles are called separates. The size of these
separates can be determined accurately (quantitatively) by laboratory analyses nor
estimated (qualitatively) using finger assessment or puddling.

If then the size distribution and amount of each of these separates are known, the
soil is then assigned to a certain textural class using a TEXTURAL TRIANGLE

Quantitative and qualitative assessment of Texture

1. Quantitative

Soil texture can be determined using simple sedimentation method. Sedimentation is

used to fractionate (separate) particles less than 50µm (50 x 10-6m) in diameter (fine
sand, silt, clay).

The principle of settling velocities governed by Stoke’s law is used in this method.

Stoke’s Law is given below:

V = 2 r2 g (Ps - Pw)

Where here V = the terminal settling velocity in m/s

r = particle radius (equivalent radius) in m

g = acceleration due to gravity in m/s2

ŋ = viscosity in kg m-1 s-1

Ps = particle density (Assume = 2650 kg/m 3)

Pw = density of water (assume = 1000 kg/m 3

In this practical the velocity at which the particles settle out of a liquid is also taken

V = d/t

Where d = depth of sampling (0.10m)

t = time taken for particle to settle to the depth, d

Student are to determine the amount of clay, silt and sand in there three soils given
using the Hydrometer method_a sedimentation technique.

The Hydrometer measures the density of the suspensions (g/L) at a given time.

Materials and Method

Work in groups as per instruction

Samples Labelled

AU Black (Africa University Black land) AU16-01

AU Sand (Africa University Gate Soil) AU16-02

AU Red (Africa University Red Soil) AU16-03

1. Weigh AU16-01 (50g); AU16-03 (50g) and AU16-02 (100g) into separate
screw cap plastic bottle (500ml)
2. Add 15ml of 5% Calgon
3. Distilled is added until the soil is completely covered.
4. Allow to stand 15mins
5. Mix well and add up to 300mls distilled water
6. Shake overnight on a reciprocating shaker.
7. Transfer the soils from the bottle quantitatively into a 100ml graduated
measuring cylinder ie. All the particles must be placed in the cylinder. Do not
leave any in the jar (or bottle).
8. Fill the measuring cylinder with distilled water to the 1000ml mark.
9. Using a plunger mix the suspension by moving it up and down for 1 minute
(Alternatively close tightly the mouth of the cylinder using your hand and
shake it end over end for 1 minute before replacing it carefully on the bench).
10. Immediately insert a thermometer and obtain a reading after a reasonable
11. At exactly 4 minutes 30seconds after you have finished mixing carefully place
the hydrometer into the suspension in the cylinder.

Caution: Hydrometers are extremely FRAGILE_Be CAREFULL

12. Take the hydrometer readings 30mins later (i.e. at exactly 5mins after you
stopped mixing/shaking).
13. Read the figures on the stem of the hydrometer, where the liquid meniscus
touches it. The value of the density of the suspension liquid in g/L
14. Repeat the hydrometer and temperature measurements as above.

Recording results of Quantitative assessment of Texture.

Particle size distribution by the Hydrometer method

Sample I.D. AU16-01 AU16-02 AU16-03 Blank 1 Blank 2

Mass of soil 50g 100g 50g 0g 0g

Hydrometer Reading @ 5mins

Temp. (oC) of suspension @


Temp. correction calculation

Temp. Corrected Hydrometer

readings (in g = Silt + Clay)

% Silt + Clay

Hydrometer reading @ 6 hours

Temp of suspension @ 6hours

Temp Correction Calculation

Temp. Corrected hydrometer

reading (in g = Clay)


% Silt

% Sand

Textural Class

The hydrometer readings taken at 5mins give the mass of silt and clay in the
suspension {i.e those particles are less than 20µm (20 x 10 -6 m) in diameter and
remain in suspension whilst sand particles >20µm, have settled out at the bottom of
the cylinder}

Take note that the hydrometer is calibrated at 19.4 oC. So from the temperature of
suspension recorded, you may need to add or subtract 0.3 units to the reading for
every degree above or below this temperature (19.4 oC)

Calculate the percentage (%age) of Silt + Clay in suspension adjusting for

i) Temperature and ii) for the mass of soil.

Formula to use is: % Silt + Clay = A - B * 100

Wt of sample

The Hydrometer readings after 5 hours gives the mass of clay (< 2µm) in the
suspension. Do the temperature correction and calculate the % clay in the samples

E.g. If Silt + Clay = 32% and Clay = 24%

Then to calculate the amount of silt only thus Silt = (32% - 24%) = 8%

Finally then calculate the amount of sand considering that :-

% Sand + % Silt + % Clay = 100%

= If then in the above example %Silt = 8%

%Clay = 24%

Then % Sand = 100 - (%Silt +%Clay)

= 100% – 32%

% Sand = 68%

Having the % Sand, % Silt and % Clay look up the texture of the soil using the
texture triangle in the figure 1 below.

Assessment of your appreciation

Practise Questions

Sample No. % Sand % Silt % Clay Texture Class

a) 28 16 56

b) 8 24

c) 82 6

d) 18 48
e) 74 12 14

2. Qualitative

Qualitative assessment of Texture using the FEEL method

Using the attached guidelines on the FEEL method or finger assessment method of
Texture (Fig 2.), determine the textural classes of the following three AU samples:

Samples Labelled

AU Black AU 0114

AU Sand AU0214

AU Red AU0314

Figure 2. A guide to field assessment of soil texture by FEEL Method

Description Textural class

Soil does not form a ball, has sandy feel and hardly Sand (s)
adheres to fingers
Soil forms a ball but the ball falls apart easily. Soil has Loamy sand
sandy fell and very little adheres to fingers. (LS)
Soil forms ball and ball can roll into short think Sandy loam (SL)
cylinder. Sandy feel and adheres to at least one
Ball rolls into thread but the thread either cannot form Sandy Clay
a U or it forms a cracked U……….with sandy feel and Loam (SCL) &
adheres to fingers and thumb. ……….with silky / Silty Clay Loam
soapy feel and adheres to fingers and thumb (ZCL)
Thread forms a ring which is cracked with no silky / Clay Loam (CL)
soapy feel. Sticker than texture above and adheres to
fingers and thumb.
Thread forms a ring which is not cracked. The ring is Sandy Clay (SC)
significantly sandy. Very sticky but with sand feel.
Takes a polish but sand grains stand out on surface.
Stiff workability.
Thread forms ring which is not cracked. The ring is Silty Clay (ZC)
silky / or has soapy feel. Very sticky. Takes a polish
stiff workability.
Thread form ring which is not cracked. No sandy or Clay (C)
silky / soapy feel. Extremely sticky when wet but very
stiff to work.


The colour of light can be accurately described by measuring three (3) principal
properties i.e. Hue, Value and Chroma. The soil colour is described by this Munsell
notation system.

Hue refers to the dominant wavelength of light.

Value (also referred to as brilliance) refers to total quantity of light. It increases from
dark to light colours

Chroma is the relative purity of the dominant wavelength of light. It increases with
decreasing proportion of white light.

The Munsell notation system is a systematic, numerical and letter designation of

each of the three variable properties of colour. The three properties are always given
in the order of Hue, Value and Chroma. These are chosen using a special Munsell
book which has a standard set of colour chips. The chips are mounted in the book
with all the colours of a given hue on one page. The papers are arranged in order of
increasing or decreasing wavelength of the dominant colour. On each page the
colour chips are arranged in increasing order of values and chroma. For example, in
the Munsell notation, a soil colour of 8YR 5/3 has a hue of 8YR, a value of 5 and a
chroma of 3. The notations must always be written in the above format with a slash
(/) separating the value and chroma.

Determine, both dry and moist colours of a dry soil. Please note that a dry soil may
have a dry soil colour of 8YR 4/3 (rb) and a moist colour of 10YR 4/5 (sb).

Assessment of soil colour using the Munsell colour chart.

Using the Munsell colour chart provided, determine the dry and moist colours of the
following soils:

Samples Labelled

AU Black AU 0114

AU Sand AU0214

AU Red AU0314

Fig.2. The Munsell Colour Chart

Record your results fully.

Munsell Colour Chart Assessment of the three Africa University soils

Sample # Dry soil colour Moist soil colour

Value/Chroma Colour Value/Chroma Colour

AU 001



Briefly explain possible reasons why these soils could have these colours.



Brandy, NC. (1990). The nature and Properties of soils. 10 th Ed. New York, Macmilan
Publishing Company.

Gee, G.W and Bauder, J.W. (1986). Particle size Analysis.

Klute, A. (ed) Methods of Soil Analysis. Part 1: Physical and mineralogical methods,
Agronomy 9, pp 383-409. 2nd Ed

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